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Thread: Church Hits?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Church Hits?

    Ok, today I joined my

    best friend at his church to witness his ordination ceremony. As always, I 'moned up before leaving my house. I

    used ~15 inches of SoE on my neck, 2 sprays of Chikara on my chest and approximately one dab of NPA split between

    the tops of my hands (I am still getting the hang of pouring the NPA, so I probably used more than was warranted).

    On top of this was a liberal amount of Jovan Musk For Men aftershave.

    Now, between not being a regular churchgoer

    (to say the least!) and being about an hour late, I was fairly anxious and so not at the top of my game.

    Despite this being the first time I've used NPA with Chikara, the mix was the last thing on my mind. Point

    is, I was not really trying to impress anyone else nor was I actively looking for hits. But, with hindsight,

    several things happened that were out of the ordinary:

    (1) I came to the back door at the same time as

    another man, who insisted that I go in first as he held the door open with a huge grin on his face, but more on that


    (2) Two different guys (separately) addressed me directly as I walked in. They didn't say

    anything unusual, but they did seem particularly interested in welcoming me and seeing "how I was."


    Sparing you the extraneous details, a woman in the back pew emphatically (but pleasantly) told me to stand

    next to her. She then tried several times to give me her devotional pamphlet before I spotted my friend and left

    her to join him.

    Now, as I said, these events were definitely out of the ordinary but I don't think they

    were hits. For one thing, I was in a church on a happy occasion, one would almost expect to find more

    friendly people than usual. Second, this was a fairly small church. Being a stranger, it makes perfect

    sense that my presence would not go unnoticed. Again, I don't think these were hits, but maybe.


    You will have to pardon my being so long winded, but it was right before I left that something

    very interesting happened. I had just congratulated my friend, shook his hand and was on my way out

    when I ran into his wife, I'll call her J***. I don't know her very well, but she is by-no-means a stranger.

    J*** looked up at me and I smiled and began to ask her how she was. Before I could finish, she threw her arms

    around me and said "Thanks for coming N*****!" Bewildered, I quickly regained my composure and hugged her back

    as I said I was glad I could be there.

    My friend's wife, J***, is a very nice woman, the few times I have

    spoken to her I certainly liked her. Like I said, I don't know her very well but she does not seem like the

    kind of person who would hug a man she hardly knows. This, I am confident, was in fact a hit among hits,

    don't you agree?

    One more thing before I tie this up: Despite having only one surefire hit, the majority of the

    people I talked to had a strange "half smirk" on their face. You know how a person's face almost glows when they

    have had one or two drinks but are not yet "drunk?" It was a lot like that.

    So, I am left with a few


    What kind of experience has everyone had with NPA + Chikara? I don't think the SoE was all that

    crucial to my experience today, what do you think? Also, what do you think of the strange smiles I mentioned

    above, anything to it? I have a couple thoughts, but I'll wait for some replies so as not to influence you with my


    Ok, I know that was really long (and perhaps boring), but I would really love to hear

    someone else's take on my first experience with NPA + Chikara

  2. #2
    Phero Enthusiast
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    chikara + Edge/NPA

    basecoat mix is unbelievably amazing, as I recently found out.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Would you care to expand on

    that? What is so "unbelievably amazing" about it?

    Also, when you say "chikara + Edge/NPA basecoat mix," what

    exactly do you mean? "Basecoat" as in underneath a cover fragrance?

    Forgive me if I am just getting hung up on

    semantics, I tend to do that.

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Quote Originally Posted by FutureKill View Post
    Would you care to expand on that? What is so "unbelievably amazing" about it?


    when you say "chikara + Edge/NPA basecoat mix," what exactly do you mean? "Basecoat" as in underneath a cover


    Forgive me if I am just getting hung up on semantics, I tend to do that.

    unbelievably amazing hits, pls refer to my 'unscented chikara boosting my mix' thread.


    wise, I'm probably using the term wrong lol but I just meant I start and build my entire mix off the Edge/NPA.

    (always apply Edge/NPA first, then layer on the other products)
    and I always use a cover scent to finish off the


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