Quote Originally Posted by belgareth View Post

Doesn't it seem very strange to you that the only two people who have had a reaction like you describe both

demonstrate psychiatric conditions?
I'm not sure if you were referring to me as the "other" one of the

two, but I never had psychiatric conditions, I was just on drugs ...big difference

Yeah, I remember I was

so paranoid from PI...I hadn't used it in 2 weeks, and I was thinking that when I was driving that people in their

cars 100ft away could smell me! LOL. I was insane (at the time).

Since returning to mones (and being drug-free),

I barely even notice ODs. The whole "OD" concept is in your head. You can't "OD" on something that most people

can't even smell. The OD is mostly your own perception of what you think is happening, so you act congruently to

that. Then your subsequent actions are what cause others to act awkwardly around you. It has nothing to do with the

pheromones, you've just yourself become ultra-aware of your surroundings. You're noticing things that were already

there before, you just didn't see them before because you weren't ultra-aware or sensitive of your



Even though I frequent the other site's forum more than this one (only because

they are more active), I will say this: some of the people on that forum are a little over the top in their belief

of pheromones. Even though most people are genuinely posting their experience and it's mostly honest, there are

sometimes when I wonder if a user is just another userID of the admin or something. Some of the 'stories' are

blown out of proportion and exaggerated. Don't believe everything you read on there, I would venture to say some

poster there are full of shit (maybe getting paid to post?).

And then you read stuff like that, and stuff about

ODs, thinking that pheromones are just sooo powerful. It's not so, but your belief system changes because of what

you read, whether you consciously believe it or not, your body is now aware of the possibility. So when you are

super-aware of the body-language of others and notice the slightest awkward behavior, your mind connects the dots

where there may not even be any relation.

The fact is, you want to believe it's the pheromones, so that's what

you are seeing. What you see is based on what you believe, and when you see what you believe, it concretes those

beliefs furthers, and you get stuck in this crazy cycle.


I mean, Sublime, I know what you

think you're going through. It's real to you, but it's really not real. And when others try to convince you

that it's not real, you'll think they're lying to you. Yeah, it sucks. But listen, I suspect part of this could

be that you are probably somewhat of an introvert. I have a hunch, because that's one of my natural tendencies, to

'stay in my own head' and over-analyze things I see.

What you need to do is get out of your head. This is by

far the best thing you can do, and it's how I got over my issue. You have a fear that has nothing to do with

pheromones. I don't know the root of the fear, only you know it. But that's what is driving all of this. You

have to get out of your head and be social with people everywhere you go. Ignore all body language, just talk to

people. When you are somewhere - anywhere - don't allow your mind to pre-occupy with thoughts. Focus on what is

outside of yourself, on other people, things, and objects. If you are having a conversation, focus all your

attention on the other person. Don't try to figure out what they may be thinking about you. Let go of the result,

enjoy the process. Be in the moment. You mentioned that you stopped meditating and exercising...don't you think

this could have something to do with the way you're feeling? Yes, maybe you initially stopped those because of the

pheromones, but not doing those for 1-2 weeks can definitely make you feel significantly different.

Just let go

of all these thoughts. It's easier than you think. You're over complicating things, and don't listen to the

people on that other forum who talk about ozonators and all that bullshit. When I was going through a similar thing

as you, I would shower 4-5 times a day. I would scrub my skin with benzoyl peroxide and nioxin shampoo until my

skin was red. I tried every possible 'solution' out there. It's all bullshit. The best thing that rids you of

androstenone is a little time. And not weeks, just 24-48hrs is enough time. Like I said this is coming from me, a

guy who used to think people could smell me from inside their cars 100ft away. I had family over and thought they

were all avoiding me. I skipped so many classes that I even failed a class. It wasn't because of the pheromones.

It was all me. So take responsibility for what's going on in your head. You haven't once mentioned if you're on

drugs, or taking lots of caffeine or what, but maybe you don't want to share that information. I would bet $1000

that you are on something, whether it's drugs, caffeine, or a prescription, or you have some form of social

anxiety. There is no way the pheromones have anything to do with this.

With all that said, I wish you the best

of luck. You can pull through this.