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  1. #31
    Journeyman MeDieViL's Avatar
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    hmm, srry i'l i look like an

    idiot right now but when i wear alpha 7 how would i need to act then? sexy? is acting with loads of self confidence



    also, when i take MDMA i vet very extroverted, a total personality change (even after i came down

    from E the next day but i'm still there without any social anxiety) i notice that ppl are alot more friendly to me,

    maybe i start acting like my natural pheromone profile then?

  2. #32
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    In large part people are going

    to mirror you and how you act. We all do that subconciously as a means of making others feel more comfortable. So

    when others are friendly you might consider how you are acting, are they being friendly because that is what they

    see from you?

    Self confidence is something that you can learn to have and when you have it, it shows. In my own

    case, depending on my mood and what I want somebody to see I have been called self confident, amusing, gregarious,

    aloof, kind and arrogant, to name a few of the more polite ones. Every one of them is true and to some degree it is

    true of everybody else. The most shy person can become a prima donna when you enter into their field of expertise

    while the aloof and confident one can become a nervous clod in an area where they have no experience and feel

    overwhelmed. The trick is in what you show to others and there are a plethora of books on the subject.

    The first

    thing to learn is to understand who and what you are and to like yourself. The next is to watch others reactions and

    act on those reactions. Things like eye contact and an erect body posture are very important.

    It may not be my

    business and feel free to say so but, are you also undergoing counseling for your disorder or is it strictly

    medication? An experienced counselor could advise and guide you far better than most of us here.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #33
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Bel gave some good


    Self confidence is definitely something you can talk yourself into having.

    Self confidence is often

    misunderstood. You don't need to think "I'm great" or "I'm successful", or "I'm a stud". Of course, positive

    self esteem helps a lot. But...

    You can get rid of most of your insecurity without thinking anything about

    yourself at all!

    Usually if you are able to feel love for the other person, think positive things about them, get

    rid of your fear of them, you will then have the guts and comfort to have some positive interactions with them. This

    is still something I talk myself into quite often. Having some understanding toward another person, a stranger, is

    a great thing to practice. Think about how they're probably a great person with good intentions; and feelings just

    like yours, etc. Put yourself in their place, etc. Then all of a sudden they're a real human being to you, instead

    of just an intimidating, sexy, object of desire, for example.

    It just takes a minute of meditating on this to

    produce the desired effect in yourself.

    Taking the focus off yourself in that way actually will come across as a

    kind of self confidence, because you are not self-conscious.

    Thought I'd mention it, since it's probably

    the most neglected, and yet still essential, part of self confidence. We are too focused on individualism in our

    culture, IMHO; and that is only half the coin (of life, concept, identity, etc.). Here I am talking about the other


    I'd even go so far as to say that "self-confidence" without "the other half" is a shallow, fragile kind of

    self confidence. You risk coming across as arrogant instead of confident, in that case, more often; or fake,


    BTW Bel, MDMA is a recreational drug, otherwise known as "ecstasy"; not a mental condition. I've never

    taken it, but hear it can sort of induce positive social feelings while high on it. The advice I am giving

    MieDievil is about producing the same bottom line effect, I think, without the drug. Ecstasy can sometimes be

    dangerous, if you are unlucky.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  4. #34
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I was giving him the

    benefit of the doubt as he had earlier described himself as having a social disorder and stated that he had found a

    medication that was helping him. It was my understanding that he was on a medication, which led to the next

    assumption: That he was under a doctor's care. The MDMA was a side issue that I was not going to comment on. It's

    been a long time since I used recreational drugs and that was one that was not readily available in my day, if it

    even existed. So I am not qualified to comment on it. His body, his right to do as he will with it.


    good doc is right. The more you take yourself out of your own mental framework and try to understand the other

    person, the better you'll feel about yourself. In most ways we are all alike. The guys who bully and ignore you are

    doing so for their own egos. They think they can look big and brave in front of their friends by picking on you.

    They are only showing you their fear of their so called friends. Those are people you would be far better off


    Rather than fear or hate them you should pity them for the small minded cowards they really are. They

    have pretty much the same mindset as rapist, wife beaters, the skinheads, the klukkers and all the other mindless

    haters in the world. If just once they come up against their physical equal or betters you'll get to see them

    grovel and beg.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #35
    Journeyman MeDieViL's Avatar
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    thx for the advice but i think

    my social anxiety is fully caused by some sort of chemical imbalance, there is nothing wron with my thinking, i know

    there is no reasen to be "afraid" and my anxiety seems to go up and down, it feels like a "barrier" around me that

    just doesnt allow me to be myself
    in fact i feel pretty good about myself, my anxiety isnt even gone when i take an

    opiate or drink alcohol even ghb doesnt seem to work, so i'm pretty sure its something with my brains
    my motor

    coordination is horrible too (you know the sky kids that you see that really cant hit a ball when playing soccer)

    when i took a psychedelic it was fixed, all drugs working on serotonin work

    i am not really under docter care, i

    just got medication prescribed from him, theres no therapy

    They think they can look big and brave in front

    of their friends by picking on you.
    i know, there suddenly came alot of new ppl in our group but most of them

    dont like me, the older ones do, but it isnt as fun going away with them when the others are


    BTW Bel, MDMA is a recreational drug, otherwise known as "ecstasy"; not a mental condition.

    I've never taken it, but hear it can sort of induce positive social feelings while high on it. The advice I am

    giving MieDievil is about producing the same bottom line effect, I think, without the drug. Ecstasy can sometimes be

    dangerous, if you are unlucky.
    i know alot about MDMA, its pretty safe when you drink alot and try to keep

    yourself cool, xtc deads are related to body heat

    offcourse i didnt have much self esteem before i used mdma, but

    the day after mdma my anxiety is all gone, it didnt use to be that way the first weeks i took it, the chemical

    anxiety was gone but i didnt have the self confidence, i builded that tough, and theres no sign of anxiety the day

    after mdma now

  6. #36
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    The most

    shy person can become a prima donna when you enter into their field of expertise while the aloof and confident one

    can become a nervous clod in an area where they have no experience and feel overwhelmed.
    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis View Post
    Bel gave some good advice.

    Self confidence is definitely something you can

    talk yourself into having.

    You can get rid of most of your insecurity without thinking anything about yourself at


    Taking the focus off yourself in that way actually will come across as a kind of self confidence, because

    you are not self-conscious.

    I'd even go so far as to say that "self-confidence" without "the other half" is

    a shallow, fragile kind of self confidence. You risk coming across as arrogant instead of confident, in that case,

    more often; or fake, etc.
    Quote Originally Posted by MeDieViL View Post
    thx for the advice but i think my social anxiety is

    fully caused by some sort of chemical imbalance, there is nothing wron with my thinking, i know there is no reasen

    to be "afraid" and my anxiety seems to go up and down, it feels like a "barrier" around me that just doesnt allow me

    to be myself

    when i took a psychedelic it was fixed, all drugs working on serotonin work

    i know alot about

    MDMA, its pretty safe when you drink alot and try to keep yourself cool, xtc deads are related to body


    offcourse i didnt have much self esteem before i used mdma, but the day after mdma my anxiety is all gone,

    it didnt use to be that way the first weeks i took it, the chemical anxiety was gone but i didnt have the self

    confidence, i builded that tough, and theres no sign of anxiety the day after mdma now
    I have more than a

    little experience with that "barrier" MDV, and have always thought of it as a prison that kept my real personality

    locked up.

    You're right, confidence is only part of the problem. When your natural confidence evaporates at a

    critical moment you wonder why.

    The key for me lies in what Doc and Bel said, kind of converting inner

    confidence into something usable socially. Bel's example is spot-on. I liken that scenario more to having

    "security" than "confidence". If you are secure in your environment, you will be confident. In my work environment

    there is built-in security and I'm in charge. Socially, I've had to find ways to anchor myself to something

    solid, and what I've discovered works best is exactly what Doc said, other people.

    If you shift your focus from

    yourself, and become good at it, you're suddenly unaware of any problems with yourself. It takes some practice,

    but its very liberating. You will project a quiet confidence people will find attractive. You won't be trying to

    impress them, they'll enjoy the attention you pay to them and their interests, and you'll set yourself apart from

    the goats.

    Its a good skill to have in general as well.

    MDV, when you say "psychedelic" did you mean

    "psychotropic"? Acid or Prozac?

    Unlike Bel, I don't mind saying that recreational chems are a really bad idea.

    Sure, the immediate "benefits" are seductive, but if you have brain-chemical problems to begin with, you really

    don't know what these things are doing up there in the long run, especially in conjunction with prescribed meds.

    I'm not meaning to condemn you or your actions or anything MDV, its just my opinion.

    Back to an earlier

    question you had, many, many women find the kind of quiet, self-assured, outwardly focused confidence attractive.

    Mix it with a little humor and your A7 will steer it sexual. But you have to lay the


    You seem to be thinking a lot about various things relating to this stuff, that's a big advantage in

    your favor.

  7. #37
    Journeyman MeDieViL's Avatar
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    i was talking about acid, the

    effects MDMA has on the brain arent that bad, it makes your brain less sensitive to serotonin, but for me taking

    MDMA weekly improved my life dramatically, i'm very interested in recreational drugs, and how they work, i know

    their full mechanism of action, i also take piracetam a nootropic wich takes away any comedown mdma could


    If you are secure in your environment, you will be confident.
    true, i used to talk alot and

    get lots of attention with my friends, but because of those new ppl i feel insecure and i'm very quiet


    treatment i'm trying is very controversial to say the least

  8. #38
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    //preaching on//
    In my day it

    was Coke, Ludes, Reds, Black Beauties, Yellow Jackets, Microdots, Yellow Sunshine etc etc. and of course pot and

    alcohol. Of course we "knew what we were doing" and had figured out their "mechanism of action". What we did not

    know was the cumulative effects of playing with brain chemistry on an ad hoc basis, and the effects on emotional

    development, which is key. What I do know is that the ones who continued in that lifestyle were the

    ones least capable of healthy social function, whether it be women or work, they eventually fell between the cracks.

    At the time I would not have traded the thrills for a future, but I'm glad I eventually did.


    As a recovering social cripple who has learned more than a little about how to function with a social

    disability, I can only say that anything you can do to reform your inner thinking will do the most good. I

    understand the need for a "bolstering" stimulus. I also understand that therapy, counseling and inner work has done

    me more good than any med. Its the skills learned which enable good functioning in any environment,

    no matter who the players are. A solid sense of "self" is critical, and it can only be found when you look for it,

    and develop its inherent qualities. To the extent you mask it or artificially manipulate it, you will either

    postpone its growth or lose it altogether. That would be sad.

    I apologize for the seemingly harsh post MDV, esp

    in this forum. Its just that you remind me of myself. Of course that could be an insult to you.

    I promise

    that any further replies will relate only to pheromones.

  9. #39
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    In support of ID:
    I moved away

    from the friends I had in the old partying days. After about 15 years I ran into one of my old friends and we spent

    some time reminissing. He was still in touch with the remaining people from the old days. In total, of those that

    stayed in the partying scene, about half were dead, the other half either in jail or pretty much just losers. The

    were unemployed or under employed and making nothing of themselves.

    It is your life to lead and I have no

    problem with where you choose to go in your life. You can do whatever you like but reality is still reality. ID is

    right about screwing with chemicals in an ad hoc manner. The claim you know what they do is nonsense because science

    only knows a small portion of what they do. That's why they are still researching the brain, drugs and their

    interaction. Hell, a doctor is guessing when he prescribes most of those drugs.

    In any case, its your choice.

    All I am saying is that you should make informed decisions but even that is your own business.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  10. #40
    Journeyman MeDieViL's Avatar
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    Thx for your replies, i know

    what you guys are trying to say, i'm trying to use drugs in a responsible way, i dont think about themall the time,

    and i took breaks before

    now back onto the pheromones, i decided i'm gonna experiment with one product at the

    time now and for now the "social" ones, and maybe when i go out the sexual ones
    i'm gonna start with the chikara

    gel packs for this week, i'l try dosages like 1/4 of a pack, 1/2 and maybe a full pack, i'm going to my work in a

    few hours

  11. #41
    Journeyman MeDieViL's Avatar
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    yestersday i applied half a

    pack when going to work, i noticed 2 things

    theres a girl working there i allways look at so i case so looks back

    i smile at here but usually she looks right next to me, this time she looked at me and smiled back

    i work in an

    supermarket and i was looking where to put some thingsi couldnt find at first and some stranger that works there at

    the other side tried to help me finding it

  12. #42
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Those look like possible hits

    MDV. Gradually increase your dose and you may get more action. I don't use gels as a rule, but have heard of a

    full C7 pack getting good results. Good luck and have fun!

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