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  1. #1
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    Default another newbie requesting help

    ill try

    to give the basics of me first. im nearly 21, in college and cant find a girlfriend for the life of me. i wouldnt

    say im excessivly out of shape but im no jock, im quite a shy guy when it comes to women. personality id consider

    myself smart and witty with good humor, going into a good career and should have everything a girl wants, cept for

    being a pretty boy. though i just cant seem to get a date, i have tryed and when i say "try" it may take me 2-3

    months to work up to asking a girl out as i dont want to offend.

    im curious if pheremones would do anything to

    help. i was considering phlure till i came here and got more unbiased unpaid opinions saying its a scam then checked

    out chikara unscented. i wear curve colone and was wondering if theres any reccomendations for a mix with


    though i really dont wish to spend $70 on something that wont do anything to help me with dating. i know the

    shyness is holding me back though i think if i just have something to help me just a bit, to get girls to have more

    intrest in me it would help. appreciated.

  2. #2
    Full Member
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    I would work on pushing

    the boundaries in terms of shyness,cause even if you are shy products that get people chatting(like SOE,which I

    highly recommend or AQ,it has had good reviews as well.) won't do shit.It enhances you basically so the more you

    have going on the more the mones enhance you!Some pro's here can give sound words of wisdom as well.

  3. #3
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    ill try, its just difficult for


    would the beginners sampler be a good buy for testing it out?

  4. #4
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum Lokua


    was smiling as I read your post since it described my own problem when I was in college. Its a hard place to be in.

    Sure, pheromones can help, but you have to hold up your end. Mones will get you some attraction, but its up to you

    to follow through on the interest you get. This is important. Sometimes confidence is hard to come by, but if you

    learn about and believe in your best qualities you'll be at an advantage.

    Women are not offended by being asked

    out for a date, its flattering to them that you show that level of interest. You just have to be clear on their

    signals. You don't want to ask a girl who snarls at you.

    In your place I would try SoE or Chikara. They are

    friendly -mones that might open up some social situations for you. If, as you say, you're smart and witty, you can

    use that opportunity to make the connection.

    Best of luck,

  5. #5
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    thanks. ill keep that in mind, the

    major problem i have is well i work slow so i can find out if they have a boyfriend allready, kinda useless to ask

    out a dated girl. i steer clear of anyone wearing any rings.

    though i really dont know how to go about even

    asking them. i mean i cant just walk up and say "your attractive, care to grab a bite to eat"

    ill figure

    something out im sure. thanks for your help. ill get some chikara, it cant hurt me any.

    shouldnt be too hard, i

    mean im surrounded by girls in my classes. being a nurse rules ^^ lol

  6. #6
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    which would be better for my

    situation. chikara, soe or edge? i picked chikara since it seemed to have best results though soe seems more of a

    social one and some of the reports say chikara makes other guys edgy? i dont want any fights or anything. edge seems

    more of just a one night stand type and not so much a social relationship type. can someone help me find the correct

    one for my situation?

    this still may be challenging as the girls im going after are in my psychology class, where

    as outside the class i could use the psychology against them. they will have learned the same tricks as me. lol

  7. #7
    Phero Enthusiast tenaciousBLADE's Avatar
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    Cool Well... Here it goes...

    Ok... I get your situation, and first of all I advise you to re-read idesigns' reply, `coz it seems to be very

    much to the point.

    I won't repeat what's already been said here although I usually do

    `mones = edge

    you with no game + `mones = 0*edge = nothing

    you with some game going = a start

    you with

    some game going + `mones = a great start + the open-door to experience + lots of fun + shy-becomes-cute +

    shyness-becomes-fun-open-minded-experimentation = results

    If that's what I say happens when you got some

    game... You can guess the rest of my mathematical theories

    SOE is a better start for you that

    Chikara. Don't get me wrong, chikara is good; but for your age (I'm 23 years young by the way, and started using

    `mones at about the age of 20) SOE is simply more stable.
    Chikara is also good for our age range... yet

    it's reported to have 7 different `mones in it and that ain't nececessarily a good thing for you if indeed I get

    your situation right.
    Don't be afaid to try Chikara... but if you want one of them - I'd go with SOE (I

    myself wear it on an almost daily basis).
    TE? -> Yes. It'll give you more of a sexual edge in addition to the

    chattiness and friendliness the SOE gives. Sexual and confident.

    Be more carefull with the TE though, as

    it has `none in it which is more risky with ODing. Do not be afraid of risk - especially with `mones! You won't

    believe the amount of advanteges you get from learning after a genuine mistake with `mones

    Wanna know

    how to better control that risk?

    The Minimalist Manifesto. I know

    it's a bit long but man is it helpfull!

    Wanna know why is there even a risk? or what are `none, `nol, `rone

    and all the others?
    Wanna know how to mix?
    Wanna be more confident you are making the right choice or mixing the

    right way?
    Read The Cookbook -

    It'll get you out of noob-land

    And you know what?
    I'm so used to answering newbies lately, that I will

    even link you my favorite mix!!
    It's great! I wear it almost on a daily basis... Aaand, it'll be

    a wonderfull choice for you as a beginner at the age of 21
    Here, read the green

    on this post - That's my most

    favorite mix!
    It even consists of TE & SOE - which are the products you wanted to know about...


    about mixes... let me quote myself here (hope I don't seem condesending... just trying to help

    Quote Originally Posted by tenaciousBLADE View Post
    You should be aware that when people here say they mix `mones, they may mean

    one of two things:

    1) Some people mix just as you said you do - in an atomizer or a similar bottle-type-thing.

    2) Some people (I myself usually choose this way), mix `mone products by distributing a certain amount of one

    product on specific parts of their body, then smearing it around, rubbing it in, or using any other methd to

    distribut the product in as even a way as possible through the selected part of their body (wrists, neck, jaw,

    jaw-line, hip-sides, etc. etc.), and then putting a different `mone-product on a different (or sometimes over the

    same) parts of their body... and then covering it all up with their favorite cologne.

    Those are the two methods

    of mixing I know
    Well, if there are ANY more questions left... feel free to ask
    We're here for


    I hope I've been helpfull. And to the forums

    Have I? ... been helpfull?

    Last edited by tenaciousBLADE; 09-23-2007 at 06:25 PM. Reason: I've cut an unnecessary remark

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