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  1. #61
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    I decided to throw caution to the

    wind for my upcomming trip and stick with a SOEx12 A1x6 Cover x20 mix. I tried it and it worked well for me and I

    figure I am going for a knock out punch so more SOE and A1 could not hurt

    I found a 30m atomizer for my trip

    which allowed me to make enough for 18days (allowing 2 applications per day) so I should be set there.

    Wish me

    luck. Might be a while before I get to post again.

  2. #62
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Default Bon Voyage Captain Rubio.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rubio View Post
    I decided to throw caution to the wind for my upcomming trip and stick with a SOEx12 A1x6 Cover

    x20 mix. I tried it and it worked well for me and I figure I am going for a knock out punch so more SOE and A1 could

    not hurt

    I found a 30m atomizer for my trip which allowed me to make enough for 18days (allowing 2

    applications per day) so I should be set there.

    Wish me luck. Might be a while before I get to post

    Here's one 4 the road, and i for one wish you all the very

    breast...... erum very best i mean, hmmmm All the very best breast.

    May your mixes be potent and contribute

    towards sticky dealings.
    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  3. #63
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    Have time for one last question

    before leaving.

    given that SOE converts to none which does not work well with me...

    Am I going to be fine

    wearing SOE on same clothes (without reapplying) for the long plane ride? (given lay overs I'll be wearing the

    same shirt from Tuesday night to Thursday morning).

  4. #64
    Phero Master terry0400-40's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubio View Post

    time for one last question before leaving.

    given that SOE converts to none which does not work well with me...

    Am I going to be fine wearing SOE on same clothes (without reapplying) for the long plane ride? (given lay overs

    I'll be wearing the same shirt from Tuesday night to Thursday morning).

    could always carry a few ML of SOE in your top pocket in a small plastic or glass vial and NO one will ever know

    cept me and you, and the forum. No one is going to be body searching you.

    I have been through customs with substances

    in my top pocket and i have been scanned, i was even chosen for a random search once when i was carrying something

    that i will not mention in my top pocket.

    Im not really sure about the conversion times of the Nol when applied to



    am flying soon and i already have my mix made up and installed in my hand luggage thistime as the spray has a small

    metal spring inside the pump housing that probably would go through the scanner if it was in my pocket as sometimes

    my Seik bangle on my wrist doesent set if off, But just to be on the safe side the spray is going in my hand luggage

    on to the belt with all my other metal things like jewelery, pens, sun glasses, mobile phone ect No worries at all.

    I AM. Out of my mind .... .... ....

  5. #65
    Enlightened One
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    terry dont forget US customs

    searches for domestic flights are a lot more stringent than aussie domestic security precatuiions

  6. #66
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    Default Not sure if this helps

    I too got

    into phermones to mainly get my missus interested again but....I use Pherlure and it seems to work on just about

    every other d*ng woman but her.

    In fact, (good news for you single guys), Pherlure seems to work best on young

    girls. The younger the better it seems. Those who are young and sexy. It works on some older women but only the ones

    who are vivacious if u know what I mean? Those who have that innate sexiness at any age.

    So your wife is still

    young enough to register, so keep trying, but perhaps look for something much more subtle (the experts here can

    advise you on what that might be).

    My missus is too old for any of these mones and (think this is related) she

    has a pretty duffed up sense of smell. She can't smell things until they absolutely reek.

    My own theory is

    that these things are linked - sensitivity to smells (that goes with age) and sex drive (or that innate sexiness).

    When women are more 'aroused' - in heat, they can smell things a mile away.

    Sadly, the reverse happens for

    women with a low sex drive - less ability to smell - mones and pretty much anything.

    Anyway, am new to this

    Forum so please don't savage my amateur ramblings. I'm keen to learn more about stronger mones and even the more

    subtle ones (tho have given up on the missus - they don't make a mone strong enough for her)


    days I get my kicks from catching the eye of twenty somethings with my modest Pherlure & LT combo (not bad for a 44

    yr old git!)
    Last edited by jonno101; 10-23-2007 at 08:44 AM. Reason: sentence missed out

  7. #67
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    So..I had a big event to go to

    this past weekend. Wife went. Agreed to share a room with me. Broke out the SoE and A1.
    Basically, we hugged a few

    times before the weekend was up and they were the BEST hugs in a REEEALLY long time. It had gotten to the point for

    us were even hugging had become awkward, uncomfortable, and just weird. She even told me after the first hug that it

    was the most comfortable she had been with hugging me in so very long.

    We had a lunch together, and spent an

    afternoon together at the beach. All went pretty well. When we returned from our "trip", we went our seperate ways.

    That night, she called. FOR NO REASON! That doesn't happen anymore. She told me she was "just thinking about me"

    and "wanted to check on me".

    We are so much better at work now too. Smiling and laughing. I'm starting to be

    funny to her again.

    Things are still very platonic, but I realize that in order to move my mountain, I need to

    carry away many small rocks...
    I'm hoping that I am on that path, and that in a few months, after enough work is

    put in, i'll cause a "landslide". Obviously pleased with A1 and SoE.

  8. #68
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    nktob, I think it's wonderful

    that you're getting some positive resuls. I think that these smaller, but consistent, results are preferable when

    it comes to working with your significant other. You don't want really strong results that just come out of

    nowhere - then, when the results wear off, your wife will probably think it was a fluke or something, as opposed to

    a real positive change in your relationship. I think you're approaching this in a really positive, hopeful, and

    yet realistic way and I really admire you for that.

    If you're looking for advice on how you can take

    things further on this road, I think it would be useful for us to know more about the issues in the relationship.

    You said in your first post that your wife still loves you, but thinks she is no longer "in love" with you. Has she

    given you any idea why this is? Is it a physical thing? Ie, is she just no longer physically attracted to you? Or

    is it more behavioral? You said that she finds the "sweet" things you do "desperate". If it's more of a behavioral

    thing, do you think that you do things differently now than you did initially in your courtship? Or, perhaps, as is

    often the case, your behavior has not changed but the same things that used to endear you to her now annoy


    Another possibility is that her change in attitude doesn't have to do with a change in you, but rather

    a change in both of your circumstances. You said that your child being born might have something to do with it. The

    stress of childrearing, combined with the hormonal rollercoaster that is pregnancy, can make her feel too tired, too

    irritable, or simply too unsexy to be up to being romantic, and can in turn make her resentful of your efforts to

    be romantic. Add in the possibility of post-partum depression, and it's a crazy mix.

    I may not be one of

    the pheromone experts on the board, but I do know a thing or two about relationships. If you can identify which of

    these reasons might be the most probable cause of your relationship issues, I think I could better help you figure

    out what approaches you could take. And then the phero-gurus around here could help you figure out which

    pheromones would best help to amplify those approaches. For example, if she finds you less physically attractive,

    you'd probably get the best results by enhancing your mysteriousness and masculine sensuality, which may require

    some none mix. But on the otherhand, if the changes are more due to her generally being more irritable and feeling

    less romantic, coming off as more sexually dominant could backfire. Instead, you'd be better off trying to get her

    to loosen up in a non-agressive yet non-needy way, and mixes with some combo (i have no idea) of nol, rone, or

    others would be best.

    I hope this helps, and I really hope everything works out for you.

  9. #69
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    It took some time to decide

    whether or not to go into detail about this stuff on this board, but I've decided that in order for people to get

    the most benefit from the experience of others, they should have a pretty good idea of what that experience actually


    The issues that have brought my marriage to this place are many. The more I learn about the subject, the

    more I find that applies to me. I've recently picked up on trust being an issue, and how everday things like

    forgetting what she asked me to do, or not really caring about being on time to things even though my wife did,

    hurt our relationship and trust.

    My wife and I met while I was in a toxic 5 year relationship. I left that

    relationship and pursued one with my wife. We were young, but we didn't care. We just wanted to be together. We

    talked about getting married, and soon after found out that we were going to leave for Iraq in a few months. So, we

    got married right away! On our 3 month "anniversary" we left for iraq. Things were still pretty happy in Iraq, but

    we were very busy and didn't get much time together. Eventually we were seperated into different shifts, and only

    saw each other in passing when I was going to sleep and she was going to work.

    We came home, connected some

    more, and made a baby right away! We were thrilled. Slowly, things started to fall apart. I asked her for tiny

    "favors" all the time. And though I was always appreciative and showed it, it was still an abuse. I asked her to get

    me socks, or food or anything so much, youd think she was my mother. I became more attracted to her early in the

    pregnancy as she started filling out, so things were still good in that department. Life got harder for her, and she

    grew more tired. She was pregnant after all.

    Sometimes I did wonder if I had made the right choice, and resigned

    myself to the idea that even if I hadn't, this was "good enough". When our son was born we were so happy, but were

    fighting more and more. Pulling all-nighters every night with the baby was tough, and soon she had to return to

    work. More stress. She began working in a very demanding department and I always complained about her coming home

    late. I grew less attracted to her, and sadly grew more attracted to the computer.

    Not just porn (though that

    was a big problem for her that I was a jerk about), but browsing took up a huge portion of my off time. She watched

    more tv and took lots of naps. We spent all of our time around each other but were on different plantes if you know

    what I mean. Sex all but went away, and we basically became roomates.

    With sex becoming a problem, she began

    "nagging" about it all the time. That behavior definitely didn't want to make me do it more, and it's kind of

    emasculating when she's always talking about how the female is the one who is supposed not want sex as much as the

    male. So I became defensive, and when we did have sex, it was often an uncomfortable, unfullfilling affair.


    stopped doing things together, started doing things apart, and eventually felt like we couldn't even talk to each

    other. With nothing in common, we must have made a mistake in getting married.

    I could go on I'm sure, but I'll

    get on with it. Eventually we talked about breaking up, and did for one night. I came home and talked her out of it.

    Soon after, I had done some self help studying and decided that if my relationship problems were always running

    through my head, I should eliminate them. We agreed to separate.
    About two weeks later, I had a revelation. "The

    solution isn't to eliminate the relationship, but to eliminate the problems! Wait a minute....My wife is HOT! I

    really like her! I DO want to spend my life with her!"

    This was very exciting news for me, and I knew she'd be

    excited to hear it all...but she wasn't. So I did the usual, I was sad, angry, resentful, logical. I cried, I

    reasoned her to death, I was deseperate and clingy. I bought flowers, and said nice things, to no avail.

    We had

    a large family gathering for our sons' first birthday, and had such a good time together, that she decided to give

    us another shot. We talked about things we would do differently, and things we could try. Basically, we didn't do

    anything different. Nothing changed. My mindset had changed, so I was happier, but she wasn't. All the while, I

    asked her how we were doing, and she told me that she was happy. In front of my friends, she said we were better. I

    felt that something was off, but I just took her word for it.

    About two months later, I kept asking what was

    wrong. She got more and more irritated as she kept answering "Nothing!!" I told her I was scared, and she gave me

    the "im sorry, im keaving you look". Then she confirmed it verbally. The pain and desperation began anew.


    "just isn't happy" and "doesn't feel that way" towards me. she says she just isnt attracted to me anymore. just on

    a physical note, i'll add that i used to be more muscular when she was attracted to me...i was closer to 170 and

    now im a skinny a result of dietary changes (that she was also not thrilled with). I know there is A LOT

    more to our attraction than that, I just thought Id mention it.

    What else...
    I was able to get her to see a

    counselor that the military provided. She didn't want to, but she did. Basically, we went in, he took some info and

    said that he was supposed to be impartial, and that his job was to facilitate what we want. She wanted to leave, so

    she should. As for me, he felt his job was to help me deal with that. Needless to say, I was not pleased. Now that

    I'm learning more and making some positive changes, i'm even more pissed about that. If my wife and I get back

    together, I'll be sure to go back to their office and "thank him".

    I've read books, and ebooks, had some

    counseling, and am now working through a 7 week bootcamp thing geared at making it work when the other spouse wont


    We had a date last night. I found a new upscale place in the next city over for us to try out...we always

    go to the same places since we live in a small town. It was nice and we had a good time. We were both really tired

    from a long week though. I dropped her off, had another good hug, and as I left, I sent her a text.

    ME "Sweet

    HER reply "Thank you. Yoo too"
    HER " Thank you for a nice evening"
    ME "Anytime "
    HER ":-) thank you.


    What should I make of that if anything? She had already thanked me for the nice evening...I think

    twice. So it just seems a little weird. When she could have left it at "thank you. you too", she sent another

    text...i dunno
    I know I shouldn't get ahead of myself. I've made some mistakes this last time around that have

    brought me almost back to square one. So I understand that I have to be patient and alleviate pressure from her.

    Finally, I think that the problems go outside of our relationship as well. She talked to me last night about

    needing a break. She has alway been wound fairly tight. And now it seems that shes pulling away even from her

    closest girlfriends. Everyone want a piece of her, and she is just tired. She has recently decided to change career

    fields in the Marine Corps. I think she is just worn out. I can understand that, and if time is what she needs, i'm

    fine with that too..I'm just hoping that she finds what she's looking for right where it always should have

    been...right here.

    Time will tell.

    If you have any input or questions, feel free. Thanks

  10. #70
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    Hey, nkotb, you're not the only one

    going through these issues. What you've written is alot of the same of what I'm going through as well right now

    (although a few different circumstances).

    I've read alot of books on the subject (knowledge is power!) and I

    would really recommend checking out a book by Mort Fertel: Marriage Fitness, 4 steps to building and maintaining

    phenomenal love.

    He also has a web site and a seperate program:


    tele-bootcamp he offers is a bit expensive, but so far I really believe in the advice offered. He has a "lone

    ranger" track if your spouse isn't interested, and a duo track if you and your spouse want to participate.


    out the book if you have a chance. I know I've seen it at Barnes and Noble, and other book stores. The book is a

    very simplified version of what he offers through his site.

    Just keep in mind that the pheros may help break the

    ice, and make things a bit easier, but in the end it's you inside which needs to realize how you have contributed

    to the breakdown of your marriage... it always takes two to tango, but you need to see why you can't dance first

    The next step is to try to rebuild the love... to become soul mates again. Not to fix how you've

    contributed to the breakdown (although you should be mindful of this), but to figure out how to connect with each

    other again. You ever notice that when you first met, the love was strong, yet the "little things" didn't ever

    bother you, or her for that matter? It sounds a bit counter intuitive-- sort of like the chicken before the egg.

    But really, you need to connect again. It's not going to be easy-- it always takes alot of work.

    I really

    hope you are able to re-establish your relationship. Good luck.

  11. #71
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    Default Thanks for the advice Umo

    Hahaha, I

    know exactly what you mean Umo. The 7 week bootcamp that I mentioned is actually the same program that you

    mentioned! Are you doing it too?

    I found Mort Fertel last week, and his products have taught me more in less time

    than anything else so far. I love that his message is one not so much of making it work through fixing your

    problems, but of love. Love, while not the only thing you need, definitely helps make it work. Right now, I'm a

    "lone ranger".

    I know now that even though I tried to make myself settle for less in the past, I don't have to.

    I have faith that eventually we can make our way back to each other and have what we wanted...soulmates.

    I am

    more and more aware of where we went wrong. And in that knowledge i'm learning how to start making it right. How to

    start rebuilding the love while avoiding previous pitfalls.

    If nothing else, this has been an incredible learning

    experience so far. In a way...although I do want her back, I feel that there is more to learn first...but hey, if

    she changes her mind early, I won't complain! And I certainly won't stop studying and learning about this stuff

    just because she wants to give it another shot.

    Good luck to you too! And to anyone else on these boards going

    through this!

  12. #72
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    Just wondering if

    Silver had any input about that long-winded post?

  13. #73
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    Bro, i feel for you... i went

    through a similar experience with my wife of 18 years. It seemed that somehow we grew apart and no matter what i

    did, nothing seemed to make things better. It seemed that the harder i tried, the worse things got. I got to the

    point where i just had to let her go no matter how hard and how much it hurt me. When i said let her go... i mean no

    contact whatsoever. It has been many months since we spoke and she has actually found another guy... i thought we

    were done at this point but just last week she called me out of the blue just to see how i was doing. She told me

    that she has been thinking of me alot lately and that she missed me. I don't really know what to make of it but i

    just kept my distance. She has called me several times and sounds like she wants to work things out...

    I told

    her that although i still cared for her, i've started moving on and have been dating other women. She sounded hurt

    by this and i explained to her that i did everything in my power to fight for her but she didn't want me and now

    i'm finding that other women want me. I told her that as long as she has another man in her life that ther is

    nothing for us to work on... she assured me that it's over with the other guy but i told her that i need time to

    think and decide if i still want to open old wounds. She says she understands and wants to see me so we can talk

    about it... i told her that i'll call her and let her know if i want to do that.

    Bro, my point to this is

    that sometimes the best thing you can do is to just let go and let her make up her own mind. It may take some time

    but she has to make that decision on her own and anything you do just complicates her decision. Start taking care of

    yourself and look around... if you give yourselves some time apart, you may find that you are happier with someone

    else. I know that may sound impossible right now but trust me... time and distance heals all wounds.

    Bro, let

    her go... if she wants you, she'll find you.

  14. #74
    King of the coupons!
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    Quote Originally Posted by sikdogg View Post
    Bro, i

    feel for you... i went through a similar experience with my wife of 18 years. It seemed that somehow we grew apart

    and no matter what i did, nothing seemed to make things better. It seemed that the harder i tried, the worse things

    got. I got to the point where i just had to let her go no matter how hard and how much it hurt me. When i said let

    her go... i mean no contact whatsoever. It has been many months since we spoke and she has actually found another

    guy... i thought we were done at this point but just last week she called me out of the blue just to see how i was

    doing. She told me that she has been thinking of me alot lately and that she missed me. I don't really know what to

    make of it but i just kept my distance. She has called me several times and sounds like she wants to work things


    I told her that although i still cared for her, i've started moving on and have been dating other women.

    She sounded hurt by this and i explained to her that i did everything in my power to fight for her but she didn't

    want me and now i'm finding that other women want me. I told her that as long as she has another man in her life

    that ther is nothing for us to work on... she assured me that it's over with the other guy but i told her that i

    need time to think and decide if i still want to open old wounds. She says she understands and wants to see me so we

    can talk about it... i told her that i'll call her and let her know if i want to do that.

    Bro, my point to this

    is that sometimes the best thing you can do is to just let go and let her make up her own mind. It may take some

    time but she has to make that decision on her own and anything you do just complicates her decision. Start taking

    care of yourself and look around... if you give yourselves some time apart, you may find that you are happier with

    someone else. I know that may sound impossible right now but trust me... time and distance heals all wounds.

    Bro, let her go... if she wants you, she'll find you.
    Somebody has being paying attention! Nice


    It's just the way it is ... and no matter how bad you want something, if the

    OTHER person doesn't want the same thing, the percentages of it working out is about .000001.

    You worked hard,

    not knowing that in her mind, she really wants something/someone new ... so she thinks. She finds another, and at

    the beginning, everything is good ... she made the right decision. Then bame, the sex dies, and she wonders what did

    she do. Ring! Ring! "Hi, how are you? I was just thinking about you lately." Now, you have a decision

    to make ... to take her back until things becoming boring, or just say hi, and keep on moving. As with everything

    else on this big round ball, there's that exception.

    I've given my all to everyone I've ever

    delt with ... except empty my pockets. This year alone, I've heard from 4 different ex girlfriends, all of them

    said I was crazy or what-have-you after they got busted. I find it amazing, but I think it's just the way it is

    with people ... they treat you bad to get rid of you, and the moment their lives are in the dark, they call the one

    that really cared.

    I say, there will always come a time when enough is enough, and if you want to do your best

    and give your all to a relationship you want to bring back to life, stay the course. Hopefully, he'll understand

    when enough has become enough, and let go if she's THINKING something NEW would be better.

    Good luck to all

    working on this type of relationship. It's hard work, it will drain you, BUT if it works out ... it's worth it.

    WARNING: Wanting something so bad, or really wanting something to be the way you want it to be, can and

    will blind you of what's really going on.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  15. #75
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    I am picking up this thread

    again. I am in the same boat. Living as a roommate...
    I am going to start slow as well. Mix in some SOE and A1

    to get a good vibe going. Then throw in TE later on down the road.
    Will let you know my results.
    I am starting


  16. #76
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    Good Luck to You! My situation has

    not turned around. I have noticed the difference that 'mones can make in my life, but I think that I was just too

    late. There was a time when my wife wanted to make it work. Unfortunately, I decided to make the effort once that

    time had passed. I hope you have better timing.

  17. #77
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Best of luck to both of you. My

    situation is different, but I've learned from using -mones. They've caused me to think about my relationships on a

    different level. Any stimulus to improve a relationship is good in my book, as long as your motives are


    Good strategy bapwius

  18. #78
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    I hear what everyone is saying.

    I am working on myself individually as well. I am in no way relying on the 'mones to 'fix' anything.


    sure if I should post here or start another thread on my progress...

    As stated above, started Friday night.

    Before I left (5pm) I put a drop of A1 on my left wrist, then rubbed my right wrist with it. After it dried, put a

    1-2 inch strip of SOE on my forearms, and about an inch strip on my neck. Applied cover scent.
    Around 8pm, after

    the kids went to bed, put another drop of A1 on my right wrist, rubbed in with the left wrist. Then applied about 1

    -2 inch strip of SOE over the top. Nothing really major seen. I was able to rub her head while we watched TV, but

    that is normal practice. She did seem kind of quiet though, not sure if that was her 'ingesting' the 'mones or


    Saturday, I started the routine around 2pm. Was out on errands. Before I ventured back home, applied A1

    drop to left wrist and rubbed together with the right one. Applied SOE to the forearms, increased to a 5 inch strip

    from the wrist to just below the elbow, on both arms. No cover scent this time. Same routine at 8 when the kids

    went to bed. Really same response as Friday night, nothing seen.

    Sunday, I applied the A1 drop and the SOE

    routine in the morning before we went to chuch (9am). Some cover scent applied. Re-applied at around 5pm. Nothing


    My kids are 4 and 6. I interact with them quite a bit. Playing, reading, laying down and reading books

    before they go to bed. No reaction in them either. We also have 2 cats, no changes in them. They tend to sleep

    with us, but they were not all-over me at all. They exhibited their normal behavior.

    Not sure if I should stick

    with the low dosages for the rest of the week, or step up efforts now. I am also just applying over the top of each

    other, not mixing at all.
    I incorrectly assumed that rubbing my wife's head and hair would instigate something

    'more' conversation-wise. I did it for almost an hour both nights. But again that is something that I normally

    do. Just no 'added' incentve to talk.

    Will keep everyone posted on my progress.

  19. #79
    Phero Guru
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    Default I'd add in

    some AE/m, one drop

    on each side of your neck below your ear lobes, clearly you need to ratchet things up a bit.
    There is a cure for electile dysfuntion!!!!

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by bapwius View Post
    I am

    picking up this thread again. I am in the same boat. Living as a roommate...
    I am going to start slow as well. Mix

    in some SOE and A1 to get a good vibe going. Then throw in TE later on down the road.
    Will let you know my

    I am starting tonight.
    How old are you two, BP?

    What other mones do you own?

    Just some

    thoughts ... no, I'm not kidding.

    1. If all you have is A-1 and SOE, try leaving out the A-1. I "THINK," no,

    I'm not kidding, that with SOE, everything about 4 inches is a big plus. Do you have scented or unscented?


    What the Koolest of Kings said.

    Tis all about experimenting, and hoping that you have a target that responds to


    When I first started mones, I wanted to take away the intimadating look that I have, then I wanted to

    keep the woman that I had, even though she wanted the singles life. She didn't respond to mones, and I finally let

    her go knowing she'd be much happier, and it was much better for her.

    I said all that to say ... you may find

    something that works, and you may not, but it doesn't mean the mones don't work ... just not on that particular


    Experiment. Experiment. Experiment.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  21. #81
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    I am 38, she is 34.
    I have SOE,

    A1 and TE.
    I will try just the SOE to see how things go over.
    I really don't want to throw in the TE yet. I

    want the build-up to be gradual, not over-the-top. As in, what the hell did I just feel when I have not felt that

    way in 6 months...but again, I could experiment with it, see how she reacts to it.
    I do know that I need to

    experiment on other people too, just need to find the time.
    But your suggestion of using only SOE sounds like a

    sound one.
    Sitting in bed watching TV after we put the kids to bed does create a small, intimate environment. I

    just need to find the right mix to rachet it up a bit.

  22. #82
    Administrator Bruce's Avatar
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    What a great thread. Sorry I just

    read it all thru just now. Everyone is so thoughtful.

    Probably anyone who has been married for very long has a

    story that is at least a little bit similar. I have been married about 13 years now. We had a kid right away and

    everything was about teamwork in the beginning. When the baby was about a year, the s... hit the fan. Everything

    fell apart. I can't go into much detail here, but it has been a long hard but steadily improving road these last

    11 years. Nothing I have ever done can compare in terms of either difficulty or value to the work we put into

    saving our marriage/family. Now we have 3 kids and still the work goes on. It's a never ending journey. Good

    luck to all who attempt it.

    To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

    - Buddha

    Yoga in Eugene
    Fair Trade crafts from Peru

  23. #83
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by bapwius View Post
    I am 38,

    she is 34.
    I have SOE, A1 and TE.
    I will try just the SOE to see how things go over.
    I really don't want to

    throw in the TE yet. I want the build-up to be gradual, not over-the-top. As in, what the hell did I just feel when

    I have not felt that way in 6 months...but again, I could experiment with it, see how she reacts to it.
    I do know

    that I need to experiment on other people too, just need to find the time.
    But your suggestion of using only SOE

    sounds like a sound one.
    Sitting in bed watching TV after we put the kids to bed does create a small, intimate

    environment. I just need to find the right mix to rachet it up a bit.
    TE won't take it over

    the top ... it does something else ... maybe a newness, but it won't hurt what it seems like you're trying to do.

    Give it a test run, you can always back off. Untwist the cap to that bugger, cover the top with your finger and flip

    the bottle up, rub it to the side of your neck, then do the other side, and let it dry down. Then cover the spots

    with 2-3 inches of SOE, and see if it does anything. It may not even work.

    I no longer believe in good things

    comes to those who wait, but good things comes to those who act!

    You never said if you have SOE scented

    or unscented.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce View Post
    What a great thread. Sorry I just read it all thru just now. Everyone is so


    Probably anyone who has been married for very long has a story that is at least a little bit

    similar. I have been married about 13 years now. We had a kid right away and everything was about teamwork in the

    beginning. When the baby was about a year, the s... hit the fan. Everything fell apart. I can't go into much detail

    here, but it has been a long hard but steadily improving road these last 11 years. Nothing I have ever done can

    compare in terms of either difficulty or value to the work we put into saving our

    marriage/family. Now we have 3 kids and still the work goes on. It's a never ending journey. Good luck to all who

    attempt it.

    I "THINK" that's just how it is when couples come together ... it all gets old and

    routine, and in America, the home of the over sensitive, fast-past, spoiled, and greedy, people don't know how to

    handle a relationship once it gets old/routine.

    It's a very good thing when BOTH partners want it to work and

    are willing to put in the work. I've dealt with the one-sided part most of my life. Always wanting to make it work,

    no matter how ugly the other half is. I've finally learned that it takes TWO/WE. Still ... the important part, to

    me, is knowing when to let go, and when to fight/work for something that is so worthy to BOTH partners. WE is key,

    Big Bruce, and it worked for you as it will work for others.

    It's good having someone there, but it's so much

    better knowing that someone's there.

    I too wish everyone trying to make it work the best. Still ... it will

    always take TWO.
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  24. #84
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    I was hoping the TE would be

    something sexual, not over the top, but just a hint, then I could take care of the rest. Oh well, I will try that

    As for the TE and SOE, they are both unscented.
    Right now at work, I have about 4-5 inches long of SOE on

    my forearms (about an inch width). I just applied after I worked out at lunch.
    Before I leave for home, I will try

    the TE and then the SOE. The TE is spray, so I will spray once on each side of the neck, then use the SOE.
    I have

    been using Cool Water for over 10 years, so I will use that as a cover.

  25. #85
    Moderator idesign's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bapwius View Post
    I was

    hoping the TE would be something sexual, not over the top, but just a hint, then I could take care of the rest. Oh

    well, I will try that tonight.
    As for the TE and SOE, they are both unscented.
    Right now at work, I have about 4-5

    inches long of SOE on my forearms (about an inch width). I just applied after I worked out at lunch.
    Before I

    leave for home, I will try the TE and then the SOE. The TE is spray, so I will spray once on each side of the neck,

    then use the SOE.
    I have been using Cool Water for over 10 years, so I will use that as a cover.

    curious bapwius, have you noticed any reactions from those other than your wife?

    While you're rubbing her head

    it might be good to say something nice, something she might like to hear and is straight from the heart, honest.

    And like the -mones... start small and build up.

    Mobley has spoken the truth, there is no "us" without


  26. #86
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    For your question on other

    interactions, I have not really been around that many people. At work, I am in an office and manage a bunch of

    guys. My boss, who is a female, just got back from a business trip. I will see what the results bring. I will try

    using just SOE.
    As far as last night, seemed the same as this weekend. Nothing special, although she was fidgety,

    not sure if that was the TE or not. Kids did not seem to react to the TE either. I will try it again tonight. I

    may also go for a drop of TE on my wrist too. I have to watch out though, I think it is getting to be close to her

    monthly cycle.

  27. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by bapwius View Post
    For your

    question on other interactions, I have not really been around that many people. At work, I am in an office and

    manage a bunch of guys. My boss, who is a female, just got back from a business trip. I will see what the results

    bring. I will try using just SOE.
    As far as last night, seemed the same as this weekend. Nothing special, although

    she was fidgety, not sure if that was the TE or not. Kids did not seem to react to the TE either. I will try it

    again tonight. I may also go for a drop of TE on my wrist too. I have to watch out though, I think it is getting to

    be close to her monthly cycle.
    Did you up your dosage of SOE, and how much TE are you playing with?

    Quote Originally Posted by bapwius View Post
    I have to watch out though, I think it is getting to be close to her monthly

    A-1 to the rescue!
    Never argue with ignorant people! They pull you down to THEIR level, and then they BEAT YOU with experience. Who said that!? I don't know, but tis gold I tell'ya!!

  28. #88
    Journeyman Tester123's Avatar
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    I am recently

    out of a relationship. Mones (A1) managed to get us back together after we'd been broken up for a little while but

    had remained friends. We had really good sex the very first time I wore it around her after we had been strictly

    platonic for a long time. She had not when reacted to some of the others when I wore them around her but she seemed

    to respond to A1 (close to your wife's age too). A caution, though, our relationship still fell apart. There were

    other issues and mones will not fix those. I think taking it slow with the mones is probably a good idea. Make the

    other changes you need to make, so that if that attraction comes from the mones the relationship has legs to hold it

    up. Otherwise, she could just stop wanting to be around you due to contradictory feelings.

    I highly recommend

    David Deida's book The Way of the Superior Male. It's opened up my eyes to some of the imbalances in my

    relationship. Remember you need to be happy with yourself before she can be happy with


    Last edited by Tester123; 12-08-2011 at 05:28 PM.

  29. #89
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    Let's see, last night...
    I had

    2 drops of TE on my neck (from around 11am, covered with SOE.
    Before I went home, I put 1 drop of TE on each wrist,

    covered with SOE and cover scent. I did have SOE from the wrist to the elbow as well. No A1.

    I may have to get

    an atomizer to start mixing. Currently, I am putting over the top of each other. Or maybe I should just bathe

    myself in SOE.
    I am also wondering if they are losing their potency by the time we put the kids to bed. That

    would be 3-4 hours since application. Maybe I should aply closer to the time we put the kids to bed.

  30. #90
    Moderator belgareth's Avatar
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    I think you are probably right

    about losing potency. Four hours is about the longest I expect an application to last.
    To compel a man to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.

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