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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Not Happy right now (bruce)


    Hi Bruce,
    I addressed this to you because I have browsed the forum for a couple

    of days now before I signed up and you seem to be very good and kind about fixing situations that were unpleasant

    for the customer.

    Here's my situation. I typically purchase products from another very good site which I wont

    name. anyhow, my friend likes this site and suggested I compare the two so okay I browsed the store and the forum

    and thought hey I will give it a try so I signed up and ordered the 10pk SOE. this was on sunday june 1st. I paid

    through paypal and selected priority 1-3 days. However that same evening I called customer service as well as

    emailed customer service to request the product be changed to 2nd day ship. Well of course with you guys being

    closed on weekends I expected to hear from someone on monday. well when I finally received an email on monday saying

    just send the extra through paypal. I didn't know how to use paypal that way since I only use it to pay for things

    online, I called the store to ask for help, both times customer service was not quite friendly and the last lady was

    very uncaring and told me that my calls were preventing them from filling orders of important customers...duh what

    am I? I asked if I could just pay the difference by credit card and she said fine, I will take the card info,

    she was very rushy and afterwards said okay it will ship today, barely said goodbye. I was very aggravated all day

    at the lack of "we welcome you to try our products service" but I said hey as long as it ships fine. But I noticed

    when I checked my account this morning it still says order pending and it list the old amount...

    Bruce can you

    please check this order Order #42330 (Pending)Order Date: Sunday June 01, 2008

    I will

    continue to hang around the forum maybe but just unsure i will order again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I am very sorry that you did not

    get the customer service that we normally are very good at. I guarantee you that the order went out second day as

    requested. The fedex tracking number is 942555476669. We unfortunately are not able to change the information on the

    website so the order would still same Priority mail shipping. The order should arrive tomorrow and we do hope that

    you will enjoy the scent of eros gel packs that you ordered. Next time you place an order be sure to put a note in

    comments that I said you could have some free gels. Again I am very sorry that you were upset and disappointed and

    hopefully we can change your mind about ordering again. Maybe the gal was having a bad day or was extremely busy

    which I know is not an excuse.

  3. #3
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    Default Thank you Tammy...perhaps I shall give LS another go

    Quote Originally Posted by Tammy View Post
    I am very sorry that you did not get the customer service that we

    normally are very good at. I guarantee you that the order went out second day as requested. The fedex tracking

    number is 942555476669. We unfortunately are not able to change the information on the website so the order would

    still same Priority mail shipping. The order should arrive tomorrow and we do hope that you will enjoy the scent of

    eros gel packs that you ordered. Next time you place an order be sure to put a note in comments that I said you

    could have some free gels. Again I am very sorry that you were upset and disappointed and hopefully we can change

    your mind about ordering again. Maybe the gal was having a bad day or was extremely busy which I know is not an

    Hi Tammy,
    Thank you for replying. I believe I shall give Love scents another go at...and thank

    you regarding the free gels

  4. #4
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    You should try ordering a $2500

    camera from a Brooklyn camera dealer. You haven't been rude to yet...

    I've ordered from LS many times these

    past 4 years and received nothing but excellent customer service. Sure problems arise but they're always fast to

    fix them and give you the benefit of the doubt. But, yeah, good help is really hard to find these days. Try hiring

    phone jockeys and be amazed what happens behind your back.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I used to run an inbound call

    center providing product technical support. The horror stories are endless when it comes to both employee and client

    attitude problems. It never pays to be rude to a customer but it can be very hard not too after being abused several

    times in a row. Employee turnover in any call center is huge! Much worse than anything else I know of. That makes it

    a constant battle to keep the phones manned with good, well trained people.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    I'd rather lose a little money

    that piss off a customer. I think Bruce has the same mindset. I make sure that my employees are somewhat invested

    in the business, performance bonuses etc, its good for all of us.

    Gegogi, I came t-h-i-s close to buying a Nikon

    D60 today but didn't. They had a great bundle with 2 lenses etc. Comparing specs is killing me! Any advice?

  7. #7
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Service here is normally

    excellent. But you can run into a rude phone operator anywhere.

    Having worked at a crisis call center for several

    years I can vouch for the stress level of such jobs. Except in my case, I was taking suicidal calls all day, and

    various other crises and emergencies; in addition to regular crazy and rude people. That was the only job I've ever

    had where the work itself (not the BS surrounding the work) was a real challenge in terms of enduring the emotional

    ordeal on a constant basis. I often felt on the edge of not being able to tolerate another call.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  8. #8
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis View Post

    Having worked at a crisis call center for several years I can vouch for the stress

    level of such jobs. Except in my case, I was taking suicidal calls all day, and various other crises and

    Forget everything negative I said about you Doc, this qualifies you as a


    My cousin's daughter managed a teen hotline for a year. I talked her down from the

    pressure 2-3 nights a week.

    Guess I was kind of a hotline hotline.

  9. #9
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    So you understand what these

    jobs are like. I can vouch for the value of having people like yourself to help you decompress.

    One night I went

    into a bar after my shift, and was belly aching to some guy about the day I'd had.

    His reply was, "F#ck you,

    I'm the guy who scrapes their brains off the wall after you fail to do your job." He worked for a "disaster

    recovery" service, a euphemism if I've ever heard one. What a job. But he said it paid well. It was great realizing

    I had no right to complain.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  10. #10
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    You're right Doc, I gave up

    complaining a long time ago except for the occasional bellyache to those who care.

    She was all of 16 or 17 on a

    peer hotline and was dealing with things I never would have thought possible at that age. She was a good girl and

    smart, smarter than me. I was only the anchor she needed to keep her moored to sanity.

    Interesting how freedom

    sometimes lies more in what you don't have.

  11. #11
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Wow. Sixteen is awful young to

    be doing something like that, just because -- even though she's their peer -- the problems she is expected to

    handle herself are most definitely adult problems by the time they get to the receiver in her phone. She could

    easily be put in the spot of making or participating in life and death decisions.

    If you talk to her soon, tell

    her some guy with a relevant background really admires her courage and caring qualities.

    Someone in that position

    would need lots of guidance, supervision, ever-present support, resources, and debriefing to do it.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  12. #12
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    The program she was in was very

    well supervised, with exactly what you said in terms of support, direct, real time supervision and debriefing etc.

    I met one of her adult supervisors at the time and he seemed very capable in the unique role that he had. I was

    concerned about the same things you mentioned.

    A lot of it was just dating, parent and school stuff, but they did

    get some pretty heavy calls, and there were more than a few interventions.

    I mostly just encouraged her to talk,

    and gave her the kind of encouragement you just offered. I'll definitely relay the kind words, thanks Doc.


    can say this, if you want a kid to mature, expose them meaningfully to other peoples' problems. Suddenly that

    little pink ipod means a lot less. I guess the same could be said for a lot of "adults".

    Find a good

    organization and volunteer, make it a family affair, you'll do yourself more good than anything.

    Not to leave

    out the good stuff, I met one of the hottest girls I ever dated while volunteer tutoring. She ran a grrrreat


  13. #13
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Volunteering is one of the best

    things I have been involved in. Anything you can do to help others is great as well as giving you all sorts of

    opportunities to meet really good people. There's nothing like it.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  14. #14
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post
    Volunteering is one of the best things I have been involved in. Anything you can do to help

    others is great as well as giving you all sorts of opportunities to meet really good people. There's nothing like

    Have to agree here. It's f un, helpful, and you get lots of satisfaction. Taking the focus off yourself

    for a while is also a great stress reliever. I think it fulfills an inherent need for us as well.


    apologies to Bruce for derailing the thread, but maybe the customer can get more perspective.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  15. #15
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djacquelynstew View Post

    Thank you for replying. I believe I shall give Love scents another go at...and thank you regarding the free

    My sentiments with Doc, sorry to derail the thread. Think of it this way though, along

    with some free gel packs you got some free discussion and advice!

    Hope you're having good success

    with your pheromones, and let us know if we can help.

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