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  1. #1
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    Default mones and fighting

    so my question

    is which mones are best for competitive fighting such as caged fighting? i was thinking about just wiping my body

    down with the eadge wipe but i was wondering if theres anything else that migh be better, (such as -rone to improve

    my focus?)

    i been in many fights but not in a ringed setting and from what i learned is that focus is the main

    thing in winning in the long run where quick bursts of berserked attacks are good for quick matches but if you dont

    finish the guy of with it, it'll make you very tired. thats where i can't decite which to pick the eadge or

    chikara. cause high nones can cause me to be more vilolent and quick tempered, high rone gives me more focus and

    makes me quick wited, which migh be good for relexes and fighting effeciently. but the thing is i have never fough

    with chikara on so i dont know how i would react in a situation like that.

    if you dont know the answer just put

    down how high nones and rones effect you in genral. also other then those 2 what are other stuff i should


  2. #2
    Full Member
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    You could try wearing so much

    SOE that the other guy just wants to be your friend, and won't hit you at all... but that wouldn't be any fun. I

    find about 10 inches of SOE with a couple dabs of TE on my neck gives me a good boost of energy and confidence,

    without making me feel aggressive. The only problem with that combo is it makes me a little loopy at first, I'd

    almost call it ditsy. Like I've got an alcohol buzz going. That effect wears off after about half an hour


  3. #3
    Phero Dude slickracer's Avatar
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    haha mabey i could use my

    drunken ditsy fighting style on him. ya i was thinking about this yesterday and had a laugh when i though that i

    should wear couplins so he thinkins im a girl and would go easy on me or start hitting on me.

    also what are some

    ways to intimadate people useing mones?

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    I was actually thinking about

    this same thing the other day. I dont do any professional fighting, was just pondering the notion. I get a good

    focused high using chikara, it's got a mix of a bunch of mones, so it feels kinda balanced.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Well if you wanne do competitive

    fighting you schould train your ass off 2 months before the fight instead of wasting time on researching into

    mones, believe me when your entering the ring you wont need any help to focus because you will be pumping alot of

    adrenaline and you will only have eye for your opponent.

    And if you are not in top shape, no mones will help you

    win the fight

    Applying mones schould be an aftertought!

    If thats not the answer you want, try half a bottle

    of npa , that schould be intimidating

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