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  1. #1
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    Default Mones to use with shy women?

    I am

    dealing with an incredibly attractive, but very negative and shy girl.

    I am able to get her out of her shell once

    in a while, but she goes right back in.

    I don't know how to explain her shyness. She isn't exactly shy with me

    when it comes to words, but with actions, you could see she becomes shy and nervous. She does flirt with me here and

    there, but sometimes she finds my jokes/teases a little offensive (no other girl does, I think she just has been

    hurt a lot and stuff).

    She actually told me on many occasions that she is very shy and has to warm up to people.

    She said "im a very very fun person, it just takes me a while to warm up to people"

    When Im around her I use

    about a drop of NPA by my ears OR sometimes a packet of TE. After that I spray some curve or burberry and then spray

    2 sprays of chikara, one on the wrists and one on my neck. Then I put a packet of SOE sometimes all over my neck,

    ears and wrists. I try not to put too much SOE because I AM NOT trying to fall in the friends zone. Then I finish

    off with the same cologne again. This is what has worked with me with many other girls, but I don't know about her,

    it leaves me with mixed signals.

    I think she is too shy to initiate anything, and im a little too unsure to

    initiate anything with her. Its like a vicious cycle. I did ask her once "hey how come me and you don't go out" and

    she said "because you never ask".

    So I went ahead and did 2 weeks later and she was busy, so that threw me


    I like her a lot, if she is a lost cause, ill move on, but id like to put my best efforts into it. I have

    heard from people that she plays very hard to get because some dudes have hurt her in the past.

    BTW as usual, she

    is a latina girl, fairly tan skin, short(5'0) and cute, 23 and im also 23. My skin is tan, im tall(6'4) and a

    little chubby (she said im her type, and judging by pictures of her exBFs, she is not lying)

    Oh yeah, another

    thing is that she keeps making up little excuses (help with homework, borrow/return something, etc) to meet me, even

    if its for 5 minutes. Thats one reason I think she is really shy and the other is that she always has to find an

    excuse to text/call me, never a straight up "whats up", like "did you hear that new song?" "oh thats an awesome cd

    you gave me" "somebody just cut me off in traffic"

    That is how she intiates and then she starts flirting and

    stuff. Also she starts acting MAD weird whenever other girls post on my facebook wall.

    So first off, this is

    because she is shy i am supposing, so how do I... "get with her"? What mones combo works best with shy women?


    know with past experiences ignoring girls a little helps a lot, but ignoring her makes her very angry, she gets

    right back at me by ignoring me.

    Also she was the one that started kissing my cheek after we met. I know its

    usual, but usually the guy does it, I found it weird she leaned all the way in and gave me a kiss on the cheek, then

    kinda tried to sniff me and then moved back with her eyes sparkling. Now everytime I see her, she has to kiss me

    atleast once. Like the other day I walked away and then she called me back and told me some little story then made

    the "cheek kiss" motion and gave me a kiss.

  2. #2
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I'd personally consider laying off

    any androstenone product like NPA and concentrating on the purely "social" pheremones like alpha-androstenol, and

    maybe A-1.

    SoE comes to mind for one. A-1 is often only available as a "chemset" stand alone, but is

    incorporated in a few combo products like Pheromax. Unfortunatley PMax is also a androstenone product...


    some quick thoughts.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    pyrojedi, its not the mones, its you. This woman

    knows she is in control, Because you are putting up with her issues and games. Its just gonna get worst, trust me.

    The best thing to do is, start dating other woman, when she notices that, she will be chasing after you. Whenever

    you see you are not getting what you what, Just stop and move on, their are millions of woman out there. don't

    waste your valuable time on one with issues and

    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 03:39 PM.

  4. #4
    Journeyman Kmac's Avatar
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    Interesting, but not really unusual

    unfortunately...I'm gonna take the opposite position to a degree on this one if I may.

    Personally, I because

    of pyrojedi's age and physical build, I would use a lot of SOE (even try a full gel packet), it's good to get 'em

    talking at least, but I would not lay off the androstenone...Why? Because in my experience (and don't ask me why -

    I don't know), but in my experience Latinas and Black women just always seem to respond better and more intensely

    in higher concentrations of androstenone...As I said, I don't know why...Maybe they really crave the man's man

    type of guy...2 dabs of A7 or A314 comes to mind personally.

    Then, and most importantly, you need to act the

    part of the pheromones you are wearing! If you want to project manliness to this gal (who is already playing little

    games - sorry - but she is), then you need to step into the role of the manly man...

    After you have been

    around her for awhile, like 15-20 minutes of exposure, ask or out, or better yet, tell her you "are" taking her out!

    Be polite of course...If the games persist, straight ask her if she is playing some kind of game with you? Be polite

    at all times, with a little humor to. Bottomline, play the part of the mones, and let her know you won't be


    I know it may sound odd, but my guess is she'll respect you a lot more for standing up to her,

    which will then accomplish your desired result....Yes, been down that road myself!

  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    It sounds like she is playing

    all sorts of control and dominance games with you. I'm going to agree with Kmac to a degree in that you need to put

    a small amount of -none into your mix but I am going to say that you need to bump it up a little if the first doses

    don't do any good. Either she is looking for a man she can whip into shape or she is looking for one that will do

    that with her. One is a losing proposition. The other could create a serious possesive, dependency. The goal here is

    to discover which she is after then decide if you are willing to deal with the repercussions. Take a slightly

    dominant attitude towards her and see what happens. She'll either flare up at you or meekly give in after some

    slight resistance.

    The first thing to do is to avoid the dodge of 'I'm busy'. On Monday tell her you want to

    take her to whatever and ask if Friday or Saturday would be better for her. If she picks one TELL her that you will

    be by to pick her up at some particular time. If she tries to beg off on both say "No problem. Why don't you give

    me a call when you have time and we'll see?" And change the subject. Do not allow the subject to return to her

    refusal but don't be petty either. Just keep ignoring it and talking about other things, or better yet, find some

    excuse to politely end the meeting after a few minutes. You need to be the one in control.

    I think mysef I would

    stay far away from her but that is up to you. I think she is one of those controlling types and they make for

    miserable relationships. I'd also set the ground rules with her really firmly. She gets mad about somebody signing

    your guestbook ask her why. Then flatly tell her that she's wrong but would be right if you were dating. Since you

    aren't, she has no right to an opinion. You can phrase it better but you get the idea.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
    Journeyman Kmac's Avatar
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    Nice post belgareth, I see you've

    been exposed to this kind of situation before.

    I know realize that in exploring what pheros and actions would

    maximize the chances of success with a young lady such as this, my true opinion (learned the hard way over the

    years) would be to simply walk away from a girl such as this...Really, why bother? So many more options are out

    there that will 'not' play these type of games or have her type of issues.

    But I know telling certain guys

    to forget about a certain women can often be futile, so.....But would I bother with her? Maybe 10 years ago, not

    anymore though.

  7. #7
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    Default none

    I'm with Chicago on this

    one. Aside from the obvious, there's a good chance you'll meet someone more to your liking. There's nothing to

    lose with this strategy.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast chas's Avatar
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    I met a girl somewhat like this.

    The negativity got too much & she could be manipulative. How do you feel after spending time with her? Better or

    worse? If worse, look at someone else & invest your time/effort there. I don't think it is genuine shyness - if it

    was, then she would 'warm up' with someone she could relax with. Genuine shyness can be a nice attribute but

    she's got other 'issues'. It will drag you down. You sound a decent chap to put some much effort into this.

    'mones won't make any difference to her personality. Look for a sunny natured attractive lady who makes you feel

    good when you meet her

  9. #9
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kmac View Post
    Nice post

    belgareth, I see you've been exposed to this kind of situation before.
    Actually, I haven't. However, I

    do have three sisters and remember all the games they and their friends played. I have been around a long time and

    have seen a few females that sound like this girl. To be as straight-forward about it as possible...

    RUN! Kmac,


    The guys are right and she is not the lady you want for a girlfriend/love/wife. You can do far better

    than these types of games.

    Better yet, do you know any of the guys she has dated in the past? I'll bet they

    have some interesting thoughts and stories to tell. If she has completely disassociated herself from the people she

    ran with at the time you whould ask yourself why. The answer is very rarely good.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicago View Post
    pyrojedi, its not the mones,

    its you. This woman knows she is in control, Because you are putting up with her issues and games. Its

    just gonna get worst, trust me.
    The best thing to do is, start dating other woman, when she notices that,

    she will be chasing after you. Whenever you see you are not getting what you what, Just stop and move on, their are

    millions of woman out there. don't waste your valuable time on one with issues and games.
    Drama is a


    I read all over the place about people trying to work with someone that has drama issues, and/or abuse

    issues. The MOST IMPORTANT thing one should know is ... people that are used to drama and abuse in a normal

    relationship ... is like a fish out of water.

    They CANNOT survive UNLESS there is DRAMA

    and/or ABUSE. If that's what you want ... hang in there. If not, you have to let go. It's not your fault, and

    it's not your job.

    P.S. Shy women - A-nol, B-nol, and SOE could work.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  11. #11
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Hmmmm... Well in thinking about it a

    bit, I have to agree that old saying that women are like buses. Another will be along in a few minutes.


    been a while, but I too recall an experience with a female who had "issues." Her parents were always arguing and

    bickering, and I found that the only way she could feel "comfortable" with someone in a relationship is if you

    pretty much behaved ther same way her parents did.

    You couldn't have a "discussion" about something, she

    always called it an "argument." And there were always negative comments about whatever I did. (Thinking of the old

    rhyme: Women have many faults, men only two. Everything they say, and everything they do.)

    We also couldn't get

    "close" or have any "intimacy" until she managed to nitpick every little fault or annoyance that I had that she

    could think of. She couldn't feel "close" till she ripped me (or any other guy she was with I hear) to shreds. Then

    she wondered why I (and all those other guys) dropped her...

    If you have bothersome trouble with someone now, it

    ain't likely to get any better later. Move on, move on.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  12. #12
    Full Member Pendragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57 View Post

    is a drug!
    Yes. and it can be quite entertaining as long as your just a spectator and not involved in


    Some of my friends are real big on going to bars with karaoke. I don't care much for it since I can't sing


    Although it frequently turns into a entertaining evening given the train load of drama these people drag

    around with them.
    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

  13. #13
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    Alright guys, its been about a

    week since I created this thread. I was busy, but I actually started using the advice you guys gave about the

    dominance and stuff, BUT I didn't read it till today, so I guess I was right.

    So basically, I started playing

    really hard to get, calling her out on stuff and things, and she amped up the flirting TEN FOLD. She basically made

    it clear that she loves the pushy type guys because she can use them, but she wants a real man, and she seems to be

    responding pretty well.

    Ok, so I do have a lot of other options, and I am not worried about being lonely and

    stuff, but I would like to still pursue this girl as I feel very good when I am around her. Matter of fact I met her

    outside a party on Friday and OMG the eye contact was super intense, she could not stop staring into my eyes, for

    mad long. Its after that I started teasing her, calling her out, joking, cocky and funny, "im too good for you" type

    jokes and we have been going on and on with texts every day since.

    So guys,its helping, but can you give me some

    more pointers. I know I know, you guys will keep telling me to give up, but I don't want to just yet.

    Thank a

    lot guys.

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast chicago's Avatar
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    Pyro: 1) When you feel good

    around her, She picks up on that feeling and knows she is affecting your behavior, not good. 2) Texting on and on

    everyday means you are too available, not good. 3) Deep eye contact and following you to a different location, was a

    test to see if you know how to read her and make a move, but you didn't, not good. 4) Being cocky and teasing is

    good, but when you get a green light and not proceed forward women lose attraction and respect for men. A real man

    will know when to take a women and not make

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    Last edited by chicago; 04-08-2011 at 03:40 PM.

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