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  1. #1
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    Thumbs up The Ultimate -None OD Grand Championship!

    Ok here's the ultimate pheromone challenge for yall, post up here and let us know what's the biggest amount of

    -none you've ever worn at one time and tell us what happened?

    To start off my biggest record was 2,5

    drops of PI on a second date at the movies. The day before, the first date, I was wearing 4 dabs of NPA with a -none

    refresher mix in the evening. First day went very good, second day she acted politely and nice but couldn't wait to

    leave and never heard from her again!

  2. #2
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    2 big spilled/sloppy drops NPA

    and 2 sprays C7. This was an experiment and in my rush for beer I forgot to be careful, and to cover, or think for

    that matter. In retrospect I think that the entire House of Guerlaine would have been challenged to make me smell

    any less like athletic socks left in the litterbox overnight. Not that I put my socks in the... well, never mind.

    But I do have a cat, so I know what I'm talking about.

    I drove the convertible and was halfway to the grocery

    store when I smelled myself in the mirror. Yuck. I stopped at a traffic light and suddenly a whirring noise

    descended and a nice gentleman in a helicopter began yelling at me over a megaphone, telling me to "Put the Top

    Up... and Do Not Move Until the Hazmat team arrives". Well, the facts added themselves up and I realized why the

    cars behind me were swerving like bees searching for the nectar of clean air. I put the top up as requested and as

    the plastic on the dash began to melt from the none fumes - and after I gave myself another DIHL - I decided to make

    a run for it with all vents open.

    Finally got to the grocery and I would be lying if I told you things got

    better. I would not have thought that grocery carts could maneuver like cars, and, since crash avoidance was not

    utmost in the minds of those attempting to flee my aura, I witnessed a spectacle not unlike a Demolition Derby. It

    wasn't until I reached the syrup, honey and molasses aisle that things slowed down, noticeably.

    When I reached

    the checkout it was a breeze, most of the other customers being either stuck (literally) on aisle 7 or huddling in

    the home fragrance section. The cashier exhibited a perfect blend of revulsion and attraction, muttering "where's

    the cucumber?" while slamming my things into a sack.

    I learned a lot, and consider it a good technique if

    you're in a hurry to get through the store with only a six-pack and a hunk of limburger.

  3. #3
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    This is the funniest thing I

    have read on this site.

    Great humor!

  4. #4
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    That was awsome indeed

    idesign lmao

    Still, I think this was a very interesting chalange we were brought here.


    think I only ODed twice on `none to be honest. Maybe three times.
    Two of those times nothing much happened...

    people were just very much trying to avoid me; and my best friend looked at me with a really strange look one of

    those times.

    The other time wasn't really that I ODed, but more like... I spilled some pure TE on a mattress

    between me and my best friends' sister. We were at this awsome place with a home-theater room and we sat all night

    watching a movie when between us is a pillow covering up the TE.
    It was quite awkward... but although I'd call it

    an OD for sure... at times she seemed really turned on by me and seemed to be trying to rub her leg against mine

    under the blanket (even while she was pretending to be sleeping). Yet while she seemed turned on, she also seemed

    confused by it and not so decisive about whether or not she wants to persue it.

    An interesting experience. Fun,

    awkward and funny all at the same time

  5. #5
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    gfunk and TB, this is certainly

    a good thread topic. I've learned from ODs as much as successes in terms of dosing. You have to know the

    Last edited by idesign; 09-27-2007 at 08:49 AM. Reason: OT

  6. #6
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    I'm shocked

    It's a true story??
    What an amazing yet strange experience that must have been
    What did the cops

    do when they came in the store? Did they like.. just stare at you and waited for you to pull out a gun from under

    your jacket or something? Did they actually approach you?

  7. #7
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    I do hope that others will post

    some OD experiences here. Not all hits are good hits.
    Last edited by idesign; 09-27-2007 at 08:49 AM. Reason: OT

  8. #8
    Phero Dude
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    I once went out to a strip

    club and wondered why everyone stood well clear and guys gave me the evils. Even getting a beer was hard

    Turned out I couldn't read my own writing and stuffed up the mix I sprayed on. It had 6 drops of PI per

    application, I'm the dude even 1 dap of PI can be an od on at times....
    early 40's white male or or

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by idesign View Post

    do hope that others will post some OD experiences here. Not all hits are good hits.
    You're right on that

    one,one day when it was raining I was figuring out the right dosage for TE+SPMO.Anywho I was waiting at the bus stop

    and one girl who I am familiar with made a complete 180 and would not face me.Either I scared the hell out of her or

    stank.Probably both cause then I didn't know none had a correlation to testosterone!Now I use TE with caution.

  10. #10
    Phero Dude
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iaskalotof?'s View Post

    right on that one,one day when it was raining I was figuring out the right dosage for TE+SPMO.Anywho I was waiting

    at the bus stop and one girl who I am familiar with made a complete 180 and would not face me.Either I scared the

    hell out of her or stank.Probably both cause then I didn't know none had a correlation to testosterone!Now I use TE

    with caution.
    Yep, had that happen too.
    Went to a bar where everyone knows me , they all excused

    themselves after less then a minute of talking to me. Turned out I had 'none residue on my shirt from the last time

    I went out and forgot to "hot wash" the shirt. As a matter of course I now wash all my shirts in a "hot wash" every

    week or so and follow with a hot iron over them to kill any residue, seems to work! (there's a fine line for me

    between just enough and too much 'none)
    early 40's white male or or

  11. #11
    Phero Dude gfunk's Avatar
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    New test results ready.

    Went on a movie date and wore nothing but 3 drops of PI!! It's stored in an old AE bottle and I made the drops in

    about 0,7 mm length to be exact. So I was trembling with excitement to see this turning into a huge failure. But

    what happened was I got HITS! Damn! And great ones too! On the bus two African girls sat next to me and the

    one closest flipped her hair towards me three times before the my stop which was only 2-3 minutes. I also

    immediately recognized that they recognized something once they sat down and the other one sitting in front of me

    and gave me looks, then said "oh this is your stop" when I got up. Later on another bus a kid was really invading my


    The date went fantastic, she was in a great cheerful mood, I was being very confident and funny. Even

    asked if I smelled and I didn't. A guy opened the door for me at some point even though I have a bit of trouble to

    believe that it would affect so quickly out in the open air. Maybe that's a sign that if I add another drop I'll

    enter OD land.

    What do you guys think? This is a bit weird. I've also never in my life had any drastically

    negative reactions from anyone while being strong on -none except from in the car two times.

  12. #12
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    Hey if it works it works.

    UPDATE:I wore 2 dabs TE smeared on my cheeks covered with fierce,the same girl who wouldn't face me at the bus

    stop said in class "you smell good!" I also got a stare from her but I don't think it was a DIHL

  13. #13
    Enlightened One
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    4 sprays of andro 4.2 and go out

    and about is usually enough to get some fun

  14. #14
    Doctor of Scentology DrSmellThis's Avatar
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    Why don't we all just shut up

    and let Gegogi take over the thread?
    DrSmellThis (creator of P H E R O S)

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