Oscar, depending on the amount sprayed from my atomizer with is not from love scent then this would be a good level. Kinda hard to measure, I do not have the right instruments. Thankyou everyone for your advice. How the hell do I get this damn Newbie thing off of my name. This may seemed far fetched but I have been doing all of the work with your mathematical help(which I\'m not that good at but could certainly use some lessons.) Does anybody think it would be far fetched to apply for a grant to actually study the effects of this product with controlled groups. Can any one give me help on what type of grant and where to obtain one. Here\'s a real shocker. I\'m a Network Engineer, Systems designer, computer jockey. I was laid off and have to much time on my hands. While I should be studying Cisco text books. I\'ve been entrenched with this for a 3 weeks now. Once I get an idea I can\'t stop thinking about it until I have conclusions on whether it would be lucrative for me socially and espescially financialy. If anybody thinks I have a game plan or has one of there own I guess they could see where I\'m going with this and steal my idea since I\'m stupid, or trusting enough to plant it all over this site. I do appreciate everyones help and since science and chemistry have always fasinated me,but not math, I see potential here. Any comments? Am I just another dumbass. I know one dumbass who sold California the patent rights to those lilttle yellow lane bumps on the highway. Needless to say. There are alot of bumps there. I call it the brail system. You\'re to drunk to drive so you use the brail systems to stay in the lane.