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  1. #1
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    Default New, with some questions i can't find elsewhere...

    Hi, I just bought Primal Instinct. I am female, 21 and

    fairly confident (I think I sometimes put men off by exuding over-confidence - although I don’t always feel that way

    I just seem to portray that I do). I am looking to pheromones to increase my appeal with the opposite sex, as well

    as to just have some fun with them. I have read quite a lot of posts and still have a few questions. I have read

    about ODing, but it is generally referred to when talking about men. Can females OD, and if so what are the

    reactions (does it make people violent towards you, for example?). Also, I have read that you should mix the

    pheromones with perfume, but that the pheromones should be placed on clothing while the perfume on skin. Just

    checking that the perfume would have no adverse affect on the pheromones? Also, what is the suggested dosage? I

    understand that for different people different dosages are needed, but as a start? Another question I was pondering

    was whether pheromones are sometime un-compatible for some people, i.e. one would always receive undesirable

    responses from others?

    Any answers/info/tips would be much appreciated! Thanks.

  2. #2
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Can we presume you ordered the

    woman's version of PI? Different mixture than men's version therefore different results.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  3. #3
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    You can do better than presume, you can be sure!

  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Hi Mysterious,

    And welcome

    to the forum. I'll try to answer most of your questions by giving a variation of my normal speil.

    We all

    produce pheromones naturally in varying degrees. Aside from the common ones you hear us males refer to, women also

    produce compounds called copulins. There are a number of variables that impact the results each user sees. I believe

    that we still haven't figured out all the variables yet so pheromone use is still a lot of hit and miss. A few of

    the known variables are your personality, your outward image and your native pheromone signature. In the case of the

    female, her menstraul cycle has an impact both on how you percieve pheromones and probably how your own signature is

    percieved by others.

    An overdose is a curious thing. I view perception of pheromones as another organ that can

    be compared with the ear in this case. If sound gets too loud the nerve basically shuts down and loses the ability

    to percieve any distinction in sound. In the case of pheromones a slight OD might result in aggression if you are

    using products with high androstenone or it may result in the other person curling up in a ball and wimpering,

    depending on their personality and the degree of OD. Or they may completely ignore you because their senses have

    been overwhelmed.

    Congruency is another thing. A strong willed and dominant person wearing combinations intended

    to demonstrate submisiveness may create a subliminal impression of 'kinda weird' that would tend to drive people

    away. So, whatever you wear has to be congruent with your personal pheromone signature as well as your


    My suggestion then is to start very slow and work your way up. From your description of yourself

    you might have chosen the right product but it will be easy to intimidate the weaker males. Again, remember that

    each person will react differently to mones and the same person may react differently on a different day because

    they have something on their mind one day.

    Personally, I doub very much that application pointsmatter all that

    much and cover scents can be applied without too much concern about where. I do not put pheromones on my clothes

    because some will stain and many are hard to wash out even if they don't stain. When I test a pheromone product I

    start off with a small dab and try that for a few days while watching reactions. Then I increase it a little and

    continue to watch. Even if you get no other reactions, you'll eventually hit an OD. Now you have a working range

    for that particular product and know more or less the reactions it gets you. Move onto another product and do the

    same thing. Perhaps try SoE gel packs next or PCC to see how they work for you. Over time you will develop a play

    list of products that you can rationally mix and match with some idea of the expected results.

    I hope that

    answered some of your questions.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  5. #5
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    Many thanks for all that information - I’ll try to retain it all! I have received my order of Primal

    Instinct so can now start following your advise! I have a couple of questions though; does Primal Instinct

    unscented smell without perfume? It didn’t seem to have a strong smell in the bottle. Also, I got a couple of

    samples each of ‘Perception’ and ‘The Edge’. Both come in sachets. I was wondering how these should be worn, and

    if the whole sachet is to be used in one go? Also, I received a rather large glass bottle of ‘Rose with

    Androstenol’. Again, how should this be applied/worn and in what amounts? As it is scented with rose, does it too

    need a perfume to mask it? And is it anywhere near as strong/concentrated as Primal Instinct? I cannot find this

    Rose Androstenol anywhere on the website

    Looking forward to your answers.

  6. #6
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterious View Post


    Also, I received a rather large glass bottle of ‘Rose with Androstenol’. Again, how

    should this be applied/worn and in what amounts? As it is scented with rose, does it too need a perfume to mask it?

    And is it anywhere near as strong/concentrated as Primal Instinct? I cannot find this Rose Androstenol anywhere on

    the website

    Looking forward to your answers.

    I'm guessing your Rose with Androstenol is one of the "Super Primal Oil" products. I got one some time ago in one

    of the combo kits in the musk scent. Serves as a basic cover fragrance or everyday "social" cologne/perfume.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  7. #7
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    Ok thanks. Do they contain

    pheromones at all then? Also, any suggestion on the usage of the sample sachets?

  8. #8
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mysterious View Post
    Ok thanks.

    Do they contain pheromones at all then? Also, any suggestion on the usage of the sample sachets?

    Sample/gel packs:

    If just starting out, try about 1/4 to 1/3 pack at a time. Perception seems to work better

    at 1/2 to full pack applications. Also apply Perception over (on top of) your cover cologne if you use one. However

    it's usually best to start small and work up to get the feel for how each product works/feels.

    It can take a

    while to figure out what is best and what works. It may take about 10 to 20 packs before you start confirming

    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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    I have been to several parties and events this week so decided it was an ideal time to try my Primal Instinct.

    I noticed a few things: first, I received a lot of male attention and glances. Even in the daytime simply walking

    down the street men would turn their heads. I’m not sure whether this is due to the pheromones or the fact that

    wearing them makes me feel more confident/sexy, but there was a noticeable difference. This was all from wearing 3

    drops of PI daily. When being introduced to new men they were also very attentive and ‘interested’. However, I got

    very negative reactions from women. For some reason I have never been a person women tend to warm to straight away,

    but when wearing PI they were positively avoiding me! My female friends were not like this of course, but strange

    women who I was introduced to instantly appeared hostile and did not stay to talk for long. From these reactions,

    would you suggest 3 drops is enough for me of PI? Would a 4th perhaps create hostility in men as well?

    Another question I’ve

    been thinking of for a while is, in the animal world where pheromones are used to source a potential mate,

    pheromones can be detected miles away. With the use of artificial pheromones in humans (i.e. what I am using, PI)

    what is the distance they can be detected from? Also, in a club, how does a guy know whether he is sensing my

    pheromones, not the girl next to me? This has been confusing me all week!

    Looking forward to some answers.

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I'd say that you are actually

    using too much, if anything. The men and women are both sensing a high level of sexuality. It excites the men but

    makes the women feel threatened. After all, you are now projecting the image of a highly sexual woman and that makes

    other women nervous. Instinctively they are still in competition with you for potential mates.

    First, we poor

    humans have very weak senses next to most the animal kingdom so we are not going to detect a few molecules out of

    the billions drifting in the air. There is also considerable debate about whether or not we even have the gland most

    animals use to sense pheromones. Obviously, we do detect them but not as well as other animals. At close range we do

    detect pheroones, that much seems true. My opinion is that over a relatively short period of time our pheromone

    signatures can be detected across an average room. Up close, if there is little air movement we probably produce

    quite a cloud around ourselves. Humans, empirically speaking, seem able to detect sources with some accuracy. There

    are quite a few who claim that placing pheromones in a particular area such as thier crotch seems to attract

    attention to that area. I personally have my doubts that we are quite that sensitive. In low doses which produce

    fewer free molecules I suspect that pheromones can be isolated to a single source. In higher doses it would produce

    a much larger cloud that would make it harder to isolate the source.

    There are very few difinate answers in this

    arena. Based on my own results and observations I find myself in disagreement with other users quite often. Either

    of us could as easily be wrong.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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    The thing is, although the female reaction is not a pleasant side effect, I don’t want to diminish the

    male reactions by applying less! 3 drops of PI really does get more of a reaction than 2. I have just thought of

    another question – how long do pheromones last? i.e., if I apply 3 drops in the morning, would I then need to apply

    more if I were going out in the evening? Do they last for say 6-8 hours, or do they stay on a person until washed


  12. #12
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    To alleviate the negative

    reactions from women you might try buffering with SoE. It would modify your male reactions too, but not in a bad

    way, and might even improve matters, making you more approachable.

    Longevity is so dependent on so many

    variables its hard to predict how they'll last. A good rule of thumb is 4-6 hours, but there is the "build-up

    effect that can last until the next day or longer in some cases. If you're wearing PIx3 every day, I'd take a

    break for a day or two occaisionally.

    As for "-mone location", I once watched a woman "zero in" on me in a pub

    one night. I was wearing a normal dose of my favorite mix, and watched her pick up the signal from way down the

    bar, and move my way with her nose in the air at times, and lots of glances around as she moved my way. Eventually

    she found me and planted herself directly behind my stool for a long time, with lots of exchanged glances. It was

    fun to watch!

  13. #13
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I don't know what's in the female

    version of PI, but I do know that even 1 drop of PI for men (androstenone heavy) caused one lady-frined of mine to

    literally curl up in a defensive ball.

    I'm a wondering if some "buffering" with A-1 (androstadienone) would

    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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