SoE + A314 is what I've just

started wearing to work, I've read good things about the combo and couldn't resist giving it a try. No real hits

to report so far although today I did notice that one of the women who normally scowls at everyone in the building

and rarely talks to anyone outside her department actually spoke to me with a smile on her face and even cracked a

joke. Not sure if that was the 'mone combo or if she was just having a really good day, lol.

Did get some good

hits last week though with 2 dabs of chickara and 2 sprays NPA. I went to a wine tasting event with a friend, one of

his female friends, and another girl who he is interested in so had invited along. The evening started off fairly

slow, didn't notice any hits and wasn't really in a chatty mood so I'd headed off to the whisky tasting table and

"made friends" with guy serving, leaving the other 3 to do their own thing. After the drink had flowed a bit I got a

bit more chatty and joined in with the group conversations. After the wine tasting we went back to the pub and

carried on drinking and one of the girls went home as she was working. My friend had overdone it at the wine tasting

though, so he soon went home (about 10.30 - 11pm) leaving me with the girl he is interested in. We kept chatting,

moved on to another bar, and then things got interesting.

I was standing at the bar just off from the group of

her friends we had joined, getting a drink, and 2 random guys came up to the bar and nodded hello, so I nodded back,

got my drink and turned back to the group. Next thing I know I'm being tapped on the shoulder and one of the guys

hands me a drink for absolutely no reason . I then had a huge conversation with these 2 guys and was kinda feeling

stuck between the 2 groups, but I think I did a pretty decent job of talking to everyone. Eventually it was nearly

3am and the place was about to shut, and the girl I'd gone in there with said she was off home, then went in for

the goodnight kiss and said she'd had a really good time. Completely took me by suprise, but in a good way! I

noticed she sort of lingered and smelled the air around my neck as she pulled away as well, so I'm pretty sure the

'mones had a big part to play