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    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Hudson Valley, NY
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    Smile Copulins Etc... & The Bandwagon Effect

    Hi Guys

    No matter how many times I had showered women ALWAYS seemed to "know","sense", (smell???)

    that I had recently had sex (with another woman). This didn't necessarily hinder my sucess, and often "improved"

    matters for me with other women because of what is often called the "The Bandwagon Effect".

    Thanks to this forum

    I can now assume that a woman's sense of smell is so acute she can detect traces of another woman's "copulins", &

    "Vomeropherin", Estratetraniol, V1R/V2R (Vaginal Alipathic Acids), TRP2 (Axillary Secretions)......


    pretty well known phenomenon that high social value women HB7s, HB8s, & HB9s will only mate with a "sex-worthy" guy

    ie... a proven "mater" and "Alpha Male" with a track record of successful mating with other women.... This is often

    called "the Bandwagon Effect".

    It's known fact that if you are seen to be accepted by the "Alpha Females" of any

    group as "sex-worthy", then all the other women in that group will accept you as "sex-worthy" as well.... This is

    known as building and demonstrating "social-value"...

    The visual/social way of creating a "Bandwagon Effect" at a

    club, dance, or other social venue is to be seen in an intitial successful "Alpha-Male" conversation/interaction

    (KINO, laughing, kissing, touching, dancing, etc.. ) with some of the "Alpha Female" woman at the club/dance/social

    gathering... then the other women having seen your "Alpha Male" success will automatically "jump on the bandwagon"

    and "accept" you as as a "sex-worthy" male and be will be easy to approach and close.

    Which pheromone product(s)

    are likely to help produce/enhance "the Bandwagon Effect"? how much should be used?

    Which LS product(s) have the

    most Copulins?

    Has anyone tried "Master Pheromones for men"?

    Its supposed to

    TRP2 (Axillary Secretions)
    V1R/V2R (Vaginal Alipathic


    Anyone here done any experimenting with these Copulin type products?

    Any successes? any


    Thanks in advance,

    All the best.

    Last edited by tgparker; 12-08-2008 at 02:55 AM.

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