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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
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    Default Pheros work for a day and then backfire... help!


    After a bit of a

    phero-break, I tried this a couple of weeks ago: a dab of NPA + a dab of AE on wrists... and the same of each on

    adams apple. I had impressive results for a day -- lots of approaches, DIHL, touching, etc. However, even though I

    applied antibacterial soap, sanitizers and body wash all over myself several times every morning (including the

    first day), I could not reproduce the same effects any day ever since.

    Could this be because there was

    buildup (or nastier, bacteria-made residue) within the pores? I've had some absolutely amazing days in terms of

    hits in the past, but have never been able to distinguish my application on those days from the days I've had

    people outright avoid me or treat me worse than when I wear no pheros at all.

    Also, because of all my invisible

    but densely packed pores, could pheros be seeping into my body and reemanating from areas where I didn't apply them

    (e.g., if I applied to neck/wrists, could they be later emitted through the face or even the scalp/hair)? If this is

    the case, I haven't been shampooing enough, and that might be leading to buildup.

    Basically, we need some

    thorough steps for a 'reset button' which ensures the next phero application will work as good as from scratch.

    This will help limit the variability from day to day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    California, USA
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    Default Stop scrubbing away your Mojo!

    Dear Clean as a Whistle,

    Sometimes it is better to just be as clean as a baby's bottom. You must have heard

    this old wives tale, "As long as the bum is smelling sweet, don't boil the whole baby everyday." Baby, you are

    scrubbing off all your good mojo! Using anti-bacterial soap is a known no-no if you want to keep your skin from

    coming off.

    Try wearing your "bottled" mones just one day a week and then lay off for a couple of days to use

    your own mojo. Also, don't put every mone you have purchased on at the same time. You are sending too many messages

    to those around you. "Kiss me, hug me, fight me!"

    Just wash with a little soap and slap a little odor-control

    under the arms when you have to go to work and that should do the trick. Time to let the real you come back.

    Stop boiling the baby!

    Sweet Thing

  3. #3
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Good response ST, good

    mojo is hard to find, don't wash it down the drain! All those anti-chemical-reaction chemicals mess with our

    natural signatures, which we want to enhance, and not replace.

    This is another argument for using

    lighter doses, and being consistent with both product and applications. Try one product and use it for a while, or

    a simple mix, and don't vary it much day to day. When you want to switch, take a couple of days off and let your

    skin settle itself. If you want to increase dosage do it gradually.

    Think about what we're doing here. We have

    natural attractants which we all produce in varying amounts. We then apply a chemical which is many, many times

    more concentrated than what we naturally produce. Each of these chems attract (or can repel) in different ways;

    social, sexual, friendly, dominant, comforting, etc, etc. Just slapping some on like cologne is not well advised.

    Careless use can result in "pheromone shock".

    If you think about who you are and how you naturally relate to

    people (dominant, submissive, quiet, aggressive, shy), and study how each product works, or may work with you own

    signature, then you'll have a much better idea on how to approach pheromones.

    It takes some thinking and


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