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Thread: Hit reports

  1. #1
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Default Hit reports

    I haven't been seeing

    much in the way of hit reports lately and hope that people are getting hits. I have and will be happy to share my

    hits, along with a certain cynicism about some women.

    Anybody out there had any results to comment on? Good

    experiences? Come on folks, lets share our results.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  2. #2
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    nothing to report here as

    of late, haven't been wearing mones all that much. I'll put some on today, going to a picnic with Sue where there

    will be lots of women, including a pair of lesbians (am always interested in how they react to mones).
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  3. #3
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    I've been a little dissapointed

    with my current mix, about 25 inches SOE and 2 drops A7. My target audience is my kickball team, several cute girls

    on it, haven't had much in the way of hits. Oh, they're friendly enough, but that's not unusual for me.

  4. #4
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Most of the time I wear a combo

    with ingredients that you can't buy at the moment but am having a great time with it. Perhaps in the near future it

    will become available. Bruce and I need to talk about it before I say a lot more. It is combined with one dab of

    A7/u and covered with Oud and musk. A hit today was a good example:

    I stopped in a drug store for some things

    and this fairly attractive woman of about 35 walked up to me and started asking me questions about what she needed

    to keep a facial burn from scarring. Inside of ten minutes I knew she was from Wales, was a law student and single.

    She asked for and got my phone number!

    There have been a lot of hits like that, some that I found hard to

    believe. In every case all I was doing was being open, friendly and self confident. Today, being a day off, I was

    dressed like a bum in old shorts, a tee shirt and flip flops. It certainly wasn't my appearance.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  5. #5
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    ... also been wearing a

    product that is no longer available. Right now I'm not fully happy with my mixes, though am still getting some

    hits. I usually post when I can make a recommendation to others to try something, not just to share my hits.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    of the time I wear a combo with ingredients that you can't buy at the moment but am having a great time with it.

    Perhaps in the near future it will become available. Bruce and I need to talk about it before I say a lot more. It

    is combined with one dab of A7/u and covered with Oud and musk. A hit today was a good example:

    I stopped in a

    drug store for some things and this fairly attractive woman of about 35 walked up to me and started asking me

    questions about what she needed to keep a facial burn from scarring. Inside of ten minutes I knew she was from

    Wales, was a law student and single. She asked for and got my phone number!

    There have been a lot of hits like

    that, some that I found hard to believe. In every case all I was doing was being open, friendly and self confident.

    Today, being a day off, I was dressed like a bum in old shorts, a tee shirt and flip flops. It certainly wasn't my

    What mix of mones were you wearing? (Assuming the ingredients that you can't buy is the musk

    and oud which I have)

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    The ingredients you can't buy

    are pheromones. It is similar to the original but much improved. AQ gave me great hits when it was available too.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    The current state of the economy,

    rotten weather, and pre-occupation with the political scene seems to have put a damper on not only my activities and

    attitudes/outlook, but most everyone else's (at least around here) as well. It's hard to go out pheroing or the

    like when you are fighting high prices, watching the rivers rise over the tops of cars, and getting ready to just

    scream if someone even hints at some "political" or candidate issue.

    Many of my favorite social venues are

    closing their doors (restaurants etc) and even places like WalMart are getting dark (they had the lights off last

    time I was there - just used the light from the skylights) and depressed (costs seemed to be weighing on

    everybody's mind).

    I have noticed I have been turning mostly to the androstenols and A-1 products recently.

    Seem to help lift the moods at least a bit, but nothing outstanding. Androstenone "tension" is about the last thing

    anyone wants to deal with about now IMO. Yuck.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  9. #9
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    The state of the nation,

    especially prices, does seem to dampen everything. I'm sorry to hear that it gets you down. I guess fun is when,

    where and how you make it. I'm a simple person with a busy life so take whatever opportunities for fun that I can

    find. Too me, a long walk under the trees in a park can be far more fun than a night out. But that is just me. I

    also enjoy talking to people and am generally friendly, usually having a smile and a friendly word, when not

    preoccupied with something. It gets good responses from almost anybody. Add to that the wearing of mones usually 6

    days of the week and I get a lot of opportunities to meet people.

    It may sound like a cliche' but sharing a

    smile and a kind word usually has a large return on a small investment.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  10. #10
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    haven't been seeing much in the way of hit reports lately and hope that people are getting hits. I have and will be

    happy to share my hits, along with a certain cynicism about some women.

    Anybody out there had any results to

    comment on? Good experiences? Come on folks, lets share our results.

    have been getting some excellent hits from a product that i discovered from a thread that you have had shut down

    awhile ago.

    It was started on the 3 rd day of May 2008 by a person with the username of BB1 , and the title

    was "Extra Advantage ! NPA ? "

    I have been testing the "His Extra

    Advantage" Androstenone base formula since my order arrived on 23 May 08, and so far it is the best Androstenone

    product i have ever used.

    Seeing as it is not sold on L-S i have

    decided not to mention any solid details about this product that i have now reordered for the third


    I have some samples and would be willing to send some to

    either the moderators or better still maby i could send a sample to Bruce so as he may have a chance to stock it

    here at L-S.
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  11. #11
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    People have always been free to

    report on any product. Our complaint and deletions come when somebody is obviously using this forum to promote their

    product or become abusive. Both happened with that particular thread so it was closed.

    You can still report on a

    products, that is not a problem. As for sending samples, we moderators have no control or authority in regards to

    what products are sold by LS. Talk to Bruce about it is the only advice I have.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  12. #12
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Sadly Ive been too busy to be

    social lately. Hopefully, the next month or so will be quieter.
    Freedom begins when you tell Mrs. Grundy to go fly a kite.
    --Lazarus Long

  13. #13
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    Yep, have to agree, the

    mood in the USA it decidedly down, mostly due to high gas prices and for us here in the northern climes, the

    prospect of heating oil nearly double what it was last year (and, it was expensive last year to


    Well, we went to the picnic I mentioned and I had on 4 drops of AE/m on skin, wrists and neck, both

    sides and also about 2 drops of A1, same points of application. This was a Tai Chi group and almost immediately

    after we got there, the folks except for 2 of us went into their routine for about 20 minutes. The other person not

    participating was a 50s female and I wound up sitting about 10 feet behind her as we watched the group do their

    exercises. Either my cigarette smoke or the mones bothered her so she moved further away from me by several yards,

    lol. She didn't have a friendly demeanor, her body language just said "stay away".

    After the exercises we

    all socialized a bit and then began eating the food we had all brought along. Although I barely know but a few of

    them, I found them, aside from lady #1, all friendly and interesting, most of them being well-educated, liberal,

    middle-aged types that would be interested in something like Tai Chi. I had a nice time. For the fun part, I did

    get hit on twice by the same lady. She butted me once, her butt to mine and then she patted my butt as well. Sue

    was standing near her so I wasn't sure if it was my Sue who had done it so I asked Sue and she said, "no, it was

    xxxxxx" and she told me that "xxxxx" is really out there and quite a character. Alas, xxxxxxx is about 75 years old

    and has very little hair left!!!

    Being that I was going deepsea fishing the next morning I went to bed fairly

    early and was up at 3:30AM and took the briefest of showers. On the boat it was mostly guys but there were about 6

    women too. One woman was kinda making out with her man while on our way to the fishing grounds (about 2 hours to

    get there). She got up after a while and intentionally bumped into me and gave me a "sorry" and I replied, "hey, I

    didn't mind at all", she smiled. I had a fun time as all the women on-board eventually gave me some good smiles

    and brief conversations or, in one's case, decided I needed warming up (it was cold and raining), she was a bit

    loaded but fun. It took me a while to figure out that I was stilled "moned up". The only disappointment was for me

    that I didn't catch any good fish, did get 4 sharks though that got tossed back into the ocean.

    So, am

    glad Bel posted this thread - it's reminded me to start wearing mones again if just for the fun of it as I'm not

    interested in any real flings. However, hmmmm, I've noticed a little trend lately in some magazine and internet

    articles that are saying that married women are having much more affairs now than they used to and the general

    consensus is: "go ahead and do it, try not to upset the applecart but go ahead and have some fun". Sounds good to

    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  14. #14
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1 View Post

    I've noticed a little trend lately in some magazine and internet articles that are saying that married women are

    having much more affairs now than they used to and the general consensus is: "go ahead and do it, try not to upset

    the applecart but go ahead and have some fun". Sounds good to me!!!
    Can't say I agree with this one.

    I'm assuming you're single, and not talking about your own marriage, right? I guess I'm one of those guys that

    hates the idea of being the demise of someone else's relationship. Call it Karma, call it conscience, whatever, I

    don't do it. Well, I haven't yet anyway.

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    well, I'm not really

    single, no. Sue and I have been together for 9 years now. This might shock you but the long time posters here know

    that Sue and I are swingers so I have zero reason to cheat on her. I just think it's interesting to understand

    where trends are going though.

    Now, people do cheat, men more often than women but women do it too. GMoney,

    you probably have a vision of what an ideal life is and I'll bet you are under 30. There's nothing wrong with

    that at all. But, when the institution of marriage came into being people were lucky if they lived till 30. Now we

    live till 80 or thereabouts and people do get tired of the "same ole thing" after a while. Some are strong in their

    convictions, most are weak though, including myself.
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  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Well, that's a relationship

    dynamic that's a bird of a different color, so to speak. It's not for me, but I'm not going to knock your


    I'm 33, never been married, but date my ass off. I guess my view of marriage is a bit idealistic, but

    I had two sets of grandparents that were together and flirting till they died, so I've got good inspiration and

    examples to go by.

    Not saying my mind wont change after 10 years of marriage, but it is what it is now, and I am

    who I am now, not who I will be 10 years from now, capisch?

  17. #17
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    Default and,

    best not to let yourself

    believe in "karma", were it true David Rockefeller would be in a homeless shelter and GWB would be in a gulag where

    the inmates are being tortured, capische?
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  18. #18
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Ah, but I do believe in Karma.

    However, almost inseparable from a true belief in the laws of Karma, is the philosophy of reincarnation, along with

    the belief in an immortal soul of some sort. Karma, good bad or otherwise, doesn't always come in this turn of the

    wheel, but it does come.

    GWB will get his

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    suddenly like you!!!
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  20. #20
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1 View Post

    suddenly like you!!!
    Damn, why do I always do that?! Must_work_harder_on_being_an_ass!!

  21. #21
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    Default my ex

    is Asian and Buddhist.

    She decidedly believes in Karma which I think is unhealthy. Once she became a little bit "Americanized" her saying

    was: "what comes around goes around", a saying she learned from her workmates in a low-paying job. For the

    downtrodden (not that I think you are, I think the opposite of you), that philosophy helps them to cope but doesn't

    really get them anywhere better. To her and other believers of that, they feel as if their station in life has

    nothing to do with ability but rather luck, or lack of it and that the tide will eventually turn but you and I know

    it really never does unless we do something to better ourselves.

    Another saying (philosophy) I hear once in

    a while is "be nice to people on your way up as you might meet them again on your way down".
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  22. #22
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Yep, I like that one too.

  23. #23
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1 View Post

    Asian and Buddhist. She decidedly believes in Karma which I think is unhealthy. Once she became a little bit

    "Americanized" her saying was: "what comes around goes around", a saying she learned from her workmates in a

    low-paying job. For the downtrodden (not that I think you are, I think the opposite of you), that philosophy helps

    them to cope but doesn't really get them anywhere better. To her and other believers of that, they feel as if their

    station in life has nothing to do with ability but rather luck, or lack of it and that the tide will eventually turn

    but you and I know it really never does unless we do something to better ourselves.

    Another saying (philosophy)

    I hear once in a while is "be nice to people on your way up as you might meet them again on your way

    The truth is, in my opinion, that we are a combination of simple odds, our intelligence and

    determination. Most of us make our own luck, one way or another. Maybe we do have an immortal soul and maybe we

    don't. It has nothing to do with what we choose to become in our lives.

    I am still an idealist about most

    things, including marriage. Never have cheated and have no tolerance for one who would cheat on me. If you and your

    other half have other arrangements, that's great. You are harming nobody and you are happy.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  24. #24
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    She decidedly believes

    in Karma which I think is unhealthy. Once she became a little bit "Americanized" her saying was: "what comes around

    goes around", a saying she learned from her workmates in a low-paying job. For the downtrodden (not that I think you

    are, I think the opposite of you), that philosophy helps them to cope but doesn't really get them anywhere better.

    To her and other believers of that, they feel as if their station in life has nothing to do with ability but rather

    luck, or lack of it and that the tide will eventually turn but you and I know it really never does unless we do

    something to better ourselves.
    Karma means nothing more than "action", essentially.

    You don't have to

    believe in reincarnation to believe in karma; though you can, and the ideas go together well. You have to modify the

    term with something like "past life" karma to specify that context.

    Nor is it "what goes around comes around".

    That too is a popular misconception.

    In a bare bones sense, karma has to do with the biggest picture around ones

    actions -- all the conditions, preconditions, consequences, internal states, etc. Actions have a follow through to

    them that is bigger than most understand. When I act I change myself and the world forever. I even change my own

    future actions. All these changes can be considered part of the act itself, and should be, if you accept the

    Buddhist principle. That big picture is closer to the idea of karma than any western cliches you typically


    We now return to our regularly scheduled program.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  25. #25
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    I just applied 2 small, very small dabs of what im using at the moment around ma gills and had 3

    sprays of Giorgio on top and went out strolling around a seaside town.

    The attention i received from women and chicks doing their darnest to get closer to me all morning

    has solidified my opinion that the shit i am wearing is a genuine and dynamic product.

    Man to be honest with this stuff on i am going to have to be carefull so as not

    to get laid by some passing sassy woman.

    I made the mistake of applying a whole drop last night and my g/f said that i

    stunk, Honest ! not even 5 drops of soft musk disguised the application, I was delighted, man did i have a smile on

    my face.

    It is so freaky when she is turning her nose up at me

    and snarling about how disgusting i smell, and at the same time trying to wrap her body close around mine.

    Ha ha even

    my one true love can be a little sassy, or so it seems when im wearing this shit.

    I wouldn't ever be without her and i dont plan on removing my pants for any other dame.

    And now that i have found my favourite pheromone product i dont

    plan on being without it either.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  26. #26
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    I'd like to report that

    pheromones can change karma.

    I was on a plane yesterday sitting in the exit row (more leg room) and of course

    the pretty redhead freckled large-breasted tight-skirted attendant had to lecture us on our responsibilities should

    bin-Laden be hiding in the bathroom with shoes loaded with secret weapons.

    You could tell she was not into her

    role. She had the overall aspect of a woman who was inwardly blaming a man for something. Perhaps it was all

    men... for checking her out as they came onto the plane, like I did. Maybe she just hated me for

    patting her bottom. Just kidding.

    I was wearing a couple drops of 3G with a dab of A7 applied an hour or so

    before, thinking that I might be sitting next to Andie McDowell. Steve was a disappointment, though a nice guy.

    Anyway, as our redhead was standing over me giving instructions, she kept looking at me. A look or two later we

    made eye contact and I gave her a winning smile. She cocked her head a little an let a little twinkle escape from

    her eye as she managed a small smile. She was mine!

    I suppose the pheromones drifted up to her cute little sharp

    nose because from that moment on she was all over me. She must have asked every 15 mins if I wanted something, all

    smiley and accommodating. It was obvious enough that Steve joked that I must be a movie star.

    I wished it were

    a longer flight.

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    Default airplanes are great

    for mone

    usage. I posted a hit report on here perhaps 5 years or so ago. I was flying to NYC from Tampa I think it was and

    had a whole bottle of APC packed in my luggage. Somehow the bottle broke and soaked a good pair of dress pants,

    really soaked them. I wound up hanging them in my closet for several months until the perfumy smell went mostly

    away (many hit stories arose from those pants, including my two female cousins upon leaving a funeral home, no - it

    didn't go THAT far). At any rate, on the return flight I smeared myself pretty good with SOE and I think AE/m and

    like ID, I was sitting up front as I'm wont to do (I'm a degenerate smoker and like to be off planes as quickly as

    possible, I always ask for the front). The air hostess was a young hot blonde and I could do no wrong, she took

    care of me as one should be taken care of, lots o'attention and decidedly polite to me. Airplanes are great for

    mones, I always wear them when flying and usually wind up having great conversations with any nearby females.
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  28. #28
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    I agree with Kool and ID on the pre flight Pheromone application.
    On my last 6 hour trans continental flight did receive email adresses from several young women

    along with good standard pheromone response reactions to my application of Alpha7, Scent of Eros, and Perception.

    Over the years i have learned what products suit me and i have

    little trouble in formulating a mix for any chosen social/sexual situation.

    This knowledge would also be applicable to many members here on the L-S forum, and i think the

    problem is that after a period of time the getting of hits and pheromonial responses is something that we tend to

    take for granted and i for one certainly do not bother to post up every time on what after awhile seems like a

    standard way of life.

    Personally if i was to post up here every time i received good hits then it would start to appear

    as if i worked for L-S and that i must be getting free shit ect,

    Ha ha it would be nice to get some free shit but the fact is pheromone products have labour and

    material costs.

    It is still a nice surprise when a couple of free

    gel/pks are thrown in with an order once in awhile though.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  29. #29
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Your right Terry, there are so

    many little (and bigger) hits along the way that you take it for granted, though its always fun.

    It would be

    good for some beginners to post their results here. Its always fun to read about new experiences. Those first few

    times you get hits are fun on wheels. Bring 'em on guys!

  30. #30
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    As silly and shallow as it is,

    I have been getting a lot more hits since buying a sports car. My Explorer was stolen about 1.5 months ago and I

    replaced it with a fuel efficient sports car. Now, it is not at all unusual to have cute young things stop to talk

    to me about it. Some are just curious but others are blatantly interested in me so long as the car comes with it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

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