I just applied 2 small, very small dabs of what im using at the moment around ma gills and had 3

sprays of Giorgio on top and went out strolling around a seaside town.

The attention i received from women and chicks doing their darnest to get closer to me all morning

has solidified my opinion that the shit i am wearing is a genuine and dynamic product.

Man to be honest with this stuff on i am going to have to be carefull so as not

to get laid by some passing sassy woman.

I made the mistake of applying a whole drop last night and my g/f said that i

stunk, Honest ! not even 5 drops of soft musk disguised the application, I was delighted, man did i have a smile on

my face.

It is so freaky when she is turning her nose up at me

and snarling about how disgusting i smell, and at the same time trying to wrap her body close around mine.

Ha ha even

my one true love can be a little sassy, or so it seems when im wearing this shit.

I wouldn't ever be without her and i dont plan on removing my pants for any other dame.

And now that i have found my favourite pheromone product i dont

plan on being without it either.