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  1. #1
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    Default Chikara and NPA...results then disaster?? Help!!

    Hi guys hope you can help.....after recieving my recent order of chikara and npa

    Ive been testing the last couple of weeks.

    First test-Bar Last Sat night. I had

    ordered chikara scented but when I recieved could not smell any scent at all only a musky

    I made up a mix of one part chikara and one part cool water

    aftershave in the atomizer I got in my beginners pack but never used and took it with


    Before I went out I had 2 sprays of just the chikara on its own on the


    Got into the bar about 10pm and was already quite drunk but still knew

    pretty much everything that was going on.

    Noticed straight away girls looking and

    even a couple of girls I knew very chatty.(nice!)

    11pm getting quite drunk, went

    to the toilet and resprayed 2 sprays of my mix to the neck.

    What happened after

    that I'm not quite sure but it was def very good.

    I must of got very drunk but I

    woke the next day and all I could remember is seeing girls in front of me and


    I felt strange but knew something good had happened for sure not just

    quite what?

    Anyway Sunday afternoon I get a text from some girl asking If I had a

    good night? not sure what to say or who she was I just replied yea...did you? how you


    To cut a long story short turns out I was kissing this girl and gave her

    my number that night....she sent me a pic and turns out she was only 17 but looked like 21-22 and very hot. (I'm 27

    but most girls reckon I look about 23-24) but that could be normal only there is more which I'll come to in a


    I don't know if the chikara had anything to do with this but its been a

    long time since I kissed a girl that hot and young as well.

    Curious to find out

    more I used more of my mix through out the week during my work envoirment and did notice some out of the norm events

    but nothing too strong.

    In the mean time id been txtn away this girl all week and

    Sat had arrived I wasnt really that interested in her due to her age...a bit young but I was curious

    just to see what would happen.

    Turns out were both going to the same bar again

    that night with our mates and shes promised to buy me a drink if she see's


    Now here is the interesting mix was almost done so I made up a

    new one same mix one part chikara one part cool water but this time I decided to pour in one small drop of the

    npa....just to see.

    Same again 2 sprays of just the chikara on the neck but this

    time one drop of npa aswell on the chest.

    Out again down to the bar not just as

    drunk this time but getting there. Half hour passes and I head to the toilet and give one spray of my


    Out the back to have a smoke next thing 5 girls appear in front of me. Its

    her and her mates all smiling and chatty except her (she looks really angry or just not very friendly?) strange as

    she had only txt me one hour before that telling me shel be looking for


    Anyway she goes back inside and her friends are asking me if I can remember

    much from last Sat night, I said no not really and what they told me was that apparently I had kissed all 5 of them

    on seperate occasions (their all hot 17-19) I couldnt believe it but they insisted it was true? I'm assuming that

    the girl i was txtn knew this already from last week, and this couldn't be the reason she was blanking me after she

    seen me out the back.

    Anyway they all went inside and I follwed and this girl I

    had been txtn just didnt want be near me at all in fact it seemed no girls did at this point as I tried talking to a

    couple with quite aggressive responses?

    Later that night I met one of the girls

    out the back (she was quite drunk) and she came up straight away and wanted to kiss me....being quite drunk I did

    and after a minute she told me that her friend had gone home early??

    This bar was

    qite small and that night there was a couple of minor punch ups involving guys


    Then after outside again at least two fights outside this time involving


    What I'm really getting at here guys is how can things be so good one

    night (like well above anything thats happened to me in ages!) to such a crap negative


    I went home very disappointed and confused....can anyone on here seeing

    anything strange here regarding the mones or is this just another normal situation?


    also txt that girl again and no reply.

    By the way im 27 average looking and build and

    quite inexperienced with mones so far.

    If anyones had similar experiences I'd

    appreciate some feedback as I'm really sure something good can happen here if I know what I'm


  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    It sounds like you said that

    you wore Chikara the first night and had good results. Then you wore Cikara and NPA the second night and things went

    badly. I think that answers your question, either quit using NPA altogether or cut the doses way back.


    that drunk makes it hard to function and to pay attention to what is happening around you. It also makes getting

    laid a lot less fun when you don't remember it. One of the most important factors is keeping your self control so

    you can be in charge of what is happening.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #3
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    An entire drop of NPA is

    waaaaay too much for guys our age man. Young girls are very easy to intimidate with even a little NPA, and you had

    on a lot. I can't even wear a dab of that stuff without getting some occasional negative results, and I'm 24.

    Stick with just the chikara, as it already has the -none in it that's in NPA. That mix you said with the little

    bit of NPA might work well for the club scene where there's lots of drunk women though. Just no straight drops of

    it. Also, where is this bar where all these 17-19 year old girls are getting drunk?!

  4. #4
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    guys....Belgrath....thanks for your advice and I couldn't agree more regarding getting drunk. Just happened on

    these nights without much warning.

    As for the npa I had no Idea that such a small

    drop could or would make that much of a difference?

    Do you think I've had a

    build up of chikara aswell while using it through the week with work?

    Is it

    advisable to lay off for a day or two?

    Sodbuster...I'm in belfast

    N.Ireland...what about yourself?

    Like I said the chikara on this one night seemed

    to work well, but this npa like I really only used a small dab and put one tiny drop into my mix.

  5. #5
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    NPA is very concentrated, it is

    intended to use as an additive to colognes, not as a stand alone product. Most young guys already produce plenty of

    -none in the first place. I think it a lot more likely that the problem was the NPA...and maybe the drink. I've

    managed to piss off more than one person while drinking.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  6. #6
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    If you still wanna use NPA use it

    with SOE not Chikara as the latter has NONE in it but SOE has no NONE at all, & use one dab of NPA with 30 inches of

    SOE & see how things will work for you.

  7. #7
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    hey thanks Guy101 I've ordered SOE

    and AE gel packs which should be arriving any day soon.
    Whats the best approach now?
    30 inches what does that


  8. #8
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    SoE comes in a roller-ball

    applicator, so an inch would be rolling the ball over your skin an inch, or 24mm or so. If you ordered the SoE gel

    packs you can put an entire pack on, spread around to the pulse points.

    If Chikara worked for you by itself,

    there's no reason not to continue that strategy. Agree with the others that NPA may not be the best for your

    age/chemistry. When you get the SoE, try it alone a few times and see what you think. Like Chikara, its a great

    standalone, but without -none, which you probably don't need.

    Experimenting is fun, but you need to know what

    each product does on its own.
    Last edited by idesign; 03-03-2008 at 06:07 PM.

  9. #9
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    It also depends on your goals, if

    you want to be social then use SOE, AQ, or Chikara. If your goals are sexual then use carefully products like NPA or

    A7 with very small amounts if the targetted person is old but not with young women.

    I beleive that a product

    like SOE can work for both targets if you know how to connect & bond with women & build a relationship that lasts, &

    try not to speed things up.

  10. #10
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    Thanks for your help guys its great

    to have this forum and you guys there to help out all us novices...

    I just recieved my order of SOE and AE gels


    I figured if I just try the gels being cheaper I could decide what to order next in a bottle.

    anyone know if there is a difference in the gels and what comes the bottle?

    I've came to the conclusion that

    the npa is maybe a bit strong for me, judging by the really positive results I got from the chikara on its

    own...then mixing it with npa sent things do-la!

    My goals with these mones are definately for social reasons

    both through my work and friends and off course with the women.

    I don't expect any miracles but they have

    helped me in the past and even tho I've had really negative results this time, I'm really prepared to put some

    time into testing here to get it right.

    Can anyone here tell me if smoking would make a difference to how

    effective these work?

    I won't be out this weekend as I am working but I have two meetings one on Sat and one on

    Sun which I will be mixing with around 50-60 people each day.
    Think I will test my new gels a different one each

    From what I can see from here they will be fine on there own...but I'm interested to see if I can use them

    with chikara as I seem to like its results.?

    I'll report back on anything new....

  11. #11
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    Another thing that may be a

    factor is that when a woman is on her period, mones can be a big turn-off. If she had started her period the second

    time you met her then the extra mones could have been what turned her off real quick. Just a thought...

  12. #12
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    really why is that? can it really

    make that much of a difference?

  13. #13
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    hey guys im almost at the weekend

    and I'll be testing the SOE and AE gels, in a meeting with over 60 people each day, any tips after my last


    Ps If you read my thread, I havn't used either before!

  14. #14
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    Couple quick tips regarding


    It helps women to trust me. When I wear SOE women chat my ear off, revealing personal information that

    would normally make them embarrassed. I find that if I wear it exclusively in a group environment I get more

    attention than usual, but it's usually friendly ribbing from both males and females. It seems like everybody is

    friendly, but nobody is respectful. Constant jokes at my expense. However, if I layer it with a dab or two of TE,

    the respect level jumps dramatically. Guys call me 'sir', offer to shake hands, and are generally very receptive

    of my opinion on subjects. Women constantly ask me of my opinion on things, constantly ask me to fix problems, and

    just seem confident in my ability to help them. Granted this is all in my work environment, but I've decided that

    my SOE+TE combo is great for my job, and the extra confidence and respect is well worth the price.

  15. #15
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    I've lost many a women

    and many a relationship opportunities with npa from women who were interested before without npa,
    I felt npa

    would enhance the attraction, but it destroyed the vibes built up from softer, wondeful mones. Women were like night

    and day.I like soe and chikara. Also in combos of both. The Npa is strange because it seems like heaven or hell for

    some people.
    Te is be better but only 1 dab upto 2 dabs never 3, but still is risky. Npa: it is grim, btw I'm

    24 years old .
    P.S Sorry Gegogi and Terry I know you guys love it.
    there is one plus side though. One woman;

    my 47 year old white neighbour lady who is a trashy crack whore type came with me to a bar one time just to have a

    beer. She Started masturbating in the car and made me finger her when I was dropping her home.We have never had sex

    but some time before I dry humped her once and came on her butt. I am not really attracted to her and don't wanna

    see her again cuz she smokes crack.This was with 1 dabs npa on shirt(with dropper on) covered with kouros( the white

    bottleof kouros great strongest cover scent)
    So you have to know the person or had sex stuff with them before for

    npa to work well in my case, but there is no love or fasncination from it just brain dead vaginal itching for

    I'd rather have love without sex than sex without love.
    Not to say that softer mones won't get you sex;

    it will, but love and fascination will be stronger.
    Last edited by crashbandicoot; 03-11-2008 at 08:11 PM. Reason: words

  16. #16
    Phero Enthusiast Gmoney's Avatar
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    I myself have had some really

    good results with Chikara, only I ordered TE with it instead of NPA. I use 3 sprays of Chikara and 2 or 3 dabs of

    TE, with consistent positive results.

    Sat down next to a girl at a bar on Saturday and ended up spending the

    night with her. It helped that she was only in town for the weekend, but from what I could tell, she wasn't that

    kind of girl, but she was with me She did mention that I smelled really good.

    I'm 32, white and I think I

    tend to produce less None than most people as I historically come off as a nice(not necessarily sexy) guy. I'll

    try experimenting with more TE when I'm not attached to the results anymore For now, I'm just having too

    much damn fun to change my magic formula.

  17. #17
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    Default Chikara..

    Chikara work well

    for me @ 2 sprays. One time I put 2 sprays of C7 and 2 drops of A7 and man!! I was the super heroe for most of the

    women at a restaurant and men look at me w/ respect.

    The downside on this mix was that gave a strong


  18. #18
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    Ok guys lots of

    good feedback here much appreciated. I wanted to do some more testing before I posted again and heres how it


    After a few weeks of my conclusion so


    These products can produce very good results if you get it


    If you get it WRONG its disaster time! And can really make a mess of

    things or your night.

    Sooo now I can really understand the importance of this

    forum and testing in small quantities at a time...its all coming to me.


    read here less = more didn't understand but now I do.

    This is gonna take work

    but I have NO doubt in my mind it's gonna be worth it eventually.

    I have now

    had officially 4 nights out (clubs-bars) out experimenting since I ordered chikara spray, npa, SOE and AE


    My thread above explains the first 2


    Night 3..(I'm not gonna drabble on here straight to the


    After the last nite (above thread-disaster) I was wary and read with

    caution the advice u guys were giving, so npa out the window for now and 2 sprays of chikara like before but this

    time with 1/3 of gel pack of SOE... ( I kept in my wallet the remainder packet + a gel pack of chikara which was

    sent with my order)



    Good night (initially), went out with a mates brother whome I

    don't know paticularly well....(I see him on nights out with my mate from work, but on this night my mate was busy

    and his bro was heading out for his girlfriends mates birthday, and being the only guy going suggested I go too

    after brief text conversation.)

    First thing I noticed this guy just wanted to

    be with me every where I went??? very unusual seeing he was with his girlfriend...and i don't know him that

    well??......if i went to bar he came...if i went to the toilet he came...if i went for a walk around the club he

    wanted to come to chat about stuff?

    Girls were making excuses to talk to

    us...standing on my toe....bumping into me saying sorry...hows u? asking do i have a cigarette? was good...later we

    made the dance floor...after a few mins a really hot blonde pulled my mate aside and asked him if i was single and

    told him her mate liked me....this was cool coz she was pretty nice (28-older than me, which is different from last

    experiences with the younger ones-above again!)

    I took no time in dancing with

    her and a good kiss. I felt really if ther were lots of girls looking at wanted more. We left

    them...I headed to the toilet and applied 1/3 of the chikara gel pack I had in my wallet and another third of the

    SOE gelpack thinking this was gonna make it even better..

    Not quite.... the

    rest of night was quite normal and nothing more exciting happened...nothing negative or bad just nothing above

    normal like earlier. ( I found the girl I was kissing earlier at the side with another guy at near the end of the fault...I left her!!)

    Next night out was St patricks night (Only

    2 days later, we dont wait long here!) and celebrations all over here in Ireland. Everyone partying from dawn till

    dusk...I didnt get out till afternoon coz of work.

    Applied 2 sprays of chikara to

    the neck and one to the wrists. ( reason for 3 was It was 3.30 in the afternoon and I was gonna be out all day and


    Also 1/3 of SOE gel pack

    Bars were

    big time packed out hardly any space to move. Nothing good was happening, went to the toilet and applied 1/3 of

    chikara gel pack and 1/3 of SOE gel pack, which was about 4 hours after the first application) Conclusion, nothing

    exciting happened this day or night in fact only thing I noticed was girls were quite chatty with my mates but

    ignoring me?(opposite of the last night)

    Did get a girls number at the end of

    the night but was only chattin to her for a couple of mins before closing and she was quite


    Now from what I can see here 4 nights out, 2 nights reasonably

    successful and 2 nites not or worse.

    The only thing I can pick up on and that I

    can remember on the 2 nights or occassions where things wearnt going well is that I remember girls behind me

    saying...whats that stinks and this happened a couple of times on those paticular


    So guys.....I shall keep working....I can see myself getting closer

    to more success. I still have yet to try the AE gel packs, and the meeting that I was talking about in the above

    post didn't happen so I havn't really tried anything much outside the bar-club envoirment but I will


    Once again thanks for the advice guys and anything else will be much


  19. #19
    Phero Dude
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    Just so you know you're not

    One drop of NPA turns everyone off me , even with one dab I have to be very careful.
    2 sprays of Chikara

    works well on under 30's , mix with SOE and it can be a fantastic combo!
    Just remember to reduce the dose if you

    have residue from the previous day , I'd say that was your reason for a not so successful night and the "stink"

    comments. (well, thats what I find anyway)
    early 40's white male or or

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