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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Default A little off topic

    Is the DeAngelo

    material really all it's cracked up to be? I've read so so so many crappy reviews of his stuff, everything from

    "insecure wanna be trying to make a buck off sucker readers" to "shallow asshole who'd never make it past week 2 in

    a relationship".

    Some reveiws from people that share at least mones with me would be appreciated. What should I

    expect to get from it? What should I not expect to get from it? I'm all for self improvement if it's educational

    and something I can work into my own personality. I refuse to adopt stupid tricks just to lie my way into getting

    laid. Feed back is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Very good question Gmoney, and

    I'm sure there are different opinions here. It all depends on your goals: to get laid immediately, or to develop

    some kind of meaningful relationship beyond one night.

    I just posted something relating to this in another

    thread. You're wise to want to remain true to yourself.

    You might take the time to read through the current

    "Alpha Male" thread in the Open Discussion section. A lot of it is off-topic to your specific question, but it will

    give you some insight relating to various qualities a man can develop if he wants to be attractive not only women,

    but people in general.

    Self improvement is a much longer and more difficult path than developing "game". Of

    course the results are richer and much more comprehensive in terms of who you become.

    IMHO, it's better to

    widen your interests and knowledge. Read a lot and do a lot. And, an inquisitive nature is very attractive.

    People like people who are interested in what they're interested in. And the more interesting you are, the more

    interest you'll attract.

    I don't want to diss anyone's ideas or goals. Its just my view and experience.

  3. #3
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    Some of the material from

    the seduction types is dead on and some isnt. One of the things that isn't stressed too often is that you've got

    to be true to yourself. You can only act like a club freak, sex god, big shot or whatever for so long before you

    natually return to true self.

    PS. Most of the PDF's can be found for free

  4. #4
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    That's a good point BC. You

    can get some very good pointers from the "game" guys. We make such stupid mistakes sometimes, and good advice is


  5. #5
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Taht's really all I'm looking

    for. Tips on psychological stuff, basically how not to scare girls off before they get to know me, or how to get

    them to the point where they have the chance to get to know me. Pheromones help alot for that, but I'm sure some

    of that material will help as well.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gmoney View Post
    Taht's really all I'm looking for. Tips on psychological stuff, basically how not to scare

    girls off before they get to know me, or how to get them to the point where they have the chance to get to know me.

    Pheromones help alot for that, but I'm sure some of that material will help as well.
    Currently I'm

    listening to an audiobook. After listening to the first chapters i could actually see some mistakes I've made. The

    last couple of times I went out with friends I just observed. Between body language , openers and disqualification

    it's like looking at a whole different world. I watched a buddy lose a girl that approached him in less than 10

    minutes. He couldn't understand what went wrong. A while ago I wouldn't have known why but now its obvious.

  7. #7
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    From what I've seen DD's stuff is

    some of the better material. Which means there is quite a bit IMO that is just awful... At least he stresses more

    self-improvement and developement than tricks and techniques. He does need ot appeal to a wide audience so there is

    good and bad. Some of his "guest speakers" are not the best role models, some are excellent. Like anything, look it

    over, try it out, and pick and choose what feels right for you.

    I've found you can buy a lot of his stuff on

    eBay (video is better to get than audio if you have a choice), use it, and then resell it and get just about all

    your $$$ back.

    DD is really more of a marketing guru than enything else. In this case he is telling you how to

    market yourself. I understand his final session was actually aimed at business marketing, not "dating" stuff.

    And yes, "David DeAngelo" is a "stage name." I won't mention any names but his real initials are EP.

    I have

    some of his material and overall it's decent.

    My opinions
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  8. #8
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    Anything in particular that you


  9. #9
    Stranger theknight's Avatar
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    I had in the past

    used DD's material, and I would definitely swear by it. Unlike most of the other people who would probably talk

    about shortcuts, I found that this guy was more in the long term strategy & self improvement. Hence the material is

    not just about dating (or getting laid) but can be used in pretty much any scenario having to do with interacting

    with people.

    I had taken just the audio option. Am pretty happy with it. Not sure if the video has anything

    extra to offer.

    My 2 cents.

  10. #10
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    I'd also suggest the

    "mystery method". Gmoney do you have any file sharing programs?

  11. #11
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    I have torrent.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gmoney View Post
    I have

    Just type in David D, Mystery or seduction. Most of the pdfs download in a couple minutes.

  13. #13
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    Default My opinion

    I think most of the

    "mistakes you make" besides being unpolite are only worth 0.05% in the dating game.

    My thinking is that fear of

    rejection is driving all the problems. It changes everything for the worse. This does not mean that if you have no

    fear of rejection you will get the woman. Your chances are only marginally improved (she perceives you as confident

    which is good), but the big advantage is that you can move on to the next woman without wasting time.


    fear of rejection is near impossible without medication, alcohol or drugs, I think. Unfortunately, I don't use

    either one and I have a big problem

    Let's say you are in a bar and a woman enters, sees a guy as "hot", that

    (shy) guy approaches her and makes all the mistakes in the world but tells her that he likes her. And then you came

    after reading 100 eBooks, and she does not like you on the first sight. You can say to her whatever you want, you

    are wasting your time.

  14. #14
    Full Member Pendragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phero79 View Post

    say you are in a bar and a woman enters, sees a guy as "hot", that (shy) guy approaches her and makes all the

    mistakes in the world but tells her that he likes her. And then you came after reading 100 eBooks, and she does not

    like you on the first sight. You can say to her whatever you want, you are wasting your time.
    Just like

    sales and anything else your not going to appeal to everyone. Just as everyone won't appeal to you.


    people seem bent on finding a way to get that one person that doesn't want them. A common thread in dating

    discussion seem to be along the lines of "I get alot of attention from women, but how can I get this one particular

    woman that won't go out with me"
    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

  15. #15
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    I think that we can get alot of

    women which are at the same spot as we are on the attractiveness scale. But we always want the best...

    I think

    that its possible to get women more attractive than us, but we need time to prove we are "suitable" (if you are rich

    and show it it you will save this time).

    Those eBooks teach you that you can prove that you are "suitable" for

    a more attractive woman just by saying a few words. Actually its possible, if you say those words from a Bentley.

  16. #16
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    I mostly agree with you in

    general phero79. The "game" game is mostly about increasing odds. Improve the negatives and you have a better


    I don't think you need to rich-handsome-and-famous to land a great woman. If a man is focused

    exclusively on looks, its a different matter.

    One thing I'd like to mention about DD's advice is about personal

    hygiene. I read some material of his which in which he recommends "washing 3 times in the shower" and applying

    deodorant. He then recommends a few chemically obtrusive colognes.

    This is fine if you want to smell like a gym

    teacher who bathes in Lysol. However, it defeats the purpose of using pheromones in the first place.

    What we're

    trying to do is create a chemical signature which enhances our natural signature. If you scrub yourself to a

    squeaky clean chemically induced sterility, you've lost the very base you need to build upon, and your presence

    becomes less "real".

    I don't know how many times I've read here where a woman wore their man's shirt around

    the house, or liked sleeping on his pillow. Your scent is unique, and to wash it away is to lose your signature.

    This is not to say that good hygiene in not necessary, of course it is. I use natural soaps that do not kill my

    body's natural production of attractants. And I choose scents which heighten and complement both my natural

    signature, and the chemical pheromone signature.

    It takes some practice, just like developing "game", and is a

    worthwhile study.

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