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  1. #1
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default SOE failed again

    Well went to the convention today there must have been about 1,000 people there. I applied 2 dads of NPA behind each ear, 3 sprays of SOE, one spray on the hair on my head,and one spray on the back of the hands. Seem more like a OD but I needed reactions since the last time it didn\'t work. Well it failed again, not one DITHL. I mean I didn\'t get any reactions from anybody and I made sure I was standing real close to the women. I started a conversation with 3 women but nothing, they didn\'t become chatty at all or seemed interested. I think I\'ll stick with my PI and AE. [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img]

  2. #2
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE failed again

    I like SOE quite a bit, but I have had more definite OD reactions with SOE than anything else. Once I smeared it on my pits and went to the gym. No question about it; I cleared out an area. I really enjoy wearing it a lot though. Especially if I haven\'t used it in a week or so; I roll a litle on my wrists and it makes me feel happy. One thing is for sure though: different things work for different people.

  3. #3

    Default Re: SOE failed again


    Someone here(I forget who) uses a ton of SoE and claims good results. They put 7 or 8 2-3 inch swipes on their neck. Why don\'t you try a mega Soe OD and see what happens. I find that for me it\'s easier to get a SoE response than it is to get an NPA response.

  4. #4

    Default Re: SOE failed again

    StanBo ;

    Wasn\'t it you who failed with the SoE in the mall - that got good hits with NPA ?

    If so, when did the change come about with the SoE ? What did you do differently than you did the first time in the mall ?

  5. #5

    Default Re: SOE failed again

    Bruce, If you\'re getting OD reactions with SOE it I guess it should be the RONE. At least if there hasn\'t been time for conversion from NOL to NONE. Does anoyone have the same experience. I\'m wondering about this since I use AE and there is RONE in it. If the best dose is calculated from NONE content is about 6 dropps with the dropper, maybe this could lead to a RONE OD. Or at least an OD from total content.

  6. #6
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE failed again

    StanBo-I used about 6 sprays from my Atomizer which is more than the usual 7 to 6 lines. I can smell the stuff all around me so I know people were smelling it to. The funny part was nobody ran away or for that matter came to me to start a conversation. It was kind of cold in there they had the air conditioning on full blast, not to make any excuses. I feel SOE is not working for me, like Bruce said it doesn\'t work for everybody. [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img]

  7. #7
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    Default Re: SOE failed again

    I\'m with jose on this one..i cant get any hits with this no matter the dosage..

  8. #8

    Default Re: SOE failed again

    So Bruce, do you ever get the OD reaction with SOE not applied to the armpits? I don\'t think a deliberate attempt to convert the -nol/rone to -none is what the creator intended.

  9. #9
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE failed again


    Your post \"SoE failed again\" indicates that you mixed it with another product. More appropriately you might say that a likely \"OD of NPA and SoE failed.\" I\'m still somewhat frustrated by the mixing of SoE, when it should be effective on its own. However, it\'s not likely to have an aphrodisiac effect; so maybe you\'re expecting too much. Whether or not androstenone has an aphrodisiacal effect compared to androsterone mixed with androstenol is still somewhat questionable. Also, now androstadienone has entered the picture.

    Conventions can be tricky, no matter how many people are around. Usually there is a reason they attend the convention that goes beyond socialization. So, chances are these folk were busy taking care of business rather than looking for potential new mates. That would make any hits less likely.

  10. #10

    Default Re: SOE failed again

    It will probably be mixed as has been the case till people start using it on thier own, ive noticed a relaxed effect (it sometimes lacks a focus effect on me with very small amounts up it to say 5 2 inch swipes and the stuff is in normal range im trying it strickly on its own and so far the responses have been great - not noticing anyone talking to me its still me making more of a move than usuall but will give it the first full bottle before i start possibly adding extra combination none products. Maintaining an open mind what about rol and nine.

  11. #11
    Phero Pharaoh a.k.a.'s Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE failed again

    SOE works great on its own. But it’s a different effect than we’re used to.

    Here’s a fun trick I’ve learned. Try to “capture” a girls gaze with your eyes. Casually glance at a girl. Then, instead of turning away, slowly zero in on her eyes. When she looks into your eyes smile and see how long you can hold her gaze. I’ll bet it’s ten times longer than with any -none based product.

  12. #12

    Default Re: SOE failed again


    yeah that\'s cool and it sounds cute with the gaze and all. but i think Jose is trying for something different here and so are most of us.

    Since we have the makers attention here. what is the proper directions for S.O.E. use??? One swipe or two or daps. let us know what has worked for you and generally to other people.

    Since i\'m writing this post i might as well go on. i have had one major hit with S.O.E.. i believe i was using it alone. walked in to a pollo loco and all the girls looked at me like they were expecting me or something. other than that it\'s about it. thinking of mixing it with APC and see what happens.

  13. #13
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE failed again

    I\'ve used lots of SoE in a barroom situation and had good responses--but I wasn\'t measuring the amount I used. Just know that I applied more and more during the course of the evening. I\'ve also gone \"light\" with it when involved as a adult fitness trainer at the local high school gym. The ladies, especially younger ones sure seem to need my help a lot. No way to tell whether it\'s the SoE or my natural charm, but everything I know about pheromones tells me it\'s the SoE.
    On two \'morning after\' occassions, I\'ve detected a slight smell of B.O., which may be to the breakdown of the SoE, or maybe just because I hadn\'t showered for more than 24 hours. So far as I know, I can\'t smell -none,
    but that may be changing if the -ol in SoE is breaking down into -none, and as a result I\'m getting more exposure to -none. Repeated exposure to -none often results in the ability to detect it.

    as a.k.a. said, it works great on its own, and I keep advising others not to mix it, which only complicates the picture. It is designed as a stand alone product that should attract more attention from ladies, but as I\'ve always said--there\'s no such thing as a human aphrodisiac. Guys who expect that by wearing a pheromone product they will get laid, are expecting too much. Pheromones will provide some enhancement--especially SoE, but it won\'t get you laid--or even noticed if you are sitting around with a frown on your face, or merely looking too desperate.

    My advice continues to be: first try SoE repeatedly on its own. If you don\'t get any increased attention after using it for a few weeks (and hopefully in a few different situations), consider mixing it with something else, but once you mix it, I have no idea on what to advise.

    So far as dosage goes, use your own discretion. The amount you use will vary depending on where you are: barroom or gym, for example. There is no \"program\" to follow, just as there is no program to follow with any cologne.

  14. #14

    Default Re: SOE failed again

    Well, I stopped using SOE for a few weeks and thought I had better reactions with Edge and NPA. Today, in addition to NPA, I tried putting on just two 2-inch swipes on my neck, since this has been successfully used as a supplement for others who prefer to keep the -none. I must be really sensitive to the fragrance or the -rone in SOE, but even this small amount made me self-conscious. I guess I can try to go to use one 2-inch swipe or one 1-inch swipe, but would such a small dose have any effect? Another possibility is to apply it to my wrists or hand, instead of my neck, which is too close to my nose.

  15. #15
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    Default Re: SOE failed again

    I\'m still using the combo of SOE/NPA/TE & cologne. Mind you, the TE is just a small dab on the chest cover with Issey. It\'s been a month since I started this and the same girl that took me out for Valentines, and we are still seeing each other, told me she fell for head over heels in January, just when I started this combo. The funny part is that this last weekend, when I took her home she hugged one last time and nearly snorted my neck like a line of coke. Kept her head there for a few minutes and just kept breathing it all in. She pulls her head back and was completely glassy eyed.
    Jose/You may be using too much SOE. Have you tired just a couple of dabs to enhance your own combo? Although, remembering some of your older posts, you seemed to be doing just find with your own combo, but givew it try. No spray, just a couple of dabs on neck. [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

  16. #16
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: SOE failed again

    The enhancement effect continues with SOE tried using big and small amounts and responses will continue to be posted but all in all id say it is a good product, different in approach and seems to work well as far as NPA but without the run away effect of none. So to folks out there i say try it out, if you get no responses apply heaps more for a one off.
    Time on skin id say up to 24 hours. But as has been said it needs to be used in conjuction to improve youre all round image and no in most situations it doesnt act as a aprohdisiac but it will improve youre image and appeal in most instances. Of course you have to verbalise things (talk talk and talk) learn how to talk and again verbalise youre thoughts folks in words.

  17. #17

    Default Re: SOE failed again


    Sorry it took so long, I missed the question skimming the posts last time. Correct, I didn\'t have much success at the mall. But I definitely saw reactions at work and in closer settings. I don\'t like the fragrance of SoE that much, so I started mixing it with cologne. Still, I wasn\'t getting the reactions I wanted so I started adding it with the NPA. I like the vibe from that better. I OD\'d on SoE solo a few times to see what happened and it definitely was working. I was extrapolating from other\'s posts as to SoE being effective for young guys with enough natural -none. I\'m not sure if that answers your question

  18. #18

    Default Re: SOE failed again

    StanBo ;

    No problem, I was just curious as I thought I remembered you not getting results you were expecting at first from the SoE. I didn\'t like the smell of it either at first , thinking it smelled very feminine. But now I think it smells good.

    It\'s over a month now since I first started trying this stuff and still have had no reactions whether I use these items alone or in various combos/amounts like you and in various settings.

    I stopped using them for the last five days to see if there was any difference and I noticed nothing - and I\'m not looking or expecting women to be ripping my jeans off - just ANY reaction out of the ordinary.

    I notice in alot of posts where they say their hits are just people being nicer and more pleasent toward them. If thats the case I doubt I\'d see a difference because I get that type of response from anyone I talk with all the time without pheromones. I was just looking for a little extra help is all.

    I haven\'t had a bad reaction from using the stuff but I wouldn\'t renew my orders when they run out unless I saw something different that what I\'ve so far experianced.

    But so far in my experiance, SoE or the other items have nothing over a cheap Old Spice gift set from K-mart. [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  19. #19
    Phero Pro jose's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE failed again

    Well I haven\'t given up on SOE yet, but I would like something more than just friendly smiles and people being nice to me. I can do that by myself without Pheromones. Maybe James was right about the people at the convention were focused on other things, but I have had reactions at other conventions before with other products. If anything maybe the smell of the fragrance will start a conversation but nothing else. I have tried small and large amounts of SOE(alone and with a combination) with no success, I will continue to try this product a couple of times more. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  20. #20

    Default Re: SOE failed again

    jose :

    Don\'t be turned off to the phero thing because of my personal experiances with it as my situation is alot different than most people here. I think I\'m an extreme case to be testing it and said so in earlier posts. Not that I\'m a discusting pig living in a cardboard box but my age and life style makes meeting single women more difficult than the rest of you.

    Most people here have great results with SoE and the other items so keep at it, I\'m sure you\'ll hit on a formula that works for yourself.

    I agree that people being nice to you - especially if you were the one who smiled and offered the \'Good Morning\' first, is
    something that should be happening regardless of pheromone \'supplementation\',
    and shouldn\'t count as a \'hit\'.

    Except for that asshole who is trying to screw his sister-in-law , nobody should need
    pheromones to simply get a pleasent greeting from someone in return to theirs. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    Just my opinion.


  21. #21

    Default Re: SOE failed again

    Today I took JVK\'s advice and used SOE alone. No TE. No PI. Just SOE. I applied it from my chest all the way down to and beneath the belly button. After I put on a t-shirt and a polo shirt I applied more on both forearms from the elbows down to the hand. If I had to guess I\'d say appx 30 inches or more. Well things were normal until a girl was talking to someone next to me. I had my back to her and actually didn\'t even know she was there when all of a sudden I felt two arms around me and her face was right next to me. She said hi raider. I was like yeaaaaaahhh babyyyy. I wouldn\'t have believed it if it didn\'t happen to me. Thanks JVK. I\'m gonna try the same thing maybe even a bit more at a party I\'m going to soon. Now my only dilemna is getting this stuff to work on someone I can have a relationship with. Thats why I started this experiment in the first place.

  22. #22
    Banned User jvkohl's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE failed again


    Thanks for trying SoE on its own; I was a bit concerned that it would forever be mixed with other products (exceptions like a.k.a. noted), which tends to cloud the issue of its effectiveness.

    This forum is a learning experience for me, and I\'ve been thinking how things have rapidly progressed during the two months since SoE was released. First replies were very favorable, then the mixing hit the forefront and I read mixed replies. My thoughts now are that some forum correspondents are much more interested in SoE\'s potential as an aphrodisiac (though it was not designed this way). I\'ve been quite \"preachy\" about this for many years. Human pheromones are not likely to act as aphrodisiacs in any situation. Still, a little enhancement can go a long way. Maybe the guys who are getting great hits, and aphrodisiac effects need minimal enhancement, while others need much more--perhaps even a product mix that enhances their natural chemistry in a very unique way (e.g., more -none). This difference could be based on age, body build; clothing; cars; or whatever. We all come in different sizes and shapes with different material possessions. And, probably due to age differences, we all have different drives. Since I\'m 50, SoE\'s enhancement is plenty for me; I\'m not that interested in sex with any available female--like I was when I was 15-40 years old. I\'ve become much more mellow, and even turned down two very agressive women in the past two weeks. On the other hand, I hooked up with a less agressive woman who seemed genuinely interested in me and my work. She\'s not my type, but at this point in life I\'d rather be with someone who\'s interested in me, than just screwing someone who is turned on by SoE. Of course, I know that to the younger guys in this Forum, my perspective seems strange, and it\'s the younger guys who typically will take the agressive approach. So, I have another suggestion. Try to ease up a bit and let SoE do its thing as far as getting women to open up, feel more comfortable, relaxed, etc. At least then you have the oportunity to get to know some quality women. If someone just wants to get laid, fine--she\'ll do most the work. But, if you want to explore your options, take advantage of the enhancement that SoE, and probably some other products, provide. I think you\'ll be likely to end up with more than a one-night-stand. It\'s possible you might even enjoy quality more than quantity. Besides, once you got some quality, you can take a much more relaxed approach towards quantity.

  23. #23

    Default Re: SOE failed again

    James, I understand that you advise against mixing SoE with other pheros. It makes sense to me. But can I mix it with a cologne? Will that kill any of its \"powers\"?

  24. #24
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: SOE failed again

    Clonges sounds ok but just as long i guess we leave none out. None drives the women off in large doses but rone and nol by itself should still be ok. Anyway keep testing it out folks on its own.

  25. #25
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    Default Re: SOE failed again

    I just wanted to say that SOE works really well for me. I\'m not looking to \"get laid\" with it, but I have noticed a dramatic increase on my attention from females at work and in the places I hang out. Actually, it may work too well, I\'ve had a couple instances of random women coming up to me in the coffee shop and they literally would not stop talking to me. I generally use a \"z\" swip on each hand and rub some of the excess on my neck.

  26. #26

    Default Re: SOE failed again

    SOE is wierd. There are hits off of it but its hard to turn it back sexual. I had at least 4 in one hour on a college campus where i could just be nice. I am sure they are hits cuz it is so unusual.

  27. #27

    Default Re: SOE failed again

    I agree.

    I think SoE is a very good mood lifter for work, but I haven\'t had any success other than casual conversation with it. It seems to make meeting new people, both men and women, very casual and laid back(either that or it makes me feel more comfortable) All finger twirling the hair, closer than normal contact, and more flirty behavior I\'ve had so far has been with some NPA added to it. I wonder if the reason James K has a lot of success with it as far as picking up women doesn\'t have to do with the fact he is a doctor and/or has mastered how to capitalize off of the SoE reaction through practice. I\'m sure even if he doesn\'t tell the women he\'s a doc, he probably dresses very classy and carries that \"air\" about when he is at bars etc. Women have a nose for success as well as pheros(pun intended). If there\'s a different approach needed to make the SoE hits develop further I haven\'t found it. Like I said in an earlier post, SoE is great at work and at karate class. But I\'m with you in not really digging the vibe it gives when you\'re fishing for romance.

  28. #28
    PheroWizard oscar's Avatar
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    Default Re: SOE failed again


    Like any tool, SOE is good for what it\'s good for. A circular saw is great for cutting plywood, but it sucks for cutting down trees. A chainsaw is great for taking down trees, but does a lousy job in carpentry applications.

    SOE provides the A-Nol/Rone based ice-breaker that some people need more than others. But when it comes down to the nitty-gritty, most of us have got a better chance of \"bumpin\' uglies\" if we employ some A-None in conjunction with SOE.

    If your in your twenties, and look like a Greek God, but just can\'t attract women due to shyness or lack of confidence, then you may be able to get away with using SOE alone.

    Conversely, if you\'re no Greek God, but have the gregarious, \"life of the party\" manner of a game show host, or Vegas audience warm-up guy, you might not need SOE, while an A- None product might benefit you greatly.

    Being neither a God nor a game show host, I find SOE to be an invaluable PART of my phero arsenal. As the outside layer in a cawwoting application, SOE cannot be beat!

    But I will give up my A-None only when they pry my cold dead fingers from around my little blue bottle of NPA. [img]images/icons/laugh.gif[/img]

    Oscar [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

  29. #29

    Default Re: SOE failed again

    Nice post Wilde Oscar,

    just the way I thought about it.


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