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  1. #1
    Stranger GSeXer's Avatar
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    Smile Howdy from down under!

    Hi all,


    thought I'd introduce myself. Obviously my first post so I may end up ranting. My appologies if I do by


    Been lurking this forum and reading up on pheromones for a while now and decided to take the plunge and

    buy some.

    Very difficult to get any of this stuff down under. Apart from Lure (bottled and spray) plus some very

    dubious other spray colognes. Tried Lure for Him. The spray version. Didn't really notice anything from that so

    gave up. Although smell was very pleasant.

    Ended getting a hold of a bottle of roll-on SOE, scented version of

    TE (spray bottle) and a bottle of PI. They also threw in a couple of sample gel packs of TE and Perception with my

    order. Unfortunately not bought from LS. So I'm trusting they are the genuine product. Next purchase will be from

    LS of course. Once I have got an idea of what I should try.

    Anyhow as I was saying... Been reading up on this

    stuff for a while now but guess what.. Now I'm just as confused on how to use it. (I think I need a


    So... A bit about myself.

    I'm 38 next month (although I feel much older, male, mixed blood (dad's

    a pommie and mum from Singapore) and work in I.T. support for a large construction company and seem to get along

    well with eveyone that I work.
    IS this too much? Am I ranting yet? Appologies again.

    Anyway armed with what I

    have above what do some of you suggest as to how to use them? (Remember I'm confused. Too much on my mind


    I've been trying SOE and just recently in combo with TE. People at work seem more chatty but still early

    days and unsure of if it's mones or just how people are this week. If you get my drift...

    Apart from finding a

    nice girl. I want to be able to boost my status and with people at work. Btw... There is a girl where I work that

    I would also like try and get closer to. I would class our relationship as perhaps friends/good work mates.


    I guess my final question is. What do people suggest for my next order?

    From what I've read A314 might be a

    good one for use around work? Any others? Would like to order a few and use in combo. Unscented this I think


    Thanks for the long rant.

    Cheers! :-)

  2. #2
    Stranger GSeXer's Avatar
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    Smile Sorry :-\

    Sorry for the double

    post guys. My browser buggered up when I submitted.

  3. #3
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    A little more about you might

    help. Are you in good shape? Heavy or slender? How is your confidence and how easily do you talk to others?

    Generally speaking, at your age SoE is a good starter product and EITHER PI or TE as an add on. TE and PI are both

    -None heavy products, TE being the easier to use. If you see more chatty-ness from SoE try adding a dab or two of TE

    to see what happens.

    More is not always better, especially with -None heavy products and can cause all sorts of

    problems at work. Be careful!
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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  4. #4
    Stranger GSeXer's Avatar
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    Thanks for your response


    Well I'm not exactly as fit as I could be I guess. Not toned or anything but not exactly unfit

    either. So I guess 'average' would be best. 5'6" height and 72kg / 156lb.

    Seem to get along easily with most

    people. Both men and women but that's mainly at work. Trying to get out more now which I am hoping the mones

    might help with. Had a really big dry spell with social life up until late.

    Anything else be helpful?

  5. #5
    Stranger GSeXer's Avatar
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    One thing I forgot to ask is

    that the bottles that the scents from SOE and TE may seem 'clash' so to speak. If I recall reading somewhere in

    this forum. The scent from TE doesn't last to long. Am I right?

    Would I be better spraying TE and then rolling

    on some SOE after it has had time to dry.

  6. #6
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Are you using one of the

    scented TE products?

    Personally, I'd cover any mix with TE in it because to me it stinks badly. At your age

    and general condition I would suggest starting with a couple dabs of TE over or with SoE. I doubt it matters much

    which one you apply first.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  7. #7
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Bel's right, go easy on the TE,

    especially at work. Any order will do, but the thing is you MUST cover with a good cologne or other scent. Even

    the scented products smell after a while. Some say they don't, but I wouldn't chance it.

    You can up the TE or

    PI dose for social experiments, but only a little at first to see how it goes. Be careful also with the TE sprays,

    a full spray is a LOT. Its easier to dose if you pry the sprayer out and use dabs.

    Good luck!

  8. #8
    Stranger GSeXer's Avatar
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    Default Thanks guys! Very much appreciated.

    I'm going to keep experimenting with the SOE and TE but keep the SOE mainly for work and try it in

    combo for social occasions. Perhaps just as an experiment though a little amount of TE at work to see how this

    goes. Or do you think steer clear of TE altogether at work?

    Also about to order some more to experiment with

    from LS.

    Chikara or A7, WAGG, A314 and Master Pheromones for Men.

    Definately A314 as I've read the good

    reports on here and other sites about this product. Is this better than SOE?

    Master Pheromones for Men if if I

    recall correctly has and uplifting effect on the wearer?

    Still undecided on whether Chikara or A7. Anyone got 2

    cents worth on this?

    All unscented of course. Speaking of scents. I tend to wear CK colognes. All of which

    don't come in atomizers. Usually only dab a small amount of these colognes on.

    Usually overturn bottle with

    finger covering opening and placing 3 dabs - 2 on neck just below ears and one on neck just above the chest. Would

    this be sufficient cover any of the smells from the mones? Or is pheros more politically correct here?


    WoRD SaLaD - Sane people spurting gibberish from their mouths.
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  9. #9
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    I'd stear clear of TE at work

    altogether. Especially since there's the risk of buildup even if you're really carefull about dosage since you

    work 5 days in a row(well, most of us do).

    On the new orders, I definitely like Chikara, but I hear A7 is

    fantastic. Unfortunately, I really haven't had much room to experiment with A7 since I got it, I've kind of been

    seeing the same girl since then. She definitely gets more clingy than usual with 2 drops of A7 than she did with

    Chikara, but with girls already fucking you it's hard to tell...

    Chickara would be a good work mone as it's

    light on the None, but A7 would probably be in the same class as a social mone, not a work mone.

    Edit:: On the

    covers, use what you like to smell, not what we think is right for you.

  10. #10
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gmoney View Post


    On the covers, use what you like to smell, not what we think is right for you.
    Exactly, and I'd even

    say wear what the women like, as long as you don't find it offensive.

    I'll put in a plug for A7, great stuff

    for strictly social wear and works well even in an existing relationship, as Gm so precisely mentioned.

    C7 is

    pretty much a staple, you need to have it around.

  11. #11
    Stranger GSeXer's Avatar
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    Default Thanks very much again for your advice guys.

    Once again very much appreciated everyone's comments.

    Ok so far I've ordered Chikara and A7 +

    the Master Pheromones for Men.

    Still gonna experiment with the SOE work and leave the SOE/TE combo for

    Would the PI I have be to much to mix in with the SOE or TE?

    I also have a gel pack of Perception.

    Going by the phero content. This should be another good one for work?

    Also... About the covers I use. Stupid

    me. I obviously didn't word the question right. What I meant to say is that before using pheros, I use to only

    use a very small amount of cologne. Partly due to the fact that my ex had hyper sensitivity to smell. I usually

    only wore about 2 - 3 dabs from bottle on finger tip to the neck (behind ears) and on chest.

    So I guess I am

    asking whether people have found that they have had to increase their usual dosage of cologne to cover the smell of

    the pheros?
    WoRD SaLaD - Sane people spurting gibberish from their mouths.
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  12. #12
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I purchased a bottle of Master but I

    have a hunch it won't do a thing for me. I understand that amongst other things it contains copulins (think of the

    smell of a woman after sex...) that is more or less supposed to give the old male ego (and body) a bit of a boost so

    to speak. Sorta "I just got laid and I'm one happy stud" feeling. At least that's how I interpret what I've heard

    about it.

    I'm saying it probably won't do a thing for me as it seems I have a genetic sinus problem and just

    don't seem to get much in the way of "self effects" from pheromone products. I can smell the cover

    scents/fragrances, but rarely if ever seem to react to the pheromones themselves. I got it more to experiment with

    by seeing how it might affect others around me. haven't done a thing with it yet...

    (Yes, I plan to see a

    ear/nose/throat MD this year now that I have managed to scrape up some money to get a medical opinion and see if

    it's treatable. None of the "natural" suppliments have done a thing.)
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  13. #13
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    I used MASTER PHERO. and i

    like it a lot.

    I noticed that many young girls from earlies 20 and up,started flirting w/ me.

  14. #14
    Stranger GSeXer's Avatar
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    Smile Build up Q?

    One thing I'm still

    a bit unsure of.

    Can you still accumulate a build up of pheros even if you shower regularly?

    I shower twice a

    day at least. Put pheros on in the morning after my first shower and only put them on after my evening shower if I

    plan on going out etc?

    Do they actually acumulate in your blood system or something and should I lay off them for

    a couple of days before applying again?

    I'm usually thorough when I wash.
    WoRD SaLaD - Sane people spurting gibberish from their mouths.
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  15. #15
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Personally I'm not 100% sure about

    how well pheromones wash off. Androstenone is reportedly pretty "sticky" and can take some scrubbing, but not


    The one other thing to consider however is pheromones on your clothes. I understand some will rub off

    on to whatever you are wearing, and pheromones can get "stuck" on clothes more than on you, especially items made of

    leather (like a watchband). You may need to remember this if you say wear the same coat, sweatshirt, sweater, etc.

    more than once between cleanings when wearing pheromone products. I recall some interesting reports from a phero

    user who experimented by infusing his leather belts with various combos. I think he reported that effects could last

    *weeks* from a single application.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
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  16. #16
    Moderator Mtnjim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rbt View Post
    ...The one other

    thing to consider however is pheromones on your clothes. I understand some will rub off on to whatever you are

    wearing, and pheromones can get "stuck" on clothes more than on you, especially items made of leather (like a

    watchband). You may need to remember this if you say wear the same coat, sweatshirt, sweater, etc. more than once

    between cleanings when wearing pheromone products. I recall some interesting reports from a phero user who

    experimented by infusing his leather belts with various combos. I think he reported that effects could last *weeks*

    from a single application.
    Years ago, I got a bottle of P-10 directly from the manufacturer and part of

    the instructions they included said something about spraying the clothes in your closet and "you'll be set for the

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