

I have been reading for a while and learned a lot. Here's some feedback.

The reason I tried

mones was not your usual reason, I want to create more closeness, trust and intimacy with one person. So far, I

can't say that has happened with what I have tried so far. What *has* worked amazingly on her has been A1. I have

noticed a relaxed/calming effect that cannot be denied.

I'm white, late 30's, decent shape, look much

younger and told I'm not bad to look at. In the beginning, I wore mones to work, but there are no women there, so

I stopped as there were no results I wanted to measure. Last night I used SOE (6" each wrist, jawline), TE (2 neck

sprays) and some LT (on the hair and clothes) and went to a party. Hits galore from more than 4 women. So much so

that the people I was with mentioned it. One girl (white, late-20/early 30's) I know casually hugged me, which is

a bit unusual, but this time she didn't let go for about 10-20 seconds. She did it a few more times that night as

well and was receptive and chatty. Another simply wouldn't leave me alone and I could easily have gone home with

her. Another (white, 29) had actually left and come back to talk to me and her interest was obvious to me after a

bit, but my friends were dumbfounded that I didn't get her number. (I want only my girl).

Then off to a bar

and had a few more hits. A girl I know (white, late-20/early 30's) who is in a LTR was chatting me up at the bar so

intently, playing with the hair, leaning in and very talkative and complimentary. When I tell you she was gorgeous-

ah hell, words will fail. When she left the guy next to me and I chatted and he was surprised to learn that she and

I were not together, that there was no interest between us and she was in an LTR. Third party observation is a good

thing. I don't think for a second that she would leave her SO, but the change in behavior was there. Another girl

came up to me and we chatted for good while, friendly flowing conversation. I can't say that mones had an effect,

but here was a pretty girl, coming up to me after all that I had seen that night. So odds are that it did.


know that mones don't do all the work, they give you a chance to connect. I had several chances last


I have tried SOE/A7, SOE/A7/A1, SOE/TE, SOE/NPA(in cologne). All unscented. Nothing but A1 has shown

any result in my girl.

Today, I used SOE/TE/A7/LT. Don't know why, just did. I got an aggressive hit from a

very casual acquaintance (white, late-30's). She was very physical, very touchy in a crowded place. She even

grabbed my ass, which, is a first. I have never heard of such an aggressive response, but maybe she is crazy? She

never acted like that before at all.

When I try combos, I try them for several days to see how it works.

While the TE/SOE/LT I used last night gives results, the results I want are closeness, trust and intimacy. Maybe

heightened sexual tension too. Any suggestions appreciated.

Since this is my first post, I'd like to thank

just a few here who's posts taught me a lot. iDesign, Belgareth, Rbt, Dr.SmellThis and Terry (who should make a

documentary) and of course, Bruce for making this possible.

Lastly, I have the following:

Unscented Chickara
Unscented NPA
Unscented TE

I just ordered Pheros, as seems

to be the thing to do.