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Thread: Thank you

  1. #1
    Phero Enthusiast
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    Jul 2003
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    Default Thank you

    An interesting


    Let me re-introduce myself. Loooong time ago, I've been an active member of this

    forum, knew everything about pheromones, and I had much fun in this forum and with my experiments with

    Then I stumbled upon some comments in his forum, thet there is more. A pickup community.
    So I started

    to learn more interesting things. Then I learned anout NLP.
    I'm an NLP Master Practitioner now. And I'm a

    Hypnotist now. I live an interesting live now that I wasn't able to dream when I started in this forum. And I

    helped many people with my NLP and Hypnosis experience, sometimes. Being fun and help for others just by living an

    intersting live myself.

    So this forum has been the starting point, and I want to say thank you by sharing some

    information that might not be so obvious fou you.

    I was more and more successful with girls, with my

    feelings with live, but there was one sticking point:
    I've been fat. I always did much sports, but it didn't

    help. I was eating too much (so I belived) so sports had no effect on my weight. (But I hat fun with spots and it

    kept me healthy). I tried everything to lose weight.

    So what's the problem of most fat people in our days?

    body produces much too much insuline. (why? read on, we come to this)
    Much insuline lets the body produce fat from

    sugar. After that is done, we still have much insuline in our blood but no sugar. So we eat more.
    And we produce

    more insuline. And we gain more weight.
    Sow we are at the point of the so called metabolic syndrome.
    And after a

    while we get serous heart dedeases. And if we don't die of them, we get diabetes type 2. Which leads to loss of the

    eyelight and legs for many people.

    losing 20 Kg in 3 Months, feeling great and


    Itried everything. Nothing helped for longer

    tha half a year. Including NLP and Hypnosis.

    Then I stumbled upon metabolic balance. Dispite of the name, this

    was invented in Germany.
    Now there Is a reason why and where and when something is invented. NLP has been

    in the USA in the sixties. It is about action. And there is a button that you can push for anything.
    And why is

    Germany the place to invent metabolic balance? First there is no general button to push: Your blood is taken and you

    get an individial plan for yourself.
    There are general principles, but there is nothing that works for

    The second reason: you eat natural food.
    The third reason: it is dirt cheap. There is no company that

    can sell pills
    or food supplementals, because there aren't any.

    This also means that there is no agressive

    marketing. It spreads from mouth to mouth propaganda.

    So what's in this program? You eat no sugar, dring no

    alcohol. You eat the RIGHT carbs.
    You eat the RIGHT proteines. You eat the RIGHT vegetables. And all three at all

    meals. You are never hungry. And it works.

    I lost 20 Kg in 3 months. 5 Kg to go, than I'm where I want to be.

    (And fuck inner values - girls love great bodies for a start. I know both sides.
    Ok, your state is also important


    ... one more thing
    There is a side effect of this program that is not advertised. And

    metabolic balance coaches won't tell you. At least not in advance. And this is also the reason why I'm writing

    this text here. And this is the reason why I post it inthe pheromones board.

    Older people (men and women)

    experience that they suddenly want sex again after about 2-3 weeks of the metabolic balance program. I never hat a

    problem in this area, but believe me, I have many symptoms that go in the same direction: much more hard ons, harder

    hard ons,
    also a change in complex sexual behaviours of myself.

    What's happening? A high insuline level

    supresses many hormones. Among them, it suppresses sexual hormones. After eating the right food and having a much

    lower insuline level, you produce much more sexual hormones. Which means: you have much more fun. The other
    sex can

    see this and smell this. You are much more attractive.

    You don't pretend to have more sexual hormones. You have

    them. You are producing more natural pheromones yourself. I still use additional pheromones for fun :-)

    This is

    my way to say "Thank you!" to give you this information. I don't earn any money with metabolic



    English isn't my native language. I hope it is good enough for you to understand.
    Last edited by MysteriousMan; 09-22-2007 at 01:47 PM. Reason: typo

  2. #2
    Stranger Sigeoptop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
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    Default Thank you

    Absolutely Love,

    Love, Love this site- thank you for helping make Christmas so much brighter for my family We save money from all

    the tips and information on this website- really helps us to stretch our budget.Thank you

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