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  1. #1
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Must say that the "Miracle Mineral Supplement" That is promoted by Jim Humble is

    very good shit, fantastic actually.

    First off i read the book written by Jim Humble and then i started using the MMS formula

    myself with amazing results obtained.

    And for less than $20 a 4 oz bottle will last for well over a



    type in into your search engine so as to

    download free part one of Jim Humbles book and have a read.

    To order the 4 oz bottle this is the adress i

    used to order mine that arrived here in Australia in about 6 days. the 4oz bottle of MMS comes in an

    unbreakable bottle that has a built in dropper that works perfectly and the product arrives with a proper



    anyone who may order this product then be sure to read the mixing instructions so as the catalyistic process that

    takes 3 minutes is appropriate.

    This stuff really works and is not a scam.

    When the three minute catalyistic process is

    completed with the drops and you are ready to add water or juice before drinking then do NOT use orange juice or

    any juice that has any vitamin C added to it as it will hinder the healing effects by 75%.

    So do not overlap the the ingestion of the MMS preparation with the ingestion

    of any orange juice or vitamin C product for at least 1 and 1/2

    Jim Humble who has treated thousands of patients and can prove it, says MMS will eliminate

    cancer, and aids, and maleria and nutralise poisons and associated diseases in not weeks but in days from the body.

    Also those with maleria and aids went went back to work after several days of their first treatment.

    Last edited by Bruce; 01-20-2008 at 02:28 PM.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  2. #2
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    If you want to convince

    people, or even make them curious; you might want to say more than "amazing results obtained." Especially when you

    have yet another product that claims to "cure all diseases". I'm always skeptical.

    What is it, a liquid trace

    mineral supplement? There are thousands of those. They're fine.

    What does it mean, that "somebody with AIDS

    went back to work"? Lots of people with AIDS work, with time off to deal with their various health problems.


    enough information to make me want to read some random marketer's book.
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

  3. #3
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrSmellThis View Post
    If you want to convince people, or even make them curious; you might want to say more

    than "amazing results obtained." Especially when you have yet another product that claims to "cure all diseases".

    I'm always skeptical.

    What is it, a liquid trace mineral supplement? There are thousands of those. They're


    What does it mean, that "somebody with AIDS went back to work"? Lots of people with AIDS work, with time

    off to deal with their various health problems.

    Not enough information to make me want to read some random

    marketer's book.
    DrSmellThis, This bloke Jim Humble is not just some random

    Marketer, He has saved countless lives and given hope and joyous life in abundance to thousands of Human


    MMS formula has cured thousands of malaria

    patients completly with one days use.

    It has done the same for cancer and aids with both being wiped out in less than

    3 weeks, not one or two random cases but HUNDREDS or more.

    I dont get any commisions from telling people

    about the book or the Chlorine Dioxide and the Sodium Chloride products that can be made up in the kitchen by any

    common man who can read.

    In the free download book Jim tells how to make the stuff for nothing.

    It cost me $28 US to get my 4oz bottle

    from US to my mailbox, The maintence dose is 4 drops per day and all i can say as a person who is using it



    anyone has ANY VIRUS or poisons that need to be removed from their bodies or can not open or close or open there

    hands because of artharitic conditions or are having trouble walking then they would do well to try this MMS as i

    have done and they will see for themselves that the Miracle Mineral Supplement does not require weeks or months to

    effect a cure as it is as soon as the patient can actually take 15 drops twice a day then that is sufficient for the

    worst serious cases.

    Any way i am not out to prove anything as i am just another poor punter who is receiving

    beautifull and rejuvenating strength and vitality free of virus and poisons as i awake to each wonderfull



    fact is that any person who is suffering and reads this will actually go and read the free download of the book if

    they desire to live, and to live great.

    You can lead a poor thirsty horse to water it has been suggested, But then it

    is up to the horse to drink or die.

    Doctor Smell This I know that you mean well in trying to get me to be more

    informative about this MMS substance and i can appreciate the fact in as much as i appreciate your professionalism,

    but i am a man of no real schooling and education and so a man with your sound education may be able to digest the

    book in a short time with real good comprehension so much better than i can appreciate it, and also with good sound

    understanding as well if you would just take a look i think people would be appreciative of your opinions. Sincere

    thanks if you can have a look please. terry0400-40

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  4. #4
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    Sorry to lower the intelectual

    level of this topic, but could you explain -in laymans' terms- what this actually does?


  5. #5
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamie3500 View Post
    Sorry to lower the intelectual level of this topic, but could you explain -in laymans'

    terms- what this actually does?

    Chlorine dioxide is made in

    the body from sodium chlorite and it kills the hell out of diseases and also removes and nutralises poisons in the

    body and the MMS substance may also be used to restore health in chronic food poisoning cases and it will cure just

    about any serious skin disese within days and will cause skin cancers to shrivel up and fall off the body and also

    restore movement to diseased limbs and it will cure aids and hep A, B, AND C in record time once a patient has

    reached the level of 15 drops twice a day then in 99% of cases the healing has been effected, and then the

    person can go onto a maintence dose of 4 drops a day so as to maintain perfect health.

    There is so much more as well as healing and removing malaria from a persons body in one

    Last edited by terry0400-40; 01-21-2008 at 10:49 AM. Reason: x spell
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  6. #6
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    I have heard of Chlorine dioxide

    before, CloSYS II (stabilised Chlorine dioxide) is used in oral rinses.

    Quote Originally Posted by terry0400-40 View Post
    it will

    cure aids and hep A, B, AND C in record time once a patient has reached the level of 15 drops twice a day
    Are those claims or just assumptions? Wasn't Colloidal Silver claimed to offer similar benefits as

    this, killing viruses, bacteria, etc. 30 drops a it that strong or is it like homeopathy? Which if you

    believe the claims, water can somehow absorb/retain the properties and benefits of a substance even after being

    extremely diluted. What about magnetic water that claims to also speed up healing? You'd think such a wonder cures

    would be frontpage news.
    Last edited by Teak; 06-25-2008 at 01:22 PM.

  7. #7
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    Terry, in all honesty, you may have

    better luck pushing this snake oil on another site, where there is more of a gulliable audience.

  8. #8
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tounge View Post

    in all honesty, you may have better luck pushing this snake oil on another site, where there is more of a gulliable

    Can you recommend one to me then



    product is not putting any money in my pocket not a red cent and im not looking to make any money from it in any way

    form or fashion.

    The truth is i personally have seen the healing effects of this stuff on more than a few people

    including 2 seventy year old people, and now i am using this cheap product that can be purchased just about anywhere

    on earth so nobody has a monopoly on the stuff that has been in use for nearly 100 years in various


    If i

    can only get one disease ridden suffering person to use and get healed by this MMS then it is


    My only motive for posting on the MMS here is that i may be able to help relieve the suffering of

    another human being.

    The use of this MMS does not even work out at $10 per year.

    Part 2 of the book actually explains how the

    ingredients can be obtained and then a person can make up the MMS at home at an even cheaper cost to themselves if

    they choose to do so.

    If i did not have a sure knowledge that this will actually help people then there is no way i

    would be bothering to mention it, aspecially when i am getting flak from doing so.

    But then what is the worth of a life



    Tongue there is so many charlitans in the world pushing their barrows of bull shit I dont blame you for being

    skeptical, and taking me to task over this issue as you probably are another person who cares for the feelings and

    wellbeing of others and do not like to see people being fed false hope and enduring unnecessary


    I can

    also understand these implications, and if i had not studied the product and also used it and also seen it work on

    others i to would have been skeptical just the same as you.

    And i do agree with you in the sense that a

    person should question these claims that i have suggested as being as a truth.

    And it is actually very inexpensive to find

    out for ones self as i have done.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  9. #9
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Simple Directions

    For anyone who wants lots of information on the subject of MMS then simply




    onto their search engine or Google Search.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  10. #10
    King of the coupons!
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    If I may, what has it done for

    you Terry?
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  11. #11
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOBLEYC57 View Post

    I may, what has it done for you Terry?
    Being an individual that has

    been diagnosed with chronic active hep c and also with an inability to recover from labouring and also with an

    immune system that does not work at all well, sometimes even if i get a small scratch it can turn into a major wound

    and sometimes i have had huge leg ulcers.

    Well at the moment

    the usual pain that i suffer in my back neck and heels has subsided, and i am waking up in the mornings and actually

    feeling fresh and enthusiastic which is a feeling i havent felt for awhile i even went for a job interveiw today


    Another thing is my pulse rate has really slowed down

    to around 60 bpm...

    Sometimes i cant take food and

    considering the alkalinity and strength of the MMS i was expecting my digestive system to shut down, but i am having

    an improved appetite which suits me fine.

    Considering the fact

    that i do not have any teeth to chew my food i usually have very tender and painfull gums at days end so i have been

    soaking my gums in the MMS as i consume it, and the rate that they are healing at is wondeful to me, im chewing a

    salad as i am typing this, grated raw carrot and raw beetroot and green lettuce with sliced tomato and chopped onion

    and garlic with a sprinkle of kelp powder and covered with some Apple cyder vinegar.

    Usually writh around somewhat when i go to bed with pain in the hips, neck, back and heels this

    is all subsiding and also my Body odour has gone ha ha , i can sniff under my arm pits and can not detect an

    unpleasant odour at all, and man it is humid here in my town this time of year.

    I must say with terry being terry i did

    overdose on the MMS instead of starting out on 2 drops per day so as to ease the cleansing symptoms i started on 7

    and went to 12 for the next five days and today went to 20 drops.

    Day four hit me like a Mack truck and i was

    staggering around like a very sick old man i was in lots of pain with headach and felt as if i weighed a ton as

    diffucult to walk even.

    But now i am feeling human once again and my eyes look very clear and sparkling in the morning.

    By the end

    of this week i will be on 30 drops per day and i will go on to a maintenence dose of 6 then 4 drops per day next

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

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