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Thread: Hit reports

  1. #61
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrt View Post
    Hey well

    I'm new to the site, so here's my first post:

    A little about me - I'm a 27 year old guy in the UK and I'm

    6'5" and overweight, and pretty shy, so I don't have much luck with the ladies. I can talk to girls but I'm not

    great at starting or leading conversations, and I find that all the girls I meet like me (I'm a nice guy) but never

    anything more. I Ordered some scented Chikara and NPA a little while back and was hoping they would arrive in time

    for my birthday as I was heading down to London to see the Saints-Chargers game at Wembley and heading into the city

    for some drinks. Sadly they didn't arrive in time, but they were waiting for me when I got back

    Last night

    was my first chance to use them so I got ready to go out and put a couple of sprays of chikara on my wrist, then

    rubbed my wrists together and then rubbed them against my neck. I could definitely smell a hint of a "stale urine"

    kind of smell, so I put on some of my usual cologne on my neck and headed to the bus stop. There was no one at it

    when I arrived, but shortly after 2 Polish girls and a guy turned up and read the timetable. One of the girls was

    clearly with the guy, but the other kept looking at me and came over with a huge smile on her face and asked if they

    had missed the bus even though it wasn't due yet, then when I got on the bus I noticed she got on right after me

    and led the other 2 very close to where I sat when they got on and shot a few more looks over my way until I got


    At the pub I was meeting a friend, his girlfriend, and another female friend of his. No visible reaction

    from the 2 girls present but I did notice he was standing a lot closer to me than usual when he was talking to me.

    We then moved on to a club and when it was my round I went and stood at the bar. Almost immediately one of the

    barmaids came to me ignoring the other customers waiting and did a sexy little dance as she took my order, then as

    she gave me my change she grabbed my hand with one hand and placed the change there with her other hand rather than

    the usual "dumping it" in my hand. After that she seemed to make sure she was the one serving me whenever I went


    Today I got up late, showered (although I could still detect the chikara after my shower) then tried a

    couple of dabs of NPA behind my ears covered by my cologne, and went off to do my shopping. I didn't notice any

    reactions at all during my shopping trip though.

    Last night could have all been coincidence I guess, but I like

    to think it was the pheremones as I don't usually get those kind of reactions. I'm usually quite an intimidating

    guy due to my size until you get to know me and realise I'm just a big softy.

    Chikara ( C7 ) is working for you, good.

    NPA, you could add one or two "small" dabs to your

    C7 application to heat it up a little, start with one dab initially.

    Do consider some SOE gel/pks, as a whole one of these with one or two small dabs NPA to spice it

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  2. #62
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Sounds like a couple of classic

    hits mrt, and welcome to the forum.

    C7 is obviously a good product for you, and your dosage worked great. Be

    careful with NPA at your age and size, it could make you seem even more intimidating. Not noticing "hits" like the

    ones you experience with C7 doesn't mean you didn't get reactions. Often, we don't notice bad reactions, or ODs.

    Take Terry's advice and go easier on NPA.

    Some work on your follow-up to these kind of hits and you'll be off

    and running. Nice job.

  3. #63
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    Thanks for the welcome and advice


    While I was waiting for my order I read through quite a lot of old posts and I was already thinking about

    maybe getting some SOE. I think I'll be ordering some on friday when I get paid...

    As for the NPA, when I said a

    couple of dabs behind the ears I should have said one dab behind each ear - I have read about how potent it is so I

    did take it easy

    Like you say idesign, it's my follow up that really needs work. I recently had the same girl

    come up to me on two different nights and she was clearly showing her intentions but I didn't make my move in time

    and she lost interest. Still kicking myself for the missed opportunity there...

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrt View Post
    I recently had

    the same girl come up to me on two different nights and she was clearly showing her intentions but I didn't make my

    move in time and she lost interest. Still kicking myself for the missed opportunity there...

    Couple of questions, if I may, Mrt. The girl who came up to you on different nights, was this before you received

    your pheromones? And what cologne did you use to cover the scented Chikara?

  5. #65
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    Hey, yep this was before I received

    the pheremones, about a month ago the first time she came up to me. The cologne I'm using is Issey Miyake


  6. #66
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    Well let's hope you get another

    chance with this girl. Don't be afraid to make a move. You'll be no worse off than you are now, if it doesn't

    work out. Sounds like you need some self confidence. Are you working out at a gym. Getting in top shape can do

    wonders for your esteem and help you around the women.

  7. #67
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    Hehe yeah, if I see her again and

    she gives me another chance I won't miss it again! I don't really do the gym thing although I know I should.

    Problem is I work nights so I don't get much of a chance. I'm trying to work on diet first, plus my job is fairly

    physical so hopefully that helps

  8. #68
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    Default Three cheers for A1!



    I couldn't agree more about A1, especially when it comes to building closeness with someone special. It

    has a profound relaxing effect. In fact, if I had to pick only one Mone for the rest of my life, A1 would be the

    choice without a second thought.

    When I wear A1, any female friends are much more affectionate and the hugs go

    on forever--especially with some dabs on the gills.

    Normally I combine A1 with a drop of A7 (split behind my

    ears) and a few inches of SOE on the upper chest. That's the combo for me. I have to be carefull because I OD very

    easily with A7-- the line between attention and aversion is amazingly thin for me.

    Anyways, thanks for the hit

    report and glad you discovered the virutes of A1!


    Quote Originally Posted by Nematode View Post
    Hey everyone,

    I have

    been reading for a while and learned a lot. Here's some feedback.

    The reason I tried mones was not your usual

    reason, I want to create more closeness, trust and intimacy with one person. So far, I can't say that has happened

    with what I have tried so far. What *has* worked amazingly on her has been A1. I have noticed a relaxed/calming

    effect that cannot be denied.

    I'm white, late 30's, decent shape, look much younger and told I'm not bad

    to look at. In the beginning, I wore mones to work, but there are no women there, so I stopped as there were no

    results I wanted to measure. Last night I used SOE (6" each wrist, jawline), TE (2 neck sprays) and some LT (on the

    hair and clothes) and went to a party. Hits galore from more than 4 women. So much so that the people I was with

    mentioned it. One girl (white, late-20/early 30's) I know casually hugged me, which is a bit unusual, but this time

    she didn't let go for about 10-20 seconds. She did it a few more times that night as well and was receptive and

    chatty. Another simply wouldn't leave me alone and I could easily have gone home with her. Another (white, 29) had

    actually left and come back to talk to me and her interest was obvious to me after a bit, but my friends were

    dumbfounded that I didn't get her number. (I want only my girl).

    Then off to a bar and had a few more hits. A

    girl I know (white, late-20/early 30's) who is in a LTR was chatting me up at the bar so intently, playing with the

    hair, leaning in and very talkative and complimentary. When I tell you she was gorgeous- ah hell, words will fail.

    When she left the guy next to me and I chatted and he was surprised to learn that she and I were not together, that

    there was no interest between us and she was in an LTR. Third party observation is a good thing. I don't think for

    a second that she would leave her SO, but the change in behavior was there. Another girl came up to me and we

    chatted for good while, friendly flowing conversation. I can't say that mones had an effect, but here was a pretty

    girl, coming up to me after all that I had seen that night. So odds are that it did.

    I know that mones don't do

    all the work, they give you a chance to connect. I had several chances last night.

    I have tried SOE/A7,

    SOE/A7/A1, SOE/TE, SOE/NPA(in cologne). All unscented. Nothing but A1 has shown any result in my girl.

    Today, I

    used SOE/TE/A7/LT. Don't know why, just did. I got an aggressive hit from a very casual acquaintance (white,

    late-30's). She was very physical, very touchy in a crowded place. She even grabbed my ass, which, is a first. I

    have never heard of such an aggressive response, but maybe she is crazy? She never acted like that before at all.

    When I try combos, I try them for several days to see how it works. While the TE/SOE/LT I used last night gives

    results, the results I want are closeness, trust and intimacy. Maybe heightened sexual tension too. Any suggestions


    Since this is my first post, I'd like to thank just a few here who's posts taught me a lot.

    iDesign, Belgareth, Rbt, Dr.SmellThis and Terry (who should make a documentary) and of course, Bruce for making this


    Lastly, I have the following:
    Unscented SOE
    Unscented Chickara
    Unscented NPA


    I just ordered Pheros, as seems to be the thing to do.

  9. #69
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    CAt, A1 is nice, it has shown

    its effectiveness constantly.

    Last night I had several places to go to and what better opportunity to test

    out some mones?

    I used my Pheros mix (NPA/SOE/A1), lessening the A1 as iDesign suggested, and I love my


    I have been testing it out and I even added just a touch more NPA. I used it at the grocery store, one

    of the fancy ones out here that seem to always have great women in them, and I got lots of smiles, TONS of eye

    contact, second looks from a great many. I was truly amazed. Yes, the effect was subtle, but the point if mones is

    to give you an edge at connecting. I was just going shopping in jeans and a t-shirt in the evening with mones on and

    I easily had a dozen solid reactions.

    Field test complete, on to last night. I applied on my wrists, face,

    behind my ears and chest and covered with a few dabs of straight Pheros.

    First bar with a friend, and the

    waitress was young, early 20's and quite attentive. She knelt next to me and touched me a lot on the arm, shoulders

    and all over my torso. Now, as tips come into play, I have to say the observations could be suspect. However, I did

    have a full view of the bar and I didn't see her acting the same way. Hmm.

    The party was crowded; great,

    great costumes. Women love Halloween as they can be as risqué as they want be. Chatted up several women,

    conversation flowed, and I noticed the conversations had a bit of intensity. Then this one girl caught my eye. Early

    20's very attractive and we chatted, with her rubbing her body on me. Several times. So, yeah, I got her number. As

    we spoke, she was touchy/feely, as the mix tends to make them and while I have NO problem talking to women, mones

    just make it easier to connect and this mix works for me.

    Back to the bar and the hits just keep on coming.

    An ex was there an commented that I was Mr. Popular with the ladies. I guess I was. Several conversations were a

    bit intense and this mix just makes women touch me! I love that!

    The girls were all late 20's-30's and one

    that is just so beautiful from my previous post made straight for me and we spoke for so long by ourselves her BF

    was PISSED. He said nothing to me, but I saw them arguing about her ignoring him and talking to me. Again, the same

    behavior, closeness, touching conversational intensity, but I know she's with someone else. Still, the effects are


    I guess it was girls with boyfriends night, as another girl i kind of know kept bouncing between me

    and her boyfriend. She was a bit obvious, made mad eye contact, lots of arm touching and is the cheating kind. I

    can't say that this is not her baseline behavior, but the behavior was similar to the rest of the


    Chatted up several other girls (all in great costumes), and at the worst, they were attentive. This

    mix just rocks. Note that I am quite social, not hard to look at and I can carry on conversations with wall, if need


    I'm a bit hungover and my writing isn't the best right now. Is there an emoticon for feeling like

    you're going to puke?

  10. #70
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    You found your sweet spot! Nice

    job Nematode. When I'm out I'm not really looking to hook up, but the kind of attention you describe is often

    there, and its too much fun playing around.

    I'm kind of partial to CAt's A7 mix, but I can see where someone

    who can wear NPA would get the same results when mixed with SoE/A1. It seems that A1 tweaks the other "big 3" Mones

    just perfectly, and I found my perfect mix very easily.

    Adding A1 to a mix makes perfect sense if you think about

    it as adding a comfort element to your attractiveness, sexual or otherwise. Its good stuff.

  11. #71
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    I think I have found it. I

    shied away from NPA and the bottle is mostly full, but it seems to work well in the mix. It is fun watching the

    reactions. What really sells me is that while I get the reactions from many, I don't get it from all.

  12. #72
    Journeyman DssMaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    I just applied 2 small, very small dabs of what im

    using at the moment around ma gills and had 3 sprays of Giorgio on top and went out strolling around a seaside


    The attention i received from women and chicks doing their

    darnest to get closer to me all morning has solidified my opinion that the shit i am wearing is a genuine and

    dynamic product.

    Man to be honest with this stuff on i am

    going to have to be carefull so as not to get laid by some passing sassy woman.

    I made the mistake of applying a whole drop last night and my g/f said that i stunk, Honest ! not

    even 5 drops of soft musk disguised the application, I was delighted, man did i have a smile on my


    It is so freaky when she is turning her nose up at me and

    snarling about how disgusting i smell, and at the same time trying to wrap her body close around mine.

    Ha ha even my one true love can be a little sassy, or so it

    seems when im wearing this shit.

    I wouldn't ever be without her

    and i dont plan on removing my pants for any other dame.

    And now

    that i have found my favourite pheromone product i dont plan on being without it either.

    Hey Terry, do you still have samples about that product you mentioned? And if so, would

    you be willing to send one for me to try?

    And since you have tried both rolled-on SOE scented and

    unscented versions, as well as SOE gelpacks, which of them all do you find is better, when it comes to getting the

    most hits?

  13. #73
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DssMaster View Post

    Terry, do you still have samples about that product you mentioned? And if so, would you be willing to send one for

    me to try?

    And since you have tried both rolled-on SOE scented and unscented versions, as well as SOE

    gelpacks, which of them all do you find is better, when it comes to getting the most hits?
    I have

    more success with the gel/pks, This is probably because when using the bottled SOE i usually make test mixes out of

    it, and some are of a complex nature and do not give the type of hits that the typical user is looking


    But with the g/p's just slap about 1/2 pack on then apply some Alpha 7 or some NPA and

    when its dried down i cover with the remaining SOE g/p and finish it all off with a spray or two cologne on top.

    Yes i can give you a sample as i have 2 x 0.7 ml ( 38 drop )

    vials left.

    I am not selling the product to the public, and i do

    not receive any commission from the producer.

    You may send me an

    email with your adress and i will send you one of my last samples available.

    I had better

    look and see if my profile has my email adress included.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  14. #74
    Full Member Pendragon's Avatar
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    Terry, Is that product one

    that is available somewhere or just a test someone has made?

    Sounds like real good stuff!
    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

  15. #75
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post
    Terry, Is that product one that is available somewhere or just a test someone has made?

    Sounds like real good stuff!
    The product is genuine, it is in production, and its in


    I did purchase 7 x 7.7 ml of the product and i was trying

    to sell it on Ebay, But with no success because i was not getting any people looking at my sales page, and it was

    costing me $$ to keep it up 4 sale.

    But i had 2 personal customers/ friends that did get

    samples from me and then they did order and reorder the 7 ml product from me and now i am left with 1 x 7 ml bottle,

    and i am keeping that for my self.

    I could purchase more of the

    stuff, but i would have to buy it in bulk if i was to make a profit on it, and then the margin for profit is not so

    good when just selling to friends because i do not try and profit from my friends,

    And it

    is just as easy for them to order directly as it was for me.

    I am hopefull that this thread

    will die out regarding this product because i do not feel it is good for me to post up with reference to this

    product because Bruce is a friend, and also a really good bloke, and i dont want to do the wrong thing by him by

    promoting a product that he does not stock.

    IF this XXX brand was

    not available then i would most certainly be using Alpha 7 as my favourite Androstenone product.

    Yes Alpha 7 is great stuff, especially with that added 4 mcg

    aRONE per drop giving it a very attractive and swave feel.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  16. #76
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    I don't usually look at ebay

    for mones since it seems to be the same stuff available here.

    A1 & A7 are definately on my shopping list. I

    haven't gotten to them yet due to their higher price relative to some other products.
    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

  17. #77
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post

    don't usually look at ebay for mones since it seems to be the same stuff available here.

    A1 & A7 are

    definately on my shopping list. I haven't gotten to them yet due to their higher price relative to some other

    Yes i agree there are some Bogus products on eBAY.
    But there is

    also the love-scent products which are offered with a money back guantee and the return adress is PO Box 402

    Hotchkiss CO .

    So you could buy through that dealer if you wanted to, but at least we get

    some discounts when we order as forum members from Bruce's Love-Scent store.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  18. #78
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post

    don't usually look at ebay for mones since it seems to be the same stuff available here.

    A1 & A7 are

    definately on my shopping list. I haven't gotten to them yet due to their higher price relative to some other

    I am in the same boat also, So i will always wait for a good coupon code and then go

    for an expensive item like A7 ect.

    A7 is a very smooth operator, because the small amount of

    added aRONE in this formula does give it an aura of friendly trust.

    A7 is just so versatile

    and i get more attraction from it than I do with NPA,

    But then there is the venues where NPA

    is the King where sex is what is on the main menu.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  19. #79
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    Just a quick one.


    night a very simple date went quite well and there's lot of points I could say were attributable to mones, but

    I'll up the criteria on this one to just what I think has meaning.

    Using my new Pheros mix (Pheros/NPA/SOE/A1)

    and off for the evening with a girl I met the previous weekend. It was an active evening going place to place and a

    few parties. I had no problem with conversation, it flowed between us all night. We often were in small groups and

    people were quite friendly. We separated at the party and when I would pass her, she touched me a lot, stared at me

    intently and would often grab me to touch or kiss me. Many people thought we were a couple and mentioned it to both

    of us. Mones? Could be, but I don't have a baseline.

    What surprised me was later when we were alone, she

    nuzzled up against my neck, right where I applied the mix and she kind of stopped for a second and then inhaled

    several times, while saying "you smell sooo f**cking good!". She attacked me like a fat kid on a plate of brownies.

    I think that might be a hit.

  20. #80
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nematode View Post

    a quick one.

    Saturday night a very simple date went quite well and there's lot of points I could say were

    attributable to mones, but I'll up the criteria on this one to just what I think has meaning.

    Using my new

    Pheros mix (Pheros/NPA/SOE/A1) and off for the evening with a girl I met the previous weekend. It was an active

    evening going place to place and a few parties. I had no problem with conversation, it flowed between us all night.

    We often were in small groups and people were quite friendly. We separated at the party and when I would pass her,

    she touched me a lot, stared at me intently and would often grab me to touch or kiss me. Many people thought we were

    a couple and mentioned it to both of us. Mones? Could be, but I don't have a baseline.

    What surprised me

    was later when we were alone, she nuzzled up against my neck, right where I applied the mix and she kind of stopped

    for a second and then inhaled several times, while saying "you smell sooo f**cking good!". She attacked me like a

    fat kid on a plate of brownies.

    I think that might be a hit.
    Nematode blasts this poor

    helpless girl, yeah opens her up like a sweet ripe peach with his Master mix, and he now tries to wiggle out of it

    with "I think that might be a hit"

    Save that type of talk to them that may have come down

    in the last shower brother.

    Yeah some of us know better, Yea you had this girl in the palm

    of your hand.

    Hope ya didn't get up ta too much mischief, You you sneaky fox.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  21. #81
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    I decided to start experimenting

    with my NPA last night, and put on 2 dabs behind the ears covered with some Issey Miyake before I went to work. I

    work nights in a 24 hour supermarket, so we usually get drunk people coming in after the clubs shut to get some

    munchies. Not usually many on monday nights, but still I figured it was worth a shot. Didn't get any reactions from

    any colleagues but I got 2 definite hits. even if they weren't exactly the kind I was looking for...

    1st one I

    was working away and a woman came over to ask the price of some margarine. Went over to where she'd got it from to

    look for a label and she was saying how the label seemed to be missing. As I was talking to her she couldn't seem

    to get close enough to me - she was practically rubbing herself against my arm as we spoke. Ordinarily I've got no

    problem with that, but the problem is she was a bit out of my desired age range - at least 60-65.

    2nd hit I was

    kneeling on the floor filling a low shelf near the end of my shift. I heard someone moving walking past behind me

    and then she just stopped dead in her tracks and said "Oh, you smell lovely!" and then just stood there

    looking at me for a few seconds. I was trying my hardest not to laugh and managed "Um, thanks" in response before

    she gave a little shake of her head as if to clear it and moved on. Unfortunately, again she was rather out of my

    age range - I'd say mid 40's - but definitely the clearest hit I've had yet. I'll be trying the pheremones more

    often at work now I think

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    I guess I

    understated that a bit.

    She went all primal on me, but if I had to guess, there was a slow burn building

    all night. So far, this mix has been very interesting.

  23. #83
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Wow. Loved the smell

    compliment. That's about as clear of a signal that you get, other than naked women falling from the sky. Any sort

    of over the top reaction specifically directed at how you smell is very significant. In my experience, those often

    develop into something more.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  24. #84
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis View Post
    Wow. Loved the smell compliment. That's about as clear of a signal that you get, other

    than naked women falling from the sky. Any sort of over the top reaction specifically directed at how you smell is

    very significant. In my experience, those often develop into something more.
    Yep reps 4 U Doc,

    Exactly the way it works as i have noticed also, a good cover scent is the pefrect catalyst for effective pheromone


    I have learned my lesson so instead of purchasing

    cheap colognes, is far better to save up a little extra and buy a quality fragrance.

    The last time i looked Love-Scent pheromone store stocked a

    remarkable fragrance called Pheros, I wonder if there is any of this great fragrance still available for sale ?

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis View Post

    my experience, those often develop into something more.
    Yes, you are correct.

    Doc, I am barely

    into the first bottle and I bought a second, even before Saturday. Again, hats off to you for such a great


    Terry- I agree about good scents. Pheros has been very well received, as has Amouage Dia. In my

    recent experience, I doubt that the reaction would have been the same were it not for a good scent, as Pheros was.

  26. #86
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nematode View Post

    you are correct.

    Doc, I am barely into the first bottle and I bought a second, even before Saturday. Again, hats

    off to you for such a great scent.

    Terry- I agree about good scents. Pheros has been very well received, as has

    Amouage Dia. In my recent experience, I doubt that the reaction would have been the same were it not for a good

    scent, as Pheros was.
    I believe Pheros comes in an 18 ml size if i remember


    Plz tell me how many drops would you be using per application roughly.


    I would suppose it would have the staying power and endurance similar to a good

    concentrated oil based fragrance ?

    If so then i would say it would be good value for money

    at 18 ml.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  27. #87
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    Hey Terry,

    I made my mix

    using the following:
    20 drops Pheros
    3 drops NPA
    5 drops SOE
    5 drops A1

    Then iDesign suggested to ease off on

    the A1, so I upped the NPA, but about I think 3-5 drops and some 2-3 drops SOE. I really should have taken


    Anyway, I use 2-3 drops if I am going to be indoors and close quarters, more if I am going to be at a bar,

    outside or a club. The scent lasts quite a while, I can smell it the next morning, albeit faintly. It covers

    unscented mones very well.

  28. #88
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nematode View Post


    I made my mix using the following:
    20 drops Pheros
    3 drops NPA
    5 drops SOE
    5 drops A1


    iDesign suggested to ease off on the A1, so I upped the NPA, but about I think 3-5 drops and some 2-3 drops SOE. I

    really should have taken notes.

    Anyway, I use 2-3 drops if I am going to be indoors and close quarters, more if

    I am going to be at a bar, outside or a club. The scent lasts quite a while, I can smell it the next morning, albeit

    faintly. It covers unscented mones very well.
    Looks like an excellent mix my friend, I have

    just written it down in my L-S Pheronotebook.

    I picked up a couple of colognes today, and

    tested a small spray of one and its nice.

    I have run dry of Instant Female Magic so i will

    be saving up for some A1 from the L-S store.

    Do you recon the A1 is a great advantage ?

    Thanks heaps for the recipe Nematode. Ps IL try add a photo or 2
    Attached Images Attached Images
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  29. #89
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    Terry- You're welcome.


    experience with A1 has been among the most profound. A girl that was bitchy and high maintenance all the time was

    quite affected by A1. It had a noticeable calming effect on her. Given what a bitch she was, mones did a job

    equivalent to moving mountains. I call that impressive. As to adding it to the mix, iDesign mentioned that it does

    bring an aspect of trust and intimacy. As I was looking to use this for more raw sexual hits, he suggested cutting

    the A1 back.

    I have had some great hits, but the effects of A1 were nothing less than stunning in a calming and

    closeness building way on my (then) girl. Too bad she was just a bitch. It just goes to show you, mones can give

    you an edge, but sometimes, it's a BandAid on cancer.

    I make the mix in a small bottle with a dropper and next

    time, I'll keep a log. Here is my best guess of what it is now, incase I was confusing:

    20 drops Pheros
    8 drops

    8 drops SOE
    5 drops A1

    When I make more, I may cut back even more on the A1 or even out all together.

  30. #90
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nematode View Post
    Terry- You're welcome.

    My experience with A1 has been among the most profound. A girl

    that was bitchy and high maintenance all the time was quite affected by A1. It had a noticeable calming effect on

    her. Given what a bitch she was, mones did a job equivalent to moving mountains. I call that impressive. As to

    adding it to the mix, iDesign mentioned that it does bring an aspect of trust and intimacy. As I was looking to use

    this for more raw sexual hits, he suggested cutting the A1 back.

    I have had some great hits, but the effects of

    A1 were nothing less than stunning in a calming and closeness building way on my (then) girl. Too bad she was just a

    bitch. It just goes to show you, mones can give you an edge, but sometimes, it's a BandAid on cancer.

    I make

    the mix in a small bottle with a dropper and next time, I'll keep a log. Here is my best guess of what it is now,

    incase I was confusing:

    20 drops Pheros
    8 drops NPA
    8 drops SOE
    5 drops A1

    When I make more, I may cut

    back even more on the A1 or even out all together.
    The increased ratio of NPA in this revised

    mix looks promising.

    plz keep us updated on this mix as certainly

    your input is appreciated.

    I bottled two test batch


    Dulce & Gabbana x 17 dr.
    Androstenone base x 1


    WAGG..................X 2 dr
    AQ......................x 2



    Gucci Pour Homme..x 12


    Androstenone base x 1 dr
    WAGG..................x 2


    AQ.......................x 3 dr.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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