Research on the VNO by Jennings-White also examined what responses pheromone-like substances produced in the VNO. According to his research, the most active pheromone-like chemicals for humans are estratetraenol and androstandienone. In his research, he also examined the effectiveness of commercial perfumes that contain pheromone-like substances by using scientific measuring methods. In addition, he found that these pheromone-like chemicals are gender-specific, i.e., females are sensitive to androstandienone, and males are sensitive to estratetraenol. Furthermore, he says that these substances are also species-specific, so androstenone, the pig pheromone, does not give remarkable activity for humans (<http://www.../StoryOne.html).

This is what James V Kohl had to say.

But Erox does have some credibility in the eyes of James Kohl, medical technologist and co-author of The Scent of Eros: Mysteries of Odor in Human Sexuality. \"I\'m convinced Erox has the only real synthetic human pheromone,\" but, he adds, \"most other scientists are skeptical because it\'s in a product sold by Erox.\"

Kohl however, like others in the fragrance industry, questions Erox\'s claim that the synthetic pheromones in Realm make the person feel more calm and self-confident. \"If anything, it\'s a placebo effect,\" he says.

Kohl, I\'ve just been reading all day. I\'m definately not trying to start an argument as you are extrememly more qualified as a scientist,researcher, and veteran in the industry. The last statement. it\'s a placebo effect seems to go against the conditioned response argument you pose. Maybe I\'m reading out of context. Also what is your theme of Species Specific.