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  1. #1
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    Default mones are frustrating

    I have been

    using months off and on for several months. I have bought several products from here including TE, NPA, SOE and C7,

    along with some stuff from the other site. I have noticed very little to no difference in my daily life that I did

    not have before mones. I wear SOE quite a bit as a standalone hoping to meet some more chatty girls, but dont seem

    to get those type of responses. People dont seem happier or angrier, they are just people. I wear SOE at work and

    out to eat and at the mall.
    I read all these stories of blatant hits, but I sure aint getting them.

    29, well built, good looking and successful. Im a little shy at first, but open up quickly. Every time I have

    gotten laid in my life, I was not wearing mones. I need some advice. Thanks alot. Peace

  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Yes, frustrating. Kinda makes

    you feel like the young Hindu apprentice who wishes, while settling on his first bed of nails, that he'd chosen one

    of the easier religions.

    Hard to know what to say punisher. Are you getting close enough to your "targets"

    for a long-enough period of time? Are you presenting a friendly and confident manner?

    Have you tried to

    purposefully OD? That could give you a clue on dosage.

    I've noticed (and others as well) that when I'm busy

    and focused on work, that my expression is kind of a frown on my face. I have to pay attention to that when I'm

    out in public or I forget, and I'm sure that its not an approachable look.

    I don't always get results, but

    certainly often enough to know that what I'm wearing has an effect. Not all, but some of the "blatant hits" you

    read about are probably exaggerations, so don't bother looking for women raining down on your sunny day.


    effects are subtle, and require a little observation skill to notice. I had to learn this. Once you see one,

    you'll then notice a lot more.

    Just some ideas, maybe others will have some. Some more detail about yourself,

    your surroundings, etc would help diagnose the problem.
    Last edited by idesign; 04-13-2008 at 06:03 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks Idesign for the advice.

    Have you ever purposely tried to OD. I have not tried that. Im scared at my age to try lets say three sprays of

    age. Im 29. So three sprays of the edge would be considered a major OD i take it. Thanks again for the advice.

  4. #4
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    The only reason I mentioned

    ODing is that it would show you a limit, and you'd damn sure get a reaction.

    Even one spray of TE could be an

    OD. Rip that sprayer off and start dabbing. Good luck.

  5. #5
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    So would alot of you recommend

    not spraying TE, but taking off the sprayer and dabbing. Have you noticed its better to dab TE than spray.

  6. #6
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    I'll quote DrSmellThis from

    another recent thread.

    "I agree one spray of Edge is often too much. But how hard is it to remove the lid

    and dab Edge? Dabbing Edge gives you the freedom to cover all your desired spots without OD'ing; whereas a dab of

    NPA covers about the head of a pin, and can maybe fit on your wrist. Talk about impractical!

    The chest area

    is the best spot for a -none product, since it gives better effects the closer someone gets to you, as opposed to

    hitting someone with -none as a first impression; and only Edge is dilute enough to cover your chest plus another

    spot or two.

    Who cares what spraying it does? There shouldn't even be a sprayer on the bottle."


    use dabs and drops exclusively, its much easier to control dosage, both amount and placement.

  7. #7
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    About the only way I can safely

    use TE is to apply it on my chest before I put my shirt on. NPA is an instant OD. Personally, I get better results

    by staying away from TE/NPA. If I want none, AE or A7 work well in small doses.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  8. #8
    Phero Guru
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    Default none

    "Not all, but some of the

    "blatant hits" you read about are probably exaggerations, so don't bother looking for women raining down on your

    sunny day. "

    Here's what happens I think. There's some very very few women who have an extraordinary sense

    of smell. I've been wearing mones for about 8 years now, 5 of those years I wore them virtually every day. In the

    5 year period I have received 2, only 2, "I'm gonna jump your bones right now" hits. Patience!!!
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  9. #9
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    So what are you trying to say

    KoolKing. I might just be missing the point. Also when you say you should dab the edge, what does that mean. One

    dose on the index finger, then spread around or do a couple doses put on the finger and one dab for one dose if that

    makes sense. Thanks again

  10. #10
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by koolking1 View Post
    Here's what happens I think. There's some very very few women who have an

    extraordinary sense of smell. I've been wearing mones for about 8 years now, 5 of those years I wore them

    virtually every day. In the 5 year period I have received 2, only 2, "I'm gonna jump your bones right now" hits.

    Agree. Also, in addition to smell, some women are are more "susceptible" I think.


    there seems to be a combination of time, place and circumstances where you just seem to get better reactions.

    Completely unpredictable.

    However, I do get pretty predictable results with SoE in business settings.


    than my g/f, I've never gotten a "jump your bones" reaction.

  11. #11
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Punisher, for whatever reason,

    my TE did not come with a sprayer. I just put my finger over the opening, invert it, rub that finger over my other

    index finger, and start spreading it around. I do the same with other products except SoE, which rolls.

  12. #12
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    Punisher, for whatever reason, my TE did not come with a sprayer. I just put my finger over

    the opening, invert it, rub that finger over my other index finger, and start spreading it around. I do the same

    with other products except SoE, which rolls.
    Same here. I divide a dab between my two index fingers and

    spread around, perhaps one finger on the chest and the other spread out to a couple places. One dab is most often

    enough and best for overall reactions, although occasionally I use up to three dabs, often with one being devoted to

    "below the waist" spots.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  13. #13
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    I want to throw in there that

    you might have a couple products that might not be ideal for you. SOE and TE. I have C7 and TE only, and want to

    experiment with some A7 in the near future.

    And oh, not all of the hits you read about are exxagerations, I have

    had some incredible hits! However, all of them were at clubs or bars where there was at least a little alcohol

    involved(one of my better weekends was with a girl that had only had 1 beer when I sat down next to her). That

    being said, I have had two club experiences were a girl walks straight up to me, start dancing with me and kissing

    me on the dance floor. One was 19, the other was 42 years of age... The 42 year old slept with me, with virtually

    no effort on my part(both were very sexy).

    My magic mix for both of these is 3 sprays Chikara, 1 spray TE. Keep

    experimenting, it's out there I've only been using mones for about 2.5 months.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by punisher View Post

    Im 29, well built, good looking and successful. Im a little shy at first, but open up

    Women are excellent at reading men. If you're shy' your body language will reflect it.

    You're shyness may give off the aura of wekness, women do not choose weak men. No matter what mones you wear it

    must be in sync with the physical image you're projecting.

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