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  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Default Success with Subliminal Cd\'s?/SoE Experiences

    Hey guys, I\'ve been lurking for a couple days and thought I\'d post some stuff. I\'ve been buying pheromones from this site for maybe 6 months now. I\'m 23, 6\'4\" 270 (yeah I have extra weight on me) and have had moderate success with women prior to trying pheromones. Using pheromones (TE has worked the best for me, by far. PI had moderate to little success for me. Andro was hit a miss, I did get a few responses though) I have definitely seen an increase in the amount of women interested in me. I have yet to see a girl who just wants to rip my clothes off, and I haven\'t picked up any one night stands from it, but the interest has increased.

    Anyway, enough prologue, I was just looking to give some background and some honest advice to individuals unsure of the products.

    I was wondering if anyone had any experience with the subliminal cd\'s offered through various outlets? Or perhaps the subliminal videos? I just went through a rather nasty break up and am looking to get out and dating again. I have three or four close female friends who I hang with all the time, and was hoping maybe one of these cd\'s would maybe push things a little further. I don\'t want to get sleazy on them and lose them as friends, but if there is something more, I\'m willing. In particular I am talking about the subliminal cd\'s found on Mephisto\'s site. (and the pheromones they offer as well, I am skeptical that they work, which makes me wonder about their other products).
    Or are there ways to make your own subliminal CD\'s. I remember from a handful of psych courses in college that subliminal messages can have a definite effect on individuals.

    As far as SoE goes, I put two swipes on my hands, and two sprays of TE on my neck and went down to the coffee shop I live above. I got two DITHL hits from high school girls who came in and walked right by me (I\'m 23) and I had three different women (older all in their 30\'s) strike up conversations with me out of nowhere. I believe that was the SoE, it actually got really annoying because the women wouldn\'t stop talking to me and I was almost regretting putting it on. After a couple hours at the coffee shop I went to a Weezer concert last night. The two girls sitting next to me (high school age, or maybe a little older, both cute, but a little too young) continued to giggle and play with their hair and definitely had the random touching or bumping into me throughout the concert.

    I went to the show with two of my single female friends (early 20\'s) (one who I\'ve had a crush on for quite some time, but couldn\'t act on because I was involved as was she). The one I had a crush on (and hadn\'t seen since Christmas because she went back to college) seemed to be extremely interested in me. Right away she was flirting with me, grabbed my scarf from my neck and wore it all night (it was around my neck, so it probably had the scent of TE on it). Anyway, the other girl, who lives right down the street from me and who I see all the time seemed to not be affected so much. I think that may be the key, she already has an idea in her head of me, she has already attributed the stimulus to something around me, whereas the crush girl hadn\'t seen me for a while, hung out, felt a natural attraction and attributed it to me. I got a huge hug and a kiss on the cheek from her out of nowhere before she left and she told me \"you have to call me\". Hopefully my success will continue.

    Overall I find pheromones hit and miss. I used them around this german exchange student I was dating off and on, and it turns out it just never worked fully (that may not be the pheros fault, she was sorta crazy, beautiful, but crazy). She \"fell in love\" (yeah whatever) with a guy she met the first night here in the state\'s and ultimately his imprint on her mind (even though she hasn\'t seen him since) ultimately slowed our relationship. She is still swooning for this random drunk frat boy (maybe he was wearing pheros too?)

    However, there is no way in hell that beautiful 6\'3 1/2\" 24-year old german former models should be even remotely considering someone like me as dating material, and somehow with pheros (TE worked best with her, although never all the way to extinguish the idea of this other guy). Anyway, we \"dated\" for almost 6 months, or more like friends with benefits, and I attribute it to pheromones. Yeah, it is either that or my personality (sheah, as if...)

    take care,

  2. #2

    Default Re: Success with Subliminal Cd\'s?/SoE Experiences

    I\'m a newbie here also and with pheromones use. I haven\'t had any luck with them as yet , trying SOE and APC together and separately with nothing good or bad that I\'d notice.

    As far as subliminal tapes/cd\'s are concerned my experiance with them was all good. I used a program by Anthony Robbins called \'Personal Power II\' that was probably the best investment I ever made as far as peronal improvement goes. My life was far from \'bad\' but I knew there was room for improvement and doing the program was great and made a big difference in everything for me.

    Anyway, with the tapes are two subliminal tapes you are instructed to listen to at the end of the first five days and/or as much as you like. I still listen to them alot when I work around the house. Or if I have a day coming up where I need a confidence boost I\'ll relax with that particular tape playing wearing headphones.

    I won\'t bore you or anyone with the how the program worked for me but wouldn\'t hesitate to reccommend it to anyone wanting to turn things around for themselves in any area of their lives.

    Sounds like the breakup you recently had and the other girl going after some drunk knocked you down alittle bit. But it seems like you\'re on the right track with these other two. Why women go for drunk, unemployed assholes alot of the time is something I\'ll never understand - though I have to admit it\'s fasinating how they seem to go for these losers (LOL) [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

    Sounds like your confidence might need a jump start - look into the program I mentioned. I doubt you\'ll be disappointed. I\'m sure there are many others but this one is the only one I tried or needed.

    Good luck [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

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