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  1. #1

    Default Inside / Outside of Shirt

    I\'m still trying to find a good intermediate between putting pheros on clothing (slower release) and skin (faster release). I was pleasantly surprised that phero release on clothing increases with body heat during exercise and dance. So, I thought maybe putting pheros on the inside of clothing (where it\'s warmer all the time) could be a good intermediate. However, I\'m not sure the release rate is much different than putting it on the outside of clothing. On the inside of clothing, the pheros are kept warmer, but are more covered. Any thoughts?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Inside / Outside of Shirt

    You know Truth, I have played around with this a lot. No big results to report though. But, I do have some thoughts on the whole subject. It is a wierd amalgamation of what happens on the board... But here goes... Man I need to be a little more careful about how many periods I use. I like to put two dabs of AE on, one on the chest and one above the belly button. Then I put a spray of Edge on the under shirt. Whooops, I always cover the pheros with a squirt of Issey (I dig the stuph.) So one on my chest and one on my shirt(of Issey.) Then I go to my mixes. I have tried nol heavy mixes, well because there seems to be no OD limit. The fun part is this, the strong \"MALE\" aspect of my phero use is kept near me, and I don\'t spray on the outer shirt (could make a stain or what have you and I don\'t want to deal with it.) The -nol is on my wrists and face, and it is more accessible to the crowd I am interested in. Oh yeah, I made a -nol -rone mix for fun and added the citrus to it, mixes well with Issey. The point is to get the giggles and fun talk to break the ice, and if they wanna be close, you wanna be \"The Man, (TM)\" So from a theoretical standpoint, it makes sense to me. This, I must admit, does not make it right, I have been proven wrong a number of times, and so it ain\'t carved in stone.

    But, I have gotten quite a number of numbers with the basic mix... So I guess I don\'t mind the results [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

    [ February 22, 2002: Message edited by: Walter Mitty ]

  3. #3

    Default Re: Inside / Outside of Shirt

    Truth, as you say, while it is hotter on the inside of the shirt the pheros will also be covered up. There are two parts to this problem as far as I see it. Heat will increase the probability that a molecule takes of from the surface. On the other hand, the molecule has nowhere to go, and the probability that it bounces back to the surface only to get stuck again is therefore much greater.

    You could compare this to washing a bottle. The outside will get dry fairly quickly, but the inside will take a long time to get dry as there is more water vapour on the inside and only a small hole through which to it can escape.

    If you are looking for clothing application, the armpits on the outside of the shirt might be a good place. They are relatively warm, and will lead to less circulation while standing or sitting still, but more while interacting (dancing, gesturing, shaking hands, etc.) with people, thus conserving pheros (relatively) for release when interacting. That should make them last longer while still being effective. Come to think of it, this might be a reason that there is \"pherohair\" there to begin with.

    [ February 22, 2002: Message edited by: whoami ]

  4. #4

    Default Re: Inside / Outside of Shirt

    Interesting idea! So the armpits pre-heat the pheromones ready for fast release when you raise your arms. :-). However, you won\'t get many hits just sitting there.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Inside / Outside of Shirt

    The thing we seem to be forgetting is fabric type folks (natural fibres always give up to twice the effectivness as far as pheros sprayed on and inside of garmets - shirts etc) these include cotton and wool because they breathe easier so to speak (something on the inside can get out to the outside pheromone scent and molecule wise - sweat all the same thing) than the synthetic fibres which are polyester nylon etc. Just needed to add that i always use cotton shirts when going out and using pheros because the hits are so much longer the stuff stays on longer is absorbed more and has a better realse rate. But whether its external or internal application along with oil based skin application the above mentioned is a important point to take into reference.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Inside / Outside of Shirt

    Hey, I tried my mix sprayed onto the armpit areas of the outside of my shirt today, and the responses are very encouraging! I wore an all-cotton shirt. Hmm... I don\'t think this strategy would work with a sports jacket over the shirt though.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Inside / Outside of Shirt

    Hmm... I wonder if there\'s anything special about phero release from the axillary/genital region, since they are the natural locations of phero release. Perhaps, the conditioned responses could be stronger?! Any feedback?

    So, how many people besides Donald has applied pheros to the genital region? Maybe, that\'s one of the keys to his success!

    If the pheros on the outside underarm of my shirt continue to work well, I\'d try spraying some on the outside of my pants near the genital region. =)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Inside / Outside of Shirt

    Its more about getting an overall spread of pheros not just concentrating in one area that gives others more of a yes we believe this because we are sensing it all over and not just in one area. its just a little idea i play with but try it everyone just to get some forum feedback. Experiement.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Inside / Outside of Shirt

    Hmm... The underarm shirt application doesn\'t work well with shirts that hang low beneath the underarms. The regions are cool all the time. =P. Any more ideas? I haven\'t sprayed directly into the pits yet.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Inside / Outside of Shirt

    Well, there might be a possibility that the extra air volume inside such a shirt might make it work as a bagpipe or accordion in a way, i.e. rapid ventilation of air through the openings at the arms and throat (and possibly near the button row) when one moves in certain ways. Therefore application to the bare skin near these openings could be woth trying. Or simply a larger dose in the pits to \"saturate\" the air inside the shirt for delivery when movements causes air to be pressed into the environment. If the fabric isn\'t dense and allows air to flow through it easily this might also be a good place due to heat. Haven\'t tried on such a shirt just now though, so I don\'t know if the bagpipe-hypothesis holds.

    [ February 27, 2002: Message edited by: whoami ]

  11. #11
    Enlightened One
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    Default Re: Inside / Outside of Shirt

    If you wear the pheros and the same shirt at least once a week you will find they will build up on the shirt so that you need to keep using over a month or so (with washing of course just to get it built up)

  12. #12
    Enlightened One
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    Feb 2002
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    Default Re: Inside / Outside of Shirt

    If you wear the pheros and the same shirt at least once a week you will find they will build up on the shirt so that you need to keep using over a month or so (with washing of course just to get it built up)

  13. #13

    Default Re: Inside / Outside of Shirt

    Spraying on the outside of my t-shirt infront of the neck-line works great(TEs) and by pulling the shirt out and exhaling as you push it back in you can direct a consentrate pulse of pheros to a specific person....see my \"WHIPLASH\" post.


    PS: Truth, it is my impression that spraying on clothes puts more pheros on the air over a longer time than does spraying on skin?!?!
    (then again it may just be the weather here(below freezing or close to 0 deg.C))

  14. #14

    Default Re: Inside / Outside of Shirt

    Yes, pheros on clothing last longer. However, the release rate is slower, so I think you need a higher dose. I\'m looking for a good intermediate between clothing and skin (i.e., warm places on clothing, etc.).

    Watcher, so if the pheros build up on the shirt, are you saying that we may OD eventually?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Inside / Outside of Shirt

    Today, I bought some undershirts for the first time since I was a kid. I applied a mix of the Edge and Realm for Women on my undershirt and wore a buttoned up shirt over it. The scent is actually slight stronger on my covered undershirt than normally on my outer garment! I guess the warmer temperature more than makes up for the lack of exposure. Also, the undershirt is 100% cotton and ribbed. Maybe, the ribs increase the surface exposure.

    Anyway, undershirt application seems like a good way to get more consistent results with clothing applications. =).

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