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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Feb 2002
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    Default Natural phero level vs. applied doses

    Would appreciate some hard info or wild speculation about the following:

    I\'m trying to get an understanding about what the phero signature of a \'natural\' man would be, compared to the signature we\'re presenting after dosing with pheros.

    For instance, it\'s often said that young guys are producing plenty of none, so they shouldn\'t augment that with applied none. But are they really producing plenty, considering modern bathing habits and clothing wear? How much are they really producing, and how does that compare with the way we typically apply these synthesized pheros? That sort of thing.

    I guess my \'natural state\' baseline would be a primitive tribal dweller - infrequent bather, little clothing, who alternates heavy exercise with periods of rest. What would be the \'phero load\' on his skin surface at a given time, how would it be distributed, what proportion would be the none/nol/rone/etc, and so on.

    Now how does this natural guy compare to the way we are applying products. Is a spray of TE less than what \'natural guy\' would have, or more, or hundreds of times more?? See where I\'m going.

    I\'d like to know the natural production level and proportion of pheros in humans. Then I can compare to the way we typically apply these synthesized pheros. It makes sense to me to mimic the proportions of the pheros that would be found in a healthy primitive male, and then maximize the dosage levels up to whatever ceilings might exist (unpleasant odor, some internal \'overload\' ceiling, etc.).

    Anybody got any hard info (other than that adrenalin-induced study, which confuses me).

  2. #2
    Enlightened One
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    Feb 2002
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    Default Re: Natural phero level vs. applied doses

    Yes that information would be handy would anyone be able to help us out at all. I would like to get it as a baseline as well, considering that james kohl says that nol and rone should be used and none left out, is it that we produce very little none in actual fact and should the forum be focusing its attempts on SOE and like products.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Natural phero level vs. applied doses

    In axillary sweat, the concentration of -none and -dienone was found to be high while -nol was found to be low. -rone was not mentioned.

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