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Thread: begginer kit

  1. #1
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    Default begginer kit

    Hello fellow pheromone

    I recently purchace the begginer pack and npa + SoE, I have not use Npa yet sense it's been said its really

    easy to OD and I like to start with easiar stuff. I have been using SoE by it self so far and haven't had any

    change in poeples behavior around me. I put a roll on my both wirst and each side of my neck. I heard its hard to OD

    those... but do you guys think I'm putting too much. I believe its about 20". I tried edge with SoE other day which

    i use one dap which i put my finger on the opening and turn the buttle to get a damp on my finger then rub it with

    other one then rub to both side of neck and then cover it with SoE. So far I haven't had any change in people

    behavior around me. I usually like to try stuff before I judge. SoE so far been pretty nice as far as smell, but

    thats about it. Do you guys think i OD? my other question was about cleaning stuff. the shampoo and body wash I use

    have to be unscented or it doesnt matter? what about deodorante? I'm 24 years old. 5'10'' and about 190. I like

    to workout to stay in shape. Is it a good choice to use the attomizer? Thanks for any help

  2. #2
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    It would be very hard to OD with

    SoE. Some have said impossible, but I don't like to use that word. I have used 12-20" with successful reactions,

    not necessarily always hits. I am 27. I have heard others say 20" of SoE is more appropriate for a club scene than

    work. I just like the happy go lucky attitude it brings to those around me. For this reason I would be willing to

    use 15-20" in the work place as well as the club scene.

    The idea behind shampoos and deodorants is a personal

    preference. On some forums I have seen it discussed in great detail. Some people prefer not to use soap or even

    take salt baths. I am not willing to change my bathing habits to work with pheromones so I continue to use my

    regular shampoo and soap. If I have to change my bathing habits, then perhaps pheromones aren't for me. Some

    people swear by the natural soap, no soap or other bathing methods, so do your research and do what you feel

    comfortable with. I have not seen scientific proof of the advantages from those bathing habits, just peoples

    personal opinion.

  3. #3
    Newbie chopsumbong's Avatar
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    to me it seems a load of


    I been using mones now for 2 weeks and i havent really got anything that says "thats the mones


    Theory, you have something on you ur told and believe will make girls look at you, you in turn look

    for this. you look at a girl, she looks back. You class this as a IOI or maybe he happens to look at you as you

    check for IOI.

    Confidence is a girls biggest turn on. As i study hypnosis I know that confidence is just a

    frame of thinking. think confident = be confident.

    i noticed few girls looking at me then thought "would I have

    even noticed if i wasnt looking for it?" the answer is.... no.

    So far im in belief that these "pheromones" are a


    ok some people say "well a girl came to me and said she dunno why but she really wants to chat to


    Well thats happened to me too. like 4 months before getting these pheromones.

    To me its like giving a

    sick man a sugar pill and telling him this will make him feel better and what ya know? he feels better!


    like not walking under a ladder to avoid bad luck, or not smashing a mirror.

    many will get offended by this and

    i can see why. this is me saying I dont believe what you believe. I have seen no proof. lets just hope it dont

    follow a religious path and i get a suicide bomber looking for me. LOL

    Like I said thats what I found so far. I

    kept an open mind and my mind is still open. but without proof i refuse to believe in something because a page tells

    me to... Religion or pheromone.
    "When all is said and done, More is said than done."

    Using :- Alpha-7 Unscented
    Pheromone Additive
    Scent of Eros

  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    You are, of course, entitled to

    your own opinion and in many ways I can completely understand why you feel that way. It took months and many tests

    before I was able to convince myself that mones do work. They are subtle and do not work the same way on everybody

    be they the wearer or the target.

    A couple things you do not explain though. The first are the laboratory test

    results, many of them well designed and documented that demonstrate that mones do work on us humans. It is only

    reasonable to assume they do as they appear to work on every other animal besides humans. The laboratory results do

    no mare than confirm what could be expected from us human animals.

    The other point is the huge number of

    intelligent and thoughtful people who have obtained results. Not all of them are gullible fools. There have been

    biochemists and physicists and medical doctors on this forum reporting results.

    My guess is that it is either

    your expectations or your methodology. You have gone about it in a very random fashion which is something people are

    warned against all the time, not just here but with anything in life. Maybe that is the cause of your lack of


    Just one last word. Nobody here ever told you it would make girls look at you. Pheromones create

    attraction at a deep and primitive level that most of us never even realize we respond to all the time. But, being

    thinking creatures we also respond to other stimuli as well. A person's appearance, clothes, body language and

    attitude all play into attraction. Pheromones are only one part of the whole and if the other parts are not there

    then nothing is going to happen. You are going to need to approach females and work to get their attention. They are

    not going to drop out of the sky and swoon at your feet.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
    Newbie chopsumbong's Avatar
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    I know that,

    there are

    also a lot of reports that pheromones are not real deal. google it. so basicly u have people saying "it works just

    have faith". like I said at this moment thats how i feel. in the next month i could have a great number of hits that

    could not just be by chance. Dont get me wrong i aint jumping out of the ship yet i got a long way to go. in 2 weeks

    im buying from too. i am doing my very own lil research into pheromones. If i had 100% belief in these

    dont work. i wouldent still have them in my draw. i picked A7 SoE and NPA coz i know what to expect from them.

    (apart from NPA)
    "When all is said and done, More is said than done."

    Using :- Alpha-7 Unscented
    Pheromone Additive
    Scent of Eros

  6. #6
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    I'll tell you what convinces me

    they work........... load up with about 30 inches of SOE..... and watch how silly and chatty both you and everyone

    around you get

    None based products are a different kettle of fish. I have seen mixed results, but I think

    there is an often overlooked reason for that. Most people think of None as a Sexual product and look for more

    blatant signs of arousal as evidence of hits.

    Women aren't that easy I can wear A7 to work and there is no

    way girls there are going to suddenly jump on me..... pheromones won't make someone throw their social conditioning

    out the window. Same thing with bus rides, train stations etc. So even if the None is driving them crazy with desire

    they are more likely to keep their behaviour in check.

    It doesn't mean the pheromones aren't working.


    more "primal" settings, like anywhere the alcohol is flowing, they are more likely to "visibly" react to None,

    because their inhibitions are lower.

  7. #7
    Newbie chopsumbong's Avatar
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    ok theres confusion here by

    what I mean by work.

    this is what I call a hit or a IOI due to mones..

    A stranger talking to me, a stranger

    doing anything that I wouldent normally experience.

    I aint expecting girls to jump on me, thats the last

    expectation. I expect people sat next to me on bus to notice im there. not just glance as i sit directly next to em

    but say "hi, bla bla bla"
    As i notec in my diary, all i noticed is girls have gone red in the face while talking to

    me, blushing. But i dunno if that happened before as i didnt look for that before.
    "When all is said and done, More is said than done."

    Using :- Alpha-7 Unscented
    Pheromone Additive
    Scent of Eros

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by chopsumbong View Post
    to me it

    seems a load of hocus-pucus.
    Since I can't send a PM, I will post this here.

    I really don't see

    the point in your hijacking this thread.

    A new user joins the forum and ask some recommendation for usage and

    dosage. If you do not feel this stuff works please start your own thread and we can all debate and discuss the

    effects all day long. I am sure many have your doubts and I believe it is warranted. But taking a thread where a

    user ask for recommendations and bashing the products they just purchased is unnecessary IMO.

    We are all here

    to help each other and I would be glad to continue offering you advise as we all have. But please don't hijack a

    thread to air out your doubts.

  9. #9
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    Girls blushing when you talk is a

    good thing

    I've been using 'mones nearly every day for about 3 months and I think there have only been two

    occasions when I have had someone initiate a conversation with me that I could directly attribute to pheromones.

    I've had one DIHL too...... she couldn't speak at all, lol.

    For the most part, I have noticed an "edge" in

    my interactions..... Guys are generally a little more respectful, and women, once I talk to them, are a lot more

    playful and keen for me to hang around.

    I only expect pheromones to add about 10% to what I'm doing, though.

    For the record, if those girls are blushing when you talk to them, though, just keep doing what you're doing

  10. #10
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Thank you and you are

    absolutely right about the rudeness of hijacking a thread to bash products. You'll also notice the sloppy way he is

    going about things. I rebutted him in an effort to show Kilrya that there is more than one opinion here. As a new

    user he deserves both inputs.


    Anybody doing a google search can find numerous well documented

    studies done on pheromones, we'll ignore the overwhelming empirical reports. I challenge you to present one

    scientifically structured study that shows humans do not repond to pheromones. Not some 'Expert' making claims. A

    well structured study done in an acceptable scientific manner.

    The fact is that you have, in your mind and in

    this forum, already decided they don't work. That's the end of it. There's no way you can make any claim at all

    about the effectiveness of mones because your tests are already doomed to failure.


    My apologies for

    letting this thread get so far off track. It was partly for the reasons stated above but also to avert claims of us

    not allowing disparate opinions.

    The best thing to do is start with a small amount of one product, I'd suggest

    SoE, and test it for a week at that dose. If no effect increase the amount the following week. One of the standing

    rules of pheromones is that more is often nost as good as less. And remember the rest of it. You have to approach

    the females and make an effort. Playing wallflower will get you nowhere. Women get hit on all too often to have any

    need to approach a guy out of the blue. But read some of the reports too. Gegogi has posted many good hit stories as

    has KoolKing1 and many others.
    Last edited by belgareth; 07-21-2008 at 03:30 AM.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  11. #11
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    I think i said it in my post...

    I find it hard to believe, but I'm a person that doesn't judge before experiance. Thats why I purchase this. Now

    that I have them, I'm not gonna use it for a day and say no it's not right. I'm gonna use them and have fun mix

    and match. As far as shampoo question. Not use them is a big no. However My question was if there is certain types

    or scented or unscented. And I think i got the idea of mones wrong, because some of them are unscented. for a while

    i thought they suppose to smell good, but some of them are unscented so that means I have to put it and then cover

    it with colonge. I think i got the idea right tho. when initial conversation it suppose to make the person more

    comfortable toward me, not like I'm sitting and they pass by and turn and tell me hey u comming with me. Well it

    may go beyond as i read the story, but not all the time. anyway my other question is anybody here use the atomizer?

    or is a bad idea and can cause OD? and is musk oil stand alone?

  12. #12
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Hi Kilrya and welcome to the


    The atomizer is for mixing your own blend, and in the beginner's kit it is intended for NPA to be mixed

    with your cologne. As Belgareth said, its better to start with SoE, and you've done. Keep experimenting with that

    for a while until you learn what it does for you. Better to save mixing until you have a little experience.


    my understanding that the musk oil has very little pheromone content, and is perhaps meant as a light "buffer". I

    really don't know, and have not read any good info on it.

    I use all kinds of personal hygiene products, from

    natural unscented to commercial scented products. For me it has no effect on -mone effectiveness. In fact, I've

    gotten a couple of good "residual" hits the next day, after showering.

  13. #13
    Newbie chopsumbong's Avatar
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    I use coolwaters for a

    cover scent. I asked 20 girls what they like best and they mostly said issey miyake.
    "When all is said and done, More is said than done."

    Using :- Alpha-7 Unscented
    Pheromone Additive
    Scent of Eros

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by chopsumbong View Post
    I use

    coolwaters for a cover scent. I asked 20 girls what they like best and they mostly said issey

    See, I like Issey Miyake, but my wife doesn't. It is weird she likes stuff I don't, such as

    Tommy Hilfiger cologne.

    Some of the top cover scents I have seen are Armani Code, Aqua Di Gio (hit or miss most

    either love or hate), Creed Green Irish Tweed (I really want some....I am just to poor), Jean Paul Gaultier

    Cologne (haven't tried), Pheros (currently not available)

  15. #15
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    If only Feu d'Issey were

    available... sighhh. Don't care for his other scents, but he sure started a trend. You can blame, or credit,

    Miyake for all the Water/Aqua/Cool-ness out there. A little too chemical for my taste, then again I'm old.

    This summer I'm hooked on Hermes Orange Verte and the perfect medium-fresh day-or-night Acqua di Parma.

    Don't be mislead by the "Acqua" part, this fragrance pre-dates Issey's parents by decades, from the same Italy

    where Cary Grant kissed Ingrid Bergman by the fountain, or someone very much like her on the duomo step. Either

    way, its style is classic, but not old like some Creeds tend to be old, or as the marketing people would say, fresh

    enough to be something, but not the other, or something like that. What the marketers failed to mention was the

    drive through an orange grove along the Amalfi coast with the hint of leather from the roaster's seats fluttering

    midst your companion's silk scarf. Spring the extra lira for the "Intensa" or "Assoluta" formulations if you know

    what's good for you, they're different, but all good. The Assoluta is a little sweet, if your date is young.

    Intensa is for a man comfortable with his breeding and bearing.

    I do like jomo's Creed Bois du Portugal, thanks.

    Fleeting shades of Pheros, less complex but a nice woody drydown, but it comes and leaves to quickly.

    I'm not

    surprised that the modern chemical creations are good for covering -mones, they become a cocktail of olfactory

    bedfellows. In such a case your cover simply overpowers the -mone chem smell for as long as it lasts.


    exceptions, whatever frag you and the ladies like is good for covering. It should be appropriate to your age and

    Last edited by idesign; 07-21-2008 at 08:58 PM.

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