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  1. #1
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    Default Mones to Heat Up My Sex Life


    the situation: I'm 32, and I live with my boyfriend. We've been together for 2 years. For the past 2 years,

    I've been on the Pill. It completely killed my sex drive over time. I just stopped taking it, and we have agreed

    to use condoms for a while so I can get my sex drive back. What does everybody recommend for getting my bf's and

    my motors running again? I want hot sex again!! We need serious help. The less you have sex, the less you want

    it. Since I haven't wanted it, he's barely wanted it. I want us to have great sex like we used to before my sex

    drive took a nosedive.

    Please help

  2. #2
    Phero Guru
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    your boyfriend should wear

    AE/m - that should get you going pretty good. I'm not up on the women's products so hopefully someone else can

    help there. Best o' luck to you!!!
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  3. #3
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    Default Mones to Heat Up My Sex Life


    would suggest you purchase APC (Androstenone Personal Concentrate for Women) and PI (Primal Instinct for


    I would suggest you apply a one-for-one ratio to get started (one drop of APC and one drop of PI) and see

    what happens. Then you might want to try one drop of APC and two drops of PI.

    Alpha-androsteNOL is a great

    romance pheromone to start with and you might want to just try that for a while (like a week or two, maybe as long

    as three months) and then add some androsteNONE to it.

    If you need to jump start your sex life, these are two of

    the best pheromones, just be careful with androsteNONE, too much and it can cause some aggressive reactions.

  4. #4
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sexycat View Post

    the situation: I'm 32, and I live with my boyfriend. We've been together for 2 years. For the past 2 years, I've

    been on the Pill. It completely killed my sex drive over time. I just stopped taking it, and we have agreed to use

    condoms for a while so I can get my sex drive back. What does everybody recommend for getting my bf's and my motors

    running again? I want hot sex again!! We need serious help. The less you have sex, the less you want it. Since I

    haven't wanted it, he's barely wanted it. I want us to have great sex like we used to before my sex drive took a


    Please help
    Good question. You are correct that the pill can kill attraction and intimacy

    betweeen people. It did the only time a girlfriend of mine ever tried it. The pill is shown in research to change

    your attraction to almost the opposite kind of people you normally should be attracted to in some respects. So it

    will distort your true chemistry with a person; and with all others. Don't blame yourselves when it could just be a

    temporary biological cause.

    As far as products, you might try anything with copulins and -nol, and then mix that

    with Edge for women, which has things in it that will affect you as well as your boyfriend. But pheromones won't

    cure everything by themselves, even if they can help significantly.

    You both need to accept each others'

    sexualities, which might not be exactly as you would dial it up in your shiny knight fantasies.

    It ain't going

    to happen because both of you sort of wish it would. You want to really hold the intention of improving your sex

    life, without forcing anything. Forcing sexual vibes on a guy can shut down his plumbing and confidence, which

    depend on being relaxed.

    Go easy on the alcohol and drugs, because these inhibit sexual response even if they

    help with inhibitions. Your liver plays a role with sex hormones.

    Create situations where both of you can be very

    relaxed and stress free. This state of being is the foundation for sexual arousal, especially for people with sexual

    issues and problems. Trust me, because I don't want to explain all the biology here.

    Examine your attitudes

    about sexuality and your boyfriend's sexuality. If you aren't "sex positive", and sex positive toward your

    boyfriend, you have an issue.

    What is your personal stumbling block toward letting yourself go and letting

    yourself experience intimacy? Do you have trust issues, for example, or commitment issues, etc? You need to be to an

    extent master of these issues, to really wrap yourself around them and negotiate it so it's not trashing your sex


    For a woman, testosterone is a major hormonal reason for horniness. Anything that gets the kick ass macho

    hormones flowing in you will likely also make you horny; perhaps some kind of physical activity or a roller derby

    show. You get the drift. You could also boost testosterone nutritionally, with supplements or whatever. Sasparilla

    is an herb that does this, although there are other ones. Make some natural root beer, as both those herbs boost

    testosterone. But again, there is much to research here.

    If it doesn't repulse you too much, you can try some

    porn of different "genres". You can go into it with the idea that you are just going to be open minded and expand

    the kind of things and situations you can be aroused by, or expand your level of arousal for known arousing

    situations. I also suggest porn because it is directly related to a part of typical male sexuality that it is

    helpful for a woman to understand/accept. So it can sometimes be a bridge builder.

    Most guys want acceptance and

    love. Trust is essential as well. Foster these things in yourself and you will foster conditions necesssary for


    Where you have the conditions necessary for intimacy in an emotional sense, you will have conditions

    necessary for sex.

    Hopefully your boyfriend is also willing to work on having a better sex life. But we can't

    really advise him when he's not here.

    If it doesn't work, which I really hope it does, I'll be happy to come

    over and screw you silly.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  5. #5
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    Thanks for all the great


    We have a great relationship, and I know he is willing to work on a healthy sex life. I'm

    trying to get my sexy back, but it's hard I think it may take a while for my body to get used to being off the

    pills. I really want to plan a night where I can put on some sexy lingerie, put a couple dabs of mones on and

    seduce my man I also want to buy some pornos to watch in the privacy of our bedroom. I want to make sex fun

    again. I will look into some testosterone supplements too. I used to be horny all the time before the pill. I've

    always been a very sexual person, and to lose that you just feel like a shell of yourself. I've been so depressed

    because I don't feel sexy or even think about sex. I hope my libido comes back soon.

  6. #6
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I've seen in similar discussions in

    women's subforums here and elsewhere that The Pill can have a negative effect on the production of what are known

    as copulins (you might want to do some searches on that term here and say on Google or Wikipedia for more info).

    A product like Essence of Woman is pretty much straight cops, can stink to high heaven, but can get some guy's

    motors *really* running. Usually needs to be mixed or blended in something and often be highly diluted. A pre-mixed

    product with copulins in it may be the safest way to start.

    My thoughts.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  7. #7
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    I've never worn cops before.

    I know they are very powerful. I would only be wearing them in the privacy of my own home with my guy Is this

    something I can dab on my neck and then cover with some fragrance or do you have to actually dilute it with the

    perfume and then apply??

    Great board. You peeps have been so nice and helpful

  8. #8
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Hopefully one of the other women

    with experience with EoW can answer your specific questions. I've heard it can be pretty stinky stuff and hard to

    cover. Very very little goes a long way.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  9. #9
    Carpal Tunnel Whitehall's Avatar
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    Apply the copulins to your twat

    (public hairs). That the natural source anyway.

    A close lady friend just got on the pill and it is already

    going downhill sexually after only two weeks. Before, she was desparate, Now, merely tolerant.

    Going for a

    trip together will often re-ignite a sexual relationship.

  10. #10
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    I had a girlfriend that was on

    the pill and we had great sex then. She felt like it was not good for her to be taking estrogens all the time and

    got off of it. Our sex life diminished after that. Part of it could have been moving to condoms, which definitely

    affected my sensitivity. However, her own sex drive seemed higher on the pill than off. I know that is contrary to

    what is generally reported, and that's why I think it's interesting. I wonder if her body actually produced some

    testosterone from the added estrogen.
    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 04:33 PM.

  11. #11
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    Default Getting off the pill was the best step!

    I am happy to read what people are reporting about oral contraceptives and the lack of sexual interest.

    I am in my 40's and have been off the pill for years. I have a fine libido. I have no mood swings and no weight

    gain. We use condoms and they work fine for us. I enjoy using mones and cops to enhance my mood. I don't know that

    they attract guys. I think they make me friendly and then I attract guys. Men with wives my age that are taking the

    pill are bored to death. They see me as a normal, natural and still sex woman. Their wives are bloated, bored and

    not interested in a good romp in the sack. What is the point of taking birth control if you do not want to

    have sex? It defeats the purpose.

    Keep up your quest for sexuality. It does not define us, but it is part of who

    you are.

    Sweet Thing

  12. #12
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    Well, If you got bored with pills and that ending your sex life. Than just stop taking pills. You have some suggestion here. You just follow that suggestion. I think this suggestion are really hopeful. Just follow that suggestions. You bf and your sex life will be back surely.
    Do not place links in your signature

  13. #13
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tester123 View Post
    I had a girlfriend that was on

    the pill and we had great sex then. She felt like it was not good for her to be taking estrogens all the time and

    got off of it. Our sex life diminished after that. Part of it could have been moving to condoms, which definitely

    affected my sensitivity. However, her own sex drive seemed higher on the pill than off. I know that is contrary to

    what is generally reported, and that's why I think it's interesting. I wonder if her body actually produced some

    testosterone from the added estrogen.
    Synthetic Weed
    This is not a contrary example. The pill just changes your attraction to something opposite in some senses, not elimenates attraction. If a girl is more attracted to you on the pill than off, that could be due to biological incompatibility (immuno-compatibility, etc.), an incompatibility that was masked by the pill. In cases such as this the pill could work for the benefit of sex.

    The pill is better for women who want a series of one nighters with little chance of anything long term ever developing with the people she sleeps with.

    For a man, if you meet a woman on the pill and fuck her on the pill, don't hope much for anything long term, ever, because biologically, the odds do not favor it.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

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