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  1. #1
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    Cool detailed log of my phero experience (updated 10/04)

    being new to this, i am trying to keep a log of my experience, both for myself

    and fellow forumer. i will *try* to update this thread daily, hopefully for a long enough period that will show if

    phero works or doesn't work on me. being a science student, i am rather skeptical at this point but the worst that

    could come out of this is an interesting experiment.

    25/m. average looks, above average

    personality. i am quite dominant among my group of friends and never really had much trouble getting the girls i

    wanted. after a recent breakup with my long-time girlfriend, i've decided to give phero a try (and hopefully boost

    my ego a little). i've read the forum achieves rather extensively and i am taking this little "experiment" rather


    day 01 (09/22) - 2 "hits"
    dose: rolled 2 inch of SOE on both my wrist, and 1 inch on each

    side of my neck

    i just got bruce's package in the mail in the afternoon and i am excited to start the

    experiment. i have decided to go easy first (observing the less is more mantra) and just use SOE alone for the first

    few days.

    i am not expecting too much given that SOE has mainly nol and rone, I heard that it gets you the subtle

    attentions and make people around you relax / chatty. first "hit" came when i was walking down the school and met

    the gf of a good friend. we talked as we cross the road and a strange thing happened -- she started walking with me

    for like 5 seconds before realizing she was heading in the opposite direction. we were friends before this but i

    still find this rather unusual. the second "hit" came when I was in an elevator with another female acquaintance on

    my way to my apartment. it was a short interaction but i felt that she was more chatty than usual and gave me a

    rather peculiar look as she walked out. maybe it's just psychological on my part.

    i have experienced no other

    effects, despite two rather long 1 on 1 meetings with male subjects. it seems that so far SOE has not worked on any

    males or any female strangers. but i believe it's quite an interesting start and this stuff might just work (esp.

    when properly calibrated with my natural level of phero).

    day 02 (09/23) - 1 hit + 3-4 "hits"
    dose: same,

    2 inch of SOE on both my wrist, and 1 inch on each side of my neck

    i've kept the SOE dosage same for today,

    since yesterday's experiment was hardly long enough to draw any conclusion. addition note to self: with SOE, it is

    important to initiate and open the interaction

    had 3-4 "hits" while randomly walking, good eye contract and

    smiles. it may be that the phero is working or that i am just more aware of the reactions of people around me. plus,

    one of my male friends seem a little chattier than usual. nothing special happened during interaction with two other

    girls. two interesting incidents that warrant mention.

    first thing was when i sat down in a large auditorium for

    a class today, it was strange that both seats beside me were empty (OD on SOE?) but people were "clustered" around

    me (front and back row, and places adjcent to the immediate seats are all full). there was clearly a large empty

    space (4 or 5 seats x 2 rows) 2 rows on my front right. i don't think SOE can OD at such low level (if at all) but

    it seem weird that people are somehow "drawn" towards me and yet not too close. maybe it's just


    while i was in another class, a rather cute girl approached me to see if i want to join her "project

    group". she said that she has noticed me from the previous class (the one in the auditorium) and wonder if i would

    like to work with her for project for the previous class. i declined as i was already in a group with 4 other girls

    (should be fun here). this is nothing unusual as i had a reputation of being a "smart cookie" and generally people

    like to work with me. the strange thing is that the girl caught up with me as i walked out after the class, and

    asked for my phone number / email, suggesting that we could work together for homeworks in the second class. *shrug*

    it turns out that she is a first-year grad student and "didn't know anyone around". i lost myself slightly in her

    random compliments that "you're such a genius" and "blar blar blar". i sure don't get that everyday but this

    (similar events) has happened before and i can't say that it has to be the SOE effect. still, i count this as my

    first phero hit and not "hit" (peusdo-hit).

    all other interactions as normal and i have yet to find a very

    "concrete" evidence of phero working on me. but so far so good.

    day 03 (09/24) - 4 hits
    dose: i've

    decided to increase the SOE slightly, to see if it will make any difference. approx. 2 inches more than yesterday in


    in general, today is a pretty good day. there were just too many "hits" (eye contacts, smiles) that i will

    stop counting / mentioning unless there is something interesting to talk about.

    i was late for my first class and

    it ended before i knew it (i was busy trying to figure out what happened and didn't pay any attention to anybody

    around me). then, while i was walking out of the classroom, two girls came up and said something totally random. one

    of them ask if i was the guy wearing suit that was running down the hallway before the class started. i was like..

    "huh???", but managed to reply something like "sure... i am a magician and i do that sometimes". the other girl

    chipped and and claim she is positive that the "guy in suit" look like me (yeah... i was still in bed at that time)

    and i was like, "nah.. it wasn't me but quick changing sure sound like something that i could try". i had to rush

    off but this is surely a weird one.

    i got myself some lunch and before i could start eating it. this girl (who

    was beside me) said something like "oh, are you in my XYZ class?".. well, i was but i was more keen in my lunch than

    this random girl at this point, i said "ah ha... " and pointed to my lunch on the table. she was like so energtic

    and just keep talking about her homework, her classes, her quiz, her trouble while i continue to eat my lunch. it

    was a little excessive really and i think it might not be the SOE but just her. (later i noticed she talked just as

    much in class...)

    there is also this other girl, who commented on my t-shirt, really randomly. i wasn't wearing

    something *that* special but it was part of a program and she said she was in the program before blar blar. and how

    she will be graduating soon blar blar... it's really quite weird since i never had so many "unsolicited"

    interactions and i was honest quite tired at this point (after my lunch, yeah...).

    when i was in my final class

    today, it was suppose to have some group work of two... but there were odd number of students so one group has to

    have three people. naturally i joined a friend's group but the girl sitting beside me looked puzzled, and ask "hey

    you should join our group". her teammate, an indian girl, echoed "yeah.. it will make our lives easier.. blar blar".

    that was so random, i didn't even know these people. lol...

    finally, this is not a hit but i just want to

    report on the "social interaction" part. while i was holding office hour today, only one guy showed up. the

    interaction was rather normal but i like the atmosphere. i believe that i talked too much in the past and my

    dominance may cause the other parties (at least some of them) to talk less or be more serious. but i noticed that

    with SOE i *can* talk less because the person i am talking too tends to be more chatty. this happened to the guy too

    and he started talking some random stuff that i can't recall now.

    very interesting day, and i like the

    experience so far.

    day 04 (09/25) - 0 hits

    dose: given the advice by ID, i've decided to try to OD with

    SOE (lol... if that's possible). i doubled my usage from the previous day and it should be interesting to see if

    anything "drastic" happens.

    nothing much happened today. all "social interactions" would have happened without

    the SOE. is it an overdose issue? it might also be my own energy level being low.. it's thursday and i had a late

    night so i wasn't smiling or engaging as much.

    going out at night with some friends, i re-applied a little SOE

    and put on a tiny bit (1/5 of a packet) of TE. let's see how that turns out.

    it turns out to be a good night,

    but nothing special to report, it seems rather "normal". have i possibly ODed on SOE? lol...

    day 05 (09/26) -

    2 hits

    dose: similar to day 4, total about 8" of SOE and 1/4 packet of TE

    nothing much happened in the day,

    except some random girl started a conversation about my iphone while i was checking my email on it while queuing for

    some stuff. i didn't think iphone is that cool nowadays. but nothing unusual other than that.

    had some friends

    (2m/2f) came over to my place at night, i *knew* that one of the girls was interested in me, so i couldn't say if

    the SOE or TE has worked anything. it was fun flirting for a while knowing that it's my game. she seemed relaxed,

    engaged and attracted. but it might have happened without any phero. there are no visible effects on the other girl

    or guys.

    day 06 (09/27) - 0 hit
    dose: total about 8" of SOE and 1/4 to 1/3 packet of TE

    i spent

    almost the whole day talking to lots of people as part of my job today. i think the SOE has certainly helped in my

    sociability and a lot of the people i've talked to rated me as friendly, approachable and good listener. but the TE

    doesn't seem to have any effect (on female) but i certainly didn't feel any effect of OD (people still cluster

    around me).

    day 07 (09/28) - 0 hit
    dose: similar to day 6

    I had a meeting today and the chairwomen

    gave me the kind of look every time after she made a certain comment, i feel that she is seeking my approval and i

    just nodded. this doesn't usually happen as she has quite a strong character to say the least. nothing interesting

    happened in the gym, it appears that the "interesting experiences" from the first few days has died down


    also, i ordered some random stuff (LT, pheros and unscented C7) last week, which should come this week

    and might be fun to try.
    any suggestions on how to use pheros? i've read that it's quite a legendary product.

    (even the non-concentrated version)
    Last edited by phillykid; 10-04-2008 at 11:26 AM.

  2. #2
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    day 08 (09/29) - 0

    dose: just about 8" of SOE.

    nothing too spectacular, a few good eye contacts / smiles and nice social

    interactions in general. the market was crashing today and oh boy *that* was interesting. probably going to keep the

    pure SOE schedule until my new package arrives and i can try the recommendation by sodbuster.

    day 09 (09/30) -

    0 hit
    dose: i got the new stuff in the mail last night, since there is so much buzz about LT, i am going to

    "try" to OD it today and see if it works. 6" of SOE (2" on each wrists, 2" on neck) + 4 sprays of LT on cloths (1

    per each forearm, 2 on front of shirt).

    this should be interesting. i hope i don't get too drowsy or go to the

    toilet too much...

    i suspected i ODed on too much LT and SOE... which is an "impossibility?" People "seem" to be

    avoiding me, but it might have very well due to the fact that i had only 3h of sleep last night and was "closed".

    (hell, i was just trying to take a nap whereever I could.. lol)

    i've scrubbed myself clean before going out in

    the evening later. trying out something totally different. i put on 1 spray of C7 (unscented) and a few inches of

    SOE. had a couple "normal interactions", enjoyed myself but nothing considering a "hit" in my book and worth


    it appears that i am not producing enough -none (although i am 25) and 1 spray of C7 just doesn't cut

    it. i don't want to move to NPA first, perhaps i will try to push C7 to the OD level and exactly where that


    day 10 (10/01) - 0 hit
    i got sick today, not wearing any mones until i get better.

    day 11

    (10/02) - 0 hit
    still sick. no mones

    day 12 (10/03) - 0 hit
    got better but still not

    doing -mones. but i tried various dosage of LT (from 2 sprays on clothes, up to 15 close sprays on cloths). my

    response to "pure LT" is that NOTHING has happened. absolutely nothing. just the smell of alcohol and as far as i

    could tell, nothing of the sort of responses people have been reporting on the forum. (no self effect either when

    put under my nose etc.)

    i can only say that either
    a) my bottle of LT is degraded due to heat in the process of

    shipping (to PA)
    b) LT is hype marketing and relies primilarily on pleacebo effect (i think i am quite good at

    identifying that)
    c) it is "not compatible" with my body type, for whatever reason.

    so i in effect got myself a

    very nice bottle to mix NPA:SOE for $29.

    day 13 (10/04) - 0 hit
    dosage: 3 sprays of C7

    unscented, 2 on each side of neck and 1 on wrists (rubbed together). about 4-6" of SOE. covered with a light spray

    of cool water.

    felt much better today, trying out some of the new stuff.

    had the opportunity to be in a closed

    room with lots of people for >4h. nothing spectacular really. the guys seem to give me a little more respect, but i

    have always had that, and i can't tell if it's the -none from C7 working. i've also observed a slight increase in

    eye contact (social) and "chattiness", but given my early success from my SOE trials, it could just be due to the

    SOE alone.

    i started out with 3 sprays, which can be ODing, as I was actually trying to OD and see where my limit

    was. apparently there is hardly any effect (OD or otherwise). I think i will repeat the exact same dose for the next

    2 days and confirm that C7 has no effect on me at that dosage. then i will either move up to 4 or down to 2 (i've

    tried 1 spray for a morning, nothing.)

    going to watch a show later in the evening. will probably just refresh

    with some SOE and i think the C7 will last that long (i applied around 8am... i heard it goes somewhere like 6+,

    even 12+ hours).

    nope, looks like 3 sprays of C7 with Pheros cover didn't work well. no OD though and the pheros

    smells really nice.

    day 14 (10/05) - 0 hit
    dose: did some mix today... just for fun. i put

    on 1 spray of DD#1 (SOE:NPA, 7:3)... with several extra inches of SOE rolled on.

    Hmm... it stinks despite my

    attempt to cover with 2 sprays of cool water. But nothing outrageous happened, I did get a few good soft hits, eye

    contacts and smiles. One strange thing is that during a "power meeting", the president, who is usually very

    confident and assertive, acted rather strangely. She keep mis-speaking and her train of thoughts seemed to be

    constantly interrupted. Very unusually.. but fun to watch. I was sitting right beside her, maybe all the -nones are

    straining her senses

    will go back to the more normal experiment with C7 tml.
    Last edited by phillykid; 10-06-2008 at 12:39 AM.

  3. #3
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    reserved for week 3


  4. #4
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    reserved for week 4


  5. #5
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    Interesting read, if I were

    you I would add NPA to your mix for more sexual results. But I do like what you are doing SOE as it creates a

    friendly atmosphere and using that as a start of your phero tests is a good place to start.

    Also wouldn't it be

    better if you posted your updates as other people comment, then you would know the order of things instead of having

    all your stuff at the top of the page?

  6. #6
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Don't be afraid to roll on the

    SoE generously, you can't really OD on it. The hits will come. Hold off on NPA and give the SoE a good run by


  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Definately agree with ID on all

    points. NPA isn't going to be in your interests, especially if you are already dominant.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
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    updated day 03


    chris_etd: thanks for the advice. i do

    have NPA and some TE/C7 samples that bruce generously provided. i intend to try mixing them after using SOE alone

    for a while first, just to experiment. i put all the logs together on top for easier updating and reading, esp. for

    those who is new to the thread in the future. it's hard to click and scroll through pages if you just want to read

    what happened day to day. i will post replies and comments as usual at the


    idesign: yeah,

    thanks. i think you are right


    belgareth: perhaps i'll

    start of with a little TE (just a 1:5 diluted NPA right?) this weekend for the more "non-social" type of

    interaction. it may work better or worse... but all part of the experiment.

  9. #9
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    some questions for the


    1. i have been thinking, how is it possible for people to identify that the phero comes from *me* when

    say i am standing close to another person? it's like cologne, when u have a group of people clustered together, how

    can you tell who is wearing it?

    2. the effective ranges of pheros, are they the same for NOL, RONE, NONE? from

    your experience, what kind of distance works for indoors / outdoors?

    thanks, i am also one curious cookie.

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    That's an interesting question

    that has never been answered effectively. Some believe that a woman can tell even where on your body the mones are

    while standing 3' away. Others, me included, believe you are emmitting a cloud of mones that disperse into the air

    and women can only generalize as to the source. If you are wearing a lot of mones you create a bigger cloud making

    it harder to identify the source in a group. My opinion only.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    I tend to agree with Belgareth.

    I do know that in a very intimate setting, a woman can pinpoint exactly where your application is.

    But in a general public setting I believe pheromones are like cologne, and leave a "wake", available to all.

    I've also experienced "zeroing in" on a -mone signal too, fun to watch. They'll lift their nose a little and

    look around, and kind of subliminally move closer until they're in scent range.

    Good comments on this topic by

    Bel and DrSmellThis here.

  12. #12
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    updated day 04 (09/25) and

    day 05 (09/26). (see above)

    thanks for the response ID and bel.

    some quick questions again:

    1. what could

    be the cause in the reduction in response? i knew i couldn't have ODed with SOE and 1/5 packet of TE is like...


    2. what's the effective time for SOE and for TE? I read that it ranges from 4 to 6 to 8h... are they the

    same for -none, -nol and -rone? also, when i refresh the application, how much should i use? 50% of the initial


    3. what are some good application spots for the TE gel. i've tried the typical places like wrist, neck,

    jawline and behind the ears. any place u guys like?

    thanks, i will keep updating on my experience

  13. #13
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    updated day 06 and 07.

    (see above)

    as written above, it appears that the effect of pheros has "died down" somewhat compared to the

    interesting encounters in the first few days.

    am I ODing? (with just <10in SOE and a TE packet which is spread

    out over 3 days with some leftover still)

    hmm... my confidence is a little shaken, but i still think pheros work

    given my experience in the first few days but i might be doing something wrong. i'll probably go back to pure SOE

    tml and see if things change.

  14. #14
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    There's been a lot of talk of

    buildup from repeated applications causing ODs. You might want to try reducing the amount of TE you are using. SoE

    isn't likely to cause ODs and what does convert to -none would impact the TE applications not the SoE.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  15. #15
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    hey bel, a quick one for you.

    i smell some funky smell on my wrist (where i apply SOE) after washing it twice with soap. that smell seem to have

    gotten into my skin.. hmm.. any advice?

  16. #16
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    The SOE does eventually to

    convert to -none, so after it's been on my wrist for like 6 hours I can kinda smell it a little bit. If I reapply

    halfway through the day, then don't shower the next day and reapply in the morning and afternoon, by the end of the

    day I can smell kinda funky. Seems like the women really like it though.

    Anyways, lots of good posts here. You

    need to get out to a club, wear half a TE gel pack or more, covered with like 16 inches of SOE, have a couple stiff

    drinks, and see what happens. You'll lose your doubts about the effectiveness of these products, and probably have

    a great time.

    As for me and SOE, it tends to have the exact effects you've listed. The people around me get

    comfortable and chatty. That's it though.

    Also, I'd say try that unscented chikara covered with Pheros a

    couple of times during class. The hits should be a bit more pronounced.

  17. #17
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    thanks sodbuster, will give

    it a try when i get the stuff. also, i am not a club person as i get really annoyed with loud music. but i'll give

    that a try when my friend (occasionally) drag me to a party. might work wonder on "somewhat drunk" girls, but

    that's not my goal

    i really like the saying that a good mix / application of mones is like a nice shirt, that

    moves me from a 6 to 8.. maybe even 9 if i actually put on some nice shirt (before taking them off) =)


    bottomline is still ME, which is a wonderful human being to began with *shameless grin*

  18. #18
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    updated day 09, 10, 11,

    12, 13

    summary: i was sick. "experiment" not very eventful overall. tried a LT, C7 and SOE at different

    detail: see above

    questions for the experts:

    1. LT has absolutely 0 effect

    on me, even right after i put on 15 sprays. out of my 3 conjectures above (day 12), which one is more likely? i feel

    like just pouring the rest away (have about 1/2 bottle left, after 2 days of experiment) and re-use the bottle for

    mixing. any thought?

    2. 1 spray of C7 seems to do nothing, and somehow i feel that i am not producing enough

    -none. now, after day 13, looks like even 3 sprays (with SOE+Cool Water cover) is not doing much. any advice


    3. on mixing SOE:NPA in a bottle, since one is oil-based and one of alcohol-based. i should shake like mad

    before every application? since it's hard to gague a precise application of NPA without actually mixing it


    many thanks in advance.

  19. #19
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    Updated Day 14 (see


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