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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Okay here goes
    1. Last week at the hairdressers: The lady at the salon seemed even more attentive than the last time she cut my hair (normally her colleague does it but she was fully booked) at the end, when the apprentice girl who´d also washed my hair and was very chatty was finishing me off the lady ( she´s also the boss ) had already started on someone else. So she comes over to do the bill and I ask her a question about a new haircare product they have. We get talking and she almost forgets the other lady waiting for her.

    Yesterday I think I got my first deer look at one of my local shops. I wait at the counter which runs all the way of the place and the way it works there is that peopl just go to whatever part they want and have a look etc. Now I wait in `line´ because what I wanted happened to be there. In the meantime this posh older women (definetley well into the 5-0´s) comes in and stands next to me. She walks off to the other end, having a look etc and comes back. I´m bored and while I glance around I catch her staring at me, I mean the way she was standing and her head was turned and everything, it was very obvious. A few moments later two other women walk in and ALSO stand right where I am. I know this place well and I know the way people behave too and this is NOT normal!!! I got a bit off a shock I must admit, I felt a bit like that girl in the `Thriller´video - zombies creeping up behind me and what´s more they were standing very close behind me too [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]
    Here in Europe people value and tend to respect personal space, especially when it comes to complete strangers! This was definetely the pheros at work!

    However being female it also strikes me as really weird too! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]

    Also my newsagent has become nicer and chattier with me.

    Here´s a question:
    If someone gives you the Deer look does this mean that they are sexually attracted to you? [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] or that they are just mesmerised for a few moments and that´s it ?

    I mean I don´t want to become some babe magnet [img]images/icons/blush.gif[/img] !! Although this `deer´ women can hardly be described as a babe!
    But one thing it proves to me now is that pheros do `work´at least to some extent.

    CJ [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]
    (think this was my longest post yet [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] )

  2. #2

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Hey CJ,
    What product(s) do you use?

  3. #3
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Hey CJ, The woman I met from the Internet certainly gave me \"THE LOOK\" when we were at the bar. Even during sex, so it could be sexual but I\'m no expert. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    The \"Deer in the Headlights\" look is definitely cool! Been getting that, along with a noticible increase in eye contact & conversation from a couple of the lady cashiers at a local supermarket. The other day I got the \"Deer\" look from one ...who also seemed to make it a point to put her hand in mine when she handed me my change. Another has done everything but ask me out herself. The hints get less & less subtile.
    Edge & APC seem to make a good combo! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Yeah, yesterday my wife and I were getting supplies at a big garden center, and of the four ladies who helped us, I got two deer stares and two giggly talkers. Ages ranged from mid-twenties to old-as-dirt. I was wearing a PF-treated shirt, but nothing fresh. Less is more, huh?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    I have always thought that using less is more effective from my experiences. From many of these recent posts, others seem to be discovering this to be true (in certain situations) as well. For some reason, the products with less phero content work the best for me.

    SubtleGuy ~ Proponent of \"Less Is More\"

  7. #7

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    WHat about me lol only kidding around ok well i get the deer in the headlook all the time, amoung other things, well i have found the exact combination and products that work the best for me (attraction and andro from other posts) so i just use that, well the extreme form of the DIHL or the lovesick or memorised look is very common and after a while the hints become less and less subtle, i just keep going and i will keep everyone updated on any new interesting experiences that i get, i am finding now that i am getting stares from as far away as 30 metres well outside the phero range from people i have never met before so there could be something psychic going on their as well as i am a firm beliver in ESP and telekinses based abilities as i have had experiences in this area myself

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    on all occasions I was wearing PF at the hairdressers I was wearing nothing but, (if I remember correctly)on other occasions I used it with a bit of a diluted xcite wipe.

    So far nothing much has happened with AFA at all! I don´t want to give up just yet,coz I haven´t done that much testing with AFA. I want to make sure and besides I haven´t had it very long either! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


  9. #9
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    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Okay it happened again around mid-day, again at the local store! Twice. One might have been a fluke but the second one was very definite, but also very scary! Another old women, sorry middle-aged, not even great looking and the looks she gave me freaked me out a bit. [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img]
    (There don´t seem to be many men around there at least not when I´m there.)

    But I was a bit overloaded I think, Attraction, PF and AFA which I had applied about 2 hours before. And the weathers hot too!

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Just realized that everytime this has happened, they were doing it from behind!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Hey CJ one more post and you are set to become a phero dude, but i have that experience happen all the time and it really does seem to be from behind a majority of the time, but really yesterday i was at work and this hot female well for all guys (now has become my average - \"god i love this stuff) ive always wanted to say that, but yeah she was bending over doing some paper work and the gap was narrow so i excused myself to get past and as i tried to get past she bent right over and very discretley pushed her ass into my groin (happens all the time) and starts rubbing for a second and then she straightness back up, well i just pretended not to notice and kept going, but it does show some the weird shit that does tend to happen once you get the right combo or product for you \"Hey i saw ally mcbeal the other night down here in oz and the whole program was about the funny effects of pheromones did anyone in the states see it i really loved the buzz scene similar to bees in an office with a female manager who only employed males and used pheromones to keep them in line a classic episode and should give pheros some publicity, but we should watch out for hollywood types taking ideas of this board lol

  12. #12
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    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    But I don´t want to be a DUDE again, well I hope none of these strange ones push anything of theirs into my groins or anything! But it´s a bit comforting that I´m not the only one who gets this creepy-from-behind-weirdo-looks. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  13. #13

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Well you are a dude right now and welcome to the club, those creepy-from-behind-weirdo looks that you and i and many others get do get a bit funny though sometimes especially when you get 10 or 20 at once and i have another new thing a CFBWL as per your above wording can now be used as well as the DIHL (deer in the headlights look) ok everyone lets use some creative language, but CJ you could play with these CFBWL looks a lot to your advantage, ok the other thing are the CFBWL actually a DIHL from behind and what do we call them from the front anyone else got any ideas mine is Front on dopey look or
    Seeing God for the first time look

    FDL or SGFTL its a start and a very good one at that

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Paul in Oz, how can they be of advantage for me?
    CJ Dude God [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  15. #15
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    I’m a guy and I often get the DIHL look from other guys. My impression is that wearing pheros is going to affect everybody, in some way: men, women, kids, and even animals.
    When I first started using pheros, I was suspicious of guys that were suddenly friendly with me. After realizing that everybody can’t possibly be gay, I’ve loosened up and made lots of friends. Usually gay guys just openly hit on me. I’ve only had one guy act like he was just being friendly when he really wanted sex.
    The important question is, are you getting a good response from guys? If so, the stuff is working and a few freaky incidents are the price we pay.

    Regarding the age issue. I’m middle aged and it still seems that pheros have a stronger effect on twenty somethings, whether it’s guys or girls. I don’t get strong hits from older women unless I overload. (The good news is that the ones that do notice me, when I don\'t overload, tend to be the athletic type.)

    Regarding the creeping from behind. That IS unnerving. I recommend turning a confident 180 and smiling in their face. This is a trick I learned from my Aikido instructor. He says, if it looks like somebody is about to attack you, give them a big smile. %90 of the time people are just a little on edge, and a smile calms them down. Whereas a confident smile is going to make the %10 of people that are deranged think twice about messing with you.
    Last week I felt someone creeping on me at the video store. I turned around with my big smile and it was a very cute girl. Sure enough, she was a little on edge. I don’t think she even realized what she was doing.

  16. #16
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    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    That´s funny you know because almost all of the positive reactions I got so far were from middle-aged ones (women), not young ones.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    I get responses from kids right up to 90 something ages and hey thats a good idea for the creepy from behind looks turn around and give them the biggest smile that you can manage and wait for the response i hadnt thought of that before, i thought all guys were gay but they are just being friendly (under the phero influence - plus some confusion possibly from suddenly being woken from a daydream,) anyhows i will from now on turn around and give the CFBL people one big goofy smile thanx for the trick tips and they will be put to very good use
    Thanks aka

  18. #18

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    LoLz... okay here is something that happened to me last friday... a large group of my friends were gathering in a parking lot getting ready to go out for a night of partying. I knew most, but not all of the people there. Unexpectedly, I noticed that two HOT women were behind me, and no one else within at least 30 feet was around! Everyone else had dispersed, talking to other friends sitting in their cars, etc. I didn\'t know them, they were friends of my friends who I hadn\'t yet been introduced to. Anyway, this all happened very quickly, but I noticed out of the corner of my eye that they were both standing about 5 feet behind me! [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] Definite DIHL! A split second later I walked away to talk to someone, amd now I regret that I didn\'t turn around and start talking to them! AERGH! [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img] <kicks self in a$$>

  19. #19

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Awwwe. Poor Subtle. They\'ll be more HOT women soon. [img]images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]

  20. #20

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Hey i get 100+ hot women a day so dont worry you will get some hot chicks to play with ??? now i sound egotisitcal sorry, i should say you will get plenty of attractive women come across your path daily whom further conversation will be possible with the pheromones

  21. #21

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Hey CJ, anymore DIHL from anyone lately? Are the mones stills holding up?

  22. #22
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    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Not one! But I´ve not been getting out much lately. Lack of cash flow is the main reason. But we´ll see. Anyhow, I can do without middle-aged women staring at me like they´ve just seen ET! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  23. #23

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    LOL. Hey we\'re in the same boat moneywise, that\'s why I\'m stuck her in this cramped apartment. Oh well, good luck finding some men who get the DIHL look. What are you using by the way because you\'re getting the kind of hits I want. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  24. #24

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Being from down under i will say kangaroo in the headlight look, but anyhows pheros = money making and influence making idea, it is very powerful once new users start to realise how many different situations it can be applied to, well i think that learning new information by all users on the forum will make it even better, speed or now photographic reading will help everyone who is using pheromones have back up information which will blitz the competition even before you start heck we only live once right (live long and prosper) or live smart and prosper combine them and off we go, this could open up lots of new ideas (cross fertisation) is always a good idea right or am i right ??? (my little trademark) ???

  25. #25

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    I\'m looking into that right now. Not the NPL stuff perse (but I\'ve taken \"psychology for advertising\" and I\'m pretty good with it. But I plan to where this stuff on any and all interviews.

  26. #26
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    The only time I ever get any (noticable)reaction is with PF! Mostly just on its own, the first time it happened to me (a positive reaction)- at the hairdressers - was when I was wearing PF and nothing else!

    [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img] CJ

  27. #27

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Sounds like the PF works very well with your natural pheromone chemistry! [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img] But dang it I seemed to have forgotten the phero(s) that I used during the last time that I got the best DIHL. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  28. #28

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Hey CJ,
    You are a female, right?
    And I guess you are using moman\'s formulas of pheros (like PF and stuff), and still you are getting pretty strong response from females, huh?
    May be it worth it to try some products for women on men [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]?

  29. #29
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    Hi I´m not sure what you mean exactly.
    But one thing it proves to me if those women respond is that the pheros really do work!

  30. #30

    Default Re: Think I got the DEER look and the age-gap issue

    I\'m like CJ -- the only strong results I\'ve gotten have been with PF alone, 5-6 drops on skin and clothes. I guess I\'ll experiment with other products as Bruce puts them on sale (world-class tightwad that I am) but I can always go with what I know works for me.


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