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  1. #31
    Phero Enthusiast
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    has any Asian users

    reported positive results from Pheros? I don't want to offend DST but Phero's scent didn't do it for me. my gf

    commented that it smelled very exotic and rich and reminds her of Egyptian spice, probably due to the packaging

    design. I think Pheros is the type of scent that is compatible with -none heavy races, so basically everybody on

    earth except Asians.

    my gf and I prefer scents like coolwater, jean paul's unforgivable, aqua de gio..etc.

  2. #32
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    Not that I know of but that

    doesn't prove anything. DST isn't likely to be offended, he knows as well as anybody that no scent works for us

    all. Pheros is something I wear as a change myself, no as an everyday scent. Most the time I wear musk and/or Oud.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

    Thomas Jefferson

  3. #33
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    hey lifetransform, I never use

    -mones/chikara on my clothes because like you said it doesn't seem to work as well and I don't want any kind of

    build up on my clothes. One thing about Chikara that I noticed as well is that people tend to think you're younger

    than you really are. Not sure why though.

    I also like to try and OD on every -mone to see how I react

    and see the dosage before I OD. I once OD'd on NPA with 8 "drops" on my neck and let me to you that was not a

    pleasant experience. I felt like I wanted to start with a fight with anyone and everyone. I even had one of my

    family members yelling and screaming at me for no reason at all. My dosage for NPA is 1 drop but if I put something

    like WAGG or SOE then I can put on 2 or maybe 3 drops.

    The -mones that I've tried is

    AE - gives me a bad

    headache but that could be because the smell was too strong but it does seem to work just not as well as other


    chikara gel packs scented. I do like the scent but it can get tiring after awhile. Works the same as

    chikara unscented spray. People also want to talk with me when I'm using it.

    SOE - My productivity goes up

    and if I start getting tired I'll use it as a wake me up. People are a little more friendly and talkative towards

    you but I don't use it by itself.

    WAGG - People are more friendly towards you and you'll look less hostile.

    A314 - You'll feel and look "a lot" more laid back and a little more sexier. This is the one I use at work

    because you're able to think clearer. If guys have a hard time talking to girls this is the one I'd recommend.

    NPA - Is my all time favorite. You'll look and feel a lot sexier but if you use too much you can be

    intimidating. That's where WAGG or SOE comes in. You can use larger doses of NPA with less chance of OD which

    means you'll look and feel even sexier. I prefer to mix it with WAGG but SOE also works. I wear NPA/WAGG 90% of

    the time when I'm not at work.

    As for "A7 or the enhanced Liquid trust," I haven't tried those yet but A7

    is on my list to get next time.

    Hope this helps

  4. #34
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    I see. I should switch to

    all skin applications and see if the hits increase in frequency or intensity.

    lol 8 drops NPA, yup that'll do

    the trick off pissing off the world.

    I never noticed much results from WAGG. do you notice that if you don't

    use it people tend to be reluctant to talk to you? how much do yo apply?

    soe as a pick me up? interesting. I

    have noticed increased chattiness with soe but I try to stay away from oil applications. get itchy sometimes on the

    neck. where do you apply it if you have to wear lots of clothes?

    yes, NPA / Edge and A314 are the king. they

    are my all time fav too. =)

    have you tried the instant honesty/openness line from 'the other place'? I think

    they work really well as social mones, really gets people to open up and talk. and they are sprays so you can wear

    them in the hair and the diffusion is excellent.

  5. #35
    Phero Guru Rbt's Avatar
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    I've always considered and used DST

    Pheros as a cologne/cover scent, not as a pheromone product. I save it for special occasions. It's not an everyday

    item. I find I like it, a lot. I also find I don't like the "Cool Water" type scents much at all. Use waht is best

    for you, or what tickles your preferred target's fancy. Everybody is different. Thankfully.
    The opposite of love isn't hate.
    It's apathy

  6. #36
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifetransform View Post
    has any Asian users reported positive results from Pheros? I don't want to offend DST

    but Phero's scent didn't do it for me. my gf commented that it smelled very exotic and rich and reminds her of

    Egyptian spice, probably due to the packaging design. I think Pheros is the type of scent that is compatible with

    -none heavy races, so basically everybody on earth except Asians.

    my gf and I prefer scents like coolwater,

    jean paul's unforgivable, aqua de gio..etc.
    If I'd known you liked Aqua and other citrusy scents,

    primarily, I could have predicted Pheros wouldn't be your type of scent, since it is more rich and musky,

    with more blatant romantic intentions. A number of times I have "warned" about this on the forum, to help people

    decide a bit before ordering it.

    I have heard from people in more than one Asian country that liked it, but I

    don't know or remember what their nationalities were.

    I think it's more about your taste in scents. It's

    really the opposite of something like Coolwater.

    Thanks for giving it a try. I'm sorry it wasn't for you.

    I do know that Bruce has always been great about accepting returns of Pheros, as with other products.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  7. #37
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    ah, opposite of coolwater.

    no wonder.

    I got the Pheros when it first came out ages ago. ya think Bruce will accept that for return lol?

  8. #38
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifetransform View Post

    I got the Pheros when it first came out ages ago. ya think Bruce will accept that

    for return lol?
    lifetransform, I'll be happy to take your old Pheros off your hands, how much is left in

    the bottle? Contact me through Yahoo.

    It'd be cool to compare the new with the aged product.

  9. #39
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    hiya idesign, sure that

    sounds good to me.

    my Pheros is completely untouched. all I did so many years ago was to open the seal and smell

    it and let me gf smell it. then the lid goes back on and never thought about it again.

    I don't have yahoo

    messenger on my computer. can we send PMs on this forum?

  10. #40
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    Hey, LifeT, I like acqua di gio as

    well. And is that coolwater the davidoff one? If yes, I have one too!

    I think I will have chikara unscented, a314

    and Liquid trust for my next order. What do you think?

  11. #41
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    yup, the daviddoff one.

    my gf loves that smell, says it was what I was wearing when we first met so she 4ever associates that feeling with

    the scent.

    she recommended another cologne to me recently called:

    unforgivable - by jean paul.

    it smells

    very unique and nice. if you like aqua di gio and coolwater you'll definitely like unforgivable.


    unscented chikara is a must have.
    liquid trust....I didn't see any results from it, the general opinion is that

    you have to spray like half of the bottle to see some effects, if any. and, it seems to make both the wearer and

    the target stupid in large quantities. (maybe that's why it's 'trust' cuz it temporarily makes the brain go


    A314 is also a must have.

    remember to get unscented soe too! =)

  12. #42
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    Now, I tried

    smelling myself again after a hot shower (no soap). SoE smells just nice. It was good when the fragrance worn off

    but this is even better.

    I think I saw unforgivable before. I'll check that out. However, sometime I prefer a

    deep woody smell of sandalwood as well, not cedar, it's too spicy. I use it when I do something formal and/or meet

    someone important. (I bought it from Body Shop) Although I like perfume and such, my sense of smell is not that


  13. #43
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    my sense of smell is worse

    than you lol.

    I don't understand all those perfume lingo, citrus, woodsy, musk...etc cuz I can't realy tell the


    my gf emphasized that unforgivable has a distinct woody undertone that's very manly and mature....I

    have no idea what she means, but hey as long as they like it.

  14. #44
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifetransform View Post

    idesign, sure that sounds good to me.

    my Pheros is completely untouched. all I did so many years ago was to

    open the seal and smell it and let me gf smell it. then the lid goes back on and never thought about it again.


    don't have yahoo messenger on my computer. can we send PMs on this forum?
    just send a message to
    Last edited by idesign; 01-31-2008 at 04:30 PM.

  15. #45
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    email sent.

  16. #46
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    just send

    a message to
    Thanks, reply coming

  17. #47
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    ok, the chikara testing


    another really successful day overall.

    this time, I upped the chikara dosage back up to 7 sprays

    but I made sure to also apply a shitload of -nols to buffer the possible aggression. (also had a bunch of Edge/NPA

    on as always)
    I think I had on like 6-7 sprays of instant openess, 5 sprays of instant honesty, and 4 sprays of

    come talk to me2, most of them applied in hair and chest for best diffusion.

    went to class, female classmates

    would initiate convo on their own, linger around my space, guys wouldn't look at me. (too much -none I think) the

    girl sitting on my right would get a little catty with the girl on my left when we were all chatting. I don't

    wanna go so far to say that they were 'fighting' for my attention, but they were definitely competing for some

    sort of dominance.
    I tried to diffuse the situation by paying them equal amounts of attention, lots of kind hearted

    humor and kino and they seemed to simmer down after a while.

    later, another female classmate walked by and asked

    me where I got my jeans. I told her it's the levi's 527 low boot cut and she said it looks really nice on me. (I

    should've came back with 'well that's cuz I have a nice ass and long legs' lol) but instead I replied, 'yeah,

    and check out these stone washed patterns on the back of the knee, see?'

    the girl sitting on my right was the

    same one that I chatted with for 4 hours in the car after the last class, we've gotten closer and she lets me hold

    her hand and put my arms around her when we are walking. (sharing an umbrella in the pouring rain helped lol) we

    went out for some food after class and talked for a while, then I took her back to her car. usually we hug goodbye

    in the friendly-upper-body-arching-hips-not-touching way, but this time she just stood there with her hands curled

    up in front of her chest and looking down to the right at the ground, waiting for me to hold her.
    so I did and

    she buried her face in my chest and took a big whiff and said my jacket smelled really good. (the bulk of the mones

    is on my shirt tho)

    I suddenly got the urge to kiss her, so I tried to lift her chin up and as I went in she

    ducked back into my chest. I asked 'is it too fast?' and she just made some noises. we kept hugging for a while

    then we left.

    I felt 'a bit' guilty for almost kissing my classmate so I went to the coffee shop my gf was

    working at to surprise her. this was about 4 hours after the initial application, I refreshed with 1 dab of NPA and

    3 sprays of instant openess togo. I went in the store and found my gf, she was pleasantly surprised that I showed

    up, I've never been there b4. as we were talking, 2 of her coworker baristas gathered around us and was checking

    me out and asking if I was the bf. later, my gf told me that they asked about me after I left the store and thought

    that I was cute. (chikara power!)

    I did not feel any aggression or impatience this time with 7 sprays

    of chikara, maybe my body has adjusted to the dosage or all those -nols I piled on was doing their job. either way,

    it's working nicely, no sign of OD at all.
    Last edited by lifetransform; 02-02-2008 at 08:51 AM.

  18. #48
    Full Member Pendragon's Avatar
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    It's stories like that which

    make me think I'm not wearing enough. I usually just have 1-2 dabs npa and some SOE down my neck.

    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

  19. #49
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifetransform View Post
    this time, I upped the chikara dosage back up to 7 sprays but I made sure to also

    apply a shitload of -nols to buffer the possible aggression. (also had a bunch of Edge/NPA on as always)
    I think

    I had on like 6-7 sprays of instant openess, 5 sprays of instant honesty, and 4 sprays of come talk to me2, most of

    them applied in hair and chest for best diffusion.
    I'm not familiar with some of what you were

    wearing, but that's a big pile 'o mones, 6 by my count, and 12 sprays on top of the "bunch of Edge/NPA".


    that's enough to cause power failure in a medium sized city.

    Chikara is not known to produce OD reactions, but

    if so, why would you wear 7 sprays when a typical dose would be 1-3? Just wondering...

  20. #50
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post
    I'm not

    familiar with some of what you were wearing, but that's a big pile 'o mones, 6 by my count, and 12 sprays on top

    of the "bunch of Edge/NPA".

    Wow, that's enough to cause power failure in a medium sized city.

    Chikara is not

    known to produce OD reactions, but if so, why would you wear 7 sprays when a typical dose would be 1-3? Just

    Yeah, I think it's overkill. I started using mones last summer, and I had also was prone

    to trying a gazillion different things at the same time in large quantities while looking for the perfect

    combination (the one no one else has found). I realized after a while that if I wasn't producing ODs and still

    getting good results it was probably just a few of the products working their magic. I'm back to simple

    experimentation with one or two mones or maybe three. This allows me to see what is doing what. Combinations are

    fun but it's probably best to start with simple ones in small quantities. After all, some girls may respond

    positively to one and negatively to another. Combined they might go either way or be totally neutral. Imagine how

    many factors are at play with everything you've got on. And, it may be that one product in a small quantity might

    have worked better. I'd think that you could save money and have a better grasp of what's going on with less on.

    Less is more.

    Just my thoughts....
    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 05:18 PM.

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    not familiar with some of what you were wearing, but that's a big pile 'o mones, 6 by my count, and 12 sprays on

    top of the "bunch of Edge/NPA".

    Wow, that's enough to cause power failure in a medium sized city.

    Chikara is

    not known to produce OD reactions, but if so, why would you wear 7 sprays when a typical dose would be 1-3? Just

    yeah lol, power failure indeedy.

    mones dosage is different for everybody, I naturally

    produce pretty low levels of -none so I discovered long ago that I tend to get more obvious and pronounced results

    the more I apply.

    the typical 2-3 sprays for most products doesn't work for me, I do notice some sporadic minor

    hits here and there but I get consistent fantastic reactions when I go up to what is considered OD levels for

    'regular' users.
    besides, I'm an attention whore.

    if you wanna know, the actual # of products I had


    new version A314 - 3 drops, neck and wrist
    Edge - 6 sprays, neck and chest
    NPA- 2 dabs, wrist

    honesty - 5 sprays, wrist and hair
    instant openess - 7 sprays, chest and hair
    come talk to me2 - 4 sprays, neck

    and hair
    instant shine 2x - 3 sprays, neck chest
    chikara - 7 sprays, neck and chest


  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tester123 View Post
    Yeah, I think it's overkill. I started using mones last summer, and I had also was prone

    to trying a gazillion different things at the same time in large quantities while looking for the perfect

    combination (the one no one else has found). I realized after a while that if I wasn't producing ODs and still

    getting good results it was probably just a few of the products working their magic. I'm back to simple

    experimentation with one or two mones or maybe three. This allows me to see what is doing what. Combinations are

    fun but it's probably best to start with simple ones in small quantities. After all, some girls may respond

    positively to one and negatively to another. Combined they might go either way or be totally neutral. Imagine how

    many factors are at play with everything you've got on. And, it may be that one product in a small quantity might

    have worked better. I'd think that you could save money and have a better grasp of what's going on with less on.

    Less is more.

    Just my thoughts....
    yup, I agree with experimenting with single products at a time

    to gauge the effectiveness, it's the only way to become familiar with reactions to see if the product is working

    for you.

    but like I said, mones dosage is different for everyone, what works for me may or may not work for

    another user. we all have to go through the trial and error to figure out the OD limit, there's no


    that being said, I've been using mones for going on 8 years now, mostly products from LS and recent

    couple of years products from 'the other place'. I've had enough time with each product as they were released

    one by one to test whether they work on me.
    (I'm especially familiar with Edge/NPA's usage, no surprise there


    as far as the 'perfect combo nobody else has found' goes, it's the same concept with dosage, the perfect

    mix for me is most likely not the perfect mix for somebody else. you can't 'discover' the perfect combo for

    others, you can only discover your own.

    an example of this is one of the experimental test mix from 'the other

    place' called mx203 - aka instant Caucasian magic, that seems to work really well on white girls but tends to repel

    every other race- Asian, Hispanic, Black...etc I tested this in one of my classes and man, all I can say is I'm

    never touching mx203 again. I wont' go into the story much here but basically it made me invisible to the girls in

    my class, to the point that when I switched back to my bread and butter mix(with lots of Edge), a tall slim sexy

    Persian classmate approached me and asked why she hadn't seen me in the class before, then proceeded to sit beside

    me for the rest of the quarter. (she ended up asking me out on her own, I screwed it up tho lol)

    but there are

    other users who have received great hits from mx203 in their mix. (maybe they are in a predominantly Caucasian

    in this case, their perfect mix doesn't work on me, especially in California where the racial

    profile is so diverse.

    I do have to admit that I like to test products by going overboard and then scaling it

    back as opposed to starting small and stepping it up. I prefer to see some kind of reaction, even OD than to see

    nothing if the dosage is too low. but that's just my personal preference.

    I gotta say tho, I think I have

    already found my 'perfect mix' when I discovered what chikara can do for me. I was already getting pretty good

    results with my regular mix but chikara's 'hey he's cute' effect is like pouring gasoline on fire. I can't

    live without chikara in my mix now, like I can't live without Edge/NPA.

    lots of words I know lol, there

    has been many discussions on the topic of OD so I have quite a bit of thoughts on the subject.

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by lifetransform View Post
    besides, I'm an attention whore.
    As long as your honest with

    yourself, then it's all good!

    Quote Originally Posted by lifetransform View Post
    if you wanna know, the actual # of

    products I had was:

    new version A314 - 3 drops, neck and wrist
    Edge - 6 sprays, neck and chest
    NPA- 2 dabs,

    instant honesty - 5 sprays, wrist and hair
    instant openess - 7 sprays, chest and hair
    come talk to me2 - 4

    sprays, neck and hair
    instant shine 2x - 3 sprays, neck chest
    chikara - 7 sprays, neck and chest

    With that much on, why not just take the whole bottle with you and ask her smell and give her opinion of

    it? The whole bottle would definately be OD. LOL
    If I'm the rubber and your the glue..then I'd probably get some, and you'd just be sticky

  24. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pendragon View Post

    long as your honest with yourself, then it's all good!

    With that much on, why not just take the

    whole bottle with you and ask her smell and give her opinion of it? The whole bottle would definately be OD.

    oh yeah, I know I'm definitely an attention whore. I feed off and get off on it, daily. what man

    WOULDN'T want the girls to check him out? eye contact and extra attention are the frontlines of IOIs. and since

    girls are genetically designed to be attracted to high status males with lots of social proof, extra attention from

    people (women or men) sure don't hurt.

    a girl seeing another girl checking you out will become more curious

    about you and checks you out some more. (they sense you have been preselected by other females)

    "love me, hate

    me, just don't ignore me." =)

    if the girl doesn't even notice you, you already lost half of the battle is what

    I always say.

    and asking a girl to sniff the bottle doesn't work, OD levels or not, it has to be applied on

    a human for the context to be congruent. I tried lacing my apartment with PI for experiment b4 - 2 bottles.

    nothing happened, not even a hint of extra aggression or anything else, forget arousal.

  25. #55
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    Ah, I didn't realize that

    you'd been using mones for so long! I should have looked at your registration date to see that you've been on the

    board for a while. Regardless, I totally agree that this is all very individualistic though I do think there are

    some general things that work for most people of the same sex/race.

    That mix for attracting white girls sounds

    interesting to me. I wonder what's in it that would attract Caucasians and repel others. Are Nordic types more

    attracted by it than other "whites?" Also wonder if the wearer should also be Caucasian. Anyway, I've never

    ordered from the other place. I have nothing against them. I just have my hands full already and really like Love

    Scent. I'm not averse to trying the OP, but I will always consider this my primary. LS was my introduction to

    mones after hearing about them for years and years. If it hadn't been for LS and this board, I probably wouldn't

    have known what to look for and may have concluded that mones didn't

    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 05:16 PM.

  26. #56
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    LT. What mones (products) do you

    use when you go to a pub or bar? (quite crowded)

  27. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevio View Post

    What mones (products) do you use when you go to a pub or bar? (quite crowded)
    tbh, I don't go to pubs or

    clubs much lol. I find that my personality doesn't work in such environments.

    but when I do go, I just used

    the same mix I usually wear, but with even more sprays! not really a surprise there eh? lol

    lots and lots and

    lots Edge/NPA, and even more instant openess/come talk to me2. a good idea to cover your entire upper, hell, lower

    body too in unscented soe.

    I haven't tested chikara in a crowded club setting, but I think if it works in daily

    situations it'll work anywhere.

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    I'm getting over my idiocy and

    need some refreshing atmosphere. I don't go to such places often too. Just for a change.

    Thanks bro

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tester123 View Post
    Ah, I didn't realize that you'd been using mones for so long! I should have looked at

    your registration date to see that you've been on the board for a while. Regardless, I totally agree that this is

    all very individualistic though I do think there are some general things that work for most people of the same


    That mix for attracting white girls sounds interesting to me. I wonder what's in it that would

    attract Caucasians and repel others. Are Nordic types more attracted by it than other "whites?" Also wonder if the

    wearer should also be Caucasian. Anyway, I've never ordered from the other place. I have nothing against them. I

    just have my hands full already and really like Love Scent. I'm not averse to trying the OP, but I will always

    consider this my primary. LS was my introduction to mones after hearing about them for years and years. If it

    hadn't been for LS and this board, I probably wouldn't have known what to look for and may have concluded that

    mones didn't work.
    yes, I consider LS my home too and been dropping mucho dinero on them for years. I

    even went to a vegas pheromone convention held by Bruce back in the day, got to meet Bruce and JVK and stonelab's

    Phil in person, such friendly people. =) JVK did a advanced speech about his book scent of eros (soe) but I did

    not understand a lick of what he said with my puny brain. lol

    the mx203 non-Caucasian repelling effect has been a

    popular topic of discussion at 'the other place'. some swears by it and others claim that they can get still

    Asian girls with it.

    I can sell you mine if you wanna give it a try, I know I'm never touching it anyways.

    it's an experimental mix so it's not in stock at the moment at 'the other place'

  30. #60
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tester123 View Post
    Yeah, I

    think it's overkill. I started using mones last summer, and I had also was prone to trying a gazillion different

    things at the same time in large quantities while looking for the perfect combination (the one no one else has

    found). I realized after a while that if I wasn't producing ODs and still getting good results it was probably

    just a few of the products working their magic. I'm back to simple experimentation with one or two mones or maybe

    three. This allows me to see what is doing what. Combinations are fun but it's probably best to start with simple

    ones in small quantities. After all, some girls may respond positively to one and negatively to another. Combined

    they might go either way or be totally neutral. Imagine how many factors are at play with everything you've got

    on. And, it may be that one product in a small quantity might have worked better. I'd think that you could save

    money and have a better grasp of what's going on with less on. Less is more.

    Just my thoughts....

    Very nice analysis Tester. With all the various environmental and personal factors, keeping the -mone

    factor simple makes it easier to judge effectiveness.

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