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  1. #1

    Default What about the gals? What products are best?

    Hello everybody,

    I\'ve been lurking in the shadows for the past few weeks and now I\'ve decided to come out of the dark and join in the fun at the new board! [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

    I see a lot of guys recommending guys pheromone products for GUYS.

    So my question, naturally, what about the gals?

    All you ladies in the house...

    I hope some experienced lady user somewhere out there can show me which products work best. I currently have PPA and PF but I\'m not too sure what to expect when I use them. Anybody care to share..?

    I know the men products work well, very well in fact, there was this guy whom I met through the internet and and we met up but for some reason I am not really sure of (he\'s an average looking guy), I was kind of attracted to him, although I KNEW he was wearing pheromones(he told me so).He seemed very...pleasant...nice...I dunno...something...which probably has to do with the pheromones.

    So, there...but then...what about the ladies? [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]


    JacQue [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  2. #2

    Default Re: What about the gals? What products are best?

    Is this a feeling from a female sniffing a male?

  3. #3

    Default Re: What about the gals? What products are best?

    wow this has got to be one of the most awesome and encouraging posts i\'ve read in a while...i\'ve been on this forum for about a year and this is the first time i\'ve actually seen a positively undeniable \"is this a HIT\" proof...FROM the (don\'t take this the wrong way) VICTIM\'s point of view!
    this has got to be the mother of all \"when in doubt, refer back to this\" posts. now i know better roughly what the girls are feeling when i\'ve got pheros on and how to react to the next \"hit\".

    but here\'s an interesting question i just thought of...the guy u met through the web was according to u...average looking. but nevertheless u still found him to be \"mysteriously\" semi(?)-attractive. so im assuming here that ur not attracted to average-looking guys, or at least not as much as u expected. so if this guy wasn\'t wearing pheromones(or he didn\'t confirm ur suspicion) u wouldn\'t have found him to be the least bit desirable.
    now, imagine a situation somewhat different, what if this guy u met was a little above average-looking, no superstud level here, but semi-cute enough for u to be attracted he\'s wearing pheromones. would u attribute most of ur attraction to pheromones alone? would u even notice that he\'s got pheromones on, or would u just conclude he\'s pretty cute and end of discussion?
    just something interesting to think about.

    this also reminds me of an intriguing Q&A i posted a while back.

    (with or without pheromones and not to be taken seriously)
    -if a girl always gets hit on by below-average looking guys, does that mean she\'s good-looking?

    -and if a guy keeps getting approached by below-average looking girls, does it mean he\'s cute?

    and the best answer was from the APCman Greg:

    if a guy askes a girl out, then 70% of HIS friends would like to sleep with her.

    if a girl approaches a guy, then 70% of HER friends would like to go out with him.
    (again, not to be taken seriously) [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

    and as far as the fem products go, PPA worked quite well for my gf. and the edge and PF wipes are the newer products to try. i remember APC for women was also quite nice. i once did a survey on flubberboy\'s Ebay APC customers who had really positive feedbacks(i grabbed about 40 email addys from the user feedback lists and email all of them with my questionaire of APC\'s effectiveness, i got around 32 replies). a couple of them were female and one of them said it worked so well that she had 2 bagboys at a supermarket fighting over for her help-out.
    IMO, what u could expect when wearing fem pheromone products are more male attention in general, at work or when ur out. the male attention might vary from flirts to sudden chattiness or physical closeness or any number of things. after that it\'s up to u to pick it up. u might even notice the phero product altering ur mood from time to time as in the infamous \"BUZZ\". but then the menstruation cycles does a good job of messing up the pheromone effects. one of the user replies mentioned hostility from other women while wearing APC(that they were rude for no reason). so u might have to watch out for that but of course be carful not to assume other women are gonna be rude.
    that\'s all i can think of at the moment. just experiment and have fun as u try the products on...kinda like clothes and fashion IMO.

    \"in order to get something, u have to let go of wanting it.\" i hate this quote cuz it\'s so true sometimes. [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img]

  4. #4

    Default Re: What about the gals? What products are best?

    I like the XCite Wipes for women.

  5. #5

    Default Re: What about the gals? What products are best?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by imissu:
    Is this a feeling from a female sniffing a male?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yes, imissu, I am a female...

    JacQue - JacQueLine [img]images/icons/crazy.gif[/img]

  6. #6

    Default Re: What about the gals? What products are best?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size=\"1\" face=\"Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif\">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Oldschool Pheroer:
    wow this has got to be one of the most awesome and encouraging posts i\'ve read in a while...i\'ve been on this forum for about a year and this is the first time i\'ve actually seen a positively undeniable \"is this a HIT\" proof...FROM the (don\'t take this the wrong way) VICTIM\'s point of view!
    this has got to be the mother of all \"when in doubt, refer back to this\" posts. now i know better roughly what the girls are feeling when i\'ve got pheros on and how to react to the next \"hit\".

    but here\'s an interesting question i just thought of...the guy u met through the web was according to u...average looking. but nevertheless u still found him to be \"mysteriously\" semi(?)-attractive. so im assuming here that ur not attracted to average-looking guys, or at least not as much as u expected. so if this guy wasn\'t wearing pheromones(or he didn\'t confirm ur suspicion) u wouldn\'t have found him to be the least bit desirable.
    now, imagine a situation somewhat different, what if this guy u met was a little above average-looking, no superstud level here, but semi-cute enough for u to be attracted he\'s wearing pheromones. would u attribute most of ur attraction to pheromones alone? would u even notice that he\'s got pheromones on, or would u just conclude he\'s pretty cute and end of discussion?
    just something interesting to think about.

    this also reminds me of an intriguing Q&A i posted a while back.

    (with or without pheromones and not to be taken seriously)
    -if a girl always gets hit on by below-average looking guys, does that mean she\'s good-looking?

    -and if a guy keeps getting approached by below-average looking girls, does it mean he\'s cute?

    and the best answer was from the APCman Greg:

    if a guy askes a girl out, then 70% of HIS friends would like to sleep with her.

    if a girl approaches a guy, then 70% of HER friends would like to go out with him.
    (again, not to be taken seriously) [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

    and as far as the fem products go, PPA worked quite well for my gf. and the edge and PF wipes are the newer products to try. i remember APC for women was also quite nice. i once did a survey on flubberboy\'s Ebay APC customers who had really positive feedbacks(i grabbed about 40 email addys from the user feedback lists and email all of them with my questionaire of APC\'s effectiveness, i got around 32 replies). a couple of them were female and one of them said it worked so well that she had 2 bagboys at a supermarket fighting over for her help-out.
    IMO, what u could expect when wearing fem pheromone products are more male attention in general, at work or when ur out. the male attention might vary from flirts to sudden chattiness or physical closeness or any number of things. after that it\'s up to u to pick it up. u might even notice the phero product altering ur mood from time to time as in the infamous \"BUZZ\". but then the menstruation cycles does a good job of messing up the pheromone effects. one of the user replies mentioned hostility from other women while wearing APC(that they were rude for no reason). so u might have to watch out for that but of course be carful not to assume other women are gonna be rude.
    that\'s all i can think of at the moment. just experiment and have fun as u try the products on...kinda like clothes and fashion IMO.

    \"in order to get something, u have to let go of wanting it.\" i hate this quote cuz it\'s so true sometimes. [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img]

    Whoaa...pretty long post there....wait let me \"absorb\" some of this info first....your were asking:

    here\'s an interesting question i just thought of...the guy u met through the web was according to u...average looking. but nevertheless u still found him to be \"mysteriously\" semi(?)-attractive. so im assuming here that ur not attracted to average-looking guys, or at least not as much as u expected. so if this guy wasn\'t wearing pheromones(or he didn\'t confirm ur suspicion) u wouldn\'t have found him to be the least bit desirable. - Not exactly, I\'m not saying he\'s totally \'not-good looking\' or anything, just not my type, besides, he\'s a married it was pretty confusing...

    Your next question:
    now, imagine a situation somewhat different, what if this guy u met was a little above average-looking, no superstud level here, but semi-cute enough for u to be attracted he\'s wearing pheromones. would u attribute most of ur attraction to pheromones alone? would u even notice that he\'s got pheromones on, or would u just conclude he\'s pretty cute and end of discussion? - I think I\'d probably attribute the attraction to his cute looks, if I didn\'t know he was wearing pheros...but if he\'s cute, like u say....and if I\'m attracted to him...who the hell cares if he\'s wearing pheros or not?

    Did I answer that right?



  7. #7
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    Default Re: What about the gals? What products are best?

    Nice to have another female poster! [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  8. #8

    Default Re: What about the gals? What products are best?

    Hi JacQue and everyone else:

    I\'m also a newbie and have decided not to lurk around for very long before posting. I haven\'t decided on a product yet, but since I rarely wear scent and then only one (patchouli oil), I\'ll eventually purchase an unscented pheromone product. So, I guess my decision will be a fairly easy one.

    I\'ll certainly come back to this topic with my experiences after trying a product. For what it\'s worth, I\'m married, so I\'ll have \"steady partner\" results to report on as well as random encounters with strangers. These last could be very amusing since I\'m your average overweight, middle-aged suburban matron.


  9. #9
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: What about the gals? What products are best?

    HI, if you like patchouli you could consider PF and even xcite wipes. Those scents are very faint and wear off very quickly especially PF.
    Hey you sound like the type of women I got those reactions from at my local shop! [img]images/icons/blush.gif[/img]
    What do you mean with random encounters with strangers exactly? [img]images/icons/wink.gif[/img]
    CJ [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  10. #10

    Default Re: What about the gals? What products are best?

    Hi CJ,

    Thanks for the suggestions. I don\'t make decisions quickly and have little discretionary cash, so I\'ll probably choose one product, probably an additive, and see how that works. I also subscribe to the \"less is more\" philosophy. On the other hand, I don\'t like wearing patchouli every day, and I\'m pretty interested in making my own scents, so I\'m researching recipes for lightly scented toilet waters.

    The photo in my profile is a head shot of me, though I\'ve applied some special effects to it with my photo processing software. It\'s true, I am middle-aged and overweight, but still darned attractive.

    As for the random strangers, I was specifically thinking of the boys who work the checkout counters at the local supermarket. Some of them are very cute, but not usually chatty. Extra friendliness from one of them would be very funny.


  11. #11

    Default Re: What about the gals? What products are best?

    Hey Boo I find a lot of guys going crazy over Egyptian musk ....with a little bit of natural BO ....its a euphoric scent

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: What about the gals? What products are best?

    As far as I´m concerned PF comes under the unscented category. I have the feeling we´re into similar things,I also come up with my own scents. I experiment with lotions and creams too. They´re almost always scented and sometimes the results are quiet nice. I´m also in the same `no dough´ situation and depending on what you can afford, check out the Specials Bruce has up for the money-orders. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

  13. #13
    Phero Dude
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    Default Re: What about the gals? What products are best?

    It\'s nice to see the \"female forum.\"

    Here\'s a question for ya though --

    I\'m guy, and I want to put my male boss in a good mood. Would I put some copulin-product in his office? On his doorknob?

    \"A happy boss makes for happy employees\" and all, y\'know?

    Also, I experiment with some of my own scents (oils). I find Patchouli is WAY strong, to the point of taking over any mix it\'s put in. My latest experiment involves Vanilla, a touch of Rose (also very strong), a couple drops of Orris and about 2 drops of Dragon\'s Blood. It\'s interesting, and not overpowering, as some things tend to be.

    I also like Peach. With or without other ingredients, it\'s pleasant. Mabye I\'ll try a Peach-Vanilla combo...


  14. #14
    Join Date
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    I´don´t know I lost my compass,you have to go and check my old profile
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    Default Re: What about the gals? What products are best?

    I wouldn´t invest in a copulin product.
    Try one which isn´t too heavy in androstenone instead. Besides you don´t want to get him èxited´and make him harrass the women around him (copulins increase the level of testosterone/sex drive in (hetero men). For mellowing the guy out try whatever product you´ve already got that is an even balance of -nol and-none.

    If you have a wipe you can use it to wipe his PC, phone or a few drops on his chair... there´s many possibilies. [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]

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