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  1. #1
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    Smile Copulins Etc... & The Bandwagon Effect

    Hi Guys

    No matter how many times I had showered women ALWAYS seemed to "know","sense", (smell???)

    that I had recently had sex (with another woman). This didn't necessarily hinder my sucess, and often "improved"

    matters for me with other women because of what is often called the "The Bandwagon Effect".

    Thanks to this forum

    I can now assume that a woman's sense of smell is so acute she can detect traces of another woman's "copulins", &

    "Vomeropherin", Estratetraniol, V1R/V2R (Vaginal Alipathic Acids), TRP2 (Axillary Secretions)......


    pretty well known phenomenon that high social value women HB7s, HB8s, & HB9s will only mate with a "sex-worthy" guy

    ie... a proven "mater" and "Alpha Male" with a track record of successful mating with other women.... This is often

    called "the Bandwagon Effect".

    It's known fact that if you are seen to be accepted by the "Alpha Females" of any

    group as "sex-worthy", then all the other women in that group will accept you as "sex-worthy" as well.... This is

    known as building and demonstrating "social-value"...

    The visual/social way of creating a "Bandwagon Effect" at a

    club, dance, or other social venue is to be seen in an intitial successful "Alpha-Male" conversation/interaction

    (KINO, laughing, kissing, touching, dancing, etc.. ) with some of the "Alpha Female" woman at the club/dance/social

    gathering... then the other women having seen your "Alpha Male" success will automatically "jump on the bandwagon"

    and "accept" you as as a "sex-worthy" male and be will be easy to approach and close.

    Which pheromone product(s)

    are likely to help produce/enhance "the Bandwagon Effect"? how much should be used?

    Which LS product(s) have the

    most Copulins?

    Has anyone tried "Master Pheromones for men"?

    Its supposed to

    TRP2 (Axillary Secretions)
    V1R/V2R (Vaginal Alipathic


    Anyone here done any experimenting with these Copulin type products?

    Any successes? any


    Thanks in advance,

    All the best.

    Last edited by tgparker; 12-08-2008 at 02:55 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tgparker View Post
    Which LS

    product(s) have the most Copulins?

    Anyone here done any experimenting with these Copulin type

    "EoW" Essence of Woman is streight cops. If you search the forums, you'll find posts from

    guys who have experimented with cops.
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  3. #3
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I bought some Masters a while back.

    I have only tried a small amount just to get an idea of what it smelled like. Did not really look for (or notice)

    any "cops" or "sex" smell. Will be testing more in depth later. Comes in a roll-top bottle.

    It claims to be

    designed to give a guy some "self effect" swagger and confidence as opposed to being something to affect women...


    I have a hunch it may do best in a "pickup" venue like a club/bar, as opposed to something to

    wear on a one-on-one date. In fact in that situation it may work against you. It *may* work in a situation where you

    want to create some feelings of jealousy...

    Just some thoughts.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt View Post
    I bought

    some Masters a while back. I have only tried a small amount just to get an idea of what it smelled like. Did not

    really look for (or notice) any "cops" or "sex" smell. Will be testing more in depth later. Comes in a roll-top


    It claims to be designed to give a guy some "self effect" swagger and confidence as opposed to being

    something to affect women... but...

    I have a hunch it may do best in a "pickup" venue like a

    club/bar, as opposed to something to wear on a one-on-one date. In fact in that situation it may work against you.

    It *may* work in a situation where you want to create some feelings of jealousy...

    Just some

    Thanks for your comments. My interest isn't so much to "elevate" or "enhance" my

    personal sexual state however that would be interesting to observe an increase in my testosterone production. How

    could i evaluate such a phenomena?

    BTW, would you like to "sell" me your bottle of Masters if you're not using

    it? I'd like to try some tests with Masters just to see....and report back to the forum....

    I'd like to see if

    the pheromones in Masters of the right sort and of sufficient intensity to trigger the Bandwagon effect....


    want just enough pheromones to "trigger" the "unconscious" female jealousy & competition for the successful "Alpha"

    male, but you don't want so much "female" pheromones/copulins on you to gross her out and give her the feeling that

    she's getting "sloppy seconds"....

    The idea is to give the impression one just had sex "yesterday" or a couple

    of days ago at the most....and that even though there is faint aroma or smell as evidence of sex... one does shower

    after sex and practice basic hygene... etc...

    Agreed that when you shift to "one on one" mode you don't need to

    have any evidence of "the other woman" on your person or elsewhere....

    You want just enough copulins on you to

    create the the "hint" and "suspicion" that you are the successful prize "breeding" Alpha male and have other female

    options available, and that she has to "compete" for you....

    Interesting "tightrope"...


    this "Bandwagon Effect" can be triggered by good PUA "Club Game".

    What other LS products have copulins or other

    "female" hormones that would trigger the "Bandwagon Effect"....?

    All the best,


  5. #5
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I just got my bottle of Master's

    and it's still in my "to be tested" queue, so unless it bombs horribly it will either be a while before I part with

    it, or it's possible I won't part with it at all...

    Someone who knows the LS store better may know what other

    cops containing products are available. I only know of EoW (pretty much straight cops) and Master's. From what I

    have picked up at least one other forum, LS's EoW is the best source for high-quality copulins, or products

    containing such.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt View Post

    who knows the LS store better may know what other cops containing products are available. I only know of EoW (pretty

    much straight cops) and Master's. From what I have picked up at least one other forum, LS's EoW is the best source

    for high-quality copulins, or products containing such.
    Are there any other Phero-gurus out there that

    might have an opinion which (LS) copulin product would do the trick?


    I noticed that the much copulin

    discussions on this forum are several years old (2002-2005) and seem to have occured BEFORE alot of the current

    generation of products emerged. What is the current state of the LS line of copulin bearing products?


    copulin via EoW
    the cops in PCC
    that copulin +++ cocktail in MPM
    or the cops in PI/W
    or are there any cops in


    Does Pi/W or NPA/W have enough female copulins to do the trick on women?

    Following the logic that I've

    gathered from the forums I want just enough of a hint of cops to create a "hint" or a "morning after aura" or

    "afterglow" effect of recent but not too recent sex with a woman..... so "LESS" is definitely "BEST". which of these

    products would have the thinnest dilution of of the right cops?

    Too much and you get the "Sloppy Seconds"


    Thanks in advance,

    Last edited by tgparker; 12-09-2008 at 10:12 PM.

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