We're all watching you Terry to see

how this MM works out... YOU are our test subject, so if your avatar suddenly turns into a Smurf or something...

Also, it's of note to see how current research is indicatiing that even those so-called "everyday" vitamin and

other suppliments can cause more harm than good. Taking too much of a "good thing" can be as bad or worse than not

enough (eg Vitamin A, E, and even D). I look to get as much as I can from normal foods. I do take a couple of

standard multivitamin tabs each week (old fart formula) and some super B complex at least once a week (diabetic -

the meds can screw up B12 for example) but that's it.

And of course just because something is "natural"

doesn't mean it's safe or good for you. Cyanide is "natural"...

There was one gent over on a certain other

forum who was dosing himself with a list of suppliments about a page long... I for one felt it was unwise, but...

Sometimes the only way to find out it to try. As long as you also can accept the consequenses, good or ill.

Whenever I try a suppliment (or pheromone) I usually start low and slow, ease the dosage up, watch carefully for

side effects (or positive results), then also ease off when the test period is ending. No sudden starts or stops. So

far so good. Never had a really bad reaction, but also notice I usually get little positive results from things

I've tried. (Just finishing my Ginko Biloba test this month - can't say I noticed anything positive over the three

month test period.)