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  1. #1
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Go on Splash out the WAGG oh Yeah

    Ive had a really good run for my money with Alpha 7 , So iv'e decided to stay with the KZI team and

    have splashed out with the assistance of the 25% discount code
    ( forummembers


    And yes you guessed right.

    I lodged an order

    for the Mr Nice Guy of Pheromones ha ha, Yeah the one called WAGG.

    Essentially i am an

    Androstenone type of guy, b b b but i have had excellent results many a time with a little Scent of Eros added in

    for selected occasions.

    Actually used up lots a SOE, and a heap of various good L-S


    I recon it will make a very refreshing change to give the WAGG a


    Will go back to square one again and apply a few drops as a standalone for couple

    of weeks just to get aquainted with this great guy, and then probably revert back to my old ways and add some

    Androstenone kick to the applications.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  2. #2
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    Terry, please post results. I

    have always wanted to get a bottle of that stuff but what I have so far read about it in the forum is not fulfilling

    my curiosity about it.

  3. #3
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guy101 View Post

    please post results. I have always wanted to get a bottle of that stuff but what I have so far read about it in the

    forum is not fulfilling my curiosity about it.
    Yes sure thing Guy, I will report back as soon as

    it arrives and i have given it a test drive.

    I Know that KZI make

    some consistant product from emails i have received from buddies, and also a friend that has received lab test

    results on many products.

    And i have had a good search around on

    both forums for awhile, and sorta got a little inspired from so many positive reports for


    As a standalone it has the respect of several forum members

    of good standing.

    There are others who do not see so much action

    from it alone but have reported good results on WAGG when it is mixed with SOE.


    And there are others who have stated the obvious, that it

    takes off with a little added Androstenone.

    Also Alpha 7 has been

    great, The bottle is now dry, But i have several 15 ml sprayers with it in mixes with some Pherone M11


    The M11 is ok, but you really need some keen phero sight to

    catch its slight action, thats why its been sittin around for over 18 months, Besides SOE would give it a licking

    any day.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  4. #4
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Fast WAGG delivery to Australia

    Considering that i only chose the cheapest postage option for my WAGG order i have received

    it here in Australia on the 9th day after dispatch.

    So thats pretty good considering that 4

    of the days were Saturdays and Sundays.

    Did also receive a variety

    of free gel/pks, which i appreciate, so a big Thank You Love-Scent.

    Yeah i slopped on 2 drops around the gills which came out to about 3 in reality considering the

    residue i had on my thumb by replacing the stopper, Only because i am in the habit of using a pipette for dispensing

    my pheromone drops as i like to make up mixes ect.

    It didnt take

    me long to notice a nice whiff of mones from the stuff, and the catalystic effects as the girlfriends vocabulary has

    shifted into top gear during lunch together, this is what i was hoping to notice actually so all's well.

    Hmmm she seems very happy, It looks like its about time for a little squirt of the TE Sandlewood Te

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  5. #5
    Stranger Lurk's Avatar
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    Default WAGG is a good product

    I have been

    using WAGG for about a month and think its a nice product. I usually apply a dab on each of the neck pulse points

    and one behind each ear. As for results, it gives me the feeling of an easy going chatty nature around people in


    I am a 28 year old, decent looking guy, although can occasionally come across as the Clint Eastwood

    type...I have other products from LS aswell; which I have also used for about a month; The newbie pack (Including

    unscented TE and Musk), silver impi, A314, Attraction, SOE, NPA, AE, Chikara Gel Packs, SOE Gel packs, LT and ONS

    which I acquired elsewhere. I have A7 and Master Pheromones on order and hope they will be what I am looking


    I am yet to find a product that gives me good hits with women, I would prefer to have social to sexual

    hits, out of the products that I currently have, I like A314 for work as it gives you that respect from others and

    WAGG for its friendly feeling... Attraction smells really nice, but I don't get any results with it. No results

    with IMPI or AE. SOE is totally useless...unfortunately, both standalone and in combination with none products...TE

    is interesting as I have had a nice sexual hit from an ex when I applied a dab of TE spread between the two pulse

    points on the neck and an Edge gelpack... however since then, no such hits were seen with any other products.


    haven't done too much mixing, but have experimented with a dab of different products on the pulse points... and no

    significant results.

    NPA and Chikara make me feel really confident, NPA is only applied with a dab on each neck

    pulse point and Chikara: 1 gel pack (but have not used them in combination, as it may be too much none)

    I don't

    think I am OD'ing on the products although I have sensed OD when I feel too aggressive, which would be too much

    none, but that has rarely happened to me in the past month of testing.

    I am hoping A7 and/or Master Pheromones

    will give me the hits I am looking for...

    Any thoughts?

    Btw Terry, G'day from down under, I am in Sydney

    "I belong to no one, least of all to myself"

  6. #6
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lurk View Post
    I have

    been using WAGG for about a month and think its a nice product. I usually apply a dab on each of the neck pulse

    points and one behind each ear. As for results, it gives me the feeling of an easy going chatty nature around people

    in general.

    I am a 28 year old, decent looking guy, although can occasionally come across as the Clint Eastwood

    type...I have other products from LS aswell; which I have also used for about a month; The newbie pack (Including

    unscented TE and Musk), silver impi, A314, Attraction, SOE, NPA, AE, Chikara Gel Packs, SOE Gel packs, LT and ONS

    which I acquired elsewhere. I have A7 and Master Pheromones on order and hope they will be what I am looking


    I am yet to find a product that gives me good hits with women, I would prefer to have social to sexual

    hits, out of the products that I currently have, I like A314 for work as it gives you that respect from others and

    WAGG for its friendly feeling... Attraction smells really nice, but I don't get any results with it. No results

    with IMPI or AE. SOE is totally useless...unfortunately, both standalone and in combination with none products...TE

    is interesting as I have had a nice sexual hit from an ex when I applied a dab of TE spread between the two pulse

    points on the neck and an Edge gelpack... however since then, no such hits were seen with any other products.

    I haven't done too much mixing, but have experimented with a dab of different products on the pulse points... and

    no significant results.

    NPA and Chikara make me feel really confident, NPA is only applied with a dab on each

    neck pulse point and Chikara: 1 gel pack (but have not used them in combination, as it may be too much none)


    don't think I am OD'ing on the products although I have sensed OD when I feel too aggressive, which would be too

    much none, but that has rarely happened to me in the past month of testing.

    I am hoping A7 and/or Master

    Pheromones will give me the hits I am looking for...

    Any thoughts?

    Btw Terry, G'day from down under, I am

    in Sydney
    Hi Lurk, really good to get your post, There are other Aussies who also use L-S

    pheromones and exchange emails with me.

    I have used up all of my

    Alpha 7 and only have some remaining in a few mixed sprays, But i did find at my age of mid 50's that it did work

    very well most times, and for some reason even a drop or two did get me some excellent responses from young girls

    even used alone with just a splash of Cologne. ( have had some very young ones whispering things in my ear that i

    would not repeat )

    Alpha 7 and A314 at

    1:2 is a very consistant mix i find once i have come forward and started with the talking it just seems to hold them

    spell bound.

    I have used heaps a different products from all over

    and L-S stuff performs well in up amoungst the best of the exotics.

    Like TE and AE when used alone, not consistant hits with every use,but when they work then its

    usually in a big way, and well worth the wait.

    Same as NPA when it

    hits it hits big time for me.

    I suppose there are a lot of

    variables to be taken into consideration along side the days applications.

    I still have some stuff to really try and work out, Like if i go to an up market area that attract

    a lot of women and girls, and say i am dressed up really nice and even a little flash looking then i will always get

    say 65% success hit type results whish is fair enough.

    But i have

    walked into some of these areas with thongs shorts and a tee shirt on and nothing more apart from some TE or AE gel

    spread around my gills and the results have been bloody amazing in the attraction stakes up in the 80's -


    I am beginning to think that dressing up really does not

    do it for me and it appears that chicks are more comfortable around me when i am a little scruffy horn toad.

    Mind you the WAGG may give me some some better results when

    dressed up.

    My g/f is well accustomed to me testing out pheromones

    and also colognes ect and very rarely comments much any more,


    had a couple of drops left on my thumb again after putting the stopper back in the WAGG so just spread it around on

    my chin so as not to waste it and the g/f actually did notice it when i visited 20 minutes later in the evening and

    the first thing she said " you smell nice" And the WAGG was the only new thing i had on that she was not familiar


    It looks as if WAGG sure has some possabilities so will be

    giving him a good work out for awhile.

    Hey do let us know your

    impressions of the Masters when you get to slop some on thanks, And also how Alpha 7 works out for you.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  7. #7
    Stranger Lurk's Avatar
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    Thanks for the input Terry!, I

    must try that A7 and A314 ratio you mentioned when my A7 comes in, sounds like a winner

    I have gotten into

    the habit of applying equal amounts of a dab each on the neck pulse points of both A314 and WAGG which seems to be a

    good mix, for socialising and work.

    I had a great hit at an interview the other day from a couple of dabs of A314

    on the neck, she basically told me not to settle for this job as I was too professional to apply for it and this is

    a job that basically manages people like I have never had that kind of reaction, she promised to find me

    something more suitable for my level of professionalism (i.e. A314).

    I'll keep you posted on the A7 and Master

    results as they arrive, hopefully I should receive them tomorrow or early next week.
    "I belong to no one, least of all to myself"

  8. #8
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lurk View Post

    for the input Terry!, I must try that A7 and A314 ratio you mentioned when my A7 comes in, sounds like a winner

    I have gotten into the habit of applying equal amounts of a dab each on the neck pulse points of both A314 and

    WAGG which seems to be a good mix, for socialising and work.

    I had a great hit at an interview the other day

    from a couple of dabs of A314 on the neck, she basically told me not to settle for this job as I was too

    professional to apply for it and this is a job that basically manages people like I have never had that kind

    of reaction, she promised to find me something more suitable for my level of professionalism (i.e. A314).


    keep you posted on the A7 and Master results as they arrive, hopefully I should receive them tomorrow or early next

    Hey thanks 4 that Lurk, I know that your Masters report will generate a good deal of

    interest as it is something that has not been highlighted on the forum results so many will be looking forward to

    some input on this one.

    Your A314 and WAGG combo sounds

    interesting, I may be able to scrape up enough A314 from my last 30 ml for several days


    Also i have yet to test it out with some SOE eventually, But

    at the moment only time for some WAGG alone type testing.

    As you

    say i agree that A314 should be an always have some product at the ready for any interveiw type situation that may

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  9. #9
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Just got my first order of WAGG,

    looking forward to trying it out. Agree that a WAGG/A314 mix could be great. I'll try out the WAGG alone first

    and then experiment. I'm also interested in a WAGG/A7 mix. In theory it could be a world beater.

  10. #10
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Yeah have been

    wearing several drops WAGG with a good drop of aNONE and the WAGG certainly gives of the I'm easy going and

    approachable vibe,

    Im beginning to notice that the combo will allow me to be taken just

    about as far as as my imagination and faith is prepared to play the game Ie with the only barriers being the ones

    that i myself may fabricate.

    On one on one encounters the targets seem most accepting and

    accommodating and the women actually display an air of mischief in their verbal responses, Yeah, i am starting to

    like this stuff.
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 08-30-2008 at 01:46 AM. Reason: x spell
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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