Hello, I just recieved my SOE today and am looking forward to trying it.

I was thinking though,

in the past 2 days I have worn no pheromones, and have never worn them, as I am a newbie, however,

1. A

woman who normally is rather grumpy had a cheerful conversation with me in an elevator.

2. A woman started a

conversation with me in a hall and wanted to keep talking to me.

I've never worn pheromones! It made me

think, now if I had gotten these pheromones 2 days earlier, I would have attributed both these things to the

pheromones - it wasn't even exactly the placebo effect because my behavior didn't change at all - it was just

sheer coincidence!

So I wonder, how do I distinguish sheer coincidence from actual effects of the pheromones?

How can I be objective about it?

What I am hoping is that either the overall reactions will improve, such

as over weeks, or the reactions will be much stronger intensity so that I can distinguish. But how can I be

objective about it, I mean is there really any way to distinguish sheer coincidence with results?