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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Guys, I really need some advice on getting with a specific girl

    Ok, I always find myself in these dumb situations where I feel like im falling into the

    friend zone, and because of that, I eventually do fall into the friend zone. So let me give you a "little"

    background information.

    Im 22, chubby, 6'3, with darkish tan skin.

    So there is this 21 year old colombian

    chick in my class. She is very fashion oriented, and independent as hell, with an outgoing mind. Ok, so 8 weeks of 8

    3 hr classes pass by, and, even though she sat right next to me for 3 hours, I didn't talk to her. I wore a mixture

    of Chikara, SOE, PI, and Perception. I guess it got into her system or whatever. Well 2 weeks ago, I took Perception

    out and replaced it with THE EDGE(gels pack on wrist pulse points, and under the ear and neck), and really really

    toned down on the PI(about 1/2 a drop) I was walking out of class and she started asking me about the grade I got.

    We talked for about a minute, and then parted ways at our cars.

    Yesterday we are sitting there and half the

    class basically got to leave, so it was just me, her and a few others. So I moved in the seat in front of her and

    within like 30 seconds, she sneezed REAL hard. So I sat there for like 20 minutes, then used other people to start a

    convo, and then we started talking, and in the end it was just 3 people, and we were talking about weed and stuff,

    and she was telling me how she is the biggest weed smoker around, heck she started before me, and she said she

    strictly smokes ONLY the best of the best because she is mad rich and spoiled(she said that exactly) Anyways, she

    wanted to get me some really really good stuff, so she said her best friends boyfriend can hook me up, so she gave

    me her number, and grabbed mine, spelled my name out and everything in her phone book.

    She called me and

    immediately told me how she had to stay another hour in class, and then she said her friend will be done in an hour.

    She called back and told me 30 more minutes, and she asked if I wanted to wait, I said nah, next week instead, and

    she hung up.

    Now I think this girl chills with a lot of guys all over the city. She always mentions smoking with

    this guy, or these guys, or her ex-boyfriend. So today she went to the yankees game with some guy(s) from the

    heights. I was feeling pissed, like I want to get with her, so as the game was ending I txt her telling me to get me

    some weed from the city, and I would let her smoke for free, so she came 2 hours later to my house, and i hopped in

    her car and after mad problems with my damn expired license, she finally got the dutch.

    We went over behind

    a park, parked and started rolling, talking like we have been friends forever. Before I met her I didn't have any

    THE EDGE gel packs left, so I put 2 seperate 1/2 drops of PI by my armpits, then rolled over with Axe deoderant,

    chilled for 10 minutes then sprayed a little coolwater cologone I had left over and about 5 or 6 sprays of Chikara

    on my armpits, shirt, and each side of my neck.

    In the car she was sitting towards her left window, like leaning

    against it, like she wanted to move over to me, but something was stopping her. She was SUPER chatty, I mean, your

    supposed to let the girl talk, and girls talk alot, but I guess my last chick was very boring and didnt talk at all,

    so im not used to it. Well anyway, she was talking MAD loud, laughing like a loud guy, and mind you its 1 AM and we

    are in a residential area with her car windows down, rolling and crushing weed listening to some nice music.


    would move in slightly closer, but not in that sexual way, like "oh what did you say", , I though my response were

    stupid, at times cuz of my adhd, and high, I forgot what she was saying, and I just said, “word”

    “that’s whats up”, “really?”, “awesome”, she hardly showed any interest in

    what I had to say. Anyway we were just baked at this point, and laughing our assing off at what she was saying, she

    never even gave me a chance to give a counter story, or my own experiences. She told me quite a lot, she got a job

    today, she has dated “buff jewish white guys”, smoking like crazy with everybody, ALOT OF THINGS.


    everytime she mentioned her ex boyfriend or this guy she was dating, she had a slight difference in her tone, I dont

    get it, like trying to give me silent signs that Im not boyfriend material or something.

    My question is, what do

    I do, I just ordered some NPA (helped me get another latina chick last year, mixed with chikara, havent bought more

    since it ran out)

    I have read a bunch of articles on body language, and I was always projecting the alpha male

    look, even though i think im slightly beta, but while talking to her, I don’t act shy anymore, that anxiety is

    gone, I can actually talk to girls now, but I still mess up from time to time, like saying the wrong thing, etc.

    I have read if the girl sits back or away from you on her back, it means she is not interested. We were

    laughing and joking, and I feel like I have already fallen into the friends zone, even though I don't think she

    considers me a friend yet, all this happened pretty quick. So I basically see her one last time for class this

    tuesday, and I have to wow the crap out of her, but how?

    Here is the mix im thinking, elimate PI completely, 4

    sprays chikara(2 on wrists, 1 over neck and one chest. Then two dabs of NPA under my ears. I usually put all this on

    5 minutes before class in the bathroom.

    How do I make it look like im interested, because I feel she is gonna be

    weirded out because I waited mad long to even talk to her, and she initiated the first conversation. Im real

    confused on what to do, and im sorry this is a huge wall of text, I just felt I needed to get this out my system and

    get some advice from pros. I don't think it would work long term, but I wanna just smoke and do what a guy and her

    girl do when they are alone, and if she would want to pursue it further, im game.

    Her bringing the weed for me

    and everything, and how she was ready to smoke; would it be any inclination on if she is interested with me or not?

    After she left I txted her saying, awesome weed, and she didnt respond. Was it the pheoromones(OD? I cant smell

    anything cuz I smoked cigs) causing her to act very talkative and sitting against the windowsas far as possible away

    from me. Maybe she noticed I would put out my hand to hand her things mad close to her legs, and like purposely try

    to get her fingers to touch mine while grabbing the stuff, you think girls notice that? She loves talking, but

    doesnt seem like she really cares about anything I do, but she is mad friendly. I see potential in her, nationality

    and religion doesnt seem like a problem to her, nor does it to me. I felt I might have said things that might have

    turn her off, like her driving is “errr, yeah you drive nice”. HOW DO I APPROACH THIS, I just fear that

    she might get weirded out, im and idiot for not giving her cheek kiss before leaving, I just said bye. I asked her

    if she was done smoking, and she said yeah, so I asked her again, and she was like "im done smoking, but if you dont

    want to smoke the rest, ill take it home" and i was like "who said i dont want it", i should have given it to her.

    Help, thanks. BTW im real high, i just need to vent please forgive me, when im sober, I know im going to

    regret this. I really badly want to text her or call her, but im afraid, because she is gonna be like "i gave him my

    number to get him weed, and now he is calling me" Plus I never gave her the money for the weed, haha, I feel bad.

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    She sounds scary!

    Personally, she sounds like one of those that you can chase forever and never get anywhere. Catch her really high

    and you might get a hug and kiss but the games will get bad and worse. The ONLY chance you have is in letting her

    know through your actions that she isn't good enough for you. Don't chase her under any conditions.

    I think

    she is likely a huge waste of time and expectations.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

    sounds scary!

    Personally, she sounds like one of those that you can chase forever and never get anywhere. Catch

    her really high and you might get a hug and kiss but the games will get bad and worse. The ONLY chance you have is

    in letting her know through your actions that she isn't good enough for you. Don't chase her under any


    I think she is likely a huge waste of time and expectations.

    Sounds like your in

    the friend zone. Most girls determine within 5 minutes wether or not you're going to get any. Like Bel said maybe

    one day when she's high or emotional or both you'll get lucky.

    Move along nothing to see here.

  4. #4
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    I don't know friend. Seems

    like you are wasting too much time chasing that one. Previous post are correct. She knows if she has a thing for

    you and knew after 5 minutes or so. Looks like you are just another weed smoking associate with her. I'd pack up

    camp and focus my interests elsewhere. You might find that if you stop showing so much interest, she might come

    your way. Perhaps she is one of those kinds of women.

  5. #5
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    Mention that you heard having

    sex stoned is incredible and move in for the kill

    She was nervous that is probably why she was so loud and

    talkative. She was expecting you to make a move and when you didn't she probably though you weren't interested

    that is why the no call back. I am sure all the other guys she is constantly with make their intentions


    She sounds like a player having a good time and by you not giving her a signal that you are interested in

    more then friendship you are sending out the wrong vibe.

    A girl like that sounds like a definite party chick and

    not a long term type of deal. A great girl to have fun with.

    So have fun

  6. #6
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    ...and for goodness sake, pay

    her for the weed. You could offer her a nice dinner in repayment, and really find out what zone she's in.

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