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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Question An expirienced male user seeking info on female products (mostly a specific one)

    Heyia all,
    I'm back for a little visit. I wonder if any of

    the old forum visitors are still here (`cept Bruce Da Man ofc ).

    I use `mones for a long while and lov`em.

    And I haven't been around for about a year `coz well... I'm busy living my life with my g/f
    She's keen on the

    good life, and we got great trust between us, so long ago I got to tell her about me using `mones n` all.

    reacted very well to it and likes the way it makes her feel most of the time :P

    The last time we paid a visit to

    our favorite sex-store, I found out a `mone-product on the shelves. Naturally I got very very curious about it. I

    decided to check it out in LS and found out it's been here for ages.

    But it's cheap, and there's not much

    data on the store or the forums. It's called no less: Lure for women.
    Now, I recall reading some bad reactions on

    Lure for men... but I'm not absolutely sure that was indeed the product.

    Is there anyone here that can

    tell me more about Lure for women?
    Do you have good experience with it? or bad? or great maybe?
    Any idea what

    are the `mone contents in there? amounts... or at least names?

    Please. Any info is very much appritianted ^_^

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Default plz - any replys?

    I am

    considering if I should tell my g/f about the product.
    so umm..

  3. #3
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    I am considering if I should tell my g/f about the product.
    so umm..

    Greetings Sir T Blade, Yes it is i here in the flesh, well um er sorta


    I certainly have an old bottle of LURE/w I purchased it over a year ago, as it was

    going cheap at a sale outlet store.

    I was wearing it myself for awhile whilst going for my

    early morning or evening run through the jungle.

    My primary purpose for using it was make

    me distinguishable to the wild dogs that i had previous encounters with and had triumphed over.

    The bottle i had came with a screw cap, I remember because it leaked one day when it was in my

    pocket and i did reek for several hours after.

    But unless they have changed the formula i

    must warn you that the stuff smells like furniture polish, and it retains its fragrance aspect for some considerable

    time as it is very distinctive in character.

    I did actually put up a photo of the actual

    bottle on this forum when i purchased it so if ya have a search it may come up. PS i just typed LURE/w

    into the thread search and managed to dig up my old thread comments.

    Click on the photo to

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by terry0400-40; 08-28-2008 at 10:43 PM. Reason: add somat
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  4. #4
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    waaaa TERRY OD's on LURE/w
    Yes i actually did OD on it
    "For Her,

    Perfume LURE" HA ha

    Unusual and funny nevertheless


    I was walking down the street of a small town and i had

    an idea to go into an Opportunity Store as i was passing.


    stores sell very reduced price general goods and clothing that has been donated to the poor new or used or second

    hand goods.

    For some stupid reason a small voice said go in and

    you may find a bottle of Pheromone Product which chance is about 10,00000 to 1.

    Sure enough and to my suprise there it was, i looked for more but that was all.

    A nearly full

    bottle of LURE/w. It cost me $4.00 which is US$3.34.

    I put it

    in my pocket after applying a few dabs, considering it looked like it had been sitting around for 100 years it

    smelled nice and strong.

    I then went into a pawnbrokers store

    to look around, and before i knew it 10 minutes had gone by and i was at the counter and the 6 counter staff were

    all engaged in great conversation with me .

    I could notice a

    very concentrated strong smell of Lure and i noticed that i had turned into a motor mouth and was babbeling on like

    i had been injected with a gramaphone needle. We were all joking and laughing like stupid, but real friendly


    I happened to look down and noticed the Lure had leaked

    and i had a 6" diameter patch of the stuff on my trousers and it reeked, not a bad fragrance though. PS

    click on pic to enlarge.


    Thumbnails[IMG] 81026268[/IMG]
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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