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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Lightbulb Newbie mones field testing

    First post,

    but have been lurking for a bit reading the great threads and the phero library.

    As the £ to $ exchange

    rate was so favourable last week (even with paypals exchange rate) I decided to place some orders with LS which has

    resulted in my stash being as follows:
    Alpha A314
    Alpha-7 (Unscented)
    Edge (Unscented)

    Liquid Trust
    Perception Gel Packs (came free with my orders)
    Primal Instinct (Unscented)

    Rogue Male
    Scent of Eros
    SOE gel packs (as part of the newbie kit)

    I received the main part of

    my stash yesterday 5th Nov 2007 (first order on 1st Nov 2007) the only thing still to come is Pheros should be here

    either tomorrow or Thursday.

    My goal for using mones is to improve my "game" (with women) by putting myself

    in unplanned but more importantly in unexpected interactions. So that when I'm on the pull as they say here in the

    UK I'll be in a much better position because of all the unexpected baptisms of fire I've willingly but

    unexpectedly been put in, plus a hell of a lot more natural – at least that's the current plan.


    would be good if I could have it all now, which is unlikely to happen so I'm doing the next best thing which is (in

    my mind) to fail fast. The more I fail the more likely I'll have success.

    Anyway I've been working on my

    inner game (mind set, beliefs etc.) since April this year (2007) and it's paying off. So I think it's a good time

    to work on some outer game areas, saying that I do subscribe to the idea that all game is inner game - I'm just

    going to go about it in a belt and braces sort of way.

    A good example of my belt and braces sort of way is

    the 20 Euro that I keep in my wallet; I can't relay spend it here in the UK (there are shops that accept Euros but

    their mainly where tourists are located) and I can't say that I don't have any money because I do, if I do I'm

    lying to myself and my mind knows that I have money in my wallet.

    Before this little mind hack and the inner

    game work I was starting to have problems with my cash flow. Since April it's been fine and I'm now earning double

    what I was making in April without changing employers.

    Legal disclaimer for the mind hack above: your mileage

    may/will very.

    A little about me:

    Age: 24 (will be 25 next May)

    Hight: 5'7” - Last

    time I was measured for my ID card

    Weight: 17.5 stones just over 110kg or 242 pounds (down from 19 stones

    about 120kg or 264 pounds in the past few months with very little doing on my part - mainly inner game).

    been said that I take after my great grandfather on my fathers side who was a very well built farmer at the turn of

    the last century (early 1900's). I could probably lose a couple more stones in flab but after that it would be

    muscle. I'm doing so body weight calisthenics to speed up the flab loss (but building up sloly).


    Portuguese - think mediterranean + fusion, but far better (at least within my family, farther and mother being ex

    head chefs at a number of places in London).

    Looks: If I toned up I could maybe get into GQ (inner game

    typing here). Being serious - on a scale of 1 to 10 were 1 is being brutally beaten with the ugly bat (not stick)

    and 10 being say GQ looks I'd say I'm a 7 (6 easy). But I'm biased.

    Job: Sys admin at an undisclosed

    university, on a daily basis I come into contact with lots of people with a large portion being women (all different


    Method of travel: I mainly walk or take the bus (public transport) which should be


    What I ware: Trousers (usually black), In the summer I some times ware shorts. Short sleeve

    shirts (unless I'm wearing a suite in which case it's a long sleeved shirt) I also ware a white v neck T-shirt

    under my shirts. I colour coordinated my foot ware to match my shirt be it trainers or shoes, if I cant I

    coordinated with my trousers. I also colour coordinated I keep it simple and match colour.

    On to my

    field testing plan.

    I plan on testing each product over a 2 week period (each being tested for 2 weeks before

    moving to the next one) and posting my results on here. I was going to start off with NPA but put that off until I

    get a good covering scent.

    I start my field tests with SOE today (6th of Nov 2007), what I did and the

    results for today as as follows:

    Put on at about 6:20 am using the SOE roll-top bottle - 6" on each forearm

    (=12"), 1” or so behind both ears (=2") which was then spread around neck and face what was left on hands was

    placed on the forearms. Total = 14" of SOE

    By mid day the SOE scent was starting to fade from


    By 4 pm no noticeable SOE scent left but forearms started to smell a little musty.

    No hits,

    none that I would consider out of the ordinary still too early to tell.
    Last edited by liquidg; 11-13-2007 at 12:27 PM. Reason: Added what I ware
    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

  2. #2
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    Thumbs up Day 2

    Same amount as yesterday,

    but this time I didn't cover the whole of my forearms just the lower side (the part which faces the body when the

    arms are by your side).

    The scent lasted longer, in fact I can still smell a tiny amount of the SOE scent a

    full 12 hours after I applied it on my forearms. Looks like the smaller the area I spread the SOE over the longer it

    lasts on me.

    1 definite hit - on the way home from work a few stops before I was going to get off at, the

    woman sitting next to me (eastern European - late 20s early 30s) turns round towards me and started to ask me if I

    knew the name of a movie. I think that was what she had asked me.

    She started to describe a scene where there

    were these wild animals on an island eating rotting meat. When she said that I started thinking she was about to

    tell me I smelt of rotten meet, she continued describing the film to which I replied that I didn't know, then she

    said "don't you know star wars".

    By that point I was totally confused and started to think she was one

    sandwich short of a pick nick. Luckily the bus pulled up at my stop and I made a quick escape.

    Earlier in

    the day (10ish) while at the help desk where I work I caught one of the users I've helped before giving me the

    once over with her eyes while playing with her hair, when she noticed I was looking at her she quickly looked

    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

  3. #3
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum liquidg,

    looking forward to more of your reports. That's quite a stash you've built up there, you should have no trouble

    dialing in the hits, esp since you're willing to experiment methodically.

    Seems like you already attracted some

    attention. Be ready with a quick smile when you catch them staring.

    Cover scents: All mones have a scent, some

    more than others. Make sure you don't go out smelling like stale armpit. Personally I cover Everything. You'll

    love Pheros, it works well with everything you have.

    Best luck and keep reporting.

    Forgot to mention, the best

    places to apply are on the pulse points. In cold weather this amounts to neck and wrists. Some like to apply to

    clothing and hair, but I've not tried this, preferring to let the mones interact with body chems. I may try it now

    that its colder.
    Last edited by idesign; 11-07-2007 at 05:46 PM. Reason: addendum

  4. #4
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    Idesign, thanks

    for the words of
    encouragement. And yes they do get a smile, but since

    starting my inner game work I more or less always have a smile on my face.

    I’m planning to get samples of the following cover scents to try them out before testing the mones

    that need covering:

    Armani Acqua Di Gio
    Armani Code (a.k.a

    black code)

    Davidoff Cool Water
    Jean Paul

    Gaultier Le Male

    Issey Miyake L'eau D'Issey Homme

    If anyone

    has any suggestions for other scents to try please post your suggestions. Especially if their essential oils (and

    where to get them) as I would like to field test oils as well.

    Also I have just recently

    stopped using antiperspirant after finding out about their contents and am looking to replace my under arm roll on

    deodorant with something more natural - be it essential oil/s or an Active Enzyme deodorant or something


    If anyone has any suggestions (especially if you live in the UK) please post, also

    can you include where you get it. Thanks.

    Should have included this in my original post:

    I wash every morning and shave (wet – mach 3 razor) every other day.

    Having said that I’m

    looking at getting a Braun 9595 Pulsonic Shaver or going back to using Wilkinsons Sword razors. Although the thought

    of using a
    Cut Throat Razor has crossed my mind a couple of times.
    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

  5. #5
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    Lightbulb Day 3 part 1:


    decided to change the amount and how I applied SOE. The reason being that on Thursdays and Fridays I start about an

    hour and a half later than on Monday to Wednesday, and I work in a different department.

    What this means is that I travel to work during the main part of the morning rush hour. The

    route I take (same as Mon to Wed just an hour later) on Thursdays and Fridays tends to fill up with mostly women

    (most in their 20s to 30s) and secondary school (high school) girls.

    SOE Application:

    Applied at about 7:20 am.

    2 X 6” on inside of forearms + 1 X 6” on the other side of the


    Total on each forearm = 18”
    Total on both forearms =


    Behind each ear and going down to the neck = 2”

    For a total of 4” applied behind ears.

    1.5” between

    sideburn area and ear = total of 3”

    1 X 6” roll horizontally

    across the front of the neck just below where the Adams apple area would be.

    Total SOE = 49”

    Note that the SOE was not rubbed or

    spread, just left to dry where it was applied.

    The reason for this is that on day 2 I

    spread the SOE to just the inner side of the forearm and the SOE scent lasted almost 12 hours on me only starting to

    fade by 3pm. Where as on day 1 I spread the SOE all over my forearms and the scent started to fade by

    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

  6. #6
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    Post Day 3 part 2

    As I

    was leaving the house I decided to put a 1” roll on the back of each hand as the majority of the SOE I had on would

    be inside my jacket. Plus it would give good coverage when I move my hands.

    I get on

    before the first major stop on my journey where lots of people get on and off. With that in mind I stood for half my

    journey on purpose (until Waterloo the next major stop on my bus route), I located myself in the buggy/standing area

    with my back against the window and the wall of the stairs going to the top level on my right. This is an area where

    I would be surrounded by lots of people and this morning was no different.

    Right in

    front of me were 2 women, the one to my right was say mid to late 20s the one to my left was in her 30s. A couple of

    stops later another woman in her early 30s, stood right next to me on my left.

    As the

    bus got closer to the stop where the schools girls get off they each took it in turns to look at me.

    While the one in front of me to my left kept looking at me every so often, there was no reason for it

    a she wasn’t facing in my direction. She also started to unbutton her coat not that the bus was warm.

    A Couple of stops before Waterloo a seat became available at the back of the bus and she grab the


    As the bus was pulling up to the Waterloo stop the one in front of me to my right

    turned round to look out the window, look back then kept looking back at me until she got off.

    After half the people on the bus got off I made my way to the back of the bus and found my self a seat

    which happened to be opposite the woman in her mid to late 20s. As people started to get on I found my self in a

    position which is coming to be quite frequent (which is the reason I added that I travel by bus in my first post).

    At the back of the bus that I was on there is 2 rows of 4 seats split in to 2 sets

    which face each other with a walk way separating the seats. Along the back of the bus is a single row of 5 seas

    which is at a right angle to the previously mention seats.

    When the bus left Waterloo

    there were 2 women to my left the 5 seats along the back of the bus was full with woman and all the seats on the

    opposite row was also full with just women. The funny thing was that all the men happened to be standing at the

    front of the bus and as you came towards the back it was just women and me.

    The row

    along the back was mainly mid 20s to early 30s, on the row opposite (apart from the mid to late 20s I talk about

    earlier) were late 30s to 40s and to my right I think the same but I wasn’t paying that much attention when I went

    to sit down.
    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Default wow!!

    Quote Originally Posted by liquidg View Post
    As I was leaving the house I decided to put a 1” roll on the back of each hand

    as the majority of the SOE I had on would be inside my jacket. Plus it would give good coverage when I move my


    I get on before the first major stop on my journey where lots of people get on and

    off. With that in mind I stood for half my journey on purpose (until Waterloo the next major stop on my bus route),

    I located myself in the buggy/standing area with my back against the window and the wall of the stairs going to the

    top level on my right. This is an area where I would be surrounded by lots of people and this morning was no


    Right in front of me were 2 women, the one to my right was say mid to late 20s

    the one to my left was in her 30s. A couple of stops later another woman in her early 30s, stood right next to me on

    my left.

    As the bus got closer to the stop where the schools girls get off they each took

    it in turns to look at me.

    While the one in front of me to my left kept looking at me

    every so often, there was no reason for it a she wasn’t facing in my direction. She also started to unbutton her

    coat not that the bus was warm.

    A Couple of stops before Waterloo a seat became available

    at the back of the bus and she grab the seat.

    As the bus was pulling up to the Waterloo

    stop the one in front of me to my right turned round to look out the window, look back then kept looking back at me

    until she got off.

    After half the people on the bus got off I made my way to the back of

    the bus and found my self a seat which happened to be opposite the woman in her mid to late 20s. As people started

    to get on I found my self in a position which is coming to be quite frequent (which is the reason I added that I

    travel by bus in my first post).

    At the back of the bus that I was on there is 2 rows of 4

    seats split in to 2 sets which face each other with a walk way separating the seats. Along the back of the bus is a

    single row of 5 seas which is at a right angle to the previously mention seats.

    When the

    bus left Waterloo there were 2 women to my left the 5 seats along the back of the bus was full with woman and all

    the seats on the opposite row was also full with just women. The funny thing was that all the men happened to be

    standing at the front of the bus and as you came towards the back it was just women and me.

    The row along the back was mainly mid 20s to early 30s, on the row opposite (apart from the mid to

    late 20s I talk about earlier) were late 30s to 40s and to my right I think the same but I wasn’t paying that much

    attention when I went to sit down.
    Welcome to pheromones world Liquidg.
    Those women r

    looking at u like a rock star!
    Thank u for sharing ur experiences.
    I had never tried 49' of Soe but after ur

    post I will!

  8. #8
    Enlightened One
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    Very good posting welcome to the

    wierd wierd world of pheromones keep those reports coming, u got a good stash to work with there to

  9. #9
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    Post Day 3 final part


    Watcher - thanks.

    raul1966, don't forget the extra 2” (1” on the back of each hand) making a total

    of 51”

    Spent all day in the office except for when I went to check on the server room to make sure it was

    OK. Should have just stayed at home – I had completely forgotten that I was going to be the only one in


    Going home wasn't that fun, it was cold and it had been raining for the past hour or so before I left

    work and was still drizzling so I just wanted to get home as quickly as possible. About half an hour before I left

    work I applied another 1” of SOE to the back of each hand, the first application had completely gone, and 2 X

    1” of SOE to the skin between the sideburn and ear like I did in the morning.

    No definite hit as yesterday

    but there was this woman (probably in her late 30s but looked like she was in her 40s and a very young girl I would

    say less than 10 years old who I think was her daughter. Both kept looking at me even when I noticed what they were


    The SOE scent was still noticeable on my forearms after 12 hours, more so than day 2 but starting to


    By the end of the day I has put on 55” of SOE.

    The weird thing about my journey home was that I

    could smell the SOE scent even though it was cold and wet and more so than in the morning which wasn't as cold and

    not wet.
    Last edited by liquidg; 11-09-2007 at 06:38 AM.
    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

  10. #10
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by liquidg View Post

    I’m planning to get samples of the

    following cover scents to try them out before testing the mones that need covering:

    Armani Acqua Di Gio
    Armani Code (a.k.a black code)

    Davidoff Cool Water
    Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male

    Issey Miyake L'eau D'Issey Homme

    If anyone has any suggestions for

    other scents to try please post your suggestions. Especially if their essential oils (and where to get them) as I

    would like to field test oils as well.

    The fragrances you mention are indeed very popular

    right now, which could work for you or against you, or just be neutral since everyone else is weaing it.

    They are

    all very very light, and mostly citrusy and summery, with no lasting power. L'eau D'Issey is almost just alcohol

    and water with a splash of chemical scent.

    But preferences are preferences, and many people like these. Armani

    Code is not bad.

    Since I saw that you dropped some funds on the pheromones, I'll suggest some favorites of mine,

    which you won't find outside of Harrod's or online.

    Rabanne La Nuit - not expensive but great for the mones,

    esp with A7 and A1, one of my favorites. Hard to find except online. Sex on wheels with the above mix.


    Black - simply unique, if you wanna be, nightwear only.

    Ormonde Jayne Man - maybe something more suited to your

    style, day or night, and they have a great sample program. They're on Bond Street in London.

    Serge Lutens -

    Arabie, Musc Kublai Khan, Cuir Mauresque, Cedre. Be careful, some of his scents are average at best.

    The scents

    mentioned above are simply some favorites, among others. They are heavier that the ones you mentioned. They do a

    great job with the mones though. And its not likely you'll smell them on anyone else.

    Order samples

    http://www.orm<br /> <br /> ondeja...rfume-shop.php

    As for the naturals, my only worthwhile experience is with Pheros. Other

    naturals I've tried are not up to par.

    Check out the Aloeswood thread for more info. I do cover with single, or

    layered natural oils and it works great.
    Last edited by idesign; 11-09-2007 at 06:59 PM. Reason: adding stuff

  11. #11
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    Smile Day 4 and day 5

    I'll do a full

    post of day 4 (Friday) and day 5 (today, Saturday) tomorrow as I don't have must time at the moment.


    briefly on day 4 a possibility of at least 2 hits just going to work and 2 hits at work with one being really major

    - mimicking of my movements, getting really close to me, only wanting to deal with me.

    Day 5 - tagged along

    with my mother and sister who were going to Oxford Street (London) to do some shopping - probably some hits but we

    had so much fun that I wasn't taking any notice like I should have.
    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

  12. #12
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    Post Day 4



    Applied at about 7:20 am.

    1 X 6” on outside of each forearms (part away from the

    body when arms are by your side).
    Total on both forearms = 12”

    On the neck (below each ear) = 2" on

    each side, 4" total.

    Total SOE = 16”

    Note that the SOE was not rubbed or spread, just left to

    dry where it was applied.

    Going to work: didn't manage to get on the 8:15 bus, its usually the one where

    women out number the men.

    I got on the bus that was just behind it, half empty and found myself a seat by

    the exit at the back on the lower deck.

    Between the seats and the exit was a partition which was half glass.

    The woman that I sat next to was I think in her early 20 - she got of a few stops later and I moved towards

    the window seat.

    A large black woman in her early 20s sat next to me and every no and then I would catch a

    glimpse (by using the reflection in the partition window) of her eyes looking in my direction.

    She got off at

    Waterloo and then a woman in her late 40s to mid 50s sat next to me for a couple of stops when she got off a woman

    in her mid 30s sat next to me. I also caught her looking in my direction.

    I will say that I don't count the

    above as hits, they could have just been looking through the glass and out the door and not using the reflection of

    the window to look at me.

    Continuing on.

    Uneventfully morning until just before lunch when I had to

    set up a new users personal laptop to be able to use the departmental servers. First impressions wasn't that good

    life's treated her hard probably in her late 30s but looked more like she was in her late 40s. I think she was

    Spanish Italian.

    I begin trying to set up the software she needed but she brought up some problems she was

    having which I then resolved and then could continue to install the needed software. During the hour that I was with

    her I noticed that she was starting to mimic my hand and arm movements, so I started to play around with what I was

    doing which she copied. I noticed that she had also crossed her legs and every now and then kept bumping into my

    legs as she kept moving them.

    Just as I was starting to fix the problems I was told about, another user - a

    Russian woman in her late 20s to early 30s came over to where I was after making a joke about how I and the Italian

    woman were looking at the computer (after it had just blue screened) and asked if i could take a look at her desktop

    when I was finished.

    A short while later the Russian came over again this time sat on the table/workbench in

    front of me, facing towards me and asked me another question and we chatted for a bit, while the software I was

    installing was being installed.

    When I was finished with the laptop I went over to the Russian to find out

    what she wanted, which just turned out to be simply setting up her pc to be able to switch between English and

    Russian keyboard layout so that she could type in Russian when she needed to.

    While we were setting up her PC

    we started chatting, i asked her about where she was from. There was lots of joking and lots of laughter during our

    conversation even when it was simple about what we were doing on the PC.

    Just before we were finished a group

    came back from lunch, one of them a German woman about the same age as the Russian joined our conversation (well

    they both sit next to each other so it was going to happen). The German steered the conversation towards the subject

    of me staying within the department to which I replied that I could be staying permanently. To which the both looked

    at each other with a smile, which I caught and asked if they were planning some sort of chasing or torture of some

    sort to which the Russian said “oh no” (the thought of something kinky did pop into my head but didn't

    ask - to many people in the office).

    After lunch the Italian woman paid me a visit, her machine had just

    crashed and wanted to know what to do, she mumble a bit and said she would go and try something (I said very little,

    just nodded and said yes to what she suggested about trying). She then continued on and said that if it didn't work

    she wanted my contact details so that she could contact me and tell me what happened.

    I told her that I

    wasn't going to be in the office that afternoon as I had to rebuild a machine and wouldn't be reachable. She then

    replied that she would wait until I was around, to which I replied that it would be best that she contact one of the

    other guys in the office as the next time I would be available would be next week Thursday. She wasn't to happy

    with what I said and left.

    Got a lift to Waterloo with a friend where I got my bus home which was

    uneventfully. Before leaving I reapplied some SOE to the neck area as I did in the morning. (4”


    Total SOE for day 4 = 20”

    I'll put my write up of day 5 later on.
    Last edited by liquidg; 11-11-2007 at 11:29 AM.
    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

  13. #13
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    Post Day 5

    Day 5

    My mother and

    sister were going to Oxford Street (London) to do some shopping, so I tagged along to try to get some samples of the

    scents I mention some posts back which were:

    Armani Acqua Di Gio
    Armani Code (a.k.a black

    Davidoff Cool Water
    Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male
    Issey Miyake L'eau D'Issey Homme

    Went into

    House of Fraser, Debenhams and Selfridges - none had any samples, although I did use the sample bottles and applied

    a spray of each and some other fragrances to all of my exposed skin.

    The results:

    Issey Miyake L'eau

    D'Issey Homme - could smell it on the back of my right hand the day after and many hand washes later.


    Paul Gaultier Le Male - The one I'll be getting even though it didn't lasted nearly as long as L'eau D'Issey. Le

    Male on me just smells better.

    Armani Acqua Di Gio - nice smell, but faded quickly and was gone after 2


    Armani Code (a.k.a black code) - nice smell, faded faster then Acqua Di Gio

    Davidoff Cool Water

    - OK but didn't last long

    I have to say that it wasn't a completely fair test nor was it the ideal

    testing conditions, which is why I will be ordering some samples. Having said that it did give me an idea of what

    the scents were like on me.

    Also I did try some Joop - the red stuff which smelt rancid when I first sprayed

    it, it did get a bit better after a bit but not worth smelling let alone buying.

    The SOE field


    I applied about 15" of SOE to my left hand which I rubed on to my right hand so that I could apply it

    in to my wet hair before styling it with gel.

    And 2 X 2" of SOE to side my neck - same location as in day


    Total SOE = 19"

    Possibly - didn't really pay attention; as we were having too much fun.

    Then again I did smell like a very well used testing card.

    Although there was this one cute attendant in her

    early 20s at Debenhams who did start smiling and laughing after she offered a testing card to spray some of the

    stuff I had in my hands at the time. I explained to her that I needed to smell what it was like on me, but couldn't

    find anymore useable skin.

    No testing on Sunday, but will be back to testing again on Monday (day 6).
    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

  14. #14
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    Post Day 6

    Day 6 (Monday


    SOE application:

    2" on each side of the neck.
    Total on neck = 4"

    6" on the outer

    side of each forearm.
    Total on forearms = 12"

    Total SOE = 16"

    Fairly uneventful day, except for

    lunch time where I meet a user (late 20s to early 30s, fit and attractive) who I had helped earlier on in the

    morning get her PC back on the network.

    Anyway we were standing in line chatting and then she tells me that

    the 2 chocolate bars in her hand were not all for her. I didn't ask and didn't care as I was assuming she had

    bought one for one of the other 6 women that is in the same office as her.

    My previous encounters with double

    chocolate girl all prior to my field testing have always resulted in her being giggly and smiling a lot. I can't

    say that it’s just around me, for all I know she might just be like that all the time.

    Although her

    body language - more specifically what she did and the way she did it on one occasion is leading me to believe I

    might have something to do with her being all smiley and giggly.
    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    London UK
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    Post Day 7

    Day 7 (Tuesday


    Applied at about 6:50 am

    6” on inside of forearms + 6” on the outer side of

    the forearm.
    Total on each forearm = 12”
    Total on both forearms = 24”

    2 X 2" on each side

    of the neck.
    Total on neck = 8"

    Total SOE = 32”

    As I was getting of the bus on my way in to

    work in the morning, a school girl which was sitting right behind me just kept looking at me as I walked past her

    towards the exit as I was getting off the bus. As she was sitting directly behind me I'm guessing she got a good

    dose of SOE every time the front doors of the bus opened.

    At about 10:30am I and a trainee that I'm

    mentoring were on the 6th floor of one of the buildings I work in waiting for the lift to go to the ground floor

    (the trainee didn't want to take the stairs).

    When we got on there was woman in her early to mid 20 standing

    at the back on the right. We got on, I stood with my back against the left hand side of the lift the trainee stood

    with his back against the right hand side of the lift in front of the woman. We were facing each other by the exit

    while she was facing the exit at the back of the lift.

    While I was explaining why it wasn't a good idea to

    have a bundle of unshielded twisted pare network cables buy high voltage power cables I noticed that the woman keep

    looking at me, she would look at me then look away then look at me again. If I didn't have SOE on I would think I

    had something stuck to my face (which I didn't as the lift walls are mirrors.
    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    London UK
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    Post Day 8

    Day 8


    Applied at about 6:30 am

    6” on inside of forearms + 6” on the outer side of

    the forearm.
    Total on each forearm = 12”
    Total on both forearms = 24”

    2 X 2" on each side

    of the neck.
    Total on neck = 8"

    Total SOE = 32”

    Noting to report except that it was realy

    cold, all day.
    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2007
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    I'd suggest that if you like

    Armani Code, try Burberry Brit, I like the scent more. Not sure how long it lasts, though.

    I sampled Le Male,

    some guys like it but it's not really my thing. Cologne is very individual, though, it has to work for


    If you aren't getting enough mileage out of your cologne, try putting on moisturizer to the application

    spots beforehand. I find that it helps to diffuse the cologne you're wearing, making less last


    Sounds like you've gotten a few hits with it. I've gotten what I'd certainly consider hits, the

    problem is the hits are from someone I'm not interested in rather than someone I am, but I'm happy to be getting

    hits nonetheless and am confident that there will be mutual interest with a flirter soon.

    Good luck with


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
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    Post Day 9

    Better late then


    Day 9 (15/11/2007)

    Applied at about 7:20 am

    6” on inside of forearms + 6” on

    the outer side of the forearm.
    Total on each forearm = 12”
    Total on both forearms = 24”


    X 2" on each side of the neck.
    Total on neck = 8"

    2 X 1.5” between sideburn area and ear = total of


    Total SOE = 35”

    The software that I installed on the dodgy laptop of the Italian woman

    stopped working. The moment I walked into the office the German woman looked at me and said I have a problem.

    Spent the next hour with her and the Russian talking, laughing and making them blush. Which is funny

    considering that we were only talking about work. Then again SOE + my ability to make boring stuff fun and funny

    lead to some interesting reactions.

    Once I had fixed the problems they kept coming up with I went over to

    the Italian woman. Instead of sitting I decided to stand away from her to see what her reactions would be.

    Every time she looked up at me (as she was sitting) she kept smiling and on a couple of occasions tried to

    touch my right hand which was closest to her, but I kept moving my hand out of the way each time.

    When her

    hand got to where she thought my hand was she would take a look at her hand realize that it's hanging in mid air

    and then quickly move it back to the keyboard.
    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    London UK
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    Post Day 10

    Day 10


    Applied at about 7:50 am

    6” on inside of forearms + 6” on the outer side of

    the forearm.
    Total on each forearm = 12”
    Total on both forearms = 24”

    2 X 2" on each side

    of the neck.
    Total on neck = 8"

    2 X 1.5” between sideburn area and ear = total of


    Total SOE = 35”

    Some eye contact throughout the day but nothing of interest to

    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    London UK
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    Post Day 11

    Day 11


    Applied just before I left the house at about 7am.

    6” on inside of forearms +

    6” on the outer side of the forearm.
    Total on each forearm = 12”
    Total on both forearms =


    2 X 2" on each side of the neck.
    Total on neck = 8"

    2 X 1.5” between sideburn area

    and ear = total of 3”

    Total SOE = 35”

    Lots of chattiness with people I work with, nothing

    out of the ordinary.
    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    London UK
    Rep Power

    Post Day 12

    Day 12


    Applied at about 7:40 am.

    6” on inside of forearms + 6” on the outer side of

    the forearm.
    Total on each forearm = 12”
    Total on both forearms = 24”

    2 X 2" on each side

    of the neck.
    Total on neck = 8"

    2 X 1.5” between sideburn area and ear = total of


    Total SOE = 35”

    Nothing out of the ordinary, just lots of chattyness with prople I work

    When you compete with others you discover your weaknesses. When you compete with yourself you find your strengths.
    - Matt Furey

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