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  1. #1
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    Default Chikara and its scent

    I've been using

    pheromones for about a year now. However, up until recently I've relied on SoE by itself or with a dab of NPA.

    Great stuff. Well, yesterday, I got my chikara in. I tried on two sprays of it, one on my neck, 1 spread between my

    wrists, and about 4 inches of SOE around my jaw.

    Well, before I go into my story, here are my stats. 21, good

    looking. My ethnicity is a European and Asian mix.

    2 hits. One girl (who I'm friends with) wouldn't stop

    touching me. It got annoying to be honest. Another girl that sits in front of me kept turning back to look at me,

    whereas she rarely turns back to talk to me. It's a bit too soon to say this without more testing, but I think

    I've found my product of choice.

    One thing strikes me as odd though. Within the first hour, I think Chikara

    smells fabulous. I love it, and can't get enough of it. I asked one girl how it smelled, she didn't think it was

    me though. However, after the 1st hour, Chikara starts smelling like piss. At least to me. What was weird about it

    is that I asked quite a number of people how it smelled, none of them could smell anything. A note, these people are

    all Asian. Anyone have similar experiences? Or advice on how to make the initial scent last longer? I'll probably

    just end up throwing on my normal cover because I like it.

  2. #2
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I almost never buy scented

    products. Instead I wear whatever scent I like with unscented.
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  3. #3
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    I pretty much follow the same

    practice as Bel of using unscented and covering. The added fragrance of scented -mones is very short-lived and

    mostly weak compared to the -mone "stink". I think its always best to cover, even scented products, for the reason

    you stated. Good job on the hits.

  4. #4
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    I like to use unscented

    products also, but I do use some scented ones in the case of those that are either only available as such or when I

    get them in gel packets. I think the gel packets are all scented. Definitely best to find a scent that works for

    you. Nothing worse than a mone that could be very effective but is offputting because of a bad "scent" added by the

    manufacturer. I'm not crazy about the smell of scented Chikara but do use the packets sometimes. It has a strange

    smell to me....
    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 05:09 PM.

  5. #5
    Kodachrome Forever! Gegogi's Avatar
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    Chikara's scent is really short

    lived, so the piss smell is the mones. You can extend the scent by adding a dab of your fav complementary EO. Next

    time get unscented C7 and roll with your own cologne.
    "I'm just a dirty hornytoad" -Gegogi

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gegogi View Post

    scent is really short lived, so the piss smell is the mones. You can extend the scent by adding a dab of your fav

    complementary EO. Next time get unscented C7 and roll with your own cologne.
    Are you sure ? I wore

    Chikara and the scent lasted about 5 hours, with only a very light -none smell at the end (and I can smell

    pheromones). Could it be that they changed the amount/concentration of fragrance in it in the last batches ? I also

    hear that some fragrances last more on some types of skins, maybe it depends on the individual ?

  7. #7
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phero79 View Post
    Are you sure ?

    I wore Chikara and the scent lasted about 5 hours, with only a very light -none smell at the end (and I can smell

    pheromones). Could it be that they changed the amount/concentration of fragrance in it in the last batches ? I also

    hear that some fragrances last more on some types of skins, maybe it depends on the individual ?


    may depend in part on individual body chemistry. gegogi seems to have a bit different chemical makup than I do for

    example based on his reports on pheromone dosages/results. I personally find Chikara scent also can last at least a

    few hours if not longer, dependingt in part on how much I apply and where (clothing lasts longer).
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by phero79 View Post
    Are you

    sure ? I wore Chikara and the scent lasted about 5 hours, with only a very light -none smell at the end (and I can

    smell pheromones). Could it be that they changed the amount/concentration of fragrance in it in the last batches ? I

    also hear that some fragrances last more on some types of skins, maybe it depends on the individual ?

    It will depend on body chemistry and weather have a big roll too. summer tim will have a short period of time

    comparing w/ winter.

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