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  1. #1
    Phero Dude
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    Default How to use A314 properly



    know this product is good for business. I know to use ti you merely put on 2 or more drops (sometimes maybe only


    But HOW do you maximize its use?

    My objective is simple. To make more money -- to get positions

    at work at pay a lot more. or to get what I ask for when salary comes up.

    So HOW do you do this? A314 is

    supposed to be good for telling people what to do, but I can't see any individual going around bossing people and

    coworkers and expecting them to give in.

    So what would you say or what would you do to ensure you make more

    $$? Its $$$ I'm after more than type of job.

    I am basically a financial analyst and used to be a

    programmer. I have always been rewarded based on technical ability not domination. I found out that technical

    ability doesn't mean much because people who knew less got ahead of me.

    I'm really in a jam because I've

    been on disability and out of the workforce for a couple of years. I need to ensure I can going back to a job

    paying just as much or I'm screwed over for bills.

    I don't care about attracting women , I am married. i

    don't care if the product doesn't make me get friends. I want MONEY -- long term.

    Give me some tips. What

    should I say to co workers. What should I say to boss? How do I get qualified for pricier careers.


    your answer is get educated , the what the hell am I doing buying mones?

    Thanks for you help

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Wear a suit, A314 and a

    smile. It will get you a lot with time.

  3. #3
    Phero Dude
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    Default a314


    Time is

    not on my side. I have a short window to convince my new boss that I am worth a lot more money. if they don't see

    this I will be forced to take a 40% paycut. I am coming back from disability leave and my current employer will not

    likely want to pay me as much, let alone more than what I made before. Chances are they'll think I should start at

    30k instead of 45k (my standard).

    technical skills can only be re-learned so fast, and even then the jobs

    criteria may change. I need to find a superhighway to my bosses and co-workers brains. They need to love me, they

    need to feel I'm worth gold to keep.

    Is this just a fantasy or will mones help out with this? If not a314

    tham what else? I am NOT looking to start arguments in the workplace, or to use none and get women


    The intent is 100% money

    What should I do, I have 3 months until my position is evaluated!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Well then I would also add

    Liquid Trust (especially for meetings) as that will. Ideally you would want an A314, LT and SOE combo but if that is

    off the table then consider pheros like a way of dressing. It creates a good impression under the circumstances and

    your body language should be congruent your phero communication (subconscious ambivalence, not the way to go).

    remember to start the dose off small as you don't want to OD.

  5. #5
    Phero Dude
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    Default Lt

    I understand how a314 and SOE

    may combine, as both last quite long on the skin. But how does LT come into play? I hear it lasts 30 min. Do you

    only spray it before meetings? Do you use it alone or on days when you use both a314 and SOE?

  6. #6
    Full Member
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    My suggestion for you is 2

    drops of A314, one rubbed between your wrists the other on your neck. Cover that with a little bit of SOE, like

    6-10 inches from the roll-on or 1/3 a gel pack. Cover once more with a cologne you like, very lightly, and you'll

    be the man everybody goes to when they have questions or issues.

    Then all you have to do is make sure you have

    the answers and solutions, and you're golden.

  7. #7
    Phero Dude
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    Default Sodbuster

    Good tips.


    But how can I be expected to have the answers and solutions to problems when I have taken a 2 year

    layoff from work due to disability? It's highly unlikely that I will become proficient in my position within the

    short time (2 months) I have before salary evaluation.

    Is there no solution that bypasses skills and goes

    directly to employers thinking your worth a lot? Or likeing you so much they have to keep you regardless of


  8. #8
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Its my HO that using Mones at

    work is no different from dating... they're good for an edge, not a kill. In dating you must have skills of your

    own, dress, manner, humor, etc etc. At work, you have whatever you have that makes you good, and Mones give you an

    additional boost.

    HM, you should certainly try some of the ideas you get here, A314/SoE etc. But I would also

    try to get into the heads of your evaluators, figure out what they want, cram for it and give it to them as best you

    can. Try to be a model employee. If you come short on raw knowledge, you may be able to make it up with a good


    My two cents

  9. #9
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Are you certain that this is an

    employer you want to continue with? Also, did you make no effort to keep up your skills while on disability?

    I'm an employer myself and was a corporate manager for some years. To me, skill and attitude is everything,

    personal feelings are nothing. You want to increase your value? Do it through hard work and skill. If that means you

    spend four hours studying every night to bring your skill level up, then do it. Not only will your employer be

    impressed but with the sharpening of your skills you also will likely increase your abillity to look around and

    improve your station in life. Money goes to the smart hard worker in the long run. Mones, kissing ass or getting

    along are not going to do this for you. Skill, hard work and dedication are the real winners.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    Default Liquid Trust

    Tell me if I'm

    wrong guys but isn't Liquid trust supposed to have an effect on employers in such a way that it causes them to

    asign you as leader to projects, and also makes them trust you with more $$$?

    I understand skills are

    important but I was diagnosed with biplolar disorder 2.5 years ago and obviously because of that unable to do any

    mental tasks at home. So now that i'm feeling better I can start to slowly relearn whatever is required of me, but

    no way can I get a 100% recovery in study material with a 2 month timeframe. In fact I will only go back part

    time for a month or so, then 5 full days a week for the next month.

    Learning will be a big factor but just

    learning will not make them pay me what I used to make. I need something that can get my message across that I am

    team player, and that I can delegate tasks, and that management will look up to me, and that I'm simply WORTH 45k

    at least.

    Skills are crucial but we have a short time frame to work with (2 months).

    Skills therefore

    will not come into play as much as if they like me! and TRUST me, and are willing to pay me more.

    I find

    a314 bossy. Attitudes are not rewarded where I work -- it could quickly get me fired.

  11. #11
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I think a314 migh amplify what you

    are. If you are "bossy" then it will make you seem more "bossy" (maybe too much).

    For me a314 created an

    atmosphere of leadership. My prime example is when I wore it when out with some friends at a large shopping center,

    wandered off to just look around, then turned at one point to find everyone had been following me... Not something I

    had expedcted (or intended).

    Maybe here is a plan: take the above advice and hone your skillset. Then just do

    the best job you can WITHOUT a concious effort to influence others, let the a314 do that. The skillset/performance

    should speak for itself, and the affects of a314 getting you a "following" and establishing yourself as a "leader"

    and "teamwork" (and being a leader of such a team) could help you get noticed.

    With the current state of the

    economy, and your own situation, don't be suprised if you have to accept a lower pay rate, especially until you can

    "re-prove" yourself. Also bear in mind that just having a job, even at a lower pay scale, is oft far preferable to

    holding out for your original pay level but having no job at all. I have a feeling there is going to be a backlash

    concerning higher pay levels based on the anger concerning recent stories about CEOs raking in big salaries and

    bonuses while their companies went bankrupt. Those nice salaries of only a few years ago may not be seen again for

    some time.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Did you get that job


    -The Bat

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