I'd have driven my explorer

until it rotted out from under me but somebody decided they wanted it more than I did. Oh well, the poor mileage was

driving me nuts anyway. Now, it is somebody else's problem.

Yeah, I ended up acting as driver for a lot of kids

when mine were in school too. The plus side of it was I developed a good relationship with a lot of those kids and

still have some influence in their lives. A number of them still come here to visit.

Yes! The good old days of

cute young things thumbing a ride I can't remember the number that ended up in my car. In those days I

had lots of ready cash and a nice car, pheromones wouldn't have made much difference to me, I don't think. In

thinking about it, circumstances forced me to always be hard to pin down because the ready cash involved working

while in school so I wasn't as available as most of my friends. It forced them to chase me a bit more. I remember

one girl even broke into my apartment, not a hard thing to do, so she could be there when I got home. The days of

being young and single!