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Thread: Hit reports

  1. #91
    Journeyman DssMaster's Avatar
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    Ok people, please post an

    update as to what kind of hits have you gotten with your new mixes...

  2. #92
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    As the number of new hit reports

    currently is pretty scarce I'll post my recent ones using my newest combo.

    SoE + A314

    No NPA, that's

    right, no NPA. No cover scent either.

    Basically I work at a place with like over 2,000 employees and lots of

    interaction between people. So I apply my combo to my neck and sweat it in due to the extremely hot temperatures of

    summer. I get to the cafeteria and sit down and a nice looking girl I know sits to the left of me. She and I are

    work acquaintances but aren't really friends but she and I hit it off as though we are. And then another female

    work colleague sits to my right at the table. She props her foot against my chair as though using it as a footrest.

    At this point I'm juggling two women who I flirt with a bit.

    After a quick feed I catch a lift to the area

    where I work and I immediately catch eye contact with a very attractive female work colleague in the lift. We say hi

    etc. and then she impulsively grabs my name badge which is on my chest and kind of fondles and plays with it. The

    door opens and she is kind of flustered and acts sheepishly.

    At work my female supervisor who is a MILF

    according to everyone chats with me and I begin flirting and she flirts back. Although she has a number of people to

    supervise she lingers around me the most and we kind of flirt the day away while I work.

    I reach a part in my

    work where I have to look after some customers, 5 of them female, 2 male. The females are all in the 30-40 age range

    and all start becoming really chatty and acting kind of like school girls. And they all start going on about how

    handsome and cute I am and for a good hour I get hit on. Mind you I'm only in my early 20s.

    Finally my day

    ends and I catch the bus home. By now the mones have worn off and my day becomes more normal however I still get a

    bit of eye contact from female strangers on the street just from my general appearance and body language.


    that concludes a fairly basic day at work using my current mones combo. Mind you I have a generally outgoing and

    flirtatious personality and even without mones.

  3. #93
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    SoE + A314 is what I've just

    started wearing to work, I've read good things about the combo and couldn't resist giving it a try. No real hits

    to report so far although today I did notice that one of the women who normally scowls at everyone in the building

    and rarely talks to anyone outside her department actually spoke to me with a smile on her face and even cracked a

    joke. Not sure if that was the 'mone combo or if she was just having a really good day, lol.

    Did get some good

    hits last week though with 2 dabs of chickara and 2 sprays NPA. I went to a wine tasting event with a friend, one of

    his female friends, and another girl who he is interested in so had invited along. The evening started off fairly

    slow, didn't notice any hits and wasn't really in a chatty mood so I'd headed off to the whisky tasting table and

    "made friends" with guy serving, leaving the other 3 to do their own thing. After the drink had flowed a bit I got a

    bit more chatty and joined in with the group conversations. After the wine tasting we went back to the pub and

    carried on drinking and one of the girls went home as she was working. My friend had overdone it at the wine tasting

    though, so he soon went home (about 10.30 - 11pm) leaving me with the girl he is interested in. We kept chatting,

    moved on to another bar, and then things got interesting.

    I was standing at the bar just off from the group of

    her friends we had joined, getting a drink, and 2 random guys came up to the bar and nodded hello, so I nodded back,

    got my drink and turned back to the group. Next thing I know I'm being tapped on the shoulder and one of the guys

    hands me a drink for absolutely no reason . I then had a huge conversation with these 2 guys and was kinda feeling

    stuck between the 2 groups, but I think I did a pretty decent job of talking to everyone. Eventually it was nearly

    3am and the place was about to shut, and the girl I'd gone in there with said she was off home, then went in for

    the goodnight kiss and said she'd had a really good time. Completely took me by suprise, but in a good way! I

    noticed she sort of lingered and smelled the air around my neck as she pulled away as well, so I'm pretty sure the

    'mones had a big part to play

  4. #94
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    So my mix has run its course,

    I have to make more.

    It's working quite well and in the right situations, it makes a tipping point, at least

    for me.

    The same girl as in my last report is quite affected by the mix and has repeated the same behavior as

    before several times. I wear the few drops on the neck and ears and a drop between both


    There was another girl I spent a simple evening with a few days ago that turned interesting. I had

    no designs or plans, I just was about having a good time, I chatted at the bar, spoke to everyone and basically

    enjoyed myself. I had the mix on, of course, and later we came back to my place and just as she was heading out,

    she jumped me. She told me how good I smelled over and over.

    I have to experiment with A314 and WAGG-N next.

    I will make my mix a staple though.

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nematode View Post

    You're welcome.

    My experience with A1 has been among the most profound. A girl that was bitchy and high

    maintenance all the time was quite affected by A1. It had a noticeable calming effect on her. Given what a bitch

    she was, mones did a job equivalent to moving mountains. I call that impressive. As to adding it to the mix,

    iDesign mentioned that it does bring an aspect of trust and intimacy. As I was looking to use this for more raw

    sexual hits, he suggested cutting the A1 back.

    I have had some great hits, but the effects of A1 were nothing

    less than stunning in a calming and closeness building way on my (then) girl. Too bad she was just a bitch. It

    just goes to show you, mones can give you an edge, but sometimes, it's a BandAid on cancer.

    I make the mix in a

    small bottle with a dropper and next time, I'll keep a log. Here is my best guess of what it is now, incase I was


    20 drops Pheros
    8 drops NPA
    8 drops SOE
    5 drops A1

    When I make more, I may cut back even more on

    the A1 or even out all together.
    I would like to communicate more with you re: your Pheros formula. I

    like the thinking that went into it. I already have NPA, SOE, & PHEROS and have A1 on order.

    Keep up the good


    All the best.


  6. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by d3kst3r View Post
    As the

    number of new hit reports currently is pretty scarce I'll post my recent ones using my newest combo.

    SoE +

    Where and how much are you/were you applying D3?

    Quote Originally Posted by Nematode View Post
    Hey Terry,

    I made

    my mix using the following:
    20 drops Pheros
    3 drops NPA
    5 drops SOE
    5 drops A1

    Then iDesign suggested to

    ease off on the A1, so I upped the NPA, but about I think 3-5 drops and some 2-3 drops SOE. I really should have

    taken notes.

    Anyway, I use 2-3 drops if I am going to be indoors and close quarters, more if I am going to be at

    a bar, outside or a club. The scent lasts quite a while, I can smell it the next morning, albeit faintly. It covers

    unscented mones very well.
    Nema, did you hook up a new VOODOO mix; and did you/are you using scented or

    unscented SOE?

    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  7. #97
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  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57 View Post
    Nema, did you hook up a new VOODOO mix; and did you/are you using scented or unscented



    I am using unscented SOE. I have been in a regular thing that has

    kept me from testing more. But, that's in a twilight mode, so I'll be testing again before you know it.

  9. #99
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    Had some more hits tonight out at a

    club. Wearing 2 sprays TE sandalwood on throat, about 14" SOE on wrists, and one drop of A314 behind each ear. Was

    with another guy and got our drinks then found a (we thought) empty table. Standing there for a few minutes then a

    girl comes running up blabbering something I couldn't quite make out, so I had a fairly confused expression on my

    face. Suddenly she stops right in front of me and claps her hands to her mouth and says "oh my god I'm so sorry".

    Still confused I was just like, "erm, excuse me?" and she kept saying she was sorry and didn't mean to offend me. I

    kept saying I wasn't offended but I had no idea what she was talking about, and she eventually calmed herself and

    explained her drink was on the table. I said ok, no problem, sorry for getting in your way, and she started

    apologising again and saying she really wouldn't want to offend a big guy like me etc. I said again no problem,

    don't worry about it. I could actually see she was visibly warming up to me now, and we got chatting for a bit and

    I ended up getting a kiss and a grope out of it, so not too bad a result.

    Also had guys flocking to include me in

    their groups which was quite wierd. I was standing round by the pool table and the punch bag arcade machine thingy,

    and guys were practically fighting over my attention, buying me drinks, trying to get me to join their games of pool

    or see how hard I could hit the punch bag. (I'm a complete weakling as far as upper body strength goes, all my

    power is in my legs, so I resisted as long as I could but eventually succumbed. Even though I made a complete tit of

    myself with an incredibly weak shot they still seemed to hold me in high regard.)

    Also had a wierd experience

    last week at the pub. The guy I had gone along with can be rather, erm, intense... and has a habit of coming across

    as plain weird. While we were there a girl I know showed up with one of her female friends and I was really hitting

    it off with both of them, but every time my mate was around they would drift away and chat amongst themselves, then

    whenever he went to the toilet or for a smoke they would drift back over and got quite touchy-feely and flirty with

    me. It was actually quite funny watching this push-pull effect of my friend Vs. the pheremones...

  10. #100
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    Bump, thought we needed a

    central place to post hit reports. I wore about 16 inches of SOE on my neck/face. I had to work in a group today and

    everyone treated me like the leader, asking what we should do and what not.Also when I got into this class I said

    something along the lines of what's up to a girl and she wound up talking for a while about a project and before

    that the same thing happened except this girl told me about her day. Basically 16 inches is a pretty strong amount,

    I am not getting any sexual hits but I have edge right now too.

  11. #101
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    Thanks mrt. You shared good

    experiences with us. I have read your stories carefully and learnt sth from them.

  12. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by ilikephero View Post

    mrt. You shared good experiences with us. I have read your stories carefully and learnt sth from them.

    I'm glad you're getting something out of my

    experiences, I'm still learning myself so it helps to remind myself of some past experiences.

    I'm just back

    from another night out and I've been playing with some new "toys". I'd been reading about the bandwagon effect and

    as EoW was so cheap I added some to my last order, I figured I have nothing to lose. So tonight I went out with a

    drop of AE behind each ear, one drop of EoW on the chest and covered with some Angel A*Men (that EoW sure does


    I was with a good male friend and a girl I've been out with a fair few times now. Somehow the

    conversation got on to personal hygiene and my friend was saying that his last shower was at 11pm the night before.

    I mentioned that I couldn't leave the house without having had a shower sometime that day, so my last one had been

    5pm this evening (before I left). The girl we were out with then said (something along the lines of...) "Well

    that's the difference, you don't smell too good right now (gesturing to my friend) but you (turns to me and

    sniffs) always smell great." I was fairly impressed by that as although my mix is changing regularly at the moment,

    I guess at least I haven't seriously messed it up yet

    I also had one very attractive girl come up to me while

    I was ordering drinks at the bar, she pressed herself up very close against me and asked me to ask the barman for

    napkins. He said they didn't have any but he could give her a bit of paper towel, and this sparked a bit of a

    conversation between me and the girl where every time she said something she would push her chest against me and

    basically get as close as she could, so no complaints there.

    I'll have to start wearing the EoW more often now

  13. #103
    Stranger holdencaulfield's Avatar
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    Default Ea

    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    I have been getting some excellent hits from a

    product that i discovered from a thread that you have had shut down awhile ago.

    It was started on the 3 rd day of May 2008

    by a person with the username of BB1 , and the title was "Extra Advantage ! NPA ? "

    I have been testing the "His Extra Advantage" Androstenone base formula since my order

    arrived on 23 May 08, and so far it is the best Androstenone product i have ever used.

    Seeing as it is not sold on L-S i have decided not to mention any solid details about this

    product that i have now reordered for the third time.

    I have

    some samples and would be willing to send some to either the moderators or better still maby i could send a sample

    to Bruce so as he may have a chance to stock it here at L-S.

    I trust your judgement in these matters and just received my "EA" in

    the mail today. Do you have any advice on a mixture? I'm guessing that it would be used like NPA to mix with a

    EDT. Strange when first topping, didn't notice that familiar NONE nose. Breathes more like a concentrated natural

    "musk". I'm ready to start testing, just looking from some hints from a knowledgeable source. What have you been

    winning with? I've had good success with my regulars (SOE,NPA,TE,C7,A7,Musk,OUD). Thanks Love Scent for being so

    cool with outside discussions.

  14. #104
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    Hello everyone, I am back since I too had a long stay at that other place. Just wondering what everyone has been up to lately. Hey Terry, how are you? Long time since we last communicated my friend, hope everything is quite well in the land down under...

  15. #105
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Hello i am fighting fit and fabulous my friend, what a difference a day can make haha i am still using Alpha 7, Scent of Eros combo every so often its a good staple, also have been using Impi red dot now and then this Impi just like its cousin NPA is also great for maturing on the body over several days or more to produce what is called a build up, which then produces an excellent attraction reaction from those frisky female types....
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  16. #106
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    Hey Terry, glad to hear your doing great buddy. I have tried to locate that company online a few times, but with no success. I remember you saying that if you had to chose, HEA would be your number one choice, I guess because it's very effective for you compared to the rest. I tried the samples you sent me back then, but could not remember if I got hits, because at the time I tried it, I had mixed it with other pheros, which looking back, I believe it was a bad mistake, as I had no idea how it performed on me just by itself. I remember packing it when I was moving, but have not been able to test it any further along with my bottle of scented SOE, due to the fact that a lot of my stuff is still in storage, and I can't remember in which box I them.

  17. #107
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DssMaster View Post
    Hey Terry, glad to hear your doing great buddy. I have tried to locate that company online a few times, but with no success. I remember you saying that if you had to chose, HEA would be your number one choice, I guess because it's very effective for you compared to the rest. I tried the samples you sent me back then, but could not remember if I got hits, because at the time I tried it, I had mixed it with other pheros, which looking back, I believe it was a bad mistake, as I had no idea how it performed on me just by itself. I remember packing it when I was moving, but have not been able to test it any further along with my bottle of scented SOE, due to the fact that a lot of my stuff is still in storage, and I can't remember in which box I them.
    Sorry as far as i know the site for HEA does no longer exist, anyway i am still getting good results with Alpha 7 unscented and Scent of Eros, even PI ylang ylang used alone at 1-2 drops has shown me some really decent hits throughout time......
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  18. #108
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    Well, I figured I'd post a hit report as I've had some great luck recently with a Chikara/SOE mix. A single big spray of scented Chikara directly into my palm (from like an inch away), rubbed onto my other hand, then onto my face and neck, into my hair, on my shirt or jacket, just sort of all over the place. Then a couple inches of scented SOE on both neck pulse points. I used this while getting my hair cut by a lovely Chinese girl in her late 20's, and she was hooked. I swear using this while getting your hair cut is fool proof! They have to breath it in for at least 20 minutes, and you have all that time to lay on the charm. Anyways, got her number and we've been going out the last couple months, it's been great! The smell of that combo just seems to turn her on to no end, it's amazing. Guess I should mention I'm a 29 year old white guy, in case anybody's wondering, about 5'10 and 150 pounds.

  19. #109
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sodbuster View Post
    Well, I figured I'd post a hit report as I've had some great luck recently with a Chikara/SOE mix. A single big spray of scented Chikara directly into my palm (from like an inch away), rubbed onto my other hand, then onto my face and neck, into my hair, on my shirt or jacket, just sort of all over the place. Then a couple inches of scented SOE on both neck pulse points. I used this while getting my hair cut by a lovely Chinese girl in her late 20's, and she was hooked. I swear using this while getting your hair cut is fool proof! They have to breath it in for at least 20 minutes, and you have all that time to lay on the charm. Anyways, got her number and we've been going out the last couple months, it's been great! The smell of that combo just seems to turn her on to no end, it's amazing. Guess I should mention I'm a 29 year old white guy, in case anybody's wondering, about 5'10 and 150 pounds.
    Thats a great report Sodbuster, its a funny thing that i have actually been thinking about Chikara and SOE today and tossing up on getting some gels along with my NPA

    I suppose i had better make up my mind and take advantage of the current Love-Scent
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  20. #110
    Journeyman Crash's Avatar
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    I have to pick up some more Soe.The results have always been great.With that same combo I've had many hits.I've noticed ever since I've been taking my workout supplements like testosterone boosters, ZMA and other different vitamins that I've had to lay off to about a half spray of Chikara unless I'm at a bar.I've been scaring women away to the point where they would say if I didn't approach them they never would because I seemed standoffish.Might be an attitude thing I don't know.I digress.

    Went out a few weeks ago and met a tall blonde model from LA.Wearing 2 sprays of Chikara and she was real chatty too.We've been keeping in touch and she wants to meet up soon.

  21. #111
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    Haven't used SOE in quite some time. As I recall, the roll-on bottle of SOE scented garnished me great results. It does exactly what it says it advertises and makes people incredibly chatty. It seems to break a lot of social barriers!

  22. #112
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    I thought this was funny.The other day I ran to the mall to grab some clothes for the nights festivities and walked into a store.Didn't see what I wanted so I asked a cute red head working the sales floor for some polo shirts that weren't out.She smiled instantly and ran and got me tons of them from out back.I was trying them on right in front of her when another cute coworker came to help.I had them both eating out of my hands telling me how good I looked and asking where I was going.I take that as an IOI.All with a spray of Impi.Everywhere else I went that night seemed to worked great too.Went and took a shower afterwards and this time a spray of chikara.I had a 35 year old blonde 8 following me around all night chatting me up and trying to dance.All of a sudden this girl walks up whom I've known but never really talked to was all over me.Grabbing my junk and saying how she was so attracted to me.She was probably a 7 in my opinion but I had to leave so I snuck away.I then met up with my LA model I've met that night and we hung out back at my apartment.Nothing passed snuggling and kissing but it's definitely breaking a good barrier.Either that or I had a really good night.

  23. #113
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StewartUC View Post
    simply stopping by to say hi
    Gday Stewart how are they hanging buddy, well i hope he he
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  24. #114
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    No matter how many times I get a dihl it's always funny to watch how some women react. I was grocery shopping I turned the corner and saw a cute red head ok she was beautiful. As soon as she saw me her eyes locked she dropped her grocery list and her ink pen. She just kept looking. Her man was like what's wrong with you? Why are you so clumpsy all of a sudden lol? I just smiled. Man did she look good tho lol.. Ain't nothing like a good ole dihl lol. I was wearing SOE gel and True Instinct (sorry out of A-7) covered with Angel.
    Motivation is what gets you started habit is what keeps you going.

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    Yeah I had a funny DIHL on Monday morning while I was at the dentist. I was sitting in the waiting room after just checking in with the woman at the counter, mid-30's and married, and I was sitting about 7 feet from her. I was wearing my "Aftershave" mix, which is scented SOE on my neck with a little of the Super Primal musk essential oil. I find it smells nice, lasts a long time, and doesn't irritate a freshly-shaved neck. Anyways, I sat for a minute, and had that sixth-sense feeling, looked up and she was vacantly staring right at me. So I smiled, she vacantly smiled back, then visibly shook herself, said something that sounded like "whaaaaaaa?" and then looked away all embarrassed. Definite DIHL.

  26. #116
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    Nice one.

    I finally found the woman of my dreams. I credit IMPI red.

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    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
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  27. #117
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    My go to mix is one dab of TE, one spray of TE and around 20" of SOE. When I wear this to the bars girls are way more touchy feely and receptive! I was out for a friends party and the host could not let go of me to save her life! Wound up getting a kiss out of it, and I have no doubt SOE/TE played a part in it

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