Quote Originally Posted by BILLY MEIR View Post

appreciate the reply back .... I have talked to alot of people regarding mms, and they all say not to go over 15


It even says it on the bottle , start with 1 or 2 drops , work your way to 15 drops ....... IT does not

say its bad to go over 15 drops , It just does not say anything OTHER than reah 15 drops twice a day

Also i only

found one company that makes a pure apple juice , i called them up and they said our juice is made from pure apples

. Just curious what did you mix it with?

And how long did you take mms at max dose? and did it cure your

condidtion? sorry for all the questions

I just want to get rid of MY condition
The most comprehensive advice and directions are found in the Jim Humble


I know that hepatitis patients start

taking increasing the drops the drops until they can take 30 drops twice a day without nausea, they will then check

negative to hepatitis of all kinds, see chapter 8 Page 9.

You will probably see

results when you have worked up to 15 dr twice a day without experiencing


Nausea and putrid stools ect are just signs that the body is still undergoing


Oh yes i did take my MMS in a glass of water only each


Without having to resort to finding time to do my own juicing, I discovered that just

about all pure apple juices in the store did contain ascorbic acid as a preservative, some manufacturers also do not

mention this.

But the taking of any vit C ( ASCORBIC ACID ) will detract from the MMS results by up to

%75, that is why is is crucial to make sure and check averything that is drunk and or consumed does not have any vit

c added into it.

I have a friend who is a

naturepathic practicioner he is about 70 yo and has saved countless lives and much disease with his knowledge, and i

will try and contact him for advise 4 your sinus re the MMS use.

He is a little hard to contact at times as he travels Australia wide giving lectures at

seminars, treating patients, and ever learning and refreshing his qualifications, his wife is also skilled in

Chinese herbal medicine and also Scaler healing, she is Chinese.

You may email me terry0400-40@hotmail.com