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  1. #1
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    Default sexual hits wise Edge/NPA vs. A7 which one is more powerful?

    I got an order of A7 on the way, wanna know what people think of these 2 in terms of

    raw sexual hits.

    A7 sounds like a charged up and consistent version of AE, a well rounded product, like


    but does it deliver the intense sexual tension that I've so far only seen from the secret ingredient in

    Edge/NPA ?

  2. #2
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    come on...anybody?

  3. #3
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    A7 has become my favorite -mone

    product. I have the scented version, and though I prefer unscented -mones I really like the A7/s, it works well

    with the type of covers I like.

    A7 seems to be warmer and softer than TE, but still very sexy.

    You use a very

    complicated mix, so it would be difficult to tell what difference it would make.

  4. #4
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    NPA is a lot more sexual that A7,

    it is sex in a bottle. But A7 is still very sexy but in a more classy way plus the rone that give women safety &

    protection. I can use A7 alone with a cover scent but NPA I always use it with SOE plus cover scent to reduce it is

    sexual effects on women.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Guy101 View Post

    is a lot more sexual that A7, it is sex in a bottle. But A7 is still very sexy but in a more classy way plus the

    rone that give women safety & protection. I can use A7 alone with a cover scent but NPA I always use it with SOE

    plus cover scent to reduce it is sexual effects on women.
    nice...that gives me a good idea what to work


    Edge/NPA is still the king baby! lol

    reps to ya.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    has become my favorite -mone product. I have the scented version, and though I prefer unscented -mones I really

    like the A7/s, it works well with the type of covers I like.

    A7 seems to be warmer and softer than TE, but still

    very sexy.

    You use a very complicated mix, so it would be difficult to tell what difference it would

    my 'mix' isn't actually too complicated. I just have a bascoat of which I'm very familiar with

    the effects, (Edge/NPA base) and then I just keeping adding whatever products that add a little extra oomph to the

    mix, chikara being the latest one. if I test something and it detracted from the overall effect of the mix then I

    take that away.

    I have a feeling A7 might be a bit too soft for my taste, I've been spoiled by

    NPA's blatant sexual hits too long lol.

  7. #7
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifetransform View Post
    my 'mix' isn't actually too complicated. I just have a bascoat of which I'm very

    familiar with the effects, (Edge/NPA base) and then I just keeping adding whatever products that add a little extra

    oomph to the mix, chikara being the latest one. if I test something and it detracted from the overall effect of the

    mix then I take that away.

    I have a feeling A7 might be a bit too soft for my taste, I've been

    spoiled by NPA's blatant sexual hits too long lol.
    NPA = blatant sexual hits

    very true.

    Alpha 7 = sexual tension + trust with women rubbing up

    against me and actualy touching me, and sitting on my lap, more kisses and neck snuggling


    Alpha 7

    is a very smooth operator and not quite so easy to OD on as NPA.

    Never the less both product are great and

    will work with either a few dabs for younger guys or one or two drops for more mature age men like me

    ha ha.

    Bring on the Androstenone YAY

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    Alpha 7 = sexual tension + trust with women rubbing up against me and actualy touching me, and

    sitting on my lap, more kisses and neck snuggling ect.

    Alpha 7

    is a very smooth operator and not quite so easy to OD on as NPA.

    hmmm....smooth and not easy to OD...nice. =)

  9. #9
    Journeyman DssMaster's Avatar
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    Well, I'm a newbie here, and

    I want to order some 'mones to try out myself on the ladies... but just so many, and right now I'm Can't afford

    to try them all...I was wondering if I can get some help picking the right mones for what I'm looking for... I'm

    mostly interested in getting sexual hits, the more blatant the better. So here are the ones that I have read of so

    far that are really good at that: Alpha A314 for men, Alter Ego, New Pheromone Additive (NPA) for men, Passion

    Pheromone Attractant (PPA), Primal Instinct for men, Scent of Eros for men, and The Edge for men. I know that SOE is

    great for socializing as well as getting girls chatty, which is great for some occasions, and from what I have read,

    it does have a great scent, which can be used by itself as well as with other pheros as a cover scent. I would like

    to hear from all of you from your experiences which would be a good choice for getting the girls horny and turned on

    the fastest at club scenes and parties. I'm a 31 year old white latin male, good looking, and dress nice too, but a

    bit on the shy side when it comes to initiating conversations with hot girls, although I don't have any issues

    comming up to them at clubs and dance, but that's about it, not really good with convos.
    Last edited by DssMaster; 02-12-2008 at 09:02 PM.

  10. #10
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DssMaster View Post
    Well, I'm a newbie here, and I want to order some 'mones to try out myself on the

    ladies... but just so many, and right now I'm Can't afford to try them all...I was wondering if I can get some

    help picking the right mones for what I'm looking for... I'm mostly interested in getting sexual hits, the more

    blatant the better. So here are the ones that I have read of so far that are really good at that: Alpha A314 for men

    Alter Ego New Pheromone Additive (NPA) for men Passion Pheromone Attractant (PPA) Primal Instinct for men Scent of

    Eros for men The Edge for men I know that SOE is great for socializing as well as getting girls chatty, which is

    great for some occasions, and from what I have read, it does have a great scent, which can be used by itself as well

    as with other pheros as a cover scent. I would like to hear from all of you from your experiences which would be a

    good choice for getting the girls horny and turned on the fastes at club scenes and parties. I'm a 31 year old

    white latin male, good looking, and dress nice too, but a bit on the shy side when it comes to initiating

    conversations with hot girls, although I don't have any issues comming up to them at clubs and dance, but that's

    about it, not really good with convos.
    If your ordering only one

    product then Alpha 7 would be fine as it is a sexual type product that has a small amount of Androsterone included

    in the formula to help make you appear approachable.

    Alter Ego

    contains 3 pheromones, It is also a good standalone product that a good proportion of users have had success


    But then again if you have the bread then you could go

    for a bottle of Edge sandlewood and a bottle of Scent of Eros as this combination works well when mixed in suitable

    proportions like a spray of The Edge on top of 25"-30" Scent of Eros rollon for the party


    NPA is excellent as well but it is just a more

    concentrated version of The Edge and also can be a little tricky in its application for a new pheromone


    At your age you could start out with one spray of TE and

    may possably be able to use 2 sprays, Good to test it out alone at one spray and guage the reactions over a few

    weeks before going to 2 sprays.

    SOE when used by its self is

    not exactly what i would call a sexual product but it can certainly give you an aura of attraction and

    approachability so is good in many social settings and can certainly be added to with a spray or two of TE to add

    some heat to the effects.

    I have had some good hits with TE and


    Although my favourite combo is Alpha 7 and SOE.

    Last edited by terry0400-40; 02-11-2008 at 09:37 PM. Reason: x spell
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  11. #11
    Journeyman DssMaster's Avatar
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    One question about your

    guarantee, I read that you offer a 100% money back refund if I'm not satisfied with the results, but how long

    do I have to try the products and return them if not satisfied? The reason I'm asking is because the "other place"

    offers a no hassles money-back guarantee on any of the products they sell, with up to 1 year from the date of

    purchase to return if unsatisfied. I already know what I want to order first (SOE & NPA or SOE & TE) but since it

    may or may not work for me, not to mention that it is recommended for one to try experimenting with the products for

    some time to notice any results, in case those don't work for me, I want to make sure that in such case I can

    return them for a refund or exchange them for something else...

  12. #12
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    Bruce is very reasonable with

    the guarantee from what I've seen. However, your question is probably best asked over in this section:
    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 05:09 PM.

  13. #13
    Journeyman DssMaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    NPA = blatant sexual hits very


    Very true on that point.

    Very sexual product, but easy to OD. Will have to start with maybe one, maybe two dabs and see. Or perhaps trying to

    make a mix like the ones I have read about.

  14. #14
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DssMaster View Post
    Very true on that point. Very sexual product, but easy to OD. Will have to start with maybe

    one, maybe two dabs and see. Or perhaps trying to make a mix like the ones I have read

    Sure it is easy to OD on But still there are targets that react well to more and other

    targets less well.

    Sometimes it not the size of the application but the tolerance of the


    Like several years ago i was using several drops of an androstenone product that

    i was testing out and i did not notice a solitary reaction amoungst women for about 8


    Then i received a massive hit from a young woman with it, she came very fast under

    the power of the Pheromone and looked as if she was in a trance for the whole 10 minutes i was with her, she would

    have done anything for me had i been inclined to take her away by the hand.

    I stopped

    using this stuff because one hit in 8 days of use was not my idea of fun.

    NPA is a far

    better product than many others when it is applied well,

    Yeah Alpha 7 and NPA i like.

    Last edited by terry0400-40; 10-18-2008 at 05:28 AM. Reason: x spelling
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  15. #15
    Journeyman DssMaster's Avatar
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    Yes, I have NPA/m, but to be

    honest, I'm afraid to use it since it is sooo easy to OD on it. I'm 32 y.o. latin male, and I think for my age

    NPA/m is a bit too risky. I tried making a mix with some cologne, but I think I screwed it up in the end. I'm not

    that good in making a mix I guess. I have read about a mix called WKM#1, which is 6:SOE/m, 3:PI/m 1:NPA/m (6:3:1)

    which has brought some really good and constant (sexual) hits to some people, and would like to try myself, but I'm

    just now good at making mixes, and could only wish LS did offer that mix so I could try it. Or if I knew of someone

    that knew how to make it right.

    Have you tried that WKM#1?

  16. #16
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DssMaster View Post
    Yes, I have NPA/m, but to be honest, I'm afraid to use it since it is sooo easy to OD on

    it. I'm 32 y.o. latin male, and I think for my age NPA/m is a bit too risky. I tried making a mix with some

    cologne, but I think I screwed it up in the end. I'm not that good in making a mix I guess. I have read about a mix

    called WKM#1, which is 6:SOE/m, 3:PI/m 1:NPA/m (6:3:1) which has brought some really good and constant (sexual) hits

    to some people, and would like to try myself, but I'm just now good at making mixes, and could only wish LS did

    offer that mix so I could try it. Or if I knew of someone that knew how to make it right.

    Have you tried that

    No my friend i have not tried it.
    I seem to get better results

    when i use it from the bottle by dabs usually 4 or 5 and then cover few oversprays of


    I do not have any difficulties in using dabs from the

    stopper bottle and i get exactly the quantity i require every time so easy 4 me 2 dab


    Then again you could always get in a bottle of TE as each

    full spray will give you around a 15 mcg of this pheromone formula, same as NPA.

    I have TE Sandlewood, and sandelwood is a fragrance oil that is compatable with a good variety of

    suitable fragrances/oils/cologne ect,

    so therefore you can add some additional fragrance

    whenever you require some.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  17. #17
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    DssMaster, I agree with Terry.

    Until you get a feel for things, its much easier to layer dabs of Mones to get your desired mix. All that really

    matters is proportion. Start with your SoE, add half that amount of PI/m, then a single drop of NPA. Spread your

    applications around as much as possible and you have a mix.

    Terry's suggestion of using TE instead of NPA is a

    good one, much easier to dose.

  18. #18
    Journeyman DssMaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    DssMaster, I agree with Terry. Until you get a feel for things, its much easier to layer dabs

    of Mones to get your desired mix. All that really matters is proportion. Start with your SoE, add half that amount

    of PI/m, then a single drop of NPA. Spread your applications around as much as possible and you have a mix.

    Terry's suggestion of using TE instead of NPA is a good one, much easier to dose.
    Yes I have tried

    the SOE already and have noticed that people around me usually get very chatty and very much open to talk about any

    topic I bring about to the convo. So far I have been putting 5-8 inches on each side of my face with the roll-on. It

    also seems to affect me as well. But this has been around people I already know, so I would have to try it with

    someone (girl) I never met before in order to validate its full effectiveness.

    After that, I will be trying it

    with a dab or two of NPA/m and hopefully that won't cause and OD on me...
    Last edited by DssMaster; 10-24-2008 at 09:50 AM.

  19. #19
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DssMaster View Post

    I have tried the SOE already and have noticed that people around me ususally get very chatty and very much open to

    talk about any topic I bring about to the convo. So far I have been putting 5-8 inches on each side of my face with

    the roll-on. It also seems to affect me as well. But this has been around people I already know, so I would have to

    try it with someone (girl) I never met before in order to validate its full effectiveness.

    After that, I will be

    trying it with a dab or two of NPA/m and hopefully that won't cause and OD on me...
    It looks

    good to me, and you could also have a go at sorta doubling the amount of SOE that you use with your NPA and check

    for changes in attraction responses ect.

    It is recommended to use

    4/5th of a SOE gel pac for a standard application, that is nearly a full packet.

    When using SOE from the rollertop bottle then an application of 30" does equal that of one SOE

    gel/pak in pheromone quantity.

    What i say does apply if the

    roller ball is working in an effective manner.

    Ie 1 dr SOE from

    bottle contains 10.38 mcg aNOL + 2.59 mcg aRONE for a total pheromone content of 12.97 mcg per


    One drop rolls out to about 5"

    Six drops rolls out to about 30"

    drops will give you 78 mcg / pheromone.

    One Gel / pkt = 80 mcg


    One bottle SOE contains 5 mg ( 5000 mcg )


    So divide 5000 mcg by 80 mcg then the pheromone content

    in the bottle is equal to that of about 62 gel/pkts.

    Therefore if

    you were using 30" applications then the bottle would give you 62 good application hit amounts.

    So you can see that 30" or one gel/pkt is a good general amount

    to apply for a night out on the town or a good day of activity.


    am not sure what is the cost of a bottle of SOE, But whatever the cost is divide it by 62 and that is what it will

    be costing you for an excellent application.

    There are occasions

    when 12" or 15" may be suitable, because still ya get hit action if the conditions of use are favourable.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  20. #20
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    Terry mate!, i'm trying

    your fav, Soe and A7, if it works as well as you say. I'll fly you down a pint! or maybe a yard! lol


  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkpoet3113 View Post
    Terry mate!, i'm trying your fav, Soe and A7, if it works as well as you say. I'll fly

    you down a pint! or maybe a yard! lol
    Hey Joe, I will be lookin forward to a pint

    of Guiness before dinner.

    I get the best hits and also sexy type

    comments when i layer my mix on top of a good base of quality cologne after it is dried down, and when the mix has

    dried down i cover again with some of the same cologne.


    standard mix is Alpha7 : SOE 1dr :30" thats 30" or One gel/pkt SOE.

    This mix does

    attract strong female attention for me, But you will still have to initiate conversation, because they will not be

    actually jumping on top of you, ( not until you start talking ) but it will pull them in close around you if you are

    sat indoors at a cafe ect.
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    i'm not afraid to open

    conversation terry mate!... i understand what mones are all about.
    as for the Guiness....i'll send you one if you

    aussies, win the rugby world cup this year. lol unfortunately, here in america, we dont get rugby on the telly to

    often. i had to pay extra just to get football (soccer) on my bloody telly. Terry, thanks for the application tips

    also, hopefully all works well.

  23. #23
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkpoet3113 View Post
    i'm not afraid to open conversation terry mate!... i understand what mones are all

    as for the Guiness....i'll send you one if you aussies, win the rugby world cup this year. lol

    unfortunately, here in america, we dont get rugby on the telly to often. i had to pay extra just to get football

    (soccer) on my bloody telly. Terry, thanks for the application tips also, hopefully all works well.

    The first time i used a pheromone product back in 1994, it must have been a

    good one because it performed just as well as anything i have used. (this product can no longer be found


    I am closer to 60 than 50 and i really would not be wasting my time with pheromones

    if i had not received some excellent and wonderful hits from various formulas over the last few years.

    So have some fun and just enjoy working with some combo's and products and you will in

    time come up with some recipies that will become favourite and noted mix formulas to suit your needs.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  24. #24
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    Thanks Terry for calculating

    on Soe
    I really love the gel packets.. my last order which arrived yesterday included 60 Soe gel packets..

    Last few weeks i usually entered the clubs heavy on none with one drop A1 and little B-nol
    after i hour

    ... i go to the toilet and apply one gel packet Soe on my forearms ...
    it doesnt bring hits brings Wonders

    Girls standig in front of me turn around .. female friends dont stop hugging me .. and so on...
    heavy on none

    means 4 drops A7 behind my ears and 3 sprays TE between my legs ..
    this is for clubbing .. dont go so high on

    moanes on daytime ..
    it´s an overdose .. i know but as mentioned i combine it with Soe later ...
    works great in

    smoky surroundings...

  25. #25
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pagodeiro View Post
    Thanks Terry for calculating on Soe
    I really love the gel packets.. my last order which

    arrived yesterday included 60 Soe gel packets..
    Last few weeks i usually entered the clubs heavy on none

    with one drop A1 and little B-nol
    after i hour ... i go to the toilet and apply one gel packet Soe on my forearms

    it doesnt bring hits brings Wonders !!
    Girls standig in front of me turn around .. female friends dont

    stop hugging me .. and so on...
    heavy on none means 4 drops A7 behind my ears and 3 sprays TE between my legs ..

    this is for clubbing .. dont go so high on moanes on daytime ..
    it´s an overdose .. i know but as mentioned i

    combine it with Soe later ...
    works great in smoky surroundings...
    I agree width ya

    Pago, those SOE gel/pks are better value than currency, what fab way to break the ice.

    I havent been to a nightclub for over a year, but 1 or 2 drops

    Androstenone formula suit me very well for normal every day wear.

    Even WAGG works well for me at 2 drops on the chin and uncovered, and some aNONE and cologne around

    the gills.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  26. #26
    Journeyman DssMaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pagodeiro View Post
    Thanks Terry for calculating on Soe
    I really love the gel packets.. my last order which

    arrived yesterday included 60 Soe gel packets..
    Last few weeks i usually entered the clubs heavy on none

    with one drop A1 and little B-nol
    after i hour ... i go to the toilet and apply one gel packet Soe on my forearms

    it doesnt bring hits brings Wonders !!
    Girls standig in front of me turn around .. female friends dont

    stop hugging me .. and so on...
    heavy on none means 4 drops A7 behind my ears and 3 sprays TE between my legs ..

    this is for clubbing .. dont go so high on moanes on daytime ..
    it´s an overdose .. i know but as mentioned i

    combine it with Soe later ...
    works great in smoky surroundings...
    Pago, do you cover with

    cologne after applying an entire SOE gelpack, or not?

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    hmm a cologne to

    cover the smell of Soe ?
    never thought about it bevore .. it comes with a nice smell .... not so strong like in the

    bottle but still nice ..
    Soe mainly contains Nol and Rone ... not many people out there which can smell them

    Usually i wear Ambre Sultan by Serge Lutens has a strong natural scent ..mainly wood notes .. no need

    to reaply ... it lasts really long....

    For normal day wear i don´t go over two drops of A7 or Primal ..

    thinking about to try the aNone thing .. and WAGG
    Hey guys i feel sometimes like a women... what do i wear today

    I already have Edge and Chikara and Soe gelpacks
    A1, B-Nol, Estratetraenol, Primal, NPA, Edge, C7, A7, Soe,

    A314, PPA
    (by the way smells great) and PHEROS


  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pagodeiro View Post

    already have Edge and Chikara and Soe gelpacks
    A1, B-Nol, Estratetraenol, Primal, NPA, Edge, C7, A7, Soe, A314,

    (by the way smells great) and PHEROS

    Wow, you have a nice arsenal going there. Why

    don't you try that famous WKM#1 beta 1 mix that has been posted about?

    It consists of the following ratio:

    6 part scented SOE/m
    3 part NPA/m
    1 part unscented PI/m

    From what I read so far is that this combo when

    applied in strips of about 5-6 inches (if used in a roll-on bottle like the one SOE comes in) on each side of the

    face/neck, brings great sexual and social type of hits.
    And if you do try it, please let me know what your results

    are. I'm taking a guess here in that you know how to make mixed batches?

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    Sounds nice with the mix

    be tested tomorrow ... on a historic festival..
    how many stripes of the mix should be applied ?

    little time

    today.. tomorrow more ..

  30. #30
    Journeyman DssMaster's Avatar
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    According to the creator, 2

    stripes (4-5 inches per stripe) on the side of the face/neck.

    Here's a quote from one of his hits:

    "Alrighty, 3 days into testing and I\'ve already had a few results. One of those results was a very strong

    sexual hit. Anyway, the ratio used of this \"beta\" version of WKM#1 was 6 SoE:1 PI:3 NPA. I\'m still testing

    this beta mix, so I will continue to report outstanding hits as I get them.


    One of my female friends

    in class asked me to come sit by her 5 minutes into class. While sitting by her, I notice her DIHL\'ing at me

    while I\'m not looking. It happened at least 4 or 5 times. Then we got into a conversation. It was general

    chit-chatter, and then out of no where, she asked \"Do you like getting dirty?\" (Pretty much implied; people you

    know what I\'m talking about! lol!).

    During this conversation, I noticed heavy staring and eye contact from

    her. What also shocked me, out of no where she said in a really cute but fast voice \"I\'m attracted to you.\"

    The first thing that came to my mind was \"WOW.\" I told her I thought she was pretty and then I asked her what

    about me she found attractive. She claimed she didn\'t know why! omg. I knew from that point, this mix was

    working. After this, the class teacher started talking out loud and we all had to be quiet, but I noticed, even

    20-30 minutes after all of this happened, she kept looking and staring at me with extreme lust in her eyes. She was

    a taken girl in a very sucessful relationship, I\'m friends with her bf, so I wasn\'t about to make any moves on

    her. EVERYONE IS TAKEN! ITS NOT FAIR! DAMMIT! [img]/ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif[/img] lol. Ah well. I\'ll

    continue to play around with this mix.

    BTW I was only wearing 5 inches of the mix.

    - Krish"

    Oh, and one

    more thing Pago, it is strongly recommended that you shake the bottle for like a quick 30 seconds or so, before you

    use it, in order for the 'mones to mix well, specially the PI/m, which is in oil form. Looking forward reading your


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