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Thread: Hit reports

  1. #31
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Sports cars are

    pheromones with a nice body. I've owned a number of convertibles over the years, and nothing is more fun than the

    smile in the car next to you, especially if she waves back.

    My work truck doesn't seem to get the

    same response.

  2. #32
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    My Explorer never got those

    reactions either This is the first really fun car I've owned since my teens and twenties when I played

    with muscle cars. It gets far better mileage than my Chevelle did.

    My family is calling it my mid-life crises

    car and that's probably correct but who cares? Buying it made sense on several levels since it gets such good

    mileage and I rarely have to haul much of anything any longer so don't really need my truck anymore. Besides that,

    its a blast to drive.

    More often now, I find myself acting as the serious businessman rather than the

    professional computer nerd I've always seen myself as. I still dress to suit myself but don't have a bunch of

    computer gadgets with me all the time now. As a result I am seen by females in a different light and hits come from

    other directions more than before. I still get them from the twenty and thirty something crowd but am as often

    seeing them from the women driving beemers and mercedes now where in the past it was hondas and such. It makes me

    wonder how much is my posture, how much is the environment I run around in and how much is the result of

    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  3. #33
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    the only smiles/beeps I get

    while driving my 12 year old truck are from Ron Paul supporters, I refuse to remove my bumper stickers!


    only sports car I ever owned was a 1963 Fiat 1600. I bought it for $400 when I was stationed in Italy, put perhaps

    $300 (this number is a bit skewed as I paid for a paint job and repairs with cigarettes and whiskey) into it over a

    2 1/2 year period and sold it for $400 when I was reassigned to Vietnam. I should have kept it, worth a bloody

    fortune now.

    Back then there were loads of female backpackers/hitchhikers and many a cutie found there way

    into that car. Pheromones would have been much more useful to me then than they are now.

    I bought the

    truck in '96 for one specific reason, was damn tired of being the only parent willing to ferry my daughter and

    friends to concerts/movies. Although, it's not "like new" it's still in decent shape and looks nice, gets great

    mileage too.

    My Sue loves sports cars. I should get one someday but am determined to drive my truck for a

    total of 15 years.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  4. #34
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I'd have driven my explorer

    until it rotted out from under me but somebody decided they wanted it more than I did. Oh well, the poor mileage was

    driving me nuts anyway. Now, it is somebody else's problem.

    Yeah, I ended up acting as driver for a lot of kids

    when mine were in school too. The plus side of it was I developed a good relationship with a lot of those kids and

    still have some influence in their lives. A number of them still come here to visit.

    Yes! The good old days of

    cute young things thumbing a ride I can't remember the number that ended up in my car. In those days I

    had lots of ready cash and a nice car, pheromones wouldn't have made much difference to me, I don't think. In

    thinking about it, circumstances forced me to always be hard to pin down because the ready cash involved working

    while in school so I wasn't as available as most of my friends. It forced them to chase me a bit more. I remember

    one girl even broke into my apartment, not a hard thing to do, so she could be there when I got home. The days of

    being young and single!
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    silly and shallow as it is, I have been getting a lot more hits since buying a sports car. My Explorer was stolen

    about 1.5 months ago and I replaced it with a fuel efficient sports car. Now, it is not at all unusual to have cute

    young things stop to talk to me about it. Some are just curious but others are blatantly interested in me so long as

    the car comes with it.
    Mind sharing with us what car you got

  6. #36
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Diverdown View Post

    sharing with us what car you got
    Hyundai Tiburon
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  7. #37
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    Hyundai Tiburon
    I took a photo of it as i was

    walking past ur home yesterday, Nice machine man.
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  8. #38
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Except mine is white and has a

    sunroof. But thank you. It's a fun toy to drive.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  9. #39
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    Except mine is white and has a sunroof. But thank you. It's a fun toy to

    I have just got my little beast back on the road, as i have been

    working on her for most of the week and therefore i did have to wait around using public transport.

    She is 22

    years old, but she sure beats walking for miles and miles when i have appointments.

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    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  10. #40
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Yours gets you from point to

    point and it probably gets good gas mileage. What's even better is that it is probably paid for and that is nothing

    to complain about.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  11. #41
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    Yours gets you from point to point and it probably gets good gas mileage. What's even

    better is that it is probably paid for and that is nothing to complain about.
    Yes i had been driving and building V8's for about 30 years and one of my young sons took my last

    one away about 4 years ago so i bought the 1986 2.4i Carona for $2500 it came with a reconditioned engine, good

    tyres and a safety cert.

    She has been a reliable and cheap car to


    Anyways i consider it a blessing just to have transport,

    especially in cold dark wet winter weather.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  12. #42
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    The economy does stink

    (watched the DOW lately, that's scary) but the worst part is inflation in the US. I have been ordering perfume

    supplies and things like that and the price of shipping is getting to be ridiculous. Everything else is getting

    expensive, too.

    To save gas money we've just cut back on driving around so much. Where I live I couldn't

    really afford to live on my own, so I live with the parents. I ride a scooter or motorcycle alot, when it's not too

    crazy on the roads. Otherwise I've pretty much stopped driving around so much. My scooter gets about 95-100 mpg on

    average, maybe 115 if it's a lazy sunday and I can do 30mph and nobody gives a crap if I'm 5 mph under the speed

    limit. My Ninja 250 and Reflex 250 get about 65-73 mpg.

    Anyways, I've been having alot of fun with Scent of

    Eros. It really is a good social pheromone. I also have been experimenting with Essence of Woman a little, seeing

    what it does. It is extremely powerful stuff and I usually diluted it to 1/8-1/4 a drop.

    SoE is good stuff for

    me because I probably produce a fair amount of androstenone already and I find I tend to intimidate some people,

    particularly younger women, if I wear androstenone. There just aren't many competing "all-in-one" products like it.

    No "hits" to report as such but I've gotten some good interactions with people with it.

    WAGG is also great. It

    really helps with small talk with people in general, I believe. It's good for taking down peoples shields,

    especially men. I usually use 1 drop, or I dilute it in an atomizer 1/4 drop per spray and use 2 sprays. I think

    that's the best dosage. I like it being "concentrated" though, so please don't change a thing. BTW, I think I've

    figured out there's only one pheromone in WAGG, but I don't know for absolutely certain, and I'm pretty sure it

    is unlike other Love-Scent pheromones.

    I had a great convo small talk chit-chat session with an Asian guy a few

    days ago at a healthfood store. He totally opened up to me and I was able to actually do some small talk, which is a

    rare feeling here in Central Florida. IT was like he was glad to see me, even though I'd never met him. My combo

    for this was a moderate amount of SoE (just covered part of my wrists and maybe a little behind my ears) and 1/2 a

    drop of WAGG.

    Sometimes I feel like I ought to get a "man bag" to keep all my pheromones in. I've got my

    roll-on of SoE, a WAGG atomizer, some other pheromones (ahem, from other companies), etc. I'm a walking medicine

    cabinet almost sometimes. Sure, you can fit them all into your pockets but that gets sort of messy sometimes-

    fiddling around trying to find the right atomizer for the job, or the right roll-on, etc.

  13. #43
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    How do you like your SOE and WAGG

    compared to the IO and IH from the other retailers?

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge View Post
    How do

    you like your SOE and WAGG compared to the IO and IH from the other retailers?
    WAGG is definitely

    different. It doesn't really make people chatty from what I've seen. It really only seems to make people lower

    their shields or guards.

    SoE isn't directly comparable to any competing products, since most have

    androstenone. SoE's oil based so it also diffuses slower than spray products.

  15. #45
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    This is a really good question asked by Tounge.
    How do you like your SOE and WAGG

    compared to the IO and IH from the other retailers?

    I too, would

    be very interested in hearing some consumer feedback on comparisons of the abovementioned products..

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  16. #46
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    Daedelus, let me rephrase the

    question. Have you ever used IH or IO product? And if so, how do they compare with SOE and WAGG. I have used SOE and

    WAGG and am very much aware of their capabilities.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge View Post
    Daedelus, let me rephrase the question. Have you ever used IH or IO product? And if so, how do

    they compare with SOE and WAGG.
    Yes, in fact I sometimes use them to "recharge" SoE later in a day, or

    modify the effect- SoE isn't directly comparable to either product since it has two different kinds of pheromones,

    androstenol and androsterone. If I picked a single product it was closest to, I'd say IO but that's taking alot

    of liberties with the definition of "close". WAGG is definitely unique and isn't comparable to IH or IO.

  18. #48
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daedelus76 View Post
    Yes, in

    fact I sometimes use them to "recharge" SoE later in a day, or modify the effect- SoE isn't directly comparable to

    either product since it has two different kinds of pheromones, androstenol and androsterone. If I picked a single

    product it was closest to, I'd say IO but that's taking alot of liberties with the definition of "close". WAGG

    is definitely unique and isn't comparable to IH or IO.
    To hone in on the nix and the nub of a question,

    how do you compare results? Similar? Different? Quality? Quantity?

  19. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    To hone in on

    the nix and the nub of a question, how do you compare results? Similar? Different? Quality?


    Yes. RESULTS? That is my interest. Thanks ID.

  20. #50
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Well as a few of you

    may remember, I have mentioned a few times that I hadn't really had many results with SOE and A7 since I started

    using them about a month ago. The effects were very satisfactory with a girl I'm already sleeping with, but she's

    kind of enamored with me anyway (I pretty much rock her world in bed), so I had to take those results with a grain

    of salt.

    I had been wearing the mones mostly with my new kickball team to our games/cookouts with no noticeable

    results. However, all that interaction was outside with at least some wind, and frankly, I could've farted right in

    front of one of them and the chances of them noticing would be pretty small.

    Anyway, last night there was a

    party where the team and friends of the team all got together and I was pretty impressed. The girls all had a bit

    more to say to me than usual, even though none of them can be said to have hit on me. The guys all had alot more

    interest in what I had to say and alot more respect than usual.

    The real hits were with the girls at the party I

    hadn't met before. Even the ones that were taken all wanted to chat me up for a bit, one other hottie that wasn't

    taken was pretty smitten with me from the start. We hung out most of the evening, with lots of touching, etc. When

    we hung out at the bars after the party, every time I'd sit next to her, you could practically hear her body

    language aligning with me, it was pretty dramatic. She had her stool facing me most of the time, with her knees

    basically nestled into my crotch, good times!

    Funny thing though, she gave me one of those looks

    that I was 100% sure said "kiss me" and I went for it, but she shot it down saying she didn't make out with

    strangers at bars. Thinking back on that, it was after my application had been on for about 4.5 hours. Still, the

    mones did their work because she was definitely still hanging on me the rest of the night and made it pretty clear

    she wanted to see me again. I don't think she's usually that physically forward, so even drunk, she enforced her

    limits pretty well. Shit, that just made me like her more, lol. Oh, and she even had a midget friend that was googly

    eyed over me, if that was my thing I'm sure I coulda hit it.

    The dosage was about 25 inches SOE and two drops

    of A7. One drop on the wrists, and one on the neck.

    Funny thing though, at one point we smelled each other's

    wrists and she smelled fucking intoxicating! I've been wondering ever since if she was using mones too. I think we

    probably would've gotten along even if we'd met without mones, but I think they definitely gave me the extra 10%

    to push it into one fucking rocking night!

    Long post, but haven't had an interesting hit report in a while, so

    I figured I'd lay it on out

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    I'm back after a long 'sabatical' at that 'other place'.

    And I'm pleased to inform Terry and all

    of you that to my experience, SOE is MUCH better than IO or IH from that 'other place'.

    In my days of trying, I

    never had anything resembling the hits with SOE (gelpacks). But the IO and IH were sprays though. I have always

    thought that gels are much more effective carriers. So much so, that I now put a drop of olive oil on my pure spray

    mixes. (Never did this with IO or IH though). It makes the mix last longer but more importantly, I think it evens

    out the effect as well, making it more reliable despite any hot weather. (NOR CAL baby!)

    With IO, people do get

    more chatty, but I never see the slight attraction I get with SOE. I think the rone in SOE is decisive.

    With IH,

    people don't seem to get very chatty. They do become SLIGHTLY more revealing about themselves, but they don't talk

    any more than they usually do.


  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gemfire View Post

    I'm back after a long 'sabatical' at that 'other place'.

    And I'm pleased to inform Terry and all

    of you that to my experience, SOE is MUCH better than IO or IH from that 'other place'.

    In my days of trying,

    I never had anything resembling the hits with SOE (gelpacks). But the IO and IH were sprays though. I have always

    thought that gels are much more effective carriers. So much so, that I now put a drop of olive oil on my pure spray

    mixes. (Never did this with IO or IH though). It makes the mix last longer but more importantly, I think it evens

    out the effect as well, making it more reliable despite any hot weather. (NOR CAL baby!)

    With IO, people do get

    more chatty, but I never see the slight attraction I get with SOE. I think the rone in SOE is decisive.

    With IH,

    people don't seem to get very chatty. They do become SLIGHTLY more revealing about themselves, but they don't talk

    any more than they usually do.

    Bloody great

    post, With excellent and very usefull info...reps 4 U.

    There is

    no denying the fact that SOE is the best shit, and funny thing is i have had my best SOE hits with the g/ps


    Great idea about the carrier ie light olive oil you

    certainly a man of insight and i will be pleased to keep up with your posts.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  23. #53
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Good to see you back, Gemfire.

    I do something similar by applying Oud, which is a heavy oil, over the top of whatever pheromone product I am

    wearing at the time. It seems to make it last longer but it is hard to demonstrate.

    Where in Nor Cal are you? I

    used to live in the bay area with lots of trips north and east.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  24. #54
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    Default big hit

    Last weekend at the club I

    was wearing about 20" total SOE on forearms and neck. Two sprays on my chest of cologne spiked with npa, approx 6:1

    ratio. The spray bottle I used was my old LT bottle. I don't know how much product is dispensed but the bottle sure

    is handy.

    Major hit from an older woman, 60ish. She started by telling me intimate details like how she has been

    widowed for 20 years and hasn't been with a man in 7 years, all the while standing so close she's almost standing

    on my toes. Her body language strongly indicated to me that she wanted to do the horizontal bop.

    I must say that

    I was a bit stumped, didn't know how to respond as she was old enough to be my mother. I was finally rescued when

    her friend dragged her away.

  25. #55
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Default Country bar hits

    So, went to a

    country bar last night for the first time and had some very clear hits. 2 drops A7, about 16 inches of SOE.

    Band was playing, so I went up with the crowd in the front to watch them. Stood next to this girl, and at first

    you could tell she was kind of not interested, but as I stood there for a couple minutes you could kind of see her

    attention turn towards me and we started talking a bit. Talking turned to dancing, and she was teaching me the

    country two step (I'm a swing dancer normally). Turns out she was engaged and had a two hour drive to get home, so

    she left really early, but she definitely enjoyed my company while there.

    These guys were whistling at a girl

    dancing on the floor, so I was joking around with them, when their cute blonde friend showed up. She was interested

    almost immediately, we talked, danced, flirted, etc. I got her number and a kiss on the cheek after one of our

    dances. Thinking back, I really should've capitalized on that cheek kiss, I'm sure it could've been more.

    Although her 4 friends were all like 6'1" and over 200 hundreds pounds so that might not have been a great idea

    either They were all pretty taken with her too.

    At one point, the blonde told me she wanted to see me ask

    another girl to dance as a test of confidence (she actually said this, although I don't think she meant to), she

    pointed out this really pretty, really hot girl watching the dance floor. No problem, went and talked to her a bit,

    and I guess she was texting her bf and didn't wanna dance, but nice smile from her. While the blonde was dancing

    with one of her friends, I went back and talked to her, and she still didn't wanna dance, but we chatted for a few

    about dancing and she left her forearm pressed up against mine (we were standing side by side) the whole time I was

    there, and was definitely paying attention. Pretty unusual body language for just talking to someone.

    So, good

    hits, good times.
    Last edited by Gmoney; 07-26-2008 at 10:43 AM. Reason: clarifying

  26. #56
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    Here's an interesting

    encounter from a few days ago. I was at a restaurant and when the waitress came up it took her a bit to actually say

    anything. From her expression it seemed like she totally lost her train of thought. Sounds similar to descriptions

    of DIHL reactions.

    As for what I was wearing, it was the JBB mix from the cookbook. APC/TE 1:1 ratio. I have

    the mix in a small plastic atomizer. I've been applying it by shaking the atomizer and then removing the top. The

    using the tube part of the atomizer as a wand to apply two swipes to the back of the neck.
    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

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    I have been reading for a while and learned a lot. Here's some feedback.

    The reason I tried

    mones was not your usual reason, I want to create more closeness, trust and intimacy with one person. So far, I

    can't say that has happened with what I have tried so far. What *has* worked amazingly on her has been A1. I have

    noticed a relaxed/calming effect that cannot be denied.

    I'm white, late 30's, decent shape, look much

    younger and told I'm not bad to look at. In the beginning, I wore mones to work, but there are no women there, so

    I stopped as there were no results I wanted to measure. Last night I used SOE (6" each wrist, jawline), TE (2 neck

    sprays) and some LT (on the hair and clothes) and went to a party. Hits galore from more than 4 women. So much so

    that the people I was with mentioned it. One girl (white, late-20/early 30's) I know casually hugged me, which is

    a bit unusual, but this time she didn't let go for about 10-20 seconds. She did it a few more times that night as

    well and was receptive and chatty. Another simply wouldn't leave me alone and I could easily have gone home with

    her. Another (white, 29) had actually left and come back to talk to me and her interest was obvious to me after a

    bit, but my friends were dumbfounded that I didn't get her number. (I want only my girl).

    Then off to a bar

    and had a few more hits. A girl I know (white, late-20/early 30's) who is in a LTR was chatting me up at the bar so

    intently, playing with the hair, leaning in and very talkative and complimentary. When I tell you she was gorgeous-

    ah hell, words will fail. When she left the guy next to me and I chatted and he was surprised to learn that she and

    I were not together, that there was no interest between us and she was in an LTR. Third party observation is a good

    thing. I don't think for a second that she would leave her SO, but the change in behavior was there. Another girl

    came up to me and we chatted for good while, friendly flowing conversation. I can't say that mones had an effect,

    but here was a pretty girl, coming up to me after all that I had seen that night. So odds are that it did.


    know that mones don't do all the work, they give you a chance to connect. I had several chances last


    I have tried SOE/A7, SOE/A7/A1, SOE/TE, SOE/NPA(in cologne). All unscented. Nothing but A1 has shown

    any result in my girl.

    Today, I used SOE/TE/A7/LT. Don't know why, just did. I got an aggressive hit from a

    very casual acquaintance (white, late-30's). She was very physical, very touchy in a crowded place. She even

    grabbed my ass, which, is a first. I have never heard of such an aggressive response, but maybe she is crazy? She

    never acted like that before at all.

    When I try combos, I try them for several days to see how it works.

    While the TE/SOE/LT I used last night gives results, the results I want are closeness, trust and intimacy. Maybe

    heightened sexual tension too. Any suggestions appreciated.

    Since this is my first post, I'd like to thank

    just a few here who's posts taught me a lot. iDesign, Belgareth, Rbt, Dr.SmellThis and Terry (who should make a

    documentary) and of course, Bruce for making this possible.

    Lastly, I have the following:

    Unscented Chickara
    Unscented NPA
    Unscented TE

    I just ordered Pheros, as seems

    to be the thing to do.

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    silly and shallow as it is, I have been getting a lot more hits since buying a sports car. My Explorer was stolen

    about 1.5 months ago and I replaced it with a fuel efficient sports car. Now, it is not at all unusual to have cute

    young things stop to talk to me about it. Some are just curious but others are blatantly interested in me so long as

    the car comes with it.
    Honestly i think thats rather sad and shallow... but i'm not surprised.

    especially the blatant interest that you and the car must be a package deal. i think it's a shame that

    confidence,chemistry and common interests are mostly outweighed by occupation,looks and material objects... strange

    shit.. boy i could tell you mates. some totally fucked up stories, of women i've dated... and dates of some of my

    women friends.. Leave it to the human race to make something that supposedly, suppose to be somewhat natural into a

    complicated process. But! dating is a numbers game, you have to stay positive.. just be lucky your married bel

    mate! is such a bloody chore, in the 21st century. Like trying balance the nation budget! especially for

    lowkey guys like me.

  29. #59
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    no hits for me, alot of

    friendliness, a couple smiles. but lately i've just been wearing SoE, so i'm not expecting to much


  30. #60
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    Hey well I'm new to the site, so

    here's my first post:

    A little about me - I'm a 27 year old guy in the UK and I'm 6'5" and overweight, and

    pretty shy, so I don't have much luck with the ladies. I can talk to girls but I'm not great at starting or

    leading conversations, and I find that all the girls I meet like me (I'm a nice guy) but never anything more. I

    Ordered some scented Chikara and NPA a little while back and was hoping they would arrive in time for my birthday as

    I was heading down to London to see the Saints-Chargers game at Wembley and heading into the city for some drinks.

    Sadly they didn't arrive in time, but they were waiting for me when I got back

    Last night was my first chance

    to use them so I got ready to go out and put a couple of sprays of chikara on my wrist, then rubbed my wrists

    together and then rubbed them against my neck. I could definitely smell a hint of a "stale urine" kind of smell, so

    I put on some of my usual cologne on my neck and headed to the bus stop. There was no one at it when I arrived, but

    shortly after 2 Polish girls and a guy turned up and read the timetable. One of the girls was clearly with the guy,

    but the other kept looking at me and came over with a huge smile on her face and asked if they had missed the bus

    even though it wasn't due yet, then when I got on the bus I noticed she got on right after me and led the other 2

    very close to where I sat when they got on and shot a few more looks over my way until I got off.

    At the pub I

    was meeting a friend, his girlfriend, and another female friend of his. No visible reaction from the 2 girls present

    but I did notice he was standing a lot closer to me than usual when he was talking to me. We then moved on to a club

    and when it was my round I went and stood at the bar. Almost immediately one of the barmaids came to me ignoring the

    other customers waiting and did a sexy little dance as she took my order, then as she gave me my change she grabbed

    my hand with one hand and placed the change there with her other hand rather than the usual "dumping it" in my hand.

    After that she seemed to make sure she was the one serving me whenever I went back.

    Today I got up late, showered

    (although I could still detect the chikara after my shower) then tried a couple of dabs of NPA behind my ears

    covered by my cologne, and went off to do my shopping. I didn't notice any reactions at all during my shopping trip


    Last night could have all been coincidence I guess, but I like to think it was the pheremones as I don't

    usually get those kind of reactions. I'm usually quite an intimidating guy due to my size until you get to know me

    and realise I'm just a big softy.

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