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  1. #1
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    Default What makes people want to help you ?

    Hi all
    as i remember my first experiences with moanes... 8 years past ..

    It was with a product not available on this site but it had some interesting effects on women...
    It has to be

    mixed with cologne, and now most experienced users here know what i´m talking about ..
    If i remember well, i had to

    apply it min 3 days in a row to see results and usually i used it for work ..
    some hey if i may help you ...

    gimme some of your work has been caused by all women in the office and it had some effects like a nol and none

    mixture ....
    But what i´m wondering after two years back into moanes can i get those effects back....

    mean they are very useful... even if it minimizes the stress level at work..

    Best Pago

    Last edited by Pagodeiro; 07-14-2008 at 02:37 PM.

  2. #2
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    i vorgot to mention that i´m

    acutally using A314, Primal Instinct, SOE, Chicara, NPA, The Edge, Liquid Trust and A 7

  3. #3
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    For work I like A314 dabbed

    on my neck, and SOE rolled on my neck and wrists. I've heard Chikara is good too though for work. I'd stay away

    from any and all -none products at work, especially Primal Instinct and NPA.

  4. #4
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    Good morning Sodbuster

    well i´ve tryed out my arsenal in each possible combination.... surely chikara is great for friendlyness and good

    mood ... but i does not cause such effects like those i´m searching for....
    A 314 is great too you a lot

    of respect....
    best Pago

  5. #5
    Journeyman Kmac's Avatar
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    Nice post! I'm rather curious to

    discover this secret mixture as well? I've not run across any pheromone combo myself that makes folks more helpful

    at work?

    Trust, respect, stature, chatiness, and attraction I've accomplished fairly easily with Love Scents

    products, but helpfulness? I'd be interested in knowing which product induces this!

    By the way, I predominately

    use SOE, A7, and Liquid Trust for work, however I have experimented with A314 in place of A7, but never observed a

    response as affective as when wearing A7, at work that is...However in a social setting swapping A7 for A314 seems

    to produce more obvious results for me? Maybe it's just me???

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    Well there must be something in it what causes the effect of ...hey what can i do for you... i

    realized how useful it can be... even if you´ve a lot of work to do in the office....
    My goal in first trying with

    moanes was to get girls easier.... the product worked for me too in this way but the other effect was more visible..

    much more visible...
    it has on women such an mother Theresa effect...
    maybe some of you know what i´m

    talking about´s the strange kind of feeling when you meet somebody and you want to help him... even you don´t

    know why.... to describe it a bit...
    What makes me think a lot is that it needed some kind of build up effect....

    it worked only well after 3 days of application...

    Kmac: Hmm Soe i use rarely at work because it makes me

    a little bit light weighted and not serious enough looking.... even in combination with A314, the Liquid Trust is

    for the "special situations" , ahmm Soe is for clubbing with a nice overdose of PI , Edge is applied on special

    areas where it brings me good effects ,A7 well i used not so much already ... maybe i should give it more attention

    ... well and NPA is used occasionally

    and the best Product Chicara is used by me to give every mix a little

    extra kick...
    brings the girls around me always in a good mood and makes them more chattier....



  7. #7
    Journeyman Kmac's Avatar
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    Nay, you can use SOE for more than

    clubbing! I know I have! SOE is great because it seems to loosen folks up and make them want to chat much more, and

    if you work in a stuffy office, like a bank, then you really want to induce folks to actually speak more than they

    normally do. However, the A7 for the whole respect and stature aura seems to complete the picture quite


    But then again, I suppose much of it does depend upon what you're trying to accomplish? I'm not trying

    to pick up women, or men, in my office..I'm specifically trying to create an aura of a higher stature (good with

    the boss), make the gals chatty, and be seen as a more trustworthy person..Nothing overtly sexual or anything like

    that...So far so good. Not to mention, I always get compliments on the smell of SOE from the younger ladies at the

    office, and the A7 seems (with 2+ drops) seems to attract the 35+ crowd (who happen to be the management!)

  8. #8
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    I use SOE not only for

    clubbing´s my favourite clubbing mix to combine ca 10 inches of SOE on my forearms with 4 drops of PI one

    behind each ear and one on each arm....
    Soe makes my girlfriend always sing when fresh applied ..... but as i told

    you .... as standalone it does not work for me... makes me too friendly..
    Well i´m not trying to pick up my female

    coleges ..hehe .... despite they are way to ugly and to old for such ideas...
    High none prducts work well on older

    women.... as you told .. up from 35 ..
    What means older ... i´m 34
    What i have not found over my last years

    was the described effect that women in the office ask you if they can help you with something ... or they ask if you

    mind to let them do something....
    I havent found such an effect with everything i tryed out yet again.....

    and i´m not willingly to spend some money again on the product even if i don´t know if it´s still the same..

    damn overprized and it must be possible with so much common knowledge here to figure out how to get such an

    i can not imagine that so many years past a product had some special ingredients which are not known


    Best Pago

  9. #9
    Journeyman Kmac's Avatar
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    I hear you Pago,

    with all the

    good knowledge and experience here, someone has got to know or will remember the type of mix that produces the

    results we are looking for...But until someone remembers we may have to do thing the old fashioned way and browse

    through alot of forum posts!

  10. #10
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    Bem Kmac ...

    i know ..i know ... i´ve read so many posts here on this forum.... but i found nothing that fits it ...

    i´d some

    internet research and i think i found the product i had as first one.... are they crazy to want so much money for it

    .. i forgot how much i payed for it .. maybe because of the price i never reordered
    It has very bad ratings

    here on the forum and i´m not in the mood to give it a try just to get my co workers doing my job.... but it wouldnt

    be bad if they´d do it
    Is there nobody out there who knows how to create such effects..... what about the

    not so popular moanes like EST ?

    Best Pago

  11. #11
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I'll take your question as an

    opportunity to brag a little bit, since it is somewhat related.

    Most of the time I wear a product which is no

    longer available. It's probably similar in make up to SoE or A314, even though I never once got a hit while wearing

    A314. The contents were never disclosed but I think it probably contains some A1 and -none along with nol and rone.

    Anything else would be just a guess. I normally cover it with Oud and musk or Pheros.

    For a couple reasons I

    decided to switch health clubs recently and walked into the one I wanted to join just before lunchtime. Two youngish

    looking women were at the front desk and I told them what I wanted. One started to call one of the sales reps over

    but the other, the one closer to me, said she'd handle it herself. She gave me the usual tour and answered all my

    questions, then we sat down to do business. All the time I was being my usual smartassed self. Every time she'd

    mention an activity like racquetball I would tell her it had been at least 80 years since I last played. Giggling,

    she told me to stop pulling her leg and I replied that had I pulled her leg she would likely have slapped me. Her

    answer was that she wasn't so sure and I told her to put her leg up here and I'd pull it too see. She put her leg

    in my lap so I did pull it which got a big but very embarrassed smile. She has a very nice leg, I might add.

    About that time she suddenly 'discovered' a big discount she could give me to join. Not a 'do it now or its

    gone' deal either. As it turns out, she is the assistant manager of the club and was excercising her authority

    because she wasn't supposed to be helping me and she wasn't supposed to be giving me the discount I got. She also

    made sure I had her name, even wrote it down several places, and she made sure I knew when she was there and when

    she would be working out and on which equipment and even that she is single.

    Altogether a pleasant and helpful

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  12. #12
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Aw c'mon... you're pulling my


    Seriously, good going! Here's a fine example of "acting what you're wearing". In other words, Bel did

    his job and the -mones did its job too.

  13. #13
    Journeyman Kmac's Avatar
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    Wow! Where can I get a few

    sprays of that stuff!?!?

    I've been meaning to go back to the health club myself!

  14. #14
    Journeyman Kmac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    Aw c'mon...

    you're pulling my leg.

    Seriously, good going! Here's a fine example of "acting what you're wearing". In

    other words, Bel did his job and the -mones did its job too.

    Very true! So idesign, how should a guy

    such as myself act when wearing say two drops of A7?

  15. #15
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kmac View Post
    Very true!

    So idesign, how should a guy such as myself act when wearing say two drops of A7?
    The mone products only

    matter in as much as it works for you. Experiment and find a product that fits you. What works for a guy your age

    may not work at all for a guy my age (51) and vice versa. I rarely talk about the products I wear mostly because I

    don't endorse any product for anybody but myself. We are all different.

    Be self confident without being cocky.

    Funny, happy and pleasant to deal with. Make sure she is aware that you see her as an attractive female without

    being crude about it. And...most important of all...SHUT UP and let her do most of the talking. Ask questions and

    say things to make her laugh but keep most of who you are too yourself.

    ID, I have absolutely no interest in

    pulling your leg.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  16. #16
    Journeyman Kmac's Avatar
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    Ok, good advice!

    I usually do

    most of that, I certainly act more self-confident, happy, friendly, and tend to initiate conversation a little more

    at first, then as you said, I tend to shut up and let them keep talking...I think I'm usually lacking in the area

    of let her know I'm attracted to her, that part I need some practice with, but perhaps that because I'm sitting

    back waiting for strong signs that she's attracted to me...Guess I'll go out on a limb and give it a shot!

  17. #17
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    But I have such

    nice legs ID whines, doing a hair-flip with his blonde wig.

    Belgareth giveth good advithe. Being

    yourself is important, not fake or acting some "role". Humor is the best aphrodisiac. Asking her questions and

    letting her talk also shows interest in who she is. Under any circumstances do not try to impress


    One little technique I've used (and it still works sometimes on my g/f) is letting conversation lag for a

    brief moment or two, and then letting her catch me looking at her. I then give her the kind of wry smile that

    drives them nuts trying to interpret. That usually leads to lots of fun debating the many possible


    Women are always more likely to have fun if you're having fun.
    Last edited by idesign; 07-16-2008 at 05:59 PM. Reason: spelling and phrasing, I know, its anal

  18. #18
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kmac View Post
    Ok, good


    I usually do most of that, I certainly act more self-confident, happy, friendly, and tend to initiate

    conversation a little more at first, then as you said, I tend to shut up and let them keep talking...I think I'm

    usually lacking in the area of let her know I'm attracted to her, that part I need some practice with, but perhaps

    that because I'm sitting back waiting for strong signs that she's attracted to me...Guess I'll go out on a limb

    and give it a shot!
    What's the worst that can happen? You get rejected? So? You are going to get rejected

    if you don't do something so you have nothing to lose. Don't shut up completely, keep asking questions and keep

    being funny. But, Like the guy in the blond wig says, don't try to impress her.

    Women LIKE to be looked at, so

    long as you aren't being crude about it. They dress to get attention but want a man to show respect at the same

    time, at least the women worth having do. ID's trick is probably very worth trying. I keep a lot to myself as well

    and always keep them guessing about me.

    There's a philosophy used a lot in sales. The desire to gain is not

    nearly so powerful as the fear of loss. Use that in your favor by always being the one to pull back first. Make them

    come to you after you show interest.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  19. #19
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    Play with her... as Style says

    .. cat string theory....

    Hits with A314 .. nope... it´s damn good for negotiations and to get more space

    in crowded bars.... hehe .

    Belgareth or idesign don´t you have any idea what could i try out, something new

    ..not what i´ve got get the described effects.....

  20. #20
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I'm sorry but there is no

    magical formula, a one size fits all despite what some others may claim. Each of us has our own unique signature and

    pheromones add to our signature. Then you have to consider your personality and appearance and possibly even the way

    you walk/talk.

    A1 might help but there is no certainty of that. It is always going to be a trial and error for

    each of us and results will vary depending on the other person as well. I'd go back to trying to work with what you

    have in a methodical, systematic way. You'll get far better long term results without spending as much money.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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    wouldnt it be nice if there would be a magical formula ...
    belgareth i know that there a many little parts of

    the puzzle and it will do a lot of work to figure out what brings success ...
    what i already figured out are the

    killer mixes in order to pick up women ....
    and to sell products easily..
    i had good results with Chikara

    in all situations and it eases people up whilst they are with me...
    but i haven´t figured already how to make them

    ( it´s hard to describe .... they simply want to help you in every situation )
    As suggested i will go with A1 at

    my next order which will be placed soon as well with Estratetraenol.
    I hope the last one will get me good results

    as it´s reported to make people around you very comfortable...

    ahmm by the way ...good advice how to deal

    with women in your previous posts, belgareth ..


  22. #22
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    More or less, I do sales also

    since I own a small business and spend a lot of time doing PR work with current and prospective clients. In my own

    mind, I see sales as being little different from seduction in most ways. The biggest difference is in sales getting

    paid for what you do is legal.

    In my work I am seducing them constantly and since the vast majority of small

    offices are mostly females the (unmentioned) sexual aspect of my relationship is real and very important. That it

    would be bad form, as well as stupid, to sleep with clients is beside the point. Or maybe it is the point as the

    tension remains between me and many of my clients and may actually help my ongoing business relationships.

    Whatever the case, I credit pheromones with much of my business growth over the years.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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    just like

    mentioned before ...
    you´re totally right hand´s of your clients... !!!!
    well i´m doing my little business as

    well and because i´m selling nearly 100% to women (yap i´m selling cosmetics)
    i consider it as very advisable to

    let the sexual aspects beside in my case.

    by the way i picked up my last order at the toll agency .....

    unfortunately it was controlled there .. could be some drugs in the envelope or so... and the old guys in the office

    were very interested in what i´m doing with such stuff....


  24. #24
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    Cosmetics, huh? Hey ID! That

    cousin of yours...You might hook him up with this guy. One never knows when a sweet guy like that might need a

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  25. #25
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    we should

    convince him to buy some depilation products for his long legs ...

    cheers Pago

  26. #26
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    Cosmetics, huh? Hey ID! That cousin of yours...You might hook him up with this guy. One

    never knows when a sweet guy like that might need a disguise
    While I'm sure that my cousin,

    should I have one, would probably (hypothetically of course) appreciate your kind referral, I cannot commit to any

    action resulting in the substantiation of the existence of any male relative - real or otherwise - in need of such

    disguise as alluded to here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pagodeiro View Post
    we should convince him to buy some

    depilation products for his long legs ...

    cheers Pago
    Um... er, ahh, Pago, do you have

    a business card?

    I'm with you guys about the selling thing. 95% of my sales are to women, and some of

    those relationships last as long as a year from start to finish. I've been using pheromones for about a year now,

    and I'm sure that my job is easier and customer relations on a higher level.

    I also have a female client that I

    work with continually. In the last year I cannot count the number of "signals" I've gotten from her. The thing

    is, I'm sure that she does not know what she's doing when she obviously pushes her breast against me and leaves it


    Its very strange, but I have to fight within myself to keep from "following up" on those "hits". The

    moment when "I dare not" follows "I would".

    I agree Bel, the subliminal sexual tension is a help. An

    unspoken desire must find a way out. I think even the desire is misunderstood on their part, but powerful

    nonetheless. Were the sexual aspect ever become overt it would ruin everything.
    Last edited by idesign; 07-18-2008 at 04:39 PM. Reason: adding something

  27. #27
    Journeyman Kmac's Avatar
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    Thank you both idesign and


    Yes, I work in the financial industry myself, I have internal and external clients, and both in and

    outside of the office the overwhelming number of those clients are females, typically age 25-35! Thus, my target

    market so to speak!

    Since I've played around with pheromones here starting really sometime in December, my job

    has without question become much easier! Also, since nearly every day I have the opportunity to test my mixes on

    brand new targets, all in enclosed offices, I've been able to make some interesting observations over the past


    But without a doubt, that unspoken sexual tension the pheros help create, is huge for initiating, and

    maintaining many of my more successful business relationships...

    Oh, and as belgareth mentioned, I too would

    never be foolish enough to follow up upon the many hits I receive from my pheromones...That would just be a

    potential disaster down the road when/if things ended!!!

  28. #28
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Exactly Kmac, and keep in mind

    that I never wear -none while doing business. I believe the sexual tension comes from a relaxed and

    friendly environment created by my particular sales approach and the SoE, C7, AQ or whatever I'm wearing. That and

    mixed with a long-standing good relationship (in the case above) the effect is phenomenal at times.

    In general,

    client relationships develop very quickly and with a trust and friendliness that works very well for me and makes my

    job easier. Now that I think about it, the effect may not be purely sexual, but maybe a very overt friendliness,

    including bodily contact. Also, dear readers, keep in mind that the effects are earned as well as

    stimulated by -mones.

  29. #29
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    I'm sure that my cousin, should I have one, would probably (hypothetically of course) appreciate your kind

    referral, I cannot commit to any action resulting in the substantiation of the existence of any male relative - real

    or otherwise - in need of such disguise as alluded to here.
    ID, Have you ever considered going into

    politics? That was one of the best dances I've seen in a long time.

    Isn't that where you got the blond

    Last edited by belgareth; 07-19-2008 at 05:00 AM. Reason: spelling
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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    Chikara makes people want

    to help you.

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